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Surname Given Name(s) Volume Folio Probate Transcription (Page) (Year) Notes Roch (Roche) John 1771 Placentia (probated through the Canterbury Courts in Englad) Riely Philip 1 59 Of Carbonear Ryan Michael 1 62 Of Tassa D'Argent in Placentia Bay Richards Isaac 1 73 Bareneed, Conception Bay, Planter Rose Joseph 1 93 Native of Spinster Newtown, Dorset, England but late of St. John's, Newfoundland, Farmer & Inn Keeper Reed Richard 1 129 1831 Of the Colony of Demerara but at present of the Island of Barbados Ridout Richard 1 174 1834 Of Long Pond, South Shore, Conception Bay, Planter Reddy Edward 1 179 1834 Of St. John's Roach (Roche) Robert 1 182 1834 Native of the City of Waterford but at present residing in Saint John's Rennolls James 1 189 1834 Of Mulleys Cove, Conception Bay, Planter Roberts Thomas 1 194 1835 Of Brigus, Conception Bay, Newfoundland, Planter Ryall Thomas 1 290 1839 Of St. John's, Newfoundland, Wheelwright Randall William 1 295 1839 Of Ship Cove, Fisherman Ryan Michael 1 300 1839 Water Hill in the District of Saint John's, Farmer Rennie James G 1 325 1840 St. John's, Newfoundland, Merchant Ridout Joseph 1 339 1840 Rags Harbour Ridout William 1 349 1840 South West Arm, New Bay Ryan Luke 1 432 1844 Of Lodguy Bay Roberts Moses 1 434 1844 Of Brigus, Newfoundland, Planter Rowsell John 1 447 1844 Of Halls Bay, Newfoundland, Planter Roberts Stephen 1 460 1845 Of Brigus, Planter Ryan Thomas 1 476 1845 Kings Cove, Newfoundland Rose Robert 1 477 1845 Brigus, Newfoundland Reader Thomas 1 557 1848 Bonavista, Planter Rose Charlotte 1 561 1849 Of Great Harbor, Connaigre Bay Regan Denis (Dennis) 1 561 1849 Of St. John's Ryan Stephen 1 563 1849 Of St. John's Renouf John 1 564 1849 St. John's, Wife: Johanna Rowell Michael 1 576 1849 Of West Teignmouth, in the County of Devon, Mariner Roggers (Rogers) James 1 578 1849 possibly Conception Bay area?? Russel Thomas 1 580 1849 Of Woody Island, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, Planter and Fisherman Riley Michael 2 19 1851 Of the town of Thurles and now residing in St. John's, Farmer Roberts Elizabeth 2 151 1853 Brigus Randle William (Sr) 2 154 1853 Twillingate, Merchant & Planter Richards John 2 164 1854 Bareneed, Planter Reiley John (Sr) 2 194 1855 Argentia ??, Placentia Bay Ridey Patrick 2 215 1856 Tilton Harbour Rabbitts William 2 216 1856 St. John's Richards Isabella 2 230 1857 Widow of William, Of Harbor Grace Randall John 2 244 1857 Greenspond Ryan Patrick 2 247 1857 Keels Roberts James (Sr) 2 249 1857 Brigus, Planter Robinson George Richard 2 258 1853 Regents Park, Co. Middlesex Roberts Richard 2 287 Brigus Rogerson Peter 2 333 1858 St. John's, Merchant Roach John 1858 Link to other Roach documents Reilly Mary (Sr) 2 373 1859 Little Placentia (Argentia??) Rankin Richard 2 376 1860 Lower Island Cove Rutherford Henry 2 379 1860 Harbour Grace Roberts James 2 402 1861 Brigus, Farmer Reid David 2 423 1861 St. John's, Farmer Roberts Samuel 2 438 1861 Brigus Ryan James 2 489 1862 St. John's, Yeoman Ridout John 2 511 1863 Cape Freels Rendle Lydia 2 555 1864 St. John's Roche Henry 2 565 1865 Also see pages 556-557, Mason of St. John's Rennie David Stuart 2 567 1865 St. John's Ryland Eliza Frances 2 577 1865 St. John's Roberts John (Sr, of John) 2 589 1865 Brigus, Planter Ridout Edward 3 27 1866 Long Pond Rendell Elizabeth 3 33 1867 St. John's Ryan David 3 60 1867 King's Cove, Fisherman Ryan William 3 63 1867 Renews, Fisherman Robinson John 3 63 1867 St. John's Ryan Matthew 3 117 1869 Spaniards Bay, Farmer Renouf Johanna 3 125 1869 St. John's Roberts James 3 129 1869 Wild