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Newfoundland Wills "T"
from LDS FHC Microfilm
1830 - 1962

None of these documents are in the possession of the NGB. This is a transcription only.


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Surname                Given Name(s)        Volume     Folio    Probate     Transcription
                                                      (Page)    (Year)          Notes
Tracey                 Thomas                  1          1               Of St. John's
Taylor                 Richard                 1         15               Of Carbonear
Tucker                 Mary                    1         67               Of Port de Grave
Tafe                   Richard                 1        118      1831     Of St. John's, Fisherman
Terrington             John                    1        134      1831     St. John's, Newfoundland Civil Officer in his Majesty's Ordnance
Tuff                   William (Sr)            1        139               Blacksmith of White Church Dorest but now of Western Bay, Newfoundland
Tucker                 Charles (Sr)            1        154      1833     Of Ship Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland, Planter
Toole                  Matthew                 1        197      1835     Of St. John's
Thompson (Thomson)     John                    1        286      1839     Of St. John's, Newfoundland, Merchant
Trachy                 John (Jean)             1        322      1840     a native of the Island of Jersey, but now dwelling at Bear Need, Conception Bay
Tuff                   Sarah                   1        359      1841     widow, Western Bay
Taylor                 Robert (Sr)             1        391      1842     Of Cupids, Conception Bay, Newfoundland, Planter
Thompson (Thomson)     John                    1        394      1842     Catalina
Taylor                 William                 1        469      1845     Of Carbonear, Newfoundland, Planter
Taylor                 Catherine               1        555      1848     Carbonear, Newfoundland
Tricket                John                    1        566      1849     Of Spout Cove in the District of Conception Bay, Dealer
Taylor                 Henry                   2         59      1851     Port de Grave, Planter
Taylor                 Jane                    2        145      1853     Cupids
Tobin                  Laurence                2        147      1853     Of Witless Bay
Trew                   John                    2        157      1853     Marnhull
Tasker                 David                   2        182      1855     Greenock
Taylor                 William Edward          2        208      1856     St. John's
Tobin                  Edward                  2        229      1857     St. John's
Tonkin                 Eliza Jane S P          2        272      1870     Squarey Periman, of Chudleigh County of Devon
Trenear                William Gill            2        305      1858     "Sutherland's River, Pictou County, Nova Scotia??" 
Tree                   Philip                  2        317      1858     St. John's
Tucker                 James                   2        360      1859     St. John's
Toole                  Thomas                  2        391      1860     St. John's
Tasker                 Patrick                 2        415      1861     St. John's, Merchant
Tubrid                 James                   2        425      1861     St. John's
Troy                   David                   2        499      1863     Brigus
Tucker                 William                 2        512      1863     Broad Cove
Thomas                 William                 2        538      1864     Formerly of St. John's, then Liverpool, Merchant
Tobin                  Patrick                 2        552      1864     St. John's
Tobin                  Michael                 2        586      1865     Long Pond, Planter
Tibbs                  Grace                   2        596      1866     St. John's
Turner                 Mary                    3          4      1866     Exmouth in the County of Devon, Widow of Richard Turner 
Tarehin                Patrick                 3         38      1867     St. John's
Thomas                 James                   3         48      1867     Macovick Bay, Labrador
Tiller                 William                 3         53      1867     Swains Island, Planter
Thoomey                Kennedy                 3         97      1869     Mosquitto
Tremills               John                    3        120      1869     Petty Hr., St. John's, Planter
Thomey                 Arthur                  3        137      1870     of Mosquito
Traviss (Travess)      Honora                  3        151      1870     Horse Cove, Newfoundland, widow
Taylor                 James                   3        215      1871     Hr. Breton, Fortune Bay
Trelligan              Richard                 3        226      1871     St. John's, Dealer
Trelegan               Richard (Jr)            3        247      1872     St. John's, Cooper
Thomas                 Henry Phillips          3        254      1873     St. John's
Tizzard                Thomas                  3        266      1872     Twillingate
Thomson                Andrew H                3        278      1872     St. John's
Talbot                 William                 3        305      1873     Hr. Grace
Tremlett               Joshua                  3        369      1874     Bonavista, Planter
Tilley                 John                    3        438      1875     Old Perlican, Planter
Taylor                 Mary                    3        460      1876     Carbonear
Tyan                   John                    3        475      1876     St. John's
Tasker                 Andrew                  3        484      1876     Greenock, Merchant
Thomas                 Ann                     3        555      1877     Number 31 Derby Lane Stoneycroft near Liverpool
Taylor                 Edgar F                 4         27      1879     St. John's
Taylor                 Henry                   4         80      1880     South Side Hr. Grace
Thomson                Eliza                   4        126      1881     St. John's
Tobin                  Ellen                   4        173      1882     St. John's
Tremills               Elizabeth               4        189      1882     Petty Hr.
