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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Henry Thomey
Will of Henry Thomey
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 203-204
probate year 1911
In re
Henry Thomey deceased.
This is the last will and Testament
of me Henry Thomey of Harbor Grace in the Island of
Newfoundland I give and bequeath to my grandson Henry
Thomey son of Henry
W. Thomey, half the land and Dwelling house and store and stable situate
on the Beach in the town of Harbor Grace and at present occupied by me
and Henry W Thomey
I give and bequeath to my said grandson
Henry Thomey all that piece or parcel of land with dwelling thereon and
bounded as follows: on the north by Tobias Parsons land. East by Parsons
Lane south by Harvey’s Street west by Strattons Hill. Provided that my son
William Thomey if he returns to Harbor Grace is allowed to occupy the
said land and dwelling house rent free until the said Henry Thomey my
grandson becomes of age. And provided that I shall not otherwise dispose
of the said land and dwelling house for my own support. I give and bequeath
to my said grandson Henry Thomey my watch and chain. Also my bed and
bedding bedstead which I am using at present provided my son William
Thomey does not return to Harbor Grace. If the said William
Thomey returns
to Harbor Grace I give him the said bed bedding and bedstead, and in
that event I give my said grandson Henry Thomey another
bed and bedstead that are now in the house belonging to me.
I give and
bequeath to my said grandson all my furniture in my bedroom except a
bureau and a marble image of the Blessed Virgin to my daughter Ann
give and bequeath to my grand daughter Margaret Thomey a glass globe
with flowers now in my house. All other furniture bed and bedding that
I may die possessed of I give to my son Henry W. Thomey
I give
and bequeath to my grandson Francis Thomey my two rooms
situate at Emily Harbor Labrador one formerly occupied by Jeoffery
Ryan and the other
by Patrick Cahill Signed sealed and delivered at Harbor
Grace this 23rd day of June A.D. 1904 Henry Thomey (LS) In presence of
John Trapnell Thomas Wells
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Jan. 24/10
Emerson J
adm C.t.a.
Feb. 4/11
to Henry
W. Thomey
S H. Gordon
E. E. Parsons
sworn at
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Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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