Cove, Twillingate, Planter Ryan Patrick 3 139 1870 Torbay, Farmer & Roomkeeper Ryan John (Rev) 3 181 1871 St. Mary's, Parish Priest Ryland John de Grave 3 184 1871 St. John's Randle James (Sr) 3 299 1872 Fogo, Planter Reid John 3 301 1873 St. John's Ryan Thomas 3 354 1874 St. John's, Pilot Raftus Coleman 3 363 1874 St. John's, Shopkeeper Raw William B 3 368 1874 St. John's Ryan Martin 3 392 1875 St. John's, Yeoman Rankin William G 3 442 1875 St. John's, Draper Russell Joseph 3 477 1876 St. John's, Farmer Rouse William O 3 480 1876 St. John's and Great Jervis Radford Elizabeth 3 508 1876 St. John's Redigan James 3 518 1877 St. John's, Yeoman Rowe Martin Shepherd 3 587 1878 Heart's Content, fisherman Ridout Robert 3 595 1878 Pass Island Rogers William 3 600 1878 Trinity, Carpenter and Blockmaker Renouf Charles H 4 10 1878 St. John's Rose John 4 37 1879 Pass Island, Hermitage Bay, Fisherman Russell George 4 47 1879 Catalina, Planter Rhodes Richard 4 51 1879 St. John's, Master Mariner Roach John 1858 Link to other Roach documents Roche Nicholas 4 75 1880 Middle Cove, Planter Ryan Charles 4 91 1880 St. John's, Planter Radford Charles 4 92 1880 St. John's, Carpenter Renouf Henry 4 95 1880 St. John's Rohan Mary 4 171 1881 Hr. Grace Rourke Michael 4 177 1882 Holyrood Reardon Vincent 4 198 1882 St. John's Redstone William 4 238 1883 St. John's Radford Thomas 4 251 1883 St. John's, Cooper Rice Michael 4 266 1883 St. John's, Fisherman Ridout Reuben 4 284 1884 Long Pond, Fisherman Raftus Thomas 4 327 1884 St. John's, Planter Ralls James 4 381 1885 St. John's Roche Edward J 4 391 1885 Great Placentia - father of the future Archbishop and the son of Edward F. Roach formaly of Borris, Co. And Catherine Maher, formaly of Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary married 7/February/1829 at the RC Cathedral in St. John's Rennie Susan 4 447 1885 15 Wellington Square Hastings in the County of Sussex (late husband David from St. John's) Ryan Matthew 4 466 1867 Spaniards Bay, Farmer (This is the same will printed in volume 3 page 117, it was reprinted for unknown reasons in volume 4 and placed chronologically with wills from 1886) Reddix Stephen 4 469 1880 St. John's, Farmer Ryan Geoffrey 4 482 1897 Spaniards Bay Renouf John 4 491 1887 Bay St. George Rennie Susan 5 1 1885 15 Wellington Square Hastings in the County of Sussex (late husband David from St. John's) Roberts Jane 5 26 1886 St. John's Ryan William 5 50 1886 St. John's Richards John 5 94 1886 Hr. Grace, Master Cooper Ridout Henry 5 109 1887 Whale Gulch, Notre Dame Bay, Fisherman Rose Jeremiah 5 133 1887 Little Bay West, Fortune Bay, Fisherman Ryan Mary Ann 5 209 1888 St. John's Roberts Mary 5 210 1888 Brigus Reardon Hannah 5 425 1889 St. John's Rawlins Ellen 5 428 1889 St. John's Radford Henry 5 429 1889 St. John's, Trader Rowsell John 5 429 1889 Ward's Hr., Fisherman Reid Alex S 5 507 1890 St. John's, Chief Clerk in Financial Secretary's Office Ryan Mary Ann 5 582 1891 Paradise Reilley Charles 5 584 1891 St. John's, Farmer Rorke Mary 6 63 1893 Carbonear Rendell Stephen 6 64 1893 Coffinswell near Newton Abbott, Devon England, Merchant Rendell Frederick J W 6 66 1893 St. John's, Merchant Reville Jane 6 68 1893 Ship Cove, Trinity Bay, only the listing and place of residence on the page Reynolds Marion 6 162 1894 St. John's Roach Patrick 6 163 1894 Branch, Planter Redmond Catherine 6 164 1894 St. John's Rolls Susan J 6 238 1895 St. John's Rourke Nicholas 6 239 1895 Broad Cove Road, St. John's, Farmer Rossiter Thomas 6 240 1895 St. John's, Dealer Rorke John 6 305 1896 Carbonear, Merchant Radford Elizabeth 6 309 1896 St. John's Radford Selina 6 310 