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Newfoundland Wills "N"
from LDS FHC Microfilm
1830 - 1962

None of these documents are in the possession of the NGB. This is a transcription only.


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Note: If the name you are seeking is not listed here, please check our other wills listings
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Surname                Given Name(s)        Volume     Folio    Probate     Transcription
                                                      (Page)    (Year)          Notes
Nurse                  Thomas                  1         79      1833     Children: Sarah, Elizabeth, Jabez
Normore                Oliver                  1        116      1831     Of Adams Cove, Planter
Nowlan                 Simon                   1        171               Of Bay Bulls, Fisherman
Neil                   James                   1        190      1834     Of Freshwater St. John's, farmer
Nason                  Richard (Sr)            1        237      1836     Town of Youghal in the County of Cork
Noble                  John                    1        298      1839     Of Nippers Harbour, District of Fogo
Norris                 Thomas (Sr)             1        352      1840     Of Ferryland, Newfoundland, Planter
Norman                 Solomon                 1        411      1843     Of Cupids
Noble                  Susan                   1        422      1843     Of Twillingate, Newfoundland
Neville                John                    2         67      1851     St. John's, Farmer
Nurse                  Thomas                  2         69      1851     St. John's
Neil                   John                    2        192      1855     St. John's, Mariner
Nurse                  Jabez                   2        237      1857     St. John's
Nowlan                 Daniel                  2        410      1861     St. John's
Nowlan                 Edward                  2        413      1861     Bay Bulls, Fisherman
Noon                   John                    2        463      1862     St. John's
Nowlan                 Alice                   2        530      1864     St. John's
Norman                 Samuel                  3         26      1867     Bay Roberts, Planter
Newman                 William                 3         35      1867     South Town Dartmouth in the County of Devon
Nowlan                 Michael                 3         69               St. John's, Merchant (This will is listed with the wills from 1867 in the will index, but does not give a year)
Newman                 Thomas                  3        170      1875     Mainhead in the County of Devon and now of Lyn Court Torquay
Neill                  Michael                 3        223      1871     Portugal Cove Road, St. John's
Nippard                John                    3        265      1872     Hare Bay, Planter
Neal                   John                    3        457      1876     Hr. Grace
Neagle                 Thomas                  3        470      1876     Mosquito Conception Bay, Planter
Norman                 Elizabeth               3        514      1884 1889     This will is listed chronologically with wills from 1876 but the wills index says probate year 1884 and 1888 - Brigus
Norman                 William                 3        590      1878     St. John's, Fisherman
Nowlan                 Denis                   4         11      1878     St. John's
Nurse                  John George             4         15      1879     St. John's, Fisherman
Noble                  William                 4         39      1879     Nippers Hr., Planter
Nurse                  John                    4        175      1882     St. John's
Nuttall                Mary E                  4        195      1882     Brigus
Norman                 James                   4        267      1883     Cupids, Planter
Neil                   Thomas                  4        295      1884     Bay De Verd, Planter
Nugent                 Metthew                 4        329      1884     Kelligrews
Norman                 Nathan                  4        352      1884     Brigus
Nowlan                 John                    4        369      1885     Brigus
Neil                   Moses                   4        395      1885     Freshwater, Farmer
Neville                John                    4        396      1885     Greenspond, Master Mariner
Nurse                  Thomas                  4        409      1885     St. John's, Pilot
Newman                 Sir Robert Wm           4        419      1875     Mamhead in the County of Devon
Netten                 William (Rev)           5         32      1886     Catalina
Nichole                Jane                    5         74      1886     Shoal Cove, Labrador
Nichols                Charles                 5        140      1887     Hr. Grace, Ships Carpenter
Nowlan                 Johanna                 5        142      1887     St. John's
Nichols                John                    5        501      1870     St. John's, Sanitary Superintendent
Nowlan                 Alice                   5        571      1891     Brigus
Newell                 Richard                 5        572      1891     Pouch Cove, Fisherman
Norman                 James C                 5        682      1892     Cupids, Fisherman
Norman                 Rebecca                 6         54      1893     Cupids
Neville                Peter                   6         55      1893     St. John's, Farmer
Neagle                 John                    6        155      1894     St. John's
Nichols                Moses                   6        156      1894     St. John's, Shipwright
Nash                   Patrick J               6        294      1896     St. John's, Grocer
Nowlan                 Patrick                 6        295      1896     Brigus, Merchant
Norris                 Edward                  6        297      1896     St. John's, Fisherman
Nowlan                 Philip                  6        369      1897     St. John's, Farmer
