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Newfoundland Supreme Court Wills  "D"
 from LDS FHC Microfilm
1830 - 1962

None of these documents are in the possession of the NGB. This is a transcription only.


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Surname                Given Name(s)        Volume     Folio    Probate     Transcription
                                                      (Page)    (Year)          Notes
Danson                 William                 1          6               Of Bristol
Denning                Charles                 1         20               Of St. John's
Dambrill               John                    1         47      1828 1843 Of St. John's
Davis                  John                    1         48               Of Collinett St. Mary's Bay
Dobie                  James                   1         52               Of St. John's
Daw                    George (Sr)             1         87               Port de Grave
Donegan (Donogan)      William                 1        122      1831     Carbonear
Duggan                 Henry                   1        156      1833     Of St. John's, Baker
Dineen                 Timothy                 1        158      1833     native of Lismore in the County of waterford, Ireland but now of Bay de Verds
Donding                George                  1        218      1836     Milburnport in the County of Dorestshire England, but now  of Marasheen, Newfoundland
Deady                  John                    1        248      1837     Of Flat Rock
Dobie                  Robert                  1        260      1837     Surgeon of Brigus, Conception Bay
Dunn                   John                    1        262      1838     Sound Island, Placentia Bay
Doyle                  Patrick                 1        278      1838     St. John's, Mason
Daw                    Nicholas                1        281      1839     Of Ship Cove, Port de Grave, Planter
Dean                   Richard                 1        294      1839     Crockers Cove, Planter
Dimond                 William                 1        333      1840     Of Adams Cove, Conception Bay
Donovan                Patrick                 1        355      1841     Tin Man, St. John's
Dollard                Mary                    1        369      1841     St. John's (widow of Patrick Dollard)
Dooling                Robert                  1        370      1841     New Ross in the County ofWexford, Ireland, but at present residing in St. John's, Newfoundland, Butcher
Downes                 Michael                 1        382      1842     Of St. John's, FishCuller
Dooling                John                    1        399      1842     St. John's
Dwyer                  Patrick                 1        407      1843     Of Port de Grave
Daw                    Samuel                  1        408      1843     Ship Cove, Port de Grave, Conception Bay, Newfoundland, Planter
Daw (Dawe)             John                    1        429      1844     Planter, Ship Cove, Port de Grave
Dimer                  Robert                  1        474      1845     Marrhullfield, Dorset, England - will signed in Heart's Content
Doyle                  John                    1        508      1847     of the Parish of Cahir in the county Tipperary Ireland, but at present of St. John's
Doyle                  William                 1        514      1847     Of St. John's, Newfoundland, Fisherman
Deacon                 Thomas                  1        519      1847     Of Spanyards Bay
Dobie                  Julia                   1        546      1848     Of Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, Widow of the late Robert Dobie of Brigus, Surgeon
Dicks                  Christopher (Sr)        1        556      1849     Of Harbour Beaufet, Newfoundland
Dee                    Patrick                 1        564      1849     Of Carbonear
Dickson                Catherine               2         14      1851     Of St. John's, Widow
Doyle                  Matthew                 2         24      1851     Of St. John's, Tailor
Dunford                Thomas                  2         40      1851     Of Harbor Grace, Shopkeeper
Dickson                Lucretia Hoyles         2         42      1851     Of St. John's
Dineen                 Michael                 2         68      1851     St. John's, Cooper
Delaney                James                   2         69      1851     Bay Roberts, Planter
Dea                    Michael                 2         71      1851     Freshwater, St. John's, Farmer
Doyle                  William                 2         92      1852     St. John's, Shopkeeper
Davis                  Amelia                  2        131      1853     Carbonear
Dealy                  Michael                 2        134      1853     St. John's, Dealer
Dalton                 Patrick                 2        137      1853     St. John's, Farmer
Deane                  John                    2        137      1853     St. John's, Mason & Labourer
Drew                   William                 2        150               Bay Bulls
Douglas                James                   2        178      1855     St. John's
Dwyer                  Thomas                  2        209      1856     St. John's
Driscoll               Thomas                  2        240      1857     Bay Bulls, Planter
Duff                    Edward                 2        289      1858     St. John's, Planter
Doyle                  Patrick                 2        290      1858     St. John's, J.P.