1896 St. John's Reed William 6 311 1896 Hants Hr., Trinity Bay, Fisherman Redstone Ann 6 312 1896 St. John's Rideout William 6 378 1897 Long Pond, Conception Bay, Planter Roberts Susannah 6 454 1898 St. John's Renouf Catherine 6 456 1898 Brooklyn, New York Rowe Martin S 6 457 1898 Heart's Content, labourer Roberts Patience 6 458 1898 Brigus Read Francis A 6 459 1898 LaPoile Ryan Catherine 6 547 1899 St. John's Roberts Samuel 7 14 1900 Wild Cove, Twillingate District, Fisherman Roberts Francis 7 83 1901 Twillingate, Fisherman Roberts Noah 7 104 1901 Brigus, Carpenter Roberts Henry G 7 111 1901 St. John's, Blacksmith Rees Solomon 7 129 1902 Channel, School Teacher Rennie William F 7 139 1902 St. John's Rennie David S 7 153 1902 St. John's Ryan John 7 162 1902 Ferryland Reid George 7 180 1902 St. John's Reid William 7 182 1902 St. John's, Planter Ryall Thomas 7 205 1902 St. John's, Tailor Rideout Thomas 7 219 1902 Rose Blanche Richards Abraham 7 224 1902 Port de Grave Raftus Bridget 7 229 1902 St. John's Rennie David 7 247 1903 Catalina, Merchant Russell John 7 265 1903 Bay Roberts, Conception Bay, Newfoundland, Planter Ryan John 7 267 1903 Ryan Martin 7 278 1903 Rose Thomas 7 286 1903 Ryan William 7 293 1903 Roberts Mark 7 326 1903 Bonne Bay, Planter Reardon Daniel 7 349 1904 Robinson John 7 375 1904 Of St. John's, Draper Ross Elizabeth 7 398 1904 Of Harbor Grace, widow Rogerson Isabella W 7 438 1905 Poet, born Fairhead, County Antrim, Ireland, lived in St. John's, Newfoundland Ryan John 7 456 1905 of St. John's Planter Ridout Gilbert 7 505 1905 of Rouges Harbor in the Northern District of Newfoundland, Planter Rice Richard P 7 507 1905 Twillingate in the Northern District of Newfoundland, Planter Reader George 7 518 1905 Planter, residing in Bonavista Ryan Michael 8 20 1906 Bonavista Roberts Janet 8 37 1906 Twillingate, Newfoundland, widow (of the late Edward Roberts) Reader John 8 56 1906 Planter of Bonavista Randall (Randell) Ann 8 83 1906 Fogo in the Northern District of Newfoundland, widow Ryan Thomas 8 109 1907 St. John's, Pilot Roberts Joseph 8 148 1903 Spaniard's Bay Rees Susannah 8 166 1904 Lance Cove Ryan Thomas 8 229 1907 Kings Cove, Bonavista Bay, Fisherman Rodway Richard 8 251 1907 Baine Hr., Placentia Bay Rodgers James 8 331 1907 St. John's, Laborer Ryan William 8 331 1907 St. John's, Laborer Rodway Mary 8 355 1907 Baine Hr., Placentia Bay Rabbitts Nathaniel 8 455 1908 Brigus Ryan John (Rev) 8 480 1908 St. John's, Priest Roberts John W 8 506 1908 Twillingate Ridout James 8 521 1909 Seal Cove, Basse Terre shore Rodgers Joseph 8 536 1909 Catalina, Fisherman Rendell George T 8 598 1909 St. John's Rose William J 9 2 1909 Flowers Cove Russell Edward 9 36 1909 Bay Roberts, Fisherman Russell Edward 9 42 1909 Bay Roberts, Fisherman Roberts Henry P 9 49 1909 Brigus, Carpenter Rideout Jabez 9 64 1909 St. John's, Shopkeeper Ray Mary Ellen 9 81 1910 St. John's Ryan Thomas 9 105 1910 Cape Broyle (Ferryland District) Rankin Alexander 9 114 1910 St. John's Richards Isaac 9 156 1910 Port de Grave Ryan John 9 232 1911 St. John's, Draper Roe John (Rev) 9 279 1911 Hr. Main Ross Mary A 9 358 1911 Hr. Grace Rodgers Mary 9 394 1912 St. John's Ryan Ellen 9 398 1912 St. John's Russell Leah 9 420 1912 Bay Roberts Ruthven Johanna 9 432 1912 St. John's Rowe Charles E 9 448 1912 St. John's Richards William 9 492 1912 Topsail Hill Conception Bay, Farmer Rose Richard 9 543 1912 George Town, Port de Grave District, Planter Roberts William 9 557 1912 Brigus Ryan Thomas 9 579 1913 Biscay Bay Rowland George 10 67 1913 now of Gander Bay, Notre Dame Bay, but formerly of St. John's, Newfoundland Rogers Margaret 