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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Andrew Dawe


Will of Andrew Dawe
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 pages 341-342 probate year 1915

In re
      ANDREW DAWE deceased.

      This is the last will and testament of me Andrew Dawe of Long Pond Conception Bay.    I hereby revoke all former wills and appoint Rev. E.P. Roche, Admr. Kelligrews, to be my executor.     After my death my property is to be disposed of thus:     the pony and bullock belonging to me are to be sold; the money realized by the former (the pony) is to purchase a headstone for myself and my wife Jane Dawe;    the money realized by the latter (the bullock) is to purchase a headstone for my children Nicholas and Andrew Dawe     I give three barrels of potatoes to John Porter;     I give one barrel to my mother Amelia Dawe;     five barrels are to be sold for my two sons, the money to be distributed between them as the executor thinks fit;     the remainder of the potatoes to be sold in the spring and the money to be divided amongst the two boys     The hay is to be sold in the spring and of the money ten dollars ($10.00) are to go to Mrs. Philip Walshe of Kelligrews;    two dollars go for Masses for myself and my wife Jane Dawe- the remainder is to be kept by the executor for equal division among the two boys
The land is to be divided thus: the piece of land near Fox Trap Church, and the piece of land situated between the properties of John and Wm. Sweetland, I give to my son Bernard Dawe for his maintenance till he comes of age;    the crops of said land are to go to James Aida in return for supporting and educating Bernard, as long as Bernard shall remain with him.    The house, outhouses etc. and the land around the house near the main road I give to my son Walter Dawe when he comes of age; the crops of said land (around the house) are to go to Mary Anne Porter in return for supporting and educating Walter, as long as Walter remains with her. When the children come of age the land is to be equally divided between them, that is between Bernard and Walter;     the house and the land around it are to go to Walter together with as much of the land outside as will make up half of the entire property.    If Bernard should wish to live in the house when he comes of age he may do so;    but the house and the land around it belong exclusively to Walter when he comes of age
      All my movable property I give to Bernard, to be kept for him till he comes of age, and not to be used till then.    None of the movable property except their beds, is to go with Bernard and Walter to those who are taking them.     In the event of the death of one of my sons, the whole property goes to the other son;    if both should die the property goes to my daughter Amelia Dawe;     if none should survive the house and the land around it go to John Porter son of Mary Anne Porter;    the other two lots of land specified above are to be sold and the money realized to purchase a headstone for the children;     a headstone for my mother; Six dollars for Masses and the remainder I give to John Porter If one of my sons should die before the other comes of age, the crops of the whole land are to go towards the support of the survivor.    If my daughter Amelia Dawe should ever need a home, and if one of my sons be living on the property, she cannot be prevented from living with him.    Everything in the house, furniture etc I give to Walter when he comes of age;    the gun I leave to Bernard     In witness whereof I Andrew Dawe have to his my last will and testament set my name the tenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight.    Andrew    X    Dawe     Signed by the testator Andrew Dawe and acknowledged by him to be his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time, who at his request, in his presence and in presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses R. Jardine Freebairn, M.D. Witness.    George Squires

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Nov 15/15
Admin c.t.a.
Nov 17/15
granted to
Robt Jeffers
John Ade
Estate sworn
at $250.00



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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