Dobbin                 Patrick                 2        341      1858     St. John's, Yeoman
Doyle                  Mary                    2        361      1859     St. John's
Durney                 John                    2        363      1859     Riverhead
Dooling                Laurence                2        373      1859     West End St. John's
Dalton                 Michael                 2        392      1860     St. John's
Duggan                 Philip                  2        408      1861     St. John's, Merchant
Dalton                 Charles (Very Rev)      2        412      1861     Harbor Grace
Doyle                  Thomas                  2        459      1862     Goulds Bay Bulls Road, Farmer
Duffy                   Bernard                2        492      1862     St. John's
Daw                    William                 2        502      1862     Ship Cove, Port de Grave, Planter
Daw                    Samuel (of John)        2        513      1862     Port de Grave, Planter
Daw                    John                    2        519      1863     Port de Grave, Planter
Donnelly               William                 2        532      1864     Harbor Grace, Merchant
Doyle                  Richard                 2        540      1864     St. John's
Durney                 John                    2        572      1865     St. John's, Fisherman
Davis                  James                   3         38      1866     Fox Hr., Placentia Bay
Drover                 Joseph Sr.              3         42      1867     Upper Island Cove, Conception Bay
Dicks                  Margaret                3         62      1867     Hr. Buffett, Placentia Bay
Duff                    Richard                3         77      1868     St. John's, Planter
Dunn                   Henry                   3         88      1868     Trader in Bayly's Cove, Bonavista
Duggan                 Patrick                 3         91      1868     La Scie, Planter
Devereaux              Mary                    3        113      1869     Trepassey
Dunn                   Patrick                 3        228      1871     St. John's, Farmer
Dunn                   Edmund                  3        229      1872     St. John's
Denief                 Michael                 3        287      1872     St. John's, Farmer
Daw                    Samuel                  3        291      1872     Bay Roberts, Master Mariner
Denief                 Patrick                 3        309      1873     St. John's
Drysdale               Mary                    3        322      1873     Hr. Grace
Dickinson              Henry K                 3        325      1874     St. John's, Broker
Duffy                  Bernard (Rev)           3        327      1874     Brigus
Daw                    John                    3        383      1875     St. John's, Fisherman
Day                    Sarah                   3        421      1875     Burin, Widow of William Day
Dooling                Catherine               3        456      1876     Hr. Grace
Doyle                  Michael                 3        459      1876     Carbonear
Dwyer                  Thomas                  3        507      1876     Lions Den, Planter
Doyle                  James                   3        511               Carbonear, Boatmaster
Dicks                  John                    3        523      1877     St. John's, Sailmaker
Dwyer                  Edward                  3        528      1877     Carbonear, Planter
Davis                  Frederick R B           3        539      1877     Brigus
Dixon                  Louisa                  3        550      1877     St. John's
Dwyer                  Mary                    3        557      1877     St. John's
Dunn                   John                    3        567      1877     St. John's, Farmer
Davis                  Richard                 3        573      1878     St. John's, Shoemaker
Donnelly               John                    3        580      1878     St. John's, Master Mariner
Dwyer                  John                    4         21      1879     St. John's, Farmer
Dennehy                Cornelius               4         23      1879     St. John's, Tailor
Dick                   William (Sr)            4         50      1879     Salvage
Dawe                   Emma                    4         52      1879     Bay Roberts
Dunn                   Thomas                  4         58      1879     St. John's, Trader
Dwyer                  Theresa                 4         59      1879     Carbonear
Dunn                   James                   4         84      1880     St. John's
Duder                  Edwin                   4        119      1881     St. John's, Merchant
Dance                  George                  4        135      1881     St. John's
Dunford                Ellen                   4        161      1881     St. John's
Dalton                 George                  4        162      1881     Exploits Burnt Island
Duder                  Mary E                  4        179      1882     St. John's
Devan                  Patrick                 4        201      1882     St. John's, Farmer
Doyle                  Bernard                 4        204      1882     Petty Hr.
DesBarres              Isabella                4        212      1882     No. 11 Ladbroke Villas Kensington, County of Middlesex, England
Davey                  Edward                  4        286      1884     St. John's, builer
Doyle                  Denis                   4        313      1884     Flower Hill Lane, St. John's
Dooling                John                    4        318      1884     St. John's, Shopkeeper
Dunphy                 Michael                 4        342      1884     St. John's, Cooper
Downton                Edward                  4        351      1884     Exploits Burnt Islands
Dwyer                  John                    4        368      1885     St. John's, Newfoundland, Farmer
Dunn                   Susannah                4        397      1885     (widow of the late Henry Dunn) of Bayly's Cove, Bonavista, Newfoundland
Davis                  Ellen                   4        402      1885     St. John's
Duff                   Arthur                  4        409      1886     Holyrood
Daley                  Patrick                 4        483      1898     St. John's, Shoemaker
Dearin                 Albert F                4        484      1898     New York
Doyle                  Elizabeth               5         29      1886     St. John's
Doyle                  Elizabeth               5         34      1886     St. John's
Dunn                   Edward                  5         70      1886     St. John's, Shbipwright
Donovan                Simon                   5         76      1887     St. John's, Insurance agent
Doheney                Catherine               5         98      1887     St. John's
Doyle                  Mary                    5        136      1887     Torbay
Des Barres             Isabella                5        154      1882     Kensington, England
Des Barres             Joseph F W              5        156      1887     Ireland
Duder                  Henry J                 5        181      1888     St. John's, Butcher
Dooley                 Margaret                5        203      1888     St. John's
Dyer                   William                 5        206      1888     Logy Bay, Farmer
Dowden                 William                 5        225      1888     Hamilton, Ontario
Down                   Catherine               5        226      1888     (or Christine) St. John's
Downes                 John                    5        284      1888     Freshwater Road, St. John's, Farmer
Dooley                 Margaret                5        287      1888     St. John's
Duder                  Henry J                 5        287      1888     St. John's, Victualler
Down                   Catherine               5        291      1888     (or Christine) St. John's
Dowden                 William                 5        293      1888     Hamilton, Ontario
Dyer                   William                 5        294      1888     Logy Bay, Fisherman
Dicks                  George                  5        376      1889     St. John's, Sailmaker
Doody                  Thomas                  5        379      1889     Mosquito Colinet Island, Planter
Dooling                Peter                   5        381      1889     the Goulds Bay Bulls Road, Farmer
Doyle                  Michael                 5        474      1890     St. John's, Farmer
Donnelly               William                 5        476      1890     St. John's, Labourer
Dearin                 John J                  5        477      1890     St. John's, Druggist
Daly                   John                    5        479      1890     Bonavista, Accountant
