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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
James Alexander Reid



Will of James Alexander Reid
from the Newfoundland will books volume 12 pages 136 & 137 probate year 1921


I James Alexander Reid, residing at Bermuda Villa, Grattam Place, Fraserburgh in order to settle my affairs after my death do hereby nominate and appoint Baillie Alexander Gordon, Bayview Road, Aberdeen, George Martin Gray, M.A. LL.B. Solicitor Peterhead at present serving as a Captain in the Gordon Highlanders and Jean Taylor my housekeeper residing with me and the survivors and survivor of them to be my Trustees for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, and also to be my Executors or Executor: And I assign and dispose to them as such Trustees and Executors my whole means and estate heritable and moveable real and personal of what nature soever. (Sgd) David Littlejohn(?) and wherever situated whether at home or abroad which may belong to me at the time of my death including without prejudice to said generality all means and estate of which I have or may have power of disposal or appointment but declaring that these presents are granted in trust for the purpose following visit.

  • FIRST for payment of my debts deathbed and funeral expenses and the expenses of this trust.
  • SECOND I direct my Trustees as soon as possible after my death to make payment of the following legacies viz.
    To each of my Trustees the said Baillie Alexander Gordon, George Martin Gray and Jean Taylor a legacy of two hundred pounds sterling.
    To my niece Mrs. Mary Ann Wyllie or Carson widow of William Carson twenty eight Tennyson Avenue Highland Park Detroit the sum of three hundred pounds sterling.
    To my niece Mrs. Janet Hay Wyllie or Hart wife of Samuel Hart Twenty four Wilcox Street Toronto, the sum of three hundred pounds sterling.
    To Mrs. Annie Bernie or Chalmers wife of Thomas Chalmers residing at Detroit Villa Fraserburgh the sum of one hundred pounds sterling.
    To Mrs. Barbara Bernie or Russell widow Longside the sum of one hundred pounds sterling.
    To Robert Mackie, Writer, Peterhead the sum of one hundred pounds sterling.
    To Mrs. Margaret Mutch or Burnett, wife of William Burnett Farm Servant Watermill by Fraserburgh the sum of fifty pounds sterling.
    To Jane Pringle Laindress, Charlotte Street, Fraserburgh the sum of fifty pounds sterling.
    To Alexander Gerrard Gash of Philorth the sum of fifty pounds sterling.
    To James Brehner Joiner Fraserburgh brother of Ex Baillie Brehner the sum of fifty pounds sterling.
  • THIRD. I direct my Trustee to pay or convey to the said Jean Taylor in the event of her being residing with me at the time of her death in recognition of her great kindness and attention to me the whole residue and remainder of my means and estate heritable and moveable including the properties or shares of properties to which I have right situated in Trinidad, Granada and St. John's Newfoundland and which I have inherited through my brother the late Thomas Samuel Reid and his wife Mrs. Francis Russell Reid. And I desire and recommend that the said Jean Taylor should be guided and advised by Alexander John Forbes Wedderburn Solicitor Supreme Courts of Scotland Edinburgh in all matters relating to her interest in my estate. And I declare that the whole of the said legacies specified in purpose second hereof are bequeathed by me free of all legacy duties or other Government duties which shall be borne by the said residue. And I confer upon my Trustees all requisite powers for carrying out the purposes hereof including powers of sale either by public roup or private bargain. And I declare that in the event of them or any of them acting as Factors or Law Agents in the trust they shall be entitled to charge the usual professional remuneration. And I authorise my Trustees if necessary to appoint Factors or agents Furth of the United Kingdom, but my Trustees shall in no way be responsible for the Acts or omissions of others employed by them in the service of the Trust: And I confer upon my Trustees all the immunities and privileges enjoyed by gratuitous Trustees And I revoke all the testamentary Settlements heretofore made by me. And I consent to Registration hereof for preservation

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents are (under the declaration that the word "and" occurring on the seventh line of page first hereof was delete before description) subscribed by me at Fraserburgh on the Sixth day of January Nineteen Hundred and Sixteen before these witnesses the said Alexander John Forbes Wedderburn and William Thorburn, Cashier, with John Dickson Fisheurer Fraserburgh and residing at eighteen Dennyduff Street there.
A.J.F. Wedderburn Witness     JAMES A. REID
Wm. Thorburn Witness

This is a Codicil of me James Alexander Reid of Bermuda Villa Brattan Place Fraserburgh which will is dated the Sixth day of January Nineteen Hundred and sixteen
I bequeath to James Brehner builder son of the late Ex Baillie Brehner a legacy of Fifty pounds.
I have to this Codicil to my said will set my hand this sixteen of February Nineteen Hundred and Eighteen. JAMES ALEXANDER REID.

William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Listed in the Margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Dec 6/21
Kent J.
Dec 8/21



Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are hand-written copies of a, "last will and testament," written by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor.

We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be.

Page contributed by Judy Benson and Ivy F. Benoit

REVISED BY: Ivy F. Benoit June 16, 2002

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