Tessier                Lewis                   4        307      1884     St. John's, Merchant
Turner                 William                 4        317      1884     St. John's, Tidewaiter
Taylor                 Joseph Hayward          4        372      1885     Carbonear, Planter
Tobin                  John                    4        385      1885     St. John's
Tydall                 Ann                     4        464      1867     Plymouth in the County of Devon England
Thomas                 Henry                   4        468      1879     St. John's, Farmer
Thorburn               William                 4        474      1889     St. John's, Brewer
Tessier                Peter G                 5         43      1886     St. John's
Toussaint              J C                     5        139      1887     St. John's
Tobin                  Thomas                  5        253      1888     St. John's
Thorpe                 Mary                    5        334      1888     Broad Cove
Tilley                 Aaron                   5        437      1889     Upper Shoal Hr.
Trapnell               Henry                   5        438      1889     Hr. Grace, Shopkeeper
Toms                   James                   5        440      1889     Shoe Cove
Tucker                 James W                 5        440      1889     St. John's, Watchmaker
Toms                   Jacob                   5        442      1889     Shoe Cove, Planter
Thomas                 Nicholas                5        513      1890     St. John's, Farmer
Taylor                 Morgan                  5        514      1890     Grole, Hermitage Bay, Planter
Tessier                Weston G                5        515      1890 1912 Belleville
Tobin                  Mary                    5        517      1890     St. John's (widow of John)
Tobin                  Mary                    5        518      1890     St. John's (widow of Thomas)
Tilley                 Jabez                   5        519      1890     St. John's, Planter
Toop                   James                   5        520      1890     Ireland's Eye, Trinity Bay, Planter
Thomey                 Catherine               5        522      1890     Harbor Grace
Taylor                 George R                5        591      1891     Nickeys Nose Cove, Planter
Thorne                 Robert                  5        693      1892     St. John's, Master Mariner
Tobin                  Joseph B                6         69      1893     Twillingate, Merchant
Trelgan                Francis                 6        173      1894     St. John's
Tessier                Anne C W                6        176      1894     St. John's
Tyrell                 Thomas                  6        314      1896     North River, Planter
Tibbs                  James                   6        468      1898     Trinity, Farmer
Thornhill              Robert                  6        555      1899     Bay L'Argent, Fisherman
Torraville             Jeremiah                6        556      1899     Herring Neck, Planter
Traves                 John                    6        573      1900     St. John's, Messenger
Taylor                 Alexander               7          3      1900     St. John's
Talbot                 Thomas                  7         41      1901     St. John's
Tucker                 Alfred                  7         49      1901     Burnt Point, Fisherman
Tuffin                 George                  7         78      1901     Carbonear, Planter
Tibbo                  Louisa                  7         96      1901     Grand Bank
Tucker                 Elizabeth Mary          7        113      1901     Twillingate
Tippett                Mary                    7        116      1901     Coley's Point Bay Roberts
Thorburn               Michael                 7        136      1902     St. John's, Broker
Tessier                James C                 7        155      1902     St. John's
Tilley                 Joseph                  7        163      1902     Kelligrews, Planter
Tynan                  Margaret                7        231      1903     St. John's
Tapp                   William Ford            7        259      1903     Hr. Grace, Gunsmith
Trainor                Denis                   7        322      1903
Tarehin                Patrick                 7        330      1903
Templeton              Robert                  7        374      1904     Of St. John's, merchant
Tucker                 Nathaniel               7        497      1905     farmer of Broad Cove in the electoral district of Saint John's West
Tuck                   William                 8         26      1906     Fortune, in the District of Burin
Thorburn               Susannah J              8         62      1906     St. John's
Tuck                   William                 8         67      1906     (of William Tulk, St. Jacques) -  St. Jacques, Fortune Bay, Newfoundland
Thorburn               Sir Robert              8         75      1906     St. John's, Merchant