Noonan                 James L (Sr)            6        536      1899     St. Johns, Assistant collector in Her Majesty's Customs (died Dec. 19, 1898)
Nisbet                 Robert                  6        538      1899     St. John's, Master Mariner
Neville                James                   7         71      1901     Topsail Road, Farmer
Nurse                  Mary                    7        348      1904
Norman                 Abraham                 7        413      1905     Of Bay Roberts, Fisherman
Newman                 Samuel                  7        506      1905     of Twillingate
Noseworthy             James                   8          8      1906     Spaniards Bay
Neary                  Stephen                 8         15      1906     Portugal Cove, fisherman
Noseworthy             Levi                    8        297      1907     St. John's, Master Mariner
Noble                  James                   8        309      1907     Nippers Harbour
Nash                   John                    8        341      1907     Topsail Road, St. John's West, Farmer
Newell                 Richard                 8        492      1908     Bareneed, Conception Bay
Newhook                Charles                 8        543      1909     Formerly Trinity, now St. John's, Ship Builder
Norris                 Francis                 9         44      1909     Grates Cove
Nevill                 John T                  9        260      1911     Rae Island
Nurse                  Theodore R              9        272      1911
Noble                  Richard H               9        296      1911     Hill Caversham in the county of Oxford
Nowlan                 John                    9        423      1912     Mount Pearl Road St. John's West
Noseworthy             Edgar                  10        220      1914     Hr. Grace
Nickerson              George                 10        259      1914     St. John's
Noonan                 Alice                  10        366      1916     St. John's
Nash                   Robert                 10        506      1917     Topsail Road, St. John's, Farmer
Neyle                  Richard                10        531      1917     St. John's
Nash                   James                  11         27      1917     ????
Nugent                 William                11        114      1918     Of Outer Cove
Norris                 Mary                   11        139      1918     Of Kilbride?
Nichols                Martha                 11        161      1918     Of St. Georges Bay area?
Neil                   William                11        279      1919     Of Witless Bay
Nelson                 Peter                  11        337      1919     Of Freshwater, St. John's
Noseworthy             John                   11        342      1919     Of Pouch Cove?
Noftall                Edward George          11        355      1919     Of St. John's
Neal                   George                 11        363      1919     Of St. John's
Nash                   Margaret               11        424      1920     Of St. John's
Newman                 Lionel E               11        539      1920     of Happy Valley in the Province of South Australia
Norris                 James J                11        577      1921     Of St. John's, Municipal Inspector
Newman                 William F              11        584      1921     Of Hockworthy in the county of Devon
Nolan                  James                  12         68      1921     Master Mariner of Catalina in the Electoral District of Trinity Bay, Newfoundland
Noseworthy             Allan                  12        114      1921     fisherman of Pouch Cove, in the District of St. John's East
Nolan                  Matthew                12        409      1923     Salmonier
Noseworthy             Eliol                  12        415      1923     Whitbourne
Neville                James                  12        521      1924     Topsail
Norris                 William                12        572      1924     Witless Bay, Fisherman
Noble                  Elizabeth              12        581      1924     Nippers Hr.
Noseworthy             Absalom                13         57      1925     Curling, Bay of Islands
Norris                 John J                 13         67      1925     St. John's, Merchant
Norris                 James                  13         68      1925     Three Arms, Twillingate District
Northover              Robert                 13        203      1925     Viter's Cove, New Perlican, Trinity Bay, Fisherman
Nichols                Thomas H               13        249      1925     St. John's, Carpenter
Nicholle               Philip                 13        264      1926     Grand Bank
Nichols                John                   13        292      1926     Bell Island (formerly of Hr. Grace)
Northcliffe            Alfred Chas Wm         13        302      1926     London, Developer of the Amalgamated Press
Nash                   Robert                 13        392      1926     "Topsail Rd., St. John's West (now part of Mt. Pearl)??"
Nichols                Edwin James R          13        509      1927     Wakingham, England, Clergyman
Noseworthy             Martha Jane            14         50      1927     Whitbourne
Normore                James                  14         91      1927     Bell Island
Noseworthy             William                14        159      1927     St. John's
Nurse                  Edward Richard         14        239      1928     Pool's Cove, Fortune Bay
Noble                  Thomas                 14        242      1928     Manuels
Nicholle               Joshua H.              14        552      1929     Grand Bank
Nichols                George Aaron           15         25      1929     Deer Lake
Newman                 Alured                 15         61      1929     La Tourelle Wadhurst in the County of Sussex England
Noseworthy             Francis                15         98      1930     Clarks Beach
Noonan                 Bridget                15        138      1930     St. John's
