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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Richard Davis
Will of Richard Davis
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 507-508
probate year 1912
In re
Richard Davis deceased.
In the name of God Amen. This
is the last will and Testament of me Richard Davis of Fox Harbor in the
District of Placentia & St. Marys Planter I appoint William
F. O’Reilly of Placentia Executor of this my last will and Testament I will that
my just debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon as possible after
my death.
- I will devise and bequeath to my son Richard
Davis and to my daughter Lizzie King the sum of three thousand dollars
- To my grandsons James and William King. I
will the sum of five hundred dollars each.
- To my
son James I will the sum of Six Hundred Dollars.
- To
the Roman Catholic church at Fox Harbor. I will the sum of
Two Hundred dollars.
- I will the sum of Two Hundred Dollars for
200 Masses to be celebrated within a year after my death for
the repose of the souls of myself and family.
The above bequests
amount to eight thousand dollars and the balance of my money I will
devise and bequeath to my wife.
I will to my son James all
that piece or parcel of land situated at St. John’s bounded
South by Duckworth Street north by Kickham’s Lane East by
one Mays and
west by Walsh’s land and more particularly
described in Mortgage dated September 10th 1907 but he is not to
sell it and in the event of my said son dying without issue I will
devise and bequeath the said property to the children of my daughter
Lizzie King, should my son Jas leave
issue he can dispose of this property in any way he likes.
I will
devise and bequeath to my Grandson James King that piece of land
known as the sheep Garden. The balance of my land I will devise
and bequeath to my sons James and Richard, but in the event of
my son James not coming to Fox Hr. to reside permanently he is
to have no share in the said land it is all to be Richard’s.
I will devise and bequeath my dwelling house stores stages wharves
flakes and the land on which these erections are to my son Richard for his sole use but my wife is to have a home in the house we
now live my son James is to have no claim on these buildings or
lands on which they are erected.
The balance of my property
consisting of boats fishing gear and every thing else I may die
possessed of I will devise and bequeath to my son Richard. With
regard to the property before described and secured to me by mortgage
- situate at St. John’s
- my interest is to the amount of twenty one hundred dollars and
in the event of James dying without issue the payment of the said
sum of $2100.00 without interest to my grandchildren the children
of my daughter Lizzie settles all claim. I have
against the said property.
I hereby
revoke all wills by me at any time heretofore made. In witness
whereof I hereunto set my hand at Argentia this 20th day of June
A.D. 1912 - Richard Davis - Signed by the Testator and acknowledged
by him to be his last will and Testament in our presence who in
his presence at his request and in the presence of each other we
have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses Jas J.
Davis Thomas P Kemp.
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Sept. 3/12
Emerson J.
Oct. 1/12
William F O’Reilly
sworn at
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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