10 124 1913 South side of St. John's, widow Redstone William J 10 214 1914 St. John's Ryan Richard 10 246 1914 St. John's Roberts Azariah 10 284 1914 St. John's, Engineer Rogers William Thomas 10 287 1914 Catalina Russell Henry 10 290 1914 Bay Roberts Ramsay Adam 10 307 1915 St. John's, Baker Reeves William 10 308 1915 Garnish Rose William 10 329 1915 Herring Neck, Fisherman Ryan Catherine 10 331 1915 St. John's Redmond Johanna 10 334 1915 St. John's Roscoe John 10 335 1915 St. John's, Accountant Rose Thomas 10 364 1916 St. John's Ryan Martin 10 367 1916 St. John's, Carpenter Rabbitts Martha C 10 369 1916 Hearts Content Roche Nicholas (Rev) 10 431 1916 P.P. of Witless Bay, Newfoundland Ryan Philip 10 437 1916 Long Hr., Telegraph Operator Russell Thomas 10 443 1916 Of Catalina in te District of Trinity, Fisherman Robinson John Henry 10 458 1916 Shoe Cove Bight Roach Richard 10 462 1916 Topsail Rodgers Catherine 10 465 1916 Torbay (Mother and Daughter) Rodgers Catherine 10 465-466 1916 Torbay (Mother and Daughter) Roberts Abram 10 467 1916 Wesleyville Rice John 10 490 1917 St. John's Reid James 10 490 1917 St. John's, Grocer Rossiter Benjamin 10 494 1917 Back Hr. Twillingate Ridout Apollas 10 526 1917 Long Pond Reddy Hugh A 10 529 1917 Marystown, Merchant Roche Richard 10 564 1917 Middle Cove Ryan James 11 3 1917 Of Bonavista Russell William 11 30 1917 Of Brooklyn, Bonavista Bay Read Alexander 11 51 1917 Of LaDoille? (LaPoile) Randell John 11 51 1917 Of Port Rexton Rideout Robert 11 77 1918 Of Seal Cove, Basse Terre Shore(Fortune Bay) Rorke James 11 115 1918 Of Carbonear Raymond Robert 11 126 1918 Of Goulds, Ferryland Dist. Rice John 11 136 1918 Of St. John's Reddick Elizabeth 11 157 1918 Of Salt Harbor, Herring Neck Roberts Elias 11 220 1918 Of Burlington, N.W. Arm, Twillingate Dist. Ross George 11 285 1919 Of Burin Reid James 11 290 1919 Of Heart's Delight, Trinity Bay Rose John 11 317 1919 Of Clarke's Beach area? Renouf Clement 11 345 1919 Of Robinson's, Dist. Of St. Georges Rawlins Edward J 11 349 1919 Of St. John's Redman Edward 11 350 1919 Of Harry's Harbor, Twillingate Dist. Redman Geddis 11 352 1919 Of Harry's Harbor, Twillingate Dist. Rowsell Gordon 11 354 1919 Of Glenwood Roberts Solomon 11 358 1919 Of Change Islands Ryan John C 11 360 1919 Of St. John's Rogers Thomas 11 378 1919 Of Durrel's Arm, Twillingate South Island Rutherford Andrew 11 398 1919 Of Harbour Grace Ryan Henry 11 423 1920 Of Pouch Cove, St. John's East Rose Thomas 11 431 1920 Of Clark's Beach Reid William F 11 435 1920 Of St. John's Reddy Mary Ann 11 444 1920 Of St. John's Russell Carrington R 11 465 1920 Of St. John's Ryan Alice 11 481* 1920 of St. John's Reid Sir Robert G 11 499 1920 Montreal, Quebec Russell Abram 11 503 1920 Bay Roberts Roberts Robert 11 504 1920 Hermitage Cove, Hermitage Bay, District of Fortune Roberts Charlotte 11 525 1920 formerly of Burin but now residing at St. Lawrence, Widow Ryan Stanley 11 526 1920 of Round Hbr, District of Twillingate Redmond Mary 11 529 1920 No. 265 Theater Hill, West End of St. John's Roberts George 11 535 1920 Of Twillingate Ryan Mary 11 555 1920 Of St. John's, Widow Roberts James John 11 565 1921 Mariner, St. John's Reid Joseph James 11 580 1921 Of St. John's, Grocer Ridout Mary 12 17 1921 Of Long Pond, Harbour Main Reardon Rt Rev Vincent 12 37 1921 Parish Priest of Placentia Randall (Randell) John 12 77 1921 of Port Rexton in Trinity Bay, planter Russell Catherine 12 66 1921 of Green's Harbor, in the Electoral District of Trinity, Newfoundland, Widow, of Edward Russell, late of Bay Roberts, in the Electoral District of Harbor Grace, Newfoundland Rice Ann 12 79 