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Will of Patrick Dunn In re This is the last will and testament of me Patrick Dunn of the Mundy Pond Road in the Electoral District of St. John’s West in the Island of Newfoundland Labourer. First: I direct that my executor hereinafter named will first pay my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses. Secondly: I devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Rebecca for the term of her natural life all my property of every description whatsoever and wheresoever situate. Thirdly: I devise and bequeath unto each of my daughters Agnes, Anne and Margaret upon the determination of the life interest of my said wife Rebecca a piece or parcel of land fronting on the Mundy Pond Road aforesaid and measuring twenty feet square the said several pieces or parcels of land to be selected by my said daughters Agnes Anne and Margaret from the first sixty feet of my land on the Mundy Pond Road beginning at the Western end my daughter Agnes to have the first twenty feet square of land, my daughter Anne the second and my daughter Margaret the third. Fourthly: I devise and bequeath unto my son John and my daughter Bridget upon the determination of the life interest of my said wife Rebecca the dwelling house in which they now reside together with the land under it, and further that John shall take the upstairs and Bridget the downstairs of the said house. Fifthly: I devise and bequeath unto my daughter Bridget upon the determination of the life interest of my said wife Rebecca the plot of cleared or cultivated land in the rear of the house occupied by herself and my son John. Sixthly: I devise and bequeath unto my son William upon the determination of the life interest of my said wife Rebecca the dwelling house in which I now reside together with the land under it and also the furniture contained in the said house. Seventhly: I devise and bequeath unto my sons William and John upon the determination of the life interest of my said wife Rebecca all the residue of my property estate and effects of every description in equal shares and in the case of that portion of my property which is land William shall take the Eastern half of the same and John shall take the Western half of the same. This bequest must be understood as meaning the residue of my property estate and effects after the several legatees in this my last will and testament mentioned have received their bequests or legacies and is made subject to the same. Eighthly: I hereby appoint my said wife Rebecca executrix of this my last will and testament. Ninthly: I hereby revoke all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me. In witness whereof I have hereunto my hand subscribed by making my mark at St. John’s this fifteenth day of February Anno Domini One thousand nine hundred and nine.
Signed by the said Testator by making his mark as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses the same having been first read over and explained and the words “Upon the determination of the life interest of my said wife Rebecca” on line 28 page I having been first inserted. William Cole Winsborrow John J. McCarthy. CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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