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Will of Daniel Dennis In re Daniel Dennis deceased The last will and testament of Daniel Dennis Fisherman-Farmer Barachoix Brook in Saint Georges Newfoundland. In the name of God Amen. I Daniel Dennis of Barachoix Brook St Georges in Newfoundland being ill of body but of sound and disposing mind and memory here declare this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking and canceling all former wills deeds of bequests on any other settlements that I have made or that purport to have been made by me. Save and except one which I made by way of sale of all my lands, houses, and tenements, as sold by me for valuable consideration. The receipts of which I here acknowledge as having been regularly paid to me by the purchaser C.E. Carter Esq. Lieutenant Commander in H. M. Royal Navy, who owns all and singular all my property as above and as is more fully set forth in agreement of sale as duly signed by me sometime since, and by then and now fully understood. Now 1st I give my soul to Almighty God who created it in the full hope of a pardon for all my sins and offenses against my Good God and I believe I shall be forgiven through God's mercy and the merits of his death on the cross for all sinners, and my body to be decently. buried in accordance with the rites of the Church of England of which I have been a member altho perhaps, unworthy as to my own merits and I make this stipulation that the expenses of my proper burial in a decent manner been next charge after all my lawful debts if any are first paid by my executors, from such Estate as I may die possessed of and for this purpose I have given in trust to my son-in-law to hold a credit note of Bank of Montreal Curling amounting one hundred and twenty-nine dollars seventy cents deposited for my Cr. on Sept. 28th 1916, to be held by said son-in-law Peter LeRoux the husband of my loved daughter Irene, and in event of my death the balance after providing for my expenses is to be the property of my son-in-law the said Peter LeRoux to be his and his heirs for their sole use and behoof 2nd 3rd I will, give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Irene the wife of Peter LeRoux three head of horned cattle, one heifer of two years old one heifer of one year and one bull of one year old [about] also [3] three old sheep and three lambs of this year 1917 to be hers and her heirs for ever and I also will to my daughter Irene one bed and bedstead with bedding as I am now using in my daughters house and all and singular all the beds bedding stove furniture and contents of my late house at Barachoix Brook with all its goods contained therein save and except the contents of the parlor in what ever form consisting at present, which I have arranged for otherwise. All except said contents of parlor to be my daughter Irene's for her sole use on condition that she and her husband do for me and keep me until my death in as proper a manner as they can in their house as is usual. 4th I will and bequeath the whole contents of my parlor room in my Dwelling House at Barachoix Brook in what ever form consisting to Mrs. C.E Carter wife of Lieutenant C.E. Carter Royal Navy of Barachoix Hall to be hers and her heirs for ever in consideration of her many kindness to me for my benefit in many ways for the past years. She is well entitled to this from me. 5th I will and bequeath to my son Henry after my death all my nets rope-moorings, boats and other rope and fishing gear and my 1/2 store at Seal Rocks, as at present day in my possession and my small store at the Barachoix Brook to be his and his heirs for ever and also all my anchors and new rope at present at Sandy point and 3 three thousand shingles now at Sandy point and I have intended all this gear as mentioned to my son Henry to be used and fished for me whilst I am alive on the shores. That is one half of voyage to be Henrys for his wages and me half of voyage to be mine for my gear and so on until I may make other dispositions of said gear as mentioned - Henry to keep all in proper repair. 6th I will and devise and bequeath my interest in my mowing machine to Lieutenant C.E. Carter Royal Navy who has already an interest therein to be his for ever as also the contents of the store by the woodpile, where I keep my tools and implements except any provisions that are there now and which I intend is to be my daughter Irene for my use - and to be brought up from there at once 7th I will and bequeath to my son-in-law Peter LeRoux all that piece of land now in his possession at Barachoix Brook situate and bounded by the road as between Philip Dennis and my own land and straight down to the river to be his and his heirs for ever as lanes now runs. (?) 8th I have nothing else to Will or leave any person except to my daughter Diana and to the child of my dead daughter Victoria and to my son Philip the sum of one dollar each to be paid them out of my Estate, so they will see I remembered them altho, they left me to shift for myself. If I have any property not mentioned it is to be Henry my sons. I hereby appoint Lieutenant C.E. Carter Royal Navy, Peter LeRoux my son-in-law, and Richard McDonnell Magistrate to be executors of this my last will and testament. This is my last will wish and intention. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal to this my last will and testament at Saint Georges Newfoundland this fourth day of May Friday in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, after Will was ready to me and fully understood by me - Daniel his X mark Dennis [LS] - Witnesses present when Daniel Dennis set his mark and said this is my last will fully understood by me and in presence of the subscribing witnesses. Richard McDonnell J. P. Harold Morris Correct Charles H. Emerson (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are hand-written copies of a, "last will and testament," written by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor. We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be. |
Page Contributed by Judy Benson, Alana Bennett, Wendy Weller and Eric Weller
REVISED: October 10, 2001 (Ivy Benoit)
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