1921 of St. John's, Widow Reddick John 12 86 1921 Herring Neck Rumsey Mary E 12 110 1921 of St. John's, Newfoundland Reid James Alexander 12 136 1921 residing at Bermuda Villa, Grattam Place, Fraserburgh - land in St. John's, Newfoundland Ryan Sarah 12 143 1921 of Pouch Cove, District of St. John's East Ridout George 12 147 1922 of Lower Head, Twillingate North Island, Northern District Rodgers Stephen 12 148 1922 of St. John's, Newfoundland, wharfinger Ryan John 12 166 1922 St. John's, Newfoundland, Police Constable Roberts Andrew 12 230 1922 of Twillingate in the Northern District Roper John 12 232 1922 of Bonavista in the District of Banavista, Newfoundland, Stipendiary Magistrate Rooney Elizabeth 12 246 1922 of St. John's, Widow Rabbitts John 12 259 1922 J.P. of Brigus in the District of Port De Grave Rogers James 12 282 1922 of Durrel's Arm, Twillingate in the Northern District Ryan Elizabeth 12 297 1923 of St. John's, Widow Ryan John 12 324 1923 of Holyrood in the District of Harbor Main Ryan Michael J 12 389 1923 Bonavista, Clerk Raftus Johanna 12 396 1923 St. John's, Newfoundland, Widow Read Alexander 12 412 1923 Curling, Telegrapher Rowe Elizabeth 12 437 1923 St. John's Roberts Mary Ann 12 449 1923 Blake and Wilton Farms in the Parish of Saint Germans in the County of Cornwall Roach James 12 457 1923 Middle Cove Rodger Alexander 12 459 1923 St. John's Ross Hector 12 503 1924 St. John's Ronayne James 12 508 1924 Tors Cove Ryan Michael 12 579 1924 Presque, District Placentia & St Marys, fisherman Roche Patrick J 12 592 1924 Storekeeper, Retired - St. John's (Archbishop Roche's Uncle) Ryan Anastatia 13 5 1924 St. John's Rendell Rachel 13 149 1925 Coley's Point Ruby Samuel 13 221 1925 St. John's West, Farmer Ryall Joseph 13 231 1925 St. John's Rothwell Alice 13 241 1925 Brigstock in the County of Northampton Ryan James D 13 244 1925 St. John's, Merchant Ryan Frank W 13 162 1925 Halifax, Dentist Rideout Abram 13 266 1926 Long Pond, Farmer Rose Frederick 13 270 1926 St. John's West Russell Patience 13 274 1926 Coley's Point Raymond James 13 290 1926 CAtalina Reid William H 13 327 1926 St. John's Russell William 13 340 1926 Catalina, Fisherman Ryan Elizabeth 13 350 1926 St. John's West Russell Mary 13 421 1926 Coley's Point Rolls Anastatia 13 451 1926 St. John's Rice John 13 458 1926 Twillingate, Fisherman Reddy John 13 488 1926 Red Island, District of Placentia & St. Mary's, Merchant Roach David 13 506 1926 Lance Cove Ryan Ellen 13 507 1926 St. John's West Ryan John 13 520 1927 St. John's Rowe Edward J 13 565 1927 St. John's, Accountant Richards W J 13 568 1927 St. John's Rabbitts Malcome Archibald 13 593 1927 Hearts Content Ray David 14 1 1927 Grand Falls Rossiter Ann 14 37 1927 St. John's Ross John R 14 58 1927 St. John's Renouf John Albert 14 64 1927 Crabbes, St. Georges District, Merchant Roberts Archibald 14 76 1927 Bluff Head Cove, Twillingate Ross Albert V 14 83 1927 St. John's, Farmer Ryall Samuel L D 14 133 1927 St. John's Roberts Mary 14 167 1927 New York Reddy John 14 170 1928 St. John's, Carpenter Rowe Samuel 14 221 1928 Chance Cove, Planter Radford William Charles 14 251 1928 St. John's Roach Michael 14 258 1928 Torbay Ryan Ellen 14 270 1928 St. John's Ruby Eliza 14 313 1928 St. John's Rendell Robert G 14 348 1928 St. John's, Merchant Ross Frederica 14 402 1928 Everett, Massachusetts Rorke John (Sr) 14 406 1929 Carbonear, Merchant Rodway John 14 444 1929 Baine Hr., Placentia Bay Robinson John Alexander 14 487 1929 St. John's, Journalist Russell John 14 510 1929 Bay Roberts Ring William Joseph 14 511 1929 St. John's, Cooper Rose Robert 14 513 1929 Roche Elizabeth 14 536 1929 