Devereaux              Thomas                  5        546      1891     Trepassey, Fisherman
Dougherty              Bernard                 5        546      1891     St. John's, Cabman
Driscoll               Catherine               5        548      1891     Tor's Cove
Diamond                Esau                    5        549      1891     Catalina, Fisherman
Drover                 Elizabeth               5        550      1891     Island Cove     
Dwyer                  Bridget                 5        551      1891     St. John's
Dicks                  Joseph B                5        612      1892     St. John's, Sailmaker
Dally                  Henry                   5        628      1892     Herring Neck, Planter
Devereaux              Valentine               5        632      1892     Trepassey, Fisherman
Dwyer                  Peter                   6         23      1893     Hr. Grace, Merchant
Davis                  James                   6         27      1893     Fox Hr., Placentia Bay, Fisherman
Dwyer                  Edward                  6         28      1893     Hr. Grace, fisherman
Dawson                 James                   6        117      1894     St. John's, Drapper
Devereaux              Michael                 6        118      1894     Trepassey, Fisherman
Dunn                   Alice                   6        119      1894     St. John's
Doherty                Priscilla               6        201      1895     Trinity
Dymond                 Samuel                  6        264      1896     St. John's, Farmer
Dominey                John C                  6        265      1896     Greenspond, Merchant
Dwyer                  Mary                    6        266      1896     Bell Isle
Dalton                 Michael                 6        335      1897     St. John's, Miner
Dyer                   William                 6        336      1897     Logy Bay, Planter
Dicks                  Lambert F               6        338      1897     Sandwich Bay, Labrador, School Teacher
Delaney                James                   6        409      1898     Bay Roberts, Planter
Dunn                   Margaret                6        410      1898     St. John's
Down                   Roger                   6        501      1899     St. John's, Shoemaker
Dunphy                 Catherine               6        503      1899     St. John's
Devereaux              George                  6        505      1899     Trepassey, Planter
Dunphy                 James                   6        506      1899     St. John's
Dicks                  Thomas                  6        570      1900     Channel, Schooner owner
Drysdale               Andrew T                6        602      1900     Hr. Grace, Postmaster
Dyer                   Richard                 7          7      1900     Logy Bay, Fisherman
Donnelly               Eliza                   7          9      1900     Carbonear
Dwyer                  James                   7         21      1900     Freshwater Road, Farmer
Decker                 George                  7         40      1901     Lobster Cove, St. Barbe, Fisherman
Drake                  Thomas                  7         61      1901     Catalina, Master Mariner
Danielle               Charles H               7        171      1902     Topsail Road, Hotel Proprietor
Dawe                   Henry                   7        200      1902     Port de Grave, Merchant
Dawe                   Elijah                  7        214      1902     Coley's Point
Darrell                Josiah (Rev)            7        292      1903
Dooley                 Mary Ann                7        320      1903
Dalton                 William                 7        328      1903
Des Barres             Isabella                7        331      1903
Dwyer                  Aenias                  7        336      1904
Deagan                 Patrick                 7        359      1904     Of St. John's, Labourer
Dunphy                 Thomas                  7        361      1904     Of St. John's, Cooper
Dooley                 Denis                   7        387      1904     Of St. John's, Butcher
Dawe                   George                  7        423      1905     of Seal Cove, south Shore in the District of Harbor Main, Fisherman
Dunn                   Mary                    7        430      1905     Kilbride
Dawe                   Henry B                 7        439      1905     of Ships Cove, Port de Grave, Planter
Drake                  John                    7        515      1905     of Catalina in the Northern District of Newfoundland
Dunn                   William                 7        531      1905     of the South Side of Riverhead, Harbour Grace
Doyle                  Elizabeth M             7        538      1906     of St. John's, wife of Patrick J. Doyle
Doughty (Doughy)       Richard                 7        544      1906     Salmonier
Dawe                   Isaac                   7        558      1906     of Coley's Point, Conception Bay, Newfoundland, fisherman
Deady                  Margaret E              8         12      1906     St. John's, Spinster
Dunn                   Catherine               8         55      1906     Outer Cove Road near St. John's
Dea                    Thomas                  8         76      1906     Bay Bulls, Fisherman
Dwyer                  Martin                  8         82      1906     St. John's Newfoundland
Doyle                  Denis                   8         92      1906     Fisherman, Harbor Main
Duff                   Thomas                  8         95      1906     Holyrood, Conception Bay
Druken                 Patrick                 8         98      1906     Torbay Road, Farmer
Dyer                   Patrick                 8        166      1904     Logy Bay
Druken                 Patrick                 8        205      1906     Torbay Road, Farmer
Duff                   Thomas                  8        208      1906     Holyrood
Davis                  George R                8        228      1907     Bay of Islands, Planter
Dally                  Thomas                  8        232      1907     Pikes Arm Herring Neck, Twillingate District, Planter
Dunphy                 Patrick                 8        248      1907     North East Placentia, Planter
Dea                    Michael                 8        252      1907     St. John's, Farmer
Dwyer                  Thomas                  8        295      1907     Bell Isle
Davis                  Philip                  8        321      1907     Fox Hr. Placentia Bay, Planter
Dawe                   Isaac                   8        346      1907     Seal Cove
Davis                  Michael                 8        372      1908     Fox Hr., Planter
Delaney                John                    8        378      1908     Fox Hr. Placentia Bay, Master Mariner
Dawe                   Charles                 8        403      1908     Bay Roberts, Merchant
Day                    Benjamin Edmon          8        463      1908     Britannia Cove, Trinity Bay
Dwyer                  John                    8        575      1909     Holyrood North Arm Electoral District of Hr. Main, Fisherman
Duggan                 Bridget                 8        589      1909     St. John's
Dunphy                 Martin                  9         80      1910     Marquise (Little Placentia?), Placentia Bay
Dryer                  Henry B                 9         98      1910     St. John's
Doran                  William                 9        176      1910     Outer Cove
Doran                  Margaret                9        179      1910     Outer Cove
Davies                 David                   9        187      1911     7 Lewis Terrace New Quay in the County of Cardigan
Doyle                  James                   9        194      1911     Petty Hr., St. John's West, Fisherman
Davey                  Edward H                9        234      1911     St. John's
Doyle                  Philip                  9        271      1911     Petty Hr., St. John's West
Dillon                 Francis                 9        283      1911     Mobile, Ferryland District
Drew                   Nicholas                9        302      1911     Bay Bulls, Customs officer
Daymond                William                 9        304      1911     St. John's, Cabinet maker
Dawe                   Henry                   9        348      1911     Long Pond
Dunphy                 Bartholemew             9        388      1912     Holyrood, Farmer
Dawe                   Abram J                 9        440      1912     Kelligrews
Dooley                 James                   9        499      1912     St. John's, Shipwright
Davis                  Richard                 9        507      1912     Fox Hr.