Tetford                George                  8         77      1906     Harbor Grace
Taylor                 John                    8        147      1903     Carbonear
Thistle                Mary                    8        153      1904     St. John's, widow
Talbot                 Frederick G             8        170      1904     Western Arm Green Bay
Thomey                 Matilda                 8        225      1907     Mosquito
Taylor                 Joseph C                8        324      1907     Carbonear, Master Mariner
Town                   Mary Ann                8        334      1907     St. John's
Taylor                 Henry                   8        394      1908     Port de Grave, Fisherman
Trickett               Elijah                  8        445      1908     Spout Cove, Bay de Verde District, Fisherman
Tyndall                Theodore H              8        483      1908     Chagford in the County of Devon
Thistle                John R                  8        531      1909     St. John's, Shopkeeper
Tucker                 Henry                   8        546      1909     Sandy Cove, Bay De Verde District
Taylor                 Robert J                9          9      1909     St. John's, Carpenter
Turner                 John                    9         13      1909     St. John's, Planter
Thompson               Jessie                  9         26      1909     St. John's
Tobin                  Mary                    9         31      1909     St. John's
Thomey                 Henry                   9        203      1911     Hr. Grace
Tobin                  Thomas                  9        217      1911     Maddox Cove, Fisherman
Twysden                James S                 9        220      1911     Churston House Kingsbridge in the County of Devon
Thorne                 William                 9        278      1911     Torbay, Planter
Target                 William James           9        357      1911     Hant's Hr., Trinity Bay, Tinsmith
Titford                James                   9        384      1911     Muddy Hole, Bay Roberts, Fisherman
Thorne                 Elizabeth P            10         57      1913     Torbay, Newfoundland
Taylor                 Mary                   10         62      1913     Carbonear, widow of te late Joseph Taylor of Carbonear, Planter
Thompson               William H              10        119      1913     Harbor Grace, Druggist and Telegraph Operator
Tobin                  John                   10        138      1913     Groais(?)
Tuff                   William                10        138      1913     Lamaline
Tracey                 Anastatia              10        140      1913     St, John's (Spinster)
Turner                 Edwin                  10        141      1913     Lower Island Cove in the District of Bay de Verde, Nfld.
Thomas                 John Henry             10        144      1913     Harbor Grace, Fisherman
Taylor                 William Hayward        10        163      1914     Carbonear
Tucker                 Amelia                 10        173      1914     widow, Carbonear
Tipple                 Thomas                 10        215      1914     Burin
Tilley                 Susan                  10        222      1914     Bonavista
Tobin                  Denis                  10        228      1914     Witless Bay
Trenchard              John                   10        228      1914     Lower Island Cove
Thompson               Isaac                  10        274      1914     Long Point Gander Bay
Thompson               Ebenezer               10        339      1915     Hermitage Cove
Tucker                 Richard                10        389      1915     St. Phillips, St. John's West, Farmer
Thomas                 Walter Russell         10        428      1916     Valleyfield
Tibbo                  Jane                   10        559      1917     Grand Bank
Tobin                  James                  11         36      1917     Of Witless Bay, Ferryland Dist.
Trask                  Simon                  11         50      1917     Of Bird Island Cove, Trinity Dist.
Turpin                 Thomas                 11         82      1918     Of St. Lawrence
Tobin                  Katherine              11        188      1918     Of Brompton Sq., Co. of Middlesex, England
Taylor                 Howard J               11        282      1919     Of St. John's
Tilley                 Laurence E             11        295      1919     Of Clarenville, Trinity Bay
Trainor                Thomas                 11        338      1919     Of St. John's
Toms                   Solomon                11        346      1919     Of Farmers Arm, Twillingate
Tuff                   George                 11        357      1919     Of Old Perlican
Twiner                 Herbert J              11        385      1919     Of Bishop Falls
Taylor                 Abram                  11        437      1920     Of St. John's
Tucker                 Ann Maria              11        455      1920     Of Ship Cove, Port de Grave?