St. John's, Spinster Rendell Francis E 14 538 1929 St. John's Russell Isaac 14 568 1929 Bareneed, Port de Grave district Roberts Robert Samuel 14 577 1929 Twillingate Roche Joanna M 15 1 1929 Widow of Patrick Roche - St. John's Ridout Richard 15 5 1929 Rideout John 15 22 1929 Reid Harry Duff 15 54 1929 St. John's Robinson Frank 15 92 1930 Royal Oake Hotel Sevenoaks in the County of Kent, Hotel Proprietor Russell William T 15 224 1930 Charleston Ruby George 15 260 1930 St. John's, Farmer Richards Abraham 15 266 1930 St. John's Roche Nicholas 15 358 1931 Torbay, Fisherman Reddy Bridget 15 371 1931 St. John's Ryan Mary 15 462 1931 St. John's West Robinson Louisa Flora 15 463 1931 St. John's Rogers Lydia Mary 15 569 1932 London Rendell Charles Mortimer 15 574 1932 Kent Rowsell Uriah 15 586 1932 St. John's, Carpenter Rennie William Hoyles 16 4 1932 Rowsell Henry 16 17 1932 Richards Patience 16 36 1932 Rennie Frederick W 16 37 1932 Reid Jessie Targett 16 41 1932 Ryan Martin 16 60 1932 Reay John 16 80 1932 Robertson Alexander 16 109 1932 Rogers John J 16 167 1933 Rait Agnes or Lindsay C* 16 171 1933 Carnegie Ryan William J 16 201 1933 Ruxton William 16 207 1933 Rowe Thomas 16 248 1933 Russell Thomas 16 311 1933 Rose Philip 16 323 1933 Richards Charles 16 336 1933 Ryan Francis 16 359 1934 Rainer Phoebe 16 367 1934 Ryan Thomas J 16 375 1934 Ricketts Thomas 16 380 1934 Rook* William 16 392 1934 Rendell Eliza E 16 397 1934 Reynolds Willingham T 16 459 1934 Rodgers Stephen 16 466 1934 Ryan Patrick 16 467 1934 Rodgers Stephen 16 493 1934 Ryan Daniel A 16 508 1935 Reardon Margaret 16 520 1935 Roberts James 16 521 1935 Rowland Charles S 16 529 1935 Rideout Noah 16 544 1935 Ruby Jacob Alan 16 579 1935 Rodway Albert 16 580 1935 Reddy Michael 17 7 1935 Ryland Emily Clara 17 7 1935 Reif Eva Amelia 17 62 1935 Reid Alfreda 17 81 1935 Ryan Ellen Ann 17 120 1936 Rowe Joshua 17 183 1936 Roche James 17 185 1936 Rowe Martin 17 269 1937 Rose George 17 315 1937 Ryan Nicholas 17 317 1937 Rowsell Sarah A 17 322 1937 Roberts Edwin Wellington 17 324 1937 Rennie John B 17 356 1937 Roche Nicholas 17 358 1937 Richards George Thomas 17 372 1937 Russell Charles E 17 373 1937 Russell George 17 379 1937 Rennie Archibald McNab 17 384 1937 Rendell John 17 391 1938 Rowsell Absalom John 17 427 1938 Ryan Mary 17 459 1938 Rowe John Sheppard 17 461 1938 Rowland Sarah Elizabeth 17 480 1938 Ryan Charles W 17 489 1938 Rasmussen Peter 17 493 1938 Rice Arthur 17 503 1938 Roberts Susanna 17 536 1939 Ryan Margaret G 17 568 1939 Rogerson William P 17 592 1939 Roberts Effie Jane 18 8 1939 Randell Stephen 18 17 1939 Rowe James 18 34 1939 Ryan Patrick T 18 49 1939 Rowsell Samuel 18 103 1940 Ryan James 18 143 1940 Reade William 18 151 1940 Ryan Elizabeth McNeil 18 171 1940 Ryan Elizabeth 18 189 1941 Rowsell May* 18 199 1941 Could be Max Reos Alfred 18 224 1941 Ross Thomas 18 226 1941 Renouf Rt Rev Henry T 18 229 1941 Ryan Bertram 18 240 1941 Roach John 18 244 1941 Ryan Thomas J 18 249 1941 Randell Isaac Robert 18 322 1942 Ralph George Henry 18 323 1942 Reay William Thomas 18 328 1942 Reid Willis 18 346 1942 Rennie Marion 18 353 1942 Ronayne May O'Brien 18 362 1942 Roberts George B 18 366 1942 Randell Elvira 18 366 1942 Roberts Josiah 18 375 1942 Rumson George H 18 387 1942 Rogers Muriel 18 421 1942 Rolls Thomas J 18 432 1942 Rex William 18 433 1942 Russell Margaret 18 488 1943 Rusch Otto 18 500 1943 Ryall William Joseph 18 503 1943 Rogers Noah 18 509 1943 Ryan Richard 18 510 1943 Rendell James Dorman 18 546 1943 Ryan John 18 548 1943 Rose Henry Walter 19 1 1944 Ryan Margaret 19 20 1944 Rose Hubert 19 47 1944 Ryall Charles Joseph 19 66 1944 Rodgers