Daw                    Nicholas                9        518      1912     Kelligrews
Duder                  Thomas C                9        574      1913     Bonne Bay
Duff                   Catherine               9        597      1913     Mundy Pond, St. John's West
Duff                   William                10          6      1913     of Carbonear, Merchant
Diamond                Jonathan               10         13      1913     Brooklyn, in the District of Bonavista, Fisherman
Doyle                  James                  10        113      1913     Gull Isd
Dwyer                  Clara                  10        118      1913     Tilting
Day                    John                   10        129      1912     Salmon Cove in the District of Trinity
Devereaux (Devereux)   Annie                  10        151      1913     widow of Michael Devereaux of Trepassey, District of Placentia St. Mary's
Dill                   Lucius                 10        182      1914     Island of Bermuda, Merchant and now residing in the Island of Grenada
Delaney                Patrick                10        218      1914     St. John's
Donovan                Elizabeth              10        268      1914     Topsail Road, St. John's 
Decker                 Philip                 10        285      1914     Bonne Bay
Devereaux              Lawrence               10        293      1915     Trepassey
Dunne                  Patrick                10        328      1915     "Witless Bay (Ferryland District)????"
Dawe                   Andrew                 10        341      1915     Long Pond, Conception Bay
Duke                   Elizabeth              10        343      1915     St. John's
Devine                 Maurice A              10        348      1915     St. John's
Downs                  Patrick                10        366      1916     Torbay, Farmer
Davis                  Patrick J              10        374      1916     Fox Hr., Planter
Doyle                  Mary Ann               10        379      1916     St. John's
Donovan                John                   10        439      1916     St. John's, Newfoundland, Municipal Turnkey
De Cartwright          Peter                  10        464      1916     St. John's
Dewling                Joseph W               10        466      1916     Trouty, Fisherman
Diamond                William                10        488      1917     Change Islands, Fisherman
Dawe                   Ann Maria              10        492      1917     Port de Grave
Dunn                   Mary                   10        499      1917     St. John's
Dunn                   Richard                10        511      1917     Topsail Road, St. John's West
Dowden                 Moses                  10        523      1917     Chamberlains, Conception Bay, Farmer
Davis                  William                10        542      1917     Channel
Delahunty              Elizabeth              10        555      1917     Southern District Ferryland
Doyle                  David                  10        576      1917     Hr. Main
Driscoll               Arthur                 11         29      1917     Of St. John's
Dobbin                 James                  11         34      1917     Of St. John's
Denief                 Honora                 11         71      1918     Of St. John's?
Delaney                Patrick                11         73      1918     Of Bay Roberts
Dawe                   Sarah                  11         99      1918     Of Ship Cove, Port De Grave
Drover                 Moses                  11        130      1918     Of St. John's
Dyke                   Walter John            11        137      1918     Of H.M.S. Cormorant, Gibraltor
Davis                  Eliza                  11        139      1918     Of Carbonear
Dalton                 John                   11        155      1918     Of Cape Broyle
Driscoll               Elias                  11        199      1918     Of St. John's
Donnelly               John                   11        207      1918     Of St. John's
Devereaux              Thomas J               11        233      1918     Of Argentia
Dwyer                  John                   11        255      1918     Of Wabana Mines, Bell Island
Dennis                 Daniel                 11        224      1918     Barachoix Brook, St. Georges
Driscoll               Absalom                11        300      1919     Of St. John's
Davis                  John                   11        322      1919     Of Carbonear?
Dawe                   Azariah                11        324      1919     Of Bay Roberts
Daly                   John J                 11        343      1919     Of St. John's
Daymond                Sarah                  11        346      1919     Of St. John's
Dawson                 John R                 11        353      1919     Of Bay Roberts
Dominey                Thomas                 11        392      1919     Of Deer Island, Burgeo/LaPoile
Davidson               William H              11        402      1919     Of St. John's
Dean                   William                11        407      1920     Of Bonne Bay
Dunne                  Richard                11        408      1920     Of Bread Cove, Bay De Verde
Duley                  Thomas J               11        418      1920     Of St. John's
Delaney                Patrick                11        419      1920     of Cupids
Dawe                   William                11        434      1920     Of Long Pond (Conception Bay)
Dunphy                 David                  11        471      1920     of Torbay
Dean                   Abraham                11        479      1920     of Seldom Come By, Fogo Island
Delaney                Mary Joseph            11        482      1920     Spinster of St. John's, Nfld
Davidson               Margaret               11        489      1920     St. John's
Davey                  George A               11        496      1920     St. John's
Ditcham                Emma Julia             11        514      1920     Of Tremorvah, Dartmouth
Duffy                  Annie                  11        515      1920     of St. John's
Dwyer                  James                  11        534      1920     Of St. John's
Devereaux              Richard J              11        543      1920     Of St. John's, Commission Agent
Downs                  Mary                   11        561      1921     Of St. John's, widow
Diamond                Levi                   12          6      1921     Of St. John's
Dewling                Jacob                  12         13      1921     Of Trouty in the Northern District
Dunsterville           Emma                   12         26      1921     Of St. John's (Widow)
Delaney                James                  12         34      1921     Of Foxtrap in Conception Bay
Dillon                 Margaret               12         92      1921     of St. John's, Newfoundland, Spinster
Driscoll               Kenneth                12         93      1921     Clarenville
Doody                  William                12         97      1921     of Carbonear
Dawe                   Emma                   12        132      1921     of St. John's, widow
Dibbin (Dibbon)        John                   12        155      1922     (This name is spelled Dibbon and Dibbib in this will) - of Port Au Bras, Burin, NFLD.