Tibbo                  Jonathan               11        475      1920     of Grand Banks
Trenchard              Charles                12          3      1921     Of St. John's Retired Custom's Tidewaiter
Trelegan               Alice                  12         32      1921     Of St. John's - Widow
Thompson               Eugene B               12         33      1921     Of Harbour Grace
Thomas                 Edward                 12         50      1921     of St. John's, Newfoundland, Carpenter and Builder
Templeman              John                   12         90      1921     of Bonavista
Taylor                 Mary Elizabeth         12        156      1922     St. John's, Spinster
Tobin                  James J                12        162      1922     St. John's
Tuck                   Eli                    12        177      1922     St. John's, Excise Officer in His Majesty's Customs
Taylor                 John W                 12        323      1923     of St. John's, Dry Goods Merchant
Tuffin                 James                  12        365      1923     Little Bay Island
Talbot                 John                   12        455      1923     California
Tiller                 James                  13         43      1924     Wesleyville, Planter
Tarraville             George                 13         70      1925     Fogo
Trelegen               William F              13        106      1925     St. John's, Mechanic
Tucker                 James Alfred           13        109      1925     St. Philips, St. John's West
Tucker                 Stephen                13        193      1925     St. Philips, St. John's West
Trapnell               John                   13        275      1926     Hr. Grace
Tucker                 Charles                13        493      1926     Port de Grave
Taylor                 Catherine              13        504      1926     Carbonear
Thomas                 Matthew                13        513      1927     St. John's, Farmer
Turner                 George E               14         32      1927     St. John's, Civil Servant
Templeman              James                  14        106      1927     Bonavista
Tucker                 George                 14        163      1927     St. John's
Taylor                 Benjamin               14        225      1928     St. John's, Carpenter
Thomas                 Henry Phillips         14        356      1928     St. John's
Thomas                 James George           14        385      1928     S. W. Arm
Thomey                 John                   14        412      1929     Hr. Grace
Taylor                 Margaret               14        426      1929     Carbonear
Templeman              Catherine              14        433      1929     Bonasvista, Widow
Tidman                 Ellen Sabina           14        436      1929     Bay Bulls Road, Goulds
Tetford                Robert                 14        451      1929     Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, Carpenter
Thistle                Thomas                 14        505      1929     Harbour Grace
Tapp                   Mary D                 14        554      1929
Taylor                 Jane                   14        584      1929     St. John's
Teniers                Mary Agnes             15        118      1929     Camp Windlesham in the County of Surrey
Tierney                Roger                  15        144      1930     Petty Harbour
Tucker                 Richard Benjamin       15        155      1930     St. Phillips East
Templeman              Joseph                 15        164      1930     Bonavista
Tizzard                George                 15        279      1930     St. John's
Tibbo                  Simeon N               15        321      1930     Grand Bank, Merchant
Taylor                 Elizabeth              15        332      1930     Carbonear
Tarehin                Patrick                15        333      1930     St. John's
Tibbo                  Jonathan               15        338      1931     Grand Bank, Fisherman
Thompson               Horace                 15        343      1931     Southampton
Tucker                 Jacob                  15        387      1931     St. Philips, Farmer
Trask                  Mary                   15        390      1931     Port Blandford
Thomas                 Virtue Ann             15        419      1931     St. John's
Tuck                   Uriel Thomas           15        469      1931     Ladle Cove
Templeman              William                15        495      1931     Templeman, Fisherman
Targett                Archibald              15        558      1932     Hants Harbour, Trinity Bay
Tobin                  Patrick                16         10      1932
Taylor                 Louisa Laura           16         13      1932
Tucker                 John Johnson           16         74      1932
Thompson               Alice M                16        117      1932
Templeman              Levi                   16        170      1933
Tapper                 John                   16        193      1933
Tapper                 Richard                16        196      1933
Tessier                Peter George           16        217      1933
Thistle                William                16        217      1933
Tucker                 Job                    16        250      1933
Tait                   James Sinclair         16        269      1933
Toop                   James                  16        290      1933
Tyler                  Frances Harriet        16        293      1933
Tucker                 Edgar                  16        328      1933
Tilley                 William James          16        384      1934
Trimby                 Ernest Herbert S       16        413      1934
Tucker                 Peter                  16        414      1934
Thorne                 Caleb                  16        462      1934
Thomey                 Charles                16        481      1934
Tweed                  Arthur James           16        487      1934
Thompson               William A              16        508      1935
Thompson               Mary Ann               16        553      1935
Tucker                 Walter                 16        570      1935