Nicholas               Nathaniel              15        176      1930     Bannerman Lake, Hr. Grace, Labourer
Noseworthy             Jonathan               15        206      1930     Chilliwack, BC
Northfield             Alfred                 15        221      1930     St. John's
Nathaniel              Cleophus               15        234      1930     Nain, Labrador, Hunter
Noseworthy             Alexander              15        291      1930     St. John's, Carpenter
Newman                 John Thomas            15        346      1931     Blackhead, Methodist Minister
Newton                 John Horace            15        406      1931     Wimbledon
Norman                 William Henry          15        439      1931     Jersey City
Norris                 Charles                15        465      1931     Pinchard's Island
Nangle                 Francis Patrick Joseph 15        590      1932     St. John's, Storekeeper
Neal                   Lydia                  16         94      1932
Neil                   John                   16        230      1933
Neil                   Elizabeth              16        231      1933
Neary                  Peter H                16        245      1933
Nurse                  Bridget Ann            16        344      1934
Nicholl                Sarah                  16        408      1934
Neary                  Ellen                  16        475      1934
Noseworthy             Clara L                16        502      1934
Neville                Mary Jane              16        513      1935
Noseworthy             William                16        555      1935
Neale                  Christina              16        560      1935
Nolan                  Deborah                16        567      1935
Noseworthy             Thomas                 17         88      1935
Norman                 Samuel                 17        178      1936
Norman                 Delphine*              17        214      1936
Noseworthy             George                 17        251      1936
Normore                Solomon                17        300      1937
Nunns                  Joe                    17        305      1937
Nolan                  Michael James          17        331      1937
Nangle                 John J                 17        338      1937
Normore                Edward Joseph          17        370      1937
Norris                 Thomas                 17        456      1938
Noah                   Anthony M              17        530      1938
Noseworthy             Ellen                  17        589      1939
Noel                   Clement                17        599      1939
Noel                   Walter Bennett         18         63      1939
Newman                 Robert L Rescaling*    18                 1939
Newhook                John                   18        110      1940
Nicholl                George                 18        122      1940
Noseworthy             Frederick              18        142      1940
Nugent                 Elizabeth              18        150      1940
Neal                   Jessie                 18        160      1940
Newman                 John F                 18        272      1941
Neville                Patrick James          18        363      1942
Nolan                  Elizabeth              18        371      1942
Noftle*                William James          18        595      1944
North                  John                   19         22      1944
Noseworthy             James J                19         51      1944
Noseworthy             Elizabeth              19         83      1944
Noseworthy             Johanna                19        120      1944
Noble                  Arthur Edward          19        201      1945
Noseworthy             Stuart                 19        270      1945
Noseworthy             Eliza                  19        305      1945
Noseworthy             Sarah A                19        337      1945
Noseworthy             Charles                19        359      1945
Newman                 Edgar Pearce Sr        19        364      1945
Noseworthy             Stephen                19        407      1946
Noel                   Nora                   19        417      1946
Nangle                 Mary E                 19        420      1946
Noseworthy             Cecelia                19        544      1946
Nugent                 John                   19        559      1946
Norman                 John                   20         41      1947
Normore                Jemima                 20         44      1947
Neville                James                  20         50      1947
Noseworthy             Lawrence               20         84      1947
Norman                 Henry                  20         85      1947
Neary                  Thomas Francis         20        119      1947
Norman                 Samuel (of Jethro)     20        194      1948
North                  Henry                  20        225      1948
Neiman                 Max A                  20        263      1948
Noel                   Leander                20        264      1948
Newell                 Abraham                20        285      1948
Neville                John L                 20        369      1949
Noseworthy             William                20        410      1949
Noseworthy             Eliza                  20        474      1949
Norris                 Mary Joseph            20        576      1950
Noseworthy             Henry Thomas           20        602      1950
Nanson                 Bessie V               21         85      1950
Nicholle               George                 21        150      1950
Normore                Charles                21        154      1950
Noseworthy             George H               21        192      1951
Noah                   Cecilia K              21        339      1951
Nugent                 John                   21        353      1951
Nash                   Ellen                  21        415      1952
Noftall                George                 21        424      1952