Devanna                Michael                12        167      1922     of St. John's, Newfoundland, Coppersmith
Dwyer                  Eli                    12        176      1922     of St. John's, Newfoundland
Driscoll               Selina                 12        184      1922     of St. John's, Newfoundland, Widow
Ditchman               Wm Philip              12        190      1922     of Wisbech in the County of Cambridge
Delaney                Michael                12        193      1922     of Placentia
Denief                 John                   12        200      1922     (name is spelled Denief and Denieff in this will) - of Dick's Square, St. John's, Newfoundland
Dwyer                  Michael                12        215      1922     St. John's
Diamond                Elizabeth S            12        242      1922     of Catalina in the district of Trinity, Nfld., widow of the late Caleb
Duder                  Charles R              12        261      1922     St. John's, Nfld.
Dingwell               Donald                 12        267      1922     of Channel, in te Electoral District of Burgeo and LaPoile, Newfoundland, Carpenter
Doheney                Edward                 12        269      1922     of St. John's, Newfoundland, Shoemaker
Daly                   Maurice                12        289      1922     St. Joseph's, Salmonier, St. Mary's Bay
Dennihy                Daniel                 12        301      1923     Bell Island
Drake                  Richard                12        341      1923     of St. John's, Newfoundland, Master Mariner
Drew                   Mary                   12        356      1923     of Bay Bulls, Widow of James Drew
Doyle                  Thomas                 12        373      1923     of the Goulds, Petty Harbour, St. John's, Western Division, Farmer
Davis                  Charles F              12        399      1923     of L'Anse au Mour In the District of Labrador South
Donnelly               Bridget                12        406      1923     St. John's
Deay                   John E                 12        419      1923     St. John's
Donovan                Thomas                 12        422      1923     St. John's, Labourer
Dewling                Thomas                 12        458      1923     St. John's
Deady                  James                  12        514      1924     Hr. Grace, Planter
Doyle                  Nicholas               12        522      1924     Torbay South
Davis                  Sarah                  12        555      1924     Hr. Grace
Dalton                 Margaret               12        597      1924     St. John's
Doyle                  Nicholas               13         32      1924     Sandy Bay, District of St. Barbe
Davis                  Samuel                 13         99      1925     St. John's, Fisherman
Deady                  Catherine              13        135      1925     Hr. Grace
Dryer                  Sarah S                13        152      1925     St. John's
Dryer                  William G              13        155      1925     St. John's
Dryer                  Eliza                  13        158      1925     St. John's
Delaney                Patrick                13        206      1925     Cupids
Delaney                Patrick F              13        207      1925     Bay Roberts, Fisherman
Dwyer                  Bridget                13        247      1925     St. John's
Devine                 Bridget T              13        342      1926     St. John's
Dawe                   Sarah                  13        345      1926     Bay Roberts
Davis                  Cynthia                13        356      1926     St. John's
Dean                   Kenneth W              13        373      1926     Botwood
Devereaux              James                  13        382      1926     Ferryland, Planter
Dwyer                  William T              13        385      1926     North Arm, Holyrood, Farmer
Dwyer                  Michael                13        476      1926     Halifax, Merchant
Dunford                Abraham                13        482      1926     New Harbour, Hermitage Bay
Dunn                   Patrick                13        483      1926     Mundy Pond Road, St. John's West
Dillon                 Mary                   13        502      1926     Torburn Road, St. John's
Dawe                   Bernard                13        534      1927     Long Pond, Conception Bay, Fisherman
Dean                   George Neal            13        557      1927     Carbonear
Duggan                 Patrick                13        563      1927     Holyrood, Farmer
Dalton                 Alexander              14         27      1927     White Rock, Smith's Sound, Trinity Bay
Driscoll               Margaret               14         48      1927     St. John's
Davis                  John                   14         96      1927     St. John's, Retired Janitor
Dowden                 Thomas                 14         99      1927     Logy Bay Road, near St. John's
Drake                  Maria                  14        171      1928     St. John's
Doman                  Peter                  14        192      1928     Petrie Valley, Bay of Islands
Donnelly               Arthur                 14        279      1928     St. John's
Dooley                 Michael                14        315      1928     Renews, Ferryland District
Dunphy                 Elizabeth              14        319      1928     St. John's
Dalton                 Mary                   14        405      1929     Conception Hr., Hr. Main District
Dawe                   Josiah                 14        429      1929     Ship Cove, Fisherman
Duff                   Robert                 14        430      1929     Carbonear, Merchant
Davis                  Willis                 14        432      1929     Toronto
Dawe                   William                14        442      1929     Bay Roberts
Dawe                   Isaac                  14        466      1929     Coley's Point
Duff                   Mary A Thompson        14        470      1929     Halifax, Nova Scotia
Doyle                  Thomas                 14        486      1929     St. John's, Master Mariner
Dyer                   Richard                14        518      1929     Logy Bay
Doyle                  Edward                 14        587      1929     St. John's
Day                    George                 15         18      1929     St. John's, Carpenter
Dawe                   John                   15         45      1929     Coley's Point, Planter
Duff                   Edward J               15         52      1929     Hr. Grace
Donnelly               Mary                   15         71      1929     St. John's
Drover                 Julia                  15         96      1930     Upper Island Cove
Donnelly               Joseph (V Rt Revd)     15        105      1930     Hr. Main, Parish Priest
DeLacey                John                   15        127      1930     St. John's
Davis                  Thomas                 15        162      1930     42 Prince of Whales Street, St. John's, Newfoundland, Painter
Dawe                   William                15        174      1930     Cupids, Conception Bay, Fisherman
Dawe                   Eli (Hon)              15        196      1930     Coley's Point
Deneiff                James                  15        204      1930     St. John's
Dawe                   Philip                 15        211      1930     Hopewell, Hr. Main District, Farmer
Dent                   Olive Annie            15        227      1930     Rose Court Garforth Near Leeds, Journalist
Dicks                  Thomas                 15        230      1930     Burgeo, District of Burgeo and LaPoile
Dillon                 Mary Ann               15        259      1930     St. John's
Donnelly               Catherine              15        262      1930     St. John's
Downey                 John                   15        273      1930     Stephenville
Dawe                   Susanna                15        277      1930     Coley's Point, Bay Roberts
Dinn                   Mary                   15        295      1930     Witless Bay
Dawe                   Mary Elizabeth         15        334      1931     Bay Roberts
Dowden                 John                   15        360      1931     Logy Bay Road, St. John's Easter, Farmer
DeGrish                Thomas                 15        364      1931     St. John's
Diamond                Thomas                 15        400      1931     Shoe Cove, Planter
Dunne                  James                  15        445      1931     St. John's, Furniture restorer
Davis                  William                15        458      1931     174 Patrick Street, St. John's, Nfld. 