Twysden                Roger                  16        574      1935
Tilley                 Jonathan               17          1      1935
Taylor                 Pleomon C              17         73      1935
Targett                Sarah                  17        171      1936
Targett                James                  17        213      1936
Thistle                David                  17        223      1936
Tulk                   William                17        227      1936
Tucker                 David                  17        228      1936
Taylor                 Leonard J              17        299      1937
Taylor                 Richard                17        326      1937
Tucker                 Richard                17        351      1937
Thomson                William W              17        366      1937
Trimingham             Malby*                 17        371      1937
Tobin                  Nicholas               17        378      1937
Trimingham             Rosalie M              17                 1937     See acts book Vol 9
Trimingham             John Francis           17        Leo*
Trimingham             Warick George          17        Leo*
Trimingham             Edith Poyer*           17        Leo*
Taylor                 Richard                17        424      1938
Tobin                  James J                17        469      1938
Tricoche               George Nestler*        17        474      1938
Tapper                 Maria                  17        491      1938
Tobin                  John Joseph            17        491      1938
Thistle                Fred                   17       515A      1938
Torraville             Joseph                 17        516      1938
Trimingham             Jonah                  17        532      1938     See acts book Vol 9 P 532
Tilley                 George                 17        533      1939
Taylor                 Dorcas Frances         17        536      1939
Taylor                 Myra Louise            17        543      1939
Tucker                 Thomas                 17        560      1939
Tilley                 Robert M               17        581      1939
Thorne                 George                 18         38      1939
Taylor                 Charles F              18         83      1940
Taaffe                 Joseph James P         18        118      1940
Thorne                 Patrick                18        138      1940
Tilley                 Anne                   18        196      1941
Thistle                Lydia                  18        206      1941
Thoms                  Elizabeth              18        236      1941
Trainor                Elizabeth              18        236      1941
Thoms                  Ambrose                18        238      1941
Tobin                  Annie                  18        248      1941
Tremblett              Isabella               18        255      1941
Tremills               John                   18        271      1941
Tucker                 Adela*                 18        272      1941
Thomas                 James Harvey           18        283      1941     D.B.N. see Vol 12 Fol 253 acts book
Turner                 Thomas                 18        286      1941
Thorpe                 Stephen                18        378      1942
Thompson               Henry C                18        431      1943
Thistle                Mary Ann               18        469      1943
Tucker                 Elizabeth G            18        499      1943
Tucker                 George H               18        499      1943
Tucker                 Stephen Tucker         18        514      1943
Tucker                 Henry Joseph           18        534      1943
Thomas                 Ellis James            18        536      1943
Thompson               Louise                 18        552      1943
Tucker                 Samuel                 18        564      1943
Tapper                 Thomas                 18        569      1943
Taylor                 Lavinia Marie          18        571      1943
Tuck                   Nellie                 18        591      1944
Thomson                Lizzie Taylor          18        600      1944
Tucker                 Lucy Marion            19         22      1944
Taylor                 James Pelley           19         32      1944
Thompson               Theodore F             19         49      1944
Taaffe                 William P              19         63      1944
Tucker                 Mary Ann               19         64      1944
Thomas                 Henry J                19         94      1944
Tucker                 Robert                 19        149      1944
Thorburn               Robert                 19        168      1944
Turner                 Abraham                19        170      1944
Tuma                   Simon Elias            19        198      1945
Trimingham             John G D               19        212      1945
Taylor                 John J                 19        230      1945
Travers                Richard                19        265      1945
Thomas                 Richard James          19        282      1945
Timmons                Marguerite             19        313      1945
Thistle                Emma                   19        396      1945
Trimingham             John F G               19        425      1946
Trainor                George F               19        439      1946
Taylor                 Georgina               19        492      1946
Thistle                Stephen Thomas         19        512      1946
Tilley                 George Benjamin        19        518      1946
Turner                 Nathaniel              19        520      1946
Thornhill              Wm                     19        603      1947
Thornhill              John S                 20          8      1947
Thorne                 John                   20         12      1947
Taylor                 George Alfred          20         53      1947
Tarehin                Angela                 20         77      1947
Taylor                 Samuel                 20         86      1947
Trimingham             Sophia M               20         97*     1947     Folio 91?