Edward 19 67 1944 Ryan Ellen 19 79 1944 Rideout Charles 19 100 1944 Russell Arthur Stan Drover 19 124 1944 Rogers Richard L 19 206 1945 Ruby Arthur 19 209 1945 Roach Fannie Selina 19 219 1945 Roach Stephen 19 273 1945 Reddick Sarah 19 303 1945 Reid Frederick John 19 318 1945 Rowe Benjamin 19 328 1945 Reid Stephen 19 338 1945 Renouf Charles Hugh 19 362 1945 Robinson John 19 408* 1946 Rodgers William Patrick 19 424 1946 Reilly Mary 19 436 1946 Ryan John 19 458 1946 Ryan Thos J 19 469 1946 Ryan Michael 19 470 1946 Reid Sophia Jane 19 472 1946 Rabbitts Gower A E 19 473 1946 Rowe Jean 19 487 1946 Reid William John 19 513 1946 Ruby Alexander 19 563 1946 Redmond Thomas J 19 601 1947 Richards Robert H 19 610 1947 Roberts Nathan 19 614 1947 Reid George F 20 16 1947 Rendell Alfred 20 23 1947 Ryan May R 20 24 1947 Reid Robert Gillespie 20 29 1947 Rodgers Maria 20 46 1947 Ryan James 20 48 1947 Rorke James 20 57 1947 Reddy Patrick 20 83 1947 Rideout Douglas 20 912 1947 Reid William Thomas 20 136 1947 Rowe Mary Elizabeth 20 162 1947 Ryan Michael John 20 179 1948 Rowe Charles Robert 20 192 1948 Roberts Emily Maria 20 220 1948 Rees Reuben James 20 224 1948 Ryan Albert 20 296 1948 Rumboldt John Patrick 20 302 1948 Rose Allan 20 342 1948 Rothwell Richard R 20 380 1949 Ryan Edmund J 20 385 1949 Ryland Isabel 20 387 1949 Robins Henry J Sr 20 388 1949 Rose Eli John 20 391 1949 Ramfry Beatrice Ida 20 398 1949 Rennie Jessie 20 424 1949 Russell Herbert J 20 428 1949 Rendell Lilian Maud 20 438 1949 Rolls Samuel 20 504 1949 Rossiter John J 20 521 1949 Roberts Frank 20 569 1949 Reeves John 20 613 1950 Rees* Mary Jane 20 626 1950 Russell Meana 21 1 1950 Reid Simeon 21 71 1950 Rideout James 21 110 1950 Russell William 21 111 1950 Roberts Thomas 21 130 1950 Rideout Alfred 21 136 1950 Reeves William 21 136 1950 Roche Edward P (Archbishop) 21 139 1950 Archbishop of St. John's Ryan George 21 143 1950 Ryall Louisa 21 162 1950 Ryan Nora B 21 200 1951 Rusch Annie 21 225 1951 Rideout Mark A 21 232 1951 Russell Stephen 21 233 1951 Raymond William 21 246 1951 Rowe Joseph A 21 255 1951 Ryan Mary 21 256 1951 Roberts Mary Ann 21 321 1951 Rowe Annie 21 325 1951 Richards William H 21 326 1951 Rowe John 21 327 1951 Rogers Willis 21 330 1951 Rendell Sidney George 21 346 1951 Redstone William 21 347 1951 Ruxton William 21 357 1951 Redstone Mary 21 367 1951 Ryan James E 21 374 1951 Ryan Margaret M 21 380 1951 Rendell Walter F 21 385 1951 Rose Rowena 21 399 1952 Russell John 21 399 1952 Rodway John R 21 456 1952 Ryan John Joseph 21 471 1952 Rahal John J 21 476 1952 Rendell Herbert 21 514 1952 Ryan Martha 21 519 1952 Rees Walter (Sr) 21 553 1952 Rendell Dora 21 558 1952 Reid Enos 21 578 1952 Rose John Joseph 21 590 1952 Rendell Dorothy E 21 621 1953 Rumboldt Margaret 21 640 1953 Rumsey Mary F 21 641 1953 Rose Isaac 21 656 1953 Rosset* Edward F 22 23 1953 Roberts Allan G 22 32 1953 Rowe William 22 36 1953 Rabbitts Fred E 22 54 1953 Radford Jane 22 103 1953 Rose Samuel John 22 105 1953 Raymond Robert 22 135 1953 Rendell Levi 22 146 1953 Roberts Wilson C 22 166 1953 Rendell Rebecca 22 171 1953 Ryan James 22 174 1953 Rickett William J 22 209 1953 Riggs John 22 224 1953 Rendell Edgar 22 239 1954 Renouf Maud 22 259 1954 Reynolds William 22 263 1954 Roberts Stephen Roland 22 264 1954 Ryan Michael 22 272 1954 Richards Mary 22 274 1954 Rabbitts Annie Minerva 22 286 1954 Rich Isaac 22 314 1954 Roache Adeline 22 343 1954 Rose John Robert 22 351 1954 Rowe Charles 22 419 1954 Rabbits William Arnold 22 430 1954 Rowsell John 22 439 1954 Rees James Augustus 22 447 1954 Richards Bridget 22 484 1954 Rose Leo Joseph 22 504 1955 Roberts William 22 524 1955 