Devine                 Ellen                  15        479      1931     Stephenville Crossing
Devereaux              Michael                15        492      1931     Salmon Cove, Planter
Dentler                Catherine              15        502      1931     St. John's
Dahlmann                Mary                   15        505      1931     St. John's
Drake                  Isaac                  15        512      1931     Allan's Island, Lamaline
Doyle                  Emma Dawe              15        545      1932     St. John's
Dooley                 Stephen                15        594      1932     St. John's
Dee                    Jeremiah H             15        596      1932     St. John's, Customs Officer
Denief                 Annie                  15        597      1932     St. John's
Deady                  Alice                  16         28      1932
Drover                 Thomas                 16         46      1932
Dicks                  Garland                16         49      1932
Devine                 Elizabeth              16         53      1932
Duhart                 Maud                   16        163      1933
Duffett                Alexander              16        166      1933
Doyle                  Patrick                16        197      1933
Doody                  David                  16        206      1933
Drowley                Frank                  16        222      1933
Doyle                  Elsie                  16        224      1933
Doughty                Beatrice Mary C        16        225      1933
Drowns                 Diana                  16        264      1933
Dunphy                 John T                 16        281      1933
Delgado                Andrew A               16        305      1933
Delgado                Ann E                  16        325      1933
Dodman                 Charles                16        340      1933
Diamond                John T                 16        386      1934
Drake                  Francis                16        388      1934
Drew                   John H                 16        389      1934
Duffers                John C                 16        415      1934
Dain                   Isabella               16        432      1934
Dawe                   Alfred                 16        442      1934
Duff                   Peter                  16        483      1934
Dewling                Jemima                 16        502      1934
Dicks                  Louisa                 16        542      1935
Duke                   Michael                16        546      1935
Dawe                   Zachariah              16        549      1935
Duff                   Catherine M            16        578      1935
Druce                  Eliot A C              16        582      1935
Dowes                  Edward                 17         44      1935
De Vacey               Marcellin              17         65      1935
Drew                   Joseph                 17         95      1935
Des Barres             Alexander H            17        154      1936
Des Barres             James                  17        162      1936
Des Barres             Augustus H             17        163      1936
Des Barres             Augustus J E           17        164      1936
Dredge                 Josiah                 17        201      1936
Dahl                   Charles T              17        222      1936
Duffett                Emily J                17        243      1936
Dawe                   Zacariah               17        247      1936
Downton                Joseph                 17        252      1936
Duff                   Edward                 17        255      1937
Dawe                   Richard                17        284      1937
Dwyer                  George                 17        294      1937
Doyle                  Augustus               17        296      1937
Donnelly               Michael                17        299      1937
Davis                  James Archibald        17        309      1937
Duggan                 Patrick                17        327      1937
Driscoll               George                 17        335      1937
Driscoll               William                17        344      1937
Dunn                   Thomas J               17        421      1938
Dunne                  Theresa                17        431      1938
Ducey                  Patrick                17        454      1938
Doyle                  Mary                   17        457      1938
Doyle                  Thomas B               17        458      1938
Dillon                 Mary Ann               17        459      1938
Davis                  James Faulkna*         17        483      1938
Downey                 James J*               17        487      1938
Daw                    William Fraser         17        492      1938
Downton                Amelia                 17        513      1938
Dymond                 Hannah                 17        529      1938
Dawe                   Samuel                 17        529      1938
Dawe                   John Charles           17        542      1939
Dove                   John                   17        544      1939
Dwyer                  Patrick                17        552      1939
Dyett                  James                  17        569      1939
Diamond                Levi Alexander         17        571      1939
Dawe                   Nicholas               17        573      1939
Doran                  Elizabeth              17        574      1939
Doyle                  Clement James          18         50      1939
Day                    George                 18        102      1940
Daymond                Emma                   18        102      1940
Diamond                Esau                   18        114      1940
Duff                   David P                18        127      1940
Drake                  Catherine              18        133      1940
Dunphy                 William S              18        145      1940
Davey                  Frederick T            18        172      1940
Dowling                Daniel                 18        176      1941
Davey                  John                   18        176      1941
Driscoll               Margaret Ann           18        196      1941
Duff                   Louisa C               18        219      1941
Dwyer                  Minnie A*              18        221      1941
Dowden                 Reginald               18        227      1941
Dooley                 Mary                   18        253      1941
Doyle                  Myles                  18        253      1941
Drover                 Leander                18        326      1942
Doyle                  John J                 18        336      1942
Dunne                  William C              18        381      1942
Davis                  Bridget Mary           18        384      1942
Duley                  Phenie C               18        389      1942
Downey                 Esther Anne            18        394      1942
Davis                  James                  18        403      1942
Dawe                   John                   18        409      1942
Davis                  Mary Joseph            18        423      1942
Drodge                 Mary Ann               18        425      1942
Dawson                 Thomas                 18        474      1943
Durnford               John Richard S         18        478      1943
Downs                  Michael                18        486      1943
Dick                   Jessie Wilson*         18                 1943     Name could be Anderson
Doody                  John Thomas            18        560      1943
Downton                Frederick              18        594      1944
Devine                 Thomas                 18        603      1944
Dawe                   Emma                   18        605      1944
Duff                   John J                 19         19      1944
Delurey                Patrick                19         24      1944
Davis                  George A               19         41      1944
Duff                   John                   19        125      1944
Dyer                   Michael J              19        126      1944
Doyle                  John                   19        130      1944
Davis                  Jacob                  19        143      1944