Tapper                 George                 20        118      1947
Tucker                 Ishmael                20        128      1947
Tessier                Frank                  20        183      1948
Tobin                  William                20        186      1948
Tucker                 Elfreda                20        193      1948
Thistle                Thomas                 20        195      1948
Taylor                 Florence Victoria      20        243      1948
Thorne                 John                   20        257      1948
Thomey                 Margaret               20        270      1948
Turpin                 Mary                   20        316      1948
Thorne                 George W               20        328      1948
Tucker                 William H              20        352      1948
Tilley                 John Thomas            20        404      1949
Thompson               Kathleen E             20        442      1949
Turner                 A V                    20        454      1949
Tildsley               Alfred                 20        458      1949
Throke                 James                  20        489      1949
Tompkins               James F                20        490      1949
Tucker                 Georgiana              20        493      1949
Thornhill              Isabella               20        503      1949
Templeman              William                20        519      1949
Thomas                 Daniel                 20        543      1949
Thomas                 William                20        543      1949
Taylor                 Michael                20        548      1949
Tucker                 Abner                  20        575      1950
Trenchard              Kenneth E              20        579      1950
Turner                 Alphonso*              20        617      1950
Taylor                 Charles F              20        621      1950
Temple                 Elizabeth              21         33      1950
Taylor                 Susan Maria            21         41      1950
Taylor                 Rosa                   21         55      1950
Tricoche               Lydia                  21         64      1950
Tibbs                  Alex J                 21        100      1950
Toope                  George P               21        143      1950
Timmons                Edward                 21        146      1950
Toms                   Jacob                  21        150      1950
Tucker                 John                   21        155      1950
Tipple                 Edward                 21        165      1950
Turpin                 Victor P               21        178      1951
Thorburn               Jane                   21        180      1951
Taylor                 Charles A              21        184      1951
Tucker                 Ethel M                21        197      1951
Tobin                  Christina Davis        21        222      1951
Thomas                 Edward A               21        250      1951
Taylor                 Eugene                 21        253      1951
Thistle                Henry W                21        258      1951
Taylor                 D Baxter               21        262      1951
Thompson               Arthur                 21        264      1951
Thompson               Sarah Ann              21        287      1951
Thoms                  James A                21        293      1951
Thomas                 Annie M E              21        309      1951     See DBN V 13 F 398
Titford                William R              21        322      1951
Titford                Jessie                 21        323      1951
Tucker                 Jonathan               21        401      1952
Taylor                 Percy H                21        426      1952
Tilley                 Clarence               21        459      1952
Taylor                 Emma                   21        486      1952
Tucker                 Martha M               21        497      1952
Tilley                 Eli                    21        503      1952
Thistle                Walter                 21        508      1952
Taylor                 Stephen                21        511      1952
Tucker                 John Joseph            21        515      1952
Thistle                Frances                21        520      1952
Tuff                   Jabez Hill             21        571      1952
Timmons                Ellen M                21        616      1952
Temple                 Roland                 21        642      1953
Targett                Ellen                  22         78      1953
Tucker                 Obadiah                22         93      1953
Tipple                 Flora                  22        118      1953
Tipple                 Frederick J            22        118      1953
Taylor                 Gertrude E             22        123      1953
Taylor                 John W                 22        126      1953
Taylor                 John                   22        128      1953
Tilley                 Susan                  22        175      1953
Tucker                 Eric S                 22        269      1954
Taylor                 George                 22        304      1954
Tucker                 Zehu*                  22        316      1954     Could be Jehu?
