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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Christopher Dicks Sr.

Disclaimer: The wills for volumes 1 and 2 are not made from the original will books, but rather from a set of books written up from the originals about 100 years later. The 1846 hand written will book that we are putting up along with the wills from the volume 1 will book, is not the original will book. It was made, probably within a decade of the death of the testators, but it is not an exact replication from the original will book.


Will of Christopher Dicks Senior
from Newfoundland will books volume 1 pages 556 & 557 probate year 1846

In re
     Christopher Dicks Sr.       deceased.

I Christopher Dicks Senior now residing in Harbour Beaufet in the Island of Newfoundland in good and perfect health and senses not knowing how suddenly the call of death may reach me and for the greater satisfaction of my mind do now make this my last will and testament
First   I give back my soul to God who gave it in humble trust upon his mercy and my body to the dust from whence it came.
Secondly,   All my money whether in cash or credits in merchants accounts as also such money as shall be and remain in the British Funds at the time of my decease, I hereby give and bequeath unto my dear wife for her sole use and benefit and afterwards to be disposed of at her death as she may be inclined subject nevertheless to the following deductions, that she my said wife shall pay unto our sons James Dicks and George Dicks the sum of thirty pounds currency each at the time of my decease.
Thirdly,   my fishing room situate in Harbor Beaufet with all buildings and appurtenances thereto belonging together with all boats, skiffs, punts, seines nets and all kinds of fishing craft, I hereby give and bequeath unto my four sons Christopher Dicks, Junior, William Dicks, Henry Dicks, and Robert Dicks to be equally divided share and share alike in value among them.
Lastly   I Christr Dicks Senior hereby appoint Thomas Edwards Cottell and James Butler both of Harbor Beaufet in the Island of Newfoundland executors of this my will to carry my wishes into execution.
As witness my hand and seal in Harbor Beaufet the fourteenth of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty. Christr his X mark Dicks (LS)
Witnesses to the mark made by Christr Dicks Senr   William Jaynes,   Henry Shepherd.

Certified correct
D.M. Browning

Will of Christopher Dicks Senior from Newfoundland will book labeled, "REGISTRY OF WILLS 1846," pages 162 & 163 probate year 1846.

I Christopher Dicks Senior now residing in Harbor Beaufet in the Island of Newfoundland in good and perfect health and senses not knowing how sudden the call of death may reach me and for the greater satisfaction of my mind do now make this my last Will and Testament
Firstly.   I give back my soul to God who gave it in humble trust upon his mercy and my body to the dust from whence it came.
Secondly,   All my money whether in cash or credits in Merchants Accounts as also such money as shall be and remain in the British Funds at the time of my decease, I hereby give and bequeath to my dear wife for her sole use and benefit and afterwards to be disposed of at her death as she may be inclined ~ Subject nevertheless to the following deductions, that she my said wife shall pay unto our sons James Dicks and George Dicks the sum of thirty pounds currency each at the time of my decease.
Thirdly,   My fishing room situate in Harbor Beaufet with all buildings and appurtenances there unto belonging together with all boats, skiffs, punts, seines nets and all kinds of fishing craft, I hereby give and bequeath unto my four sons Christopher Dicks Junior, William Dicks, Henry Dicks, and Robert Dicks to be equally divided share and share alike in value among them.
Lastly   I Christopher Dicks Senior hereby appoint Thomas Edward Collett and James Butler both of Harbor Beaufet in the Island of Newfoundland Executors of this my Will to carry my desire into execution.
As witness my hand and seal in Harbor Beaufet aforesaid the fourteenth of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty. Christopher Dicks his mark (LS) Witnesses to the mark made by Christopher Dicks Senr    William Jaynes Junr.   Henry Shepherd.

In the Supreme Court
Henry Sheppard of Rock Harbor in the Southern District, Schoolmaster, maketh oath and saith that he was present and did see Christopher Dicks Senior the person named in the foregoing paper writing duly sign the same (by putting his mark thereto) seal publish and declare the said paper writing as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence as well of this Deponent as of William Jaynes Junr. the other subscribing witness thereto. And this Deponent further saith that the said Christopher Dicks Senior at the time of publishing his said Will was of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding to the best of Deponents knowledge and belief   Henry Shepherd.

Sworn before me at Saint Johns this tenth day of August 1846.
Robt R.W. Lilly.
Comm. of Affts. Supreme Court.



Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are hand-written copies of a, "last will and testament," written by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor.

We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be.

Page Contributed by Judy Benson and Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (November 4, 2002)

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