Newell                 Mary                   21        454      1952
Noseworthy             Archibald              21        478      1952
Noah                   Kaleem                 21        622      1953
Noseworthy             Levi                   22         55      1953
Noah                   Melin                  22         62      1953
Nisbet                 Percy                  22         70      1953
Noel                   Frederick              22        122      1953
Noel                   Johnathan M            22        149      1953
Newell                 Abram                  22        187      1953
Naftall                Thomas                 22        230      1954
Nugent                 Bridget                22        270      1954
Nichols                W                      22        271      1954
Nash                   Bridget                22        283      1954
Normore                William Edward         22        292      1954
Newell                 Ruth                   22        295      1954
Nolan                  Elizabeth              22        381      1954
Nichell                Ann                    22        440      1954
Nichelle               Ernest P               22        510      1955
Newell                 Nathan                 22        518      1955
Nichal                 Florence               22        521      1955
Noonan                 John James             22        600      1955
Noseworthy             Jacob                  22        681      1955
Neal                   George Chesley         22        688      1955
Norman                 James John             22        695      1955
Nolan                  James                  22        764      1955
Newman                 Samuel                 22        775      1955
Nolan                  John Clarence          22        789      1956
Newell                 William                22        796      1956
Nolan                  Elizabeth              22*       121      1956     Says 22, but should be 23?
Newhook                William                22*       182      1956     Says 22, but should be 23?
Noel                   Diana                  22*       198      1956     Says 22, but should be 23?
Noseworthy             Ester                  23        232      1956
Nicholl                Annie Weundy*          23        294      1956
Noftall                William George         23        401      1957
Newell                 Clara                  23        402      1957
Noel                   Richard Sheppard       23        497      1957
Norris                 Absalom                23        574      1957
Noseworthy             Margaret               23        636      1958
Nichols                Katie Maria            23        637      1958
Noseworthy             Richard                23        639      1958
Noseworthy             George H               23        646      1958
Noftall                Heber                  23        653      1958
Noseworthy             Thomas A               23        668      1958
Neary                  Mary Joseph            23        686      1958
Noseworthy             Matthew                23        695      1958
Neary                  Patrick                23        766      1958
Noseworthy             Charles                23        781      1958
Neville                Annie                  23        797      1958
Noseworthy             Hugh William           24         51      1958
Noonan                 Elizabeth W            24         85      1958
Noseworthy             Alice                  24        149      1959
Newman                 Catherine              24        177      1959
Noseworthy             Elsie E                24        254      1959
Newhook                Tabitha Anne           24        284      1959
Noel                   William                24        324      1959
Noonan                 Claude                 24        364      1949
Nash                   John                   24        390      1959
Neil                   Richard                24        395      1959
Newell                 William T              24        578      1960
Nixon                  George A               24        606      1960
Neal                   David                  24        690      1960
Nugent                 Matthew                24        694      1960
Nicholl                Violet M               25          4      1960
Noseworthy             Paul                   25         31      1960
Nugent                 Andrew                 25        102      1961
Newman                 Annie G                25        129      1961
Nixon                  Ernest                 25        260      1961
Nolan                  Nicholas               25        293      1961
Noseworthy             Albert                 25        303      1961
Norris                 Isaac                  25        354      1961
Neary                  Edward J               25        356      1961
Norman                 Henry Walter           25        430      1962
Newell                 James Henry            25        456      1962
Newell                 James Henry            25        462      1962
Noonan                 Louise Wills           25        493      1962
Nichols                Warren Lorenzo         25        567      1962
Transcription Complete - 283 Entries


The information on these pages came from the "Newfoundland Wills Index" microfilm. Each entry
was hand written. I had particular trouble reading middle initials, for example the difference
between F and T. An asterisk indicates an entry that was difficult to read
and therefore the accuracy is suspect.

There are mistakes on these pages so look for typos. Do not treat the data presented here
as a primary source of information for your research. You must verify any information
you find here by referring to the original documents.

Page Contributed by Charles G. Strong (1999)

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Monday April 27, 2020)

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