Taylor                 Lewis                  22        324      1954
Tucker                 John Charles           22        332      1954
Tucker                 James J                22        338      1954
Thomas                 Jessie Elizabeth       22        350      1954
Tulk                   William George         22        372      1954
Tilley                 John                   22        451      1954
Tucker                 Frederick              22        471      1954
Trimingham             Elthel Rosalie         22        647      1955
Trimingham             Margaret               22        648      1955
Thomas                 Charles                22        698      1955
Turner                 Joseph                 22        701      1955
Tucker                 Samuel Moore           22        726      1955
Taylor                 Cyrus Frank            22        734      1955
Tessier                Cyril W G              22        752      1955
Throbe                 Clara                  23          7      1956
Thomas                 Elizabeth Ann          23         11      1956
Tracey                 Elizabeth              23         44      1956
Taylor                 William                23         79      1956
Thistle                Michael                23        124      1956
Triscott               Charles                23        155      1956
Tracey                 Michael                23        158      1956
Taylor                 J Guy                  23        189      1956
Taylor                 Selina Jane            23        193      1956
Thistle                Bessie M               23        334      1957
Taylor                 William Alfred         23        362      1957
Templeman              Clementine Agnes       23        366      1957
Taylor                 Eli                    23        442      1957
Thomas                 Frederick              23        453      1957
Tucker                 Tobias                 23        484      1957
Turpin                 Adolph J               23        547      1957
Templeman              Robert A               23        585      1957
Taylor                 Margaret               23        684      1958
Thistle                Cecil                  23        685      1958
Thornhill              James W                23        719      1958
Tricco                 Margaret               23        770      1958
Tibbo                  Felix George           23        801      1958
Tobin                  Frances                24          8      1958
Tarehin                Mary                   24         20      1958
Thomas                 Emma M                 24         37      1958
Taylor                 Jacob                  24        120      1958
Thomas                 Ida Bessie             24        129      1958
Tucker                 Robert                 24        165      1959
Taylor                 Priscilla              24        181      1959
Thorne                 Eli                    24        202      1959
Thornhill              Dinah A                24        278      1959
Tucker                 George                 24        289      1959
Thistle                Ralph                  24        305      1959
Tuff                   James                  24        326      1959
Tilley                 Robert                 24        386      1959
Tucker                 Louise                 24        429      1959
Taylor                 May                    24        436      1959
Taylor                 Arch                   24        476      1959
Taylor                 David                  24        494      1960
Taylor                 George Boyd            24        560      1960
Tucker                 Richard A              24        625      1960
Throke                 Alexander              24        649      1960
Thomas                 Richard                24        702      1960
Tessier                James L G              24        712      1960
Tucker                 Alfred M               24        739      1960
Terry                  William                24        755      1960
Taylor                 Maurice Job            24        756      1960
Tricco                 William Charles        24        779      1960
Taylor                 Plemon C               24        802      1960
Tremblett              John                   24        809      1960
Tessier                Elsie F C              25         61      1960
Taylor                 Josiah M               25        130      1961
Thistle                Ida Lily               25        145      1961
Thornhill              Reuben J               25        174      1961
Taylor                 Florence               25        203      1961
Tessier                Alice E                25        224      1961
Thistle                John C                 25        225      1961
Tilley                 Robert Bowden          25        325      1961
Thistle                Robert B               25        387      1962
Tilley                 George                 25        409      1962
Templeman              Ethel Emma             25        440      1962
Targett                Arthur                 25        450      1962
Turner                 William                25        524      1962
Templeman              Agnes Allan            25        570      1962
Transcription Complete - 485 Entries


The information on these pages came from the "Newfoundland Wills Index" microfilm. Each entry
was hand written. I had particular trouble reading middle initials, for example the difference
between F and T. An asterisk indicates an entry that was difficult to read
and therefore the accuracy is suspect.

There are mistakes on these pages so look for typos. Do not treat the data presented here
as a primary source of information for your research. You must verify any information
you find here by referring to the original documents.

Page contributed by Charles G. Strong (1999)

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Monday April 27, 2020)

Newfoundland's Grand Banks is a non-profit endeavor.
No part of this project may be reproduced in any form
for any purpose other than personal use.

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