Dawe                   Isaac                  19        146      1944
Devereaux              Michael                19        196      1945
Drover                 Thomas Loenzo          19        208      1945
Dowden                 Thomas                 19        210      1945
Dwyer                  John                   19        238      1945
Dyer                   Stephen                19        241      1945
Davis                  Emma                   19        250      1945
Drover                 Mary Margaret          19        267      1945
Dwyer                  Elizabeth              19        272      1945
Doyle                  James Joseph           19        318      1945
Drover                 Archibald              19        320      1945
Duff                   Edward P               19        399      1945
Davidge                John Samuel            19        421      1946
Druken                 Annie                  19        425      1946
Devereaux              Joseph F               19        426      1946
Davis                  William                19        501      1946
Delaney                James Frederick        19        507      1946
Dwyer                  Thomas                 19        508      1946
Delaney                James                  19        509      1946
Doyle                  James Frencis          19        526      1946
Duggan                 Mary                   19        562      1946
Dawe                   Sarah                  19        565      1946
Dicker                 James Edward           19        568      1946
Dunphy                 Patrick J              20         24      1947
Downs                  Robert                 20         50      1947
Dunphy                 Alice                  20         62      1947
Dawe                   Herbert                20         77      1947
Deering*               Elizabeth              20        143      1947
Des Barres             Emily                  20        144      1947
Doyle                  Maurice                20        153      1947
Des Barres             Beatrice Laura         20        171      1948
Dicks                  Bessie                 20        198      1948
Dowden                 Mary Emily             20        211      1948
Drover                 Clement                20        242      1948
Dawson                 Katherine M            20        258      1948
Dawe                   Jabez                  20        278      1948
Dowden                 Susan                  20        308      1948
Devine                 Ketherine              20        323      1948
Davey                  Annie                  20        346      1948
Dawe                   Samuel                 20        352      1948
Dunphy                 John                   20        363      1949
Dart                   Andrew                 20        379      1949
Davis                  Aubrey Elwin           20        386      1949
Dodd                   Augusta                20        408      1949
Dodd                   John                   20        409      1949
Dickinson              Agnes E                20        459      1949
Doyle                  Peter                  20        471      1949
Dawe                   Sarah Grace            20        473      1949
De Lacey               Leo Francis            20        476      1949
Dupont                 Leonse Jean Jacques    20        506      1949
Dickinson              Henry W                20        529      1949
Duff                   Peter M                20        535      1949
Drover                 Emily Ann              20        546      1949
Dawson                 Henry J                20        550      1949
Dwyer                  Rhody                  20        566      1949
Davis                  Francis                20        580      1950
Dwyer                  Louisa                 20        603      1950
Drover                 Beatrice Minnie        20        606      1950
Dicker                 Amelia                 20        623      1950
Dwyer                  Eliza                  21         29      1950
Day                    Beatrice Louisa        21         72      1950
Dinn                   Patrick                21        121      1950
Dunne                  Thomas                 21        149      1950
Doyle                  Agnes B                21        173      1951
Dwyer                  John                   21        191      1951
Devine                 Patrick K              21        194      1951
Devine                 Louis A                21        195      1951
Davis                  H Thomas               21        200      1951
Dunphy                 Elizabeth              21        207      1951
Dooley                 John R                 21        259      1951
Duggan                 Daniel P               21        292      1951
Dodman                 Bertha F               21        315      1951
Duff                   Arthur J               21        319      1951
Doran                  Edward J               21        338      1951
Dawe                   Robert                 21        338      1951
Dominey                William                21        344      1951
Doody                  Margaret               21        358      1951
Duncan                 William                21        382      1951
Dawson                 John                   21        388      1951
Dee                    Adrian J               21        396      1952
Duley                  Nelson M               21        415      1952
Doyle                  Patrick                21        450      1952
Dawe                   Ronald                 21        454      1952
Delaney                George                 21        455      1952
Dryer                  Maud                   21        458      1952
Dackers                Peter C                21        469      1952
Day                    Elias                  21        492      1952
Dawe                   Walter J               21        494      1952
Dixon                  George L               21        516      1952
Duley                  Cyril C                21        553      1952
Doody                  Leo A                  21        565      1952
Davis                  Richard                21        577      1952
Doyle                  Peter                  21        589      1952
Downey                 Francis J              21        636      1953
Duff                   Ida Mary               21        644      1953
Dunne                  William                21        645      1953
Donnelly               Patrick                21        655      1953
Dawe                   Samuel C               22          5      1953
Dalley                 Casandra               22         24      1953
Dwyer                  Mark P                 22         27      1953
Dunne                  Adrian                 22         44      1953
Duder                  Margaret E             22         55      1953
Dunphy                 Alexander              22         79      1953
Driscoll               Eliza                  22         91      1953
Davage                 Enos                   22        129      1953
Dalton                 George                 22        151      1953
Dawe                   Susannah P             22        176      1953
Downey                 John                   22        189      1953
Duder                  Arthur G               22        214      1953
Duff                   Alice J                22        216      1953
Dunne                  Annie                  22        234      1954
Davis                  Gladys Beatrice        22        266      1954
Dunphy                 William                22        279      1954
Davis                  Benjamin J             22        328      1954
Duff                   Dorothy Annie          22        359      1954
Dean                   Angus Neil             22        363      1954
Doyle                  Catherine              22        384      1954
Devereaux              Michael J              22        392      1954
Dick                   Jeffrey Alexander      22        432      1954
Davis                  Joseph                 22        484      1954
Dawe                   Abram                  22        508      1955
Deer                   Rachel                 22        516      1955