Ruby Silas 22 552 1955 Roberts Andrew 22 561 1955 Richards Dominic 22 573 1955 Note under this line says "Sphire" Reddy Bartholomew 22 577 1955 Russell Sarah Jane 22 588 1955 Rond* Charles Michael 22 632 1955 Ruggles* Ida Jardine 22 646 1955 Ryan Anne 22 651 1955 Renouf Henry 22 686 1955 Reid Florence Rachel 22 734 1955 Reid Leonard G 22 749 1955 Redmond Mary Elizabeth 22 766 1955 Roberts Cyril 22 767 1955 Rowsell Abram 23 4 1956 Ritsey* Willoughby Robert 23 17 1956 Roberts Wilson 23 66 1956 Roberts Bertha 23 103 1956 Rodway Amos 23 104 1956 Ryan Teresa 23 122 1956 Rose Joseph 23 128 1956 Randell Samuel 23 137 1956 Randell Cheny MacPherson 23 164 1956 Roche* Francis Joseph 23 195 1956 Reddy James 23 223 1956 Reader Olivia 23 244 1956 Reader Howard W 23 272 1956 Raynes Philip John 23 341 1957 Roberts Joannah Lily 23 353 1957 Ryan James 23 361 1957 Reid Hilda Bertlett 23 363 1957 Rodgers Mary 23 384 1957 Ryan Michael 23 393 1957 Rowe George 23 433 1957 Roche Thomas 23 437 1957 Ricketts William 23 439 1957 Rennie Hugh Graham 23 476 1957 Ryan Edward 23 499 1957 Ryall Dora 23 527 1957 Roberts Elizabeth 23 550 1957 Rose Joshua 23 553 1957 Ryan Anastasia 23 568 1957 Ryan Maud 23 657 1958 Roberts Eleanor Eales 23 690 1958 Roberts Elija 23 696 1958 Rodgers John Joseph 23 717 1958 Rideout Job 23 794 1958 Richardson John A 24 1 1958 Rolf William 24 10 1958 Roberts Lavinia 24 14 1958 Rideout Edward H 24 21 1958 Rice James 24 38 1958 Reynolds Naomi 24 47 1958 Rockwood Edgar J 24 59 1958 Reid Walter 24 60 1958 Ryan James 24 66 1958 Richards J T (Canon) 24 84 1958 Reid Gladys H 24 102 1958 Ryan Albert 24 118 1958 Rideout Robert 24 121 1958 Robertson Evelyn 24 125 1958 Roberts Thomas 24 207 1959 Rose Elizabeth F 24 233 1959 Riggs Sarah Ann 24 264 1959 Roil Laura M 24 270 1959 Richards Abram F 24 307 1959 Roil Fred J 24 331 1959 Rees Archibald E 24 358 1959 Roberts Sarah 24 379 1959 Ryan Mary 24 380 1959 Rogess Douglas 24 403 1959 Rowe Gasken A 24 467 1959 Reid Robert G 24 469 1959 Reid Cyril Dorin* 24 486 1959 Richards Bride 24 515 1960 Robbins Thomas 24 553 1960 Rendell Leonard T 24 611 1960 Ronayne John B 24 612 1960 Roberts Stanley 24 648 1960 Roberts Samuel 24 651 1960 Rogers John 24 652 1960 Roberts William C 24 664 1960 Rogess Henry 24 723 1960 Ralph Tobias 24 726 1960 Roache Robert 25 11 1960 Rowsell Andrew O 25 20 1960 Rees Frederick S 25 40 1960 Rideout John 25 46 1960 Roberts Charles T 25 83 1961 Reddy Michael E 25 101 1961 Ruby Thirza 25 128 1961 Roche James J 25 139 1961 Rawlins Helen G 25 171 1961 Roberts Thomas 25 178 1961 Rideout Dorman 25 188 1961 Rowlands James 25 201 1961 Rowsell John Sr 25 209 1961 Richards John 25 214 1961 Rowe Garland 25 216 1961 Reid William Angus 25 233 1961 Rowlins John J 25 262 1961 Rt Rev Monsigner Russell Isaac 25 268 1961 Rodgers Mary S 25 299 1961 Ralph Nathan 25 310 1961 Reynolds Jabez 25 320 1961 Rowe Stephen 25 331 1961 Rowsell E R 25 344 1961 Roach Peter 25 410 1962 Rose Martin 25 414 1962 Rendell Joan 25 482 1962 Ruth Maud Edith 25 488 1962 Roberts Marie 25 499 1962 Rendell Ethel 25 510 1962 Roberts Alexander R 25 514 1962 Ryan Dennis W 25 526 1962 Ralph (Dowden) Jane 25 560 1962 Rabbits Moses B G 25 566 1962Transcription Complete - 724 Entries |
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES The information on these pages came from the "Newfoundland Wills Index" microfilm. Each entry There are mistakes on these pages so look for typos. Do not treat the data presented here |
Page Contributed by Charles G. Strong (1999)
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Monday April 27, 2020)
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