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Will of Denis Tobin In re Witless Bay Sep. 16th 1913. Denis Tobin’s last will and testament. The fishing room and stores attached situated on the south side of Galles Cove I bequeat to my three son’s Thomas F. Denis F. and Arthur Tobin. This property can not be mortaged or sold on any account. The store on the bank, flake and ground attached I bequeat to my three son’s Thomas F. Denis F. and Arthur Tobin this property can not be mortaged or sold. The three traps anchors, moring and kegs also two skiffs and two dories to be shared equally between my three son’s. I bequeat one dollar each to my two daughters Mary Ann Carey and Sarah Jane Tobin. The ground where my son Arthur’s house is situated bounded by Calles Cove River on the southern side and running up in a Westerly direction I bequeat to my son Arthur. The dwelling house, store and ground attached bound by Calles Cove river on the southern side and by Thomas F. Tobin’s fence on the Northern side and running in a Westerly direction I bequeat to my son Denis F. Tobin My wife Francis will own the house for the length of time she live after me also shall have a share out of the trap while she live. My son Denis F. Tobin shall have the sleigh, slides, cart and harness and all belonging to the horse. Written by:- Peter J. Tobin by order of Denis Tobin. Signed by Denis Tobin. Witnesses:- William Tobin. Stan Moloney. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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