Drover                 William Richard        22        542      1955
Dwyer                  Margaret               22        577      1955
Dunne                  Margaret Agnes         22        579      1955
Dinn                   Catherine              22        636      1955
Drover                 William                22        657      1955
Dinne                  Michael Francis        22        664      1955
Davenport              Janet                  22        750      1955
Duff                   Mary H                 22        771      1955
Dooley                 William Patrick        23         26      1956
Dawe                   Edgar                  23         35      1956
Dunn                   John                   23         40      1956
Doran                  Mary                   23         61      1956
Diamond                Aron                   23         74      1956
Dooling                Andrew Michael         23         88      1956
Dunne                  Bridget                23         92      1956
Decker                 Henry                  23        105      1956
Donnelly               William                23        107      1956
Dennis                 William Henry          23        110      1956
Dinn                   Patrick                23        111      1956
Driscoll               Caleb                  23        138      1956
Dunphy                 Mary                   23        150      1956
Doyle                  Gerald S               23        208      1956
Dowden                 Eli                    23        275*     1956
Day                    Colin                  23        299      1956
Davis                  Richard                23        311      1957
Dawe                   William Albert*        23        380      1957
Diamond                Mary Ann               23        389      1957
Diamond                Samuel George          23        450      1957
Dawe                   Isaac                  23        456      1957
Davidson               Emma Cole              23        470      1957
Dewling                Stewart                23        478      1957
Drover                 Josiah                 23        578      1957
Dowden                 Ethel Jane             23        606      1957
Delaney                John                   23        615      1957
Dunphy                 Thomas J               23        615      1957
Driscoll               Elias                  23        633      1958
Delaney                Emily Ann              23        642      1958
Dunphy                 Thomas                 23        648      1958
Davis                  John Joseph            23        663      1958
Dunphy                 Michael                23        669      1958
Doyle                  Charles                23        699      1958
Dawson                 Margaret M C           23        726      1958
Driscoll               Thomas                 23        736      1958
Dunne                  James                  23        755      1958
Dwyer                  Winnifred              24         40      1958
Duffy                  Andrew V               24         43      1958
Duder                  Stanley C              24         54      1958
Dunn                   Patrick                24        116      1958
Dogherty               Charles P              24        183      1959
Dogherty               Charles M              24        183      1959
Devine                 John M                 24        219      1959
Dutot                  Elizabeth G            24        241      1959
Dunford                James M                24        277      1959
Dawe                   Emma                   24        314      1959
Diamond                Cyril P                24        334      1959
Dove                   Francis J              24        339      1959
Driscoll               John C                 24        346      1959
Dobson                 Joseph B               24        372      1959
Dickson                Frank                  24        377      1959
Dominic                Saliba*                24        399      1959
De Bourke              Edward R               24        461      1959
Dove                   John W                 24        465      1959
Doheney                Thomas J               24        510      1960
Davies                 John                   24        530      1960
Dean                   Archie                 24        540      1960
Dyke                   Francis J              24        545      1960
Dawe                   Eli                    24        564      1960
Dwyer                  Sarah Isabel           24        577      1960
Dunphy                 Annie                  24        586      1960
Duff                   Edward                 24        645      1960
Dodd                   William                24        646      1960
Devine                 Mary                   24        678      1960
Dunne                  John                   24        715      1960
Dillon                 John                   24        744      1960
Dunford                George S F             24        812      1960
Delaney                Catherine              25         36      1960
Densmore               Stephen                25         44      1960     Old Petty Harbour Road, near St. John's, Newfoundland, Retired Farmer
Dawe                   Mary Anna              25         91      1960
Dunphy                 Margaret               25        103      1961
Donnelly               William F              25        104      1961
Drodge                 Enoch                  25        108      1961
Doyle                  James                  25        132      1961
Doody                  Mary E                 25        142      1961
Day                    Walter                 25        146      1961
Dawe                   Wilfred S              25        159      1961
Dwyer                  Frederick J            25        167      1961
Davey                  John                   25        170      1961
Downton                Alfred                 25        204      1961
Davidson               Charles P              25        217      1961
Dotchon                Lucreta                25        260      1961
Dunne                  Isobel                 25        263      1961
Dixon                  Beatrice Sarah         25        264      1961
Doyle                  Monica Bridget         25        268      1961
Dwyer                  Clarence               25        322      1961
Duder                  Henry J                25        324      1961
Dalton                 Nora Catherine         25        371      1961
Driscoll               Elizabeth              25        404      1962
Dooley                 Jane                   25        417      1962
Dooley                 Agnes                  25        418      1962
Dawe                   Ebenezer               25        438      1962
Dean                   Mary Wilcot            25        491      1962
Dyke                   Jesse                  25        511      1962
Dixon                  William M              25        516      1962
Duff                   Edward J               25        537      1962
Daracy                 Isabell                25        538      1962
Dalton                 Nicholas               25        539      1962
Dawe                   George                 25        550      1962
Doyle                  John R                 25        555      1962
Dyke                   Clara Jane             25        563      1962
Dawe                   John Frederick         25        572      1962
Transcription Complete - 753 Entries


The information on these pages came from the "Newfoundland Wills Index" microfilm. Each entry
was hand written. I had particular trouble reading middle initials, for example the difference
between F and T. An asterisk indicates an entry that was difficult to read
and therefore the accuracy is suspect.

There are mistakes on these pages so look for typos. Do not treat the data presented here
as a primary source of information for your research. You must verify any information
you find here by referring to the original documents.

Page Transcribed by Charles G. Strong (1999)

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Monday April 06, 2020)

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