Will of William Doyle from Newfoundland will books volume 2 pages 92-93 probate year 1851
In re William Doyle deceased.
In the name of God Amen, I William Doyle of Saint John's Newfoundland Shopkeeper do make this my last will and testament as follows, that is to say;
First, After the payment of all my just and lawful debts I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Monica Doyle the sum of six hundred pounds currency for her sole separate and exclusive use and benefit.
Secondly, I also bequeath to my beloved son George Doyle the sum of four hundred pounds currency to be paid to him upon his attaining the age of twenty one years and in the mean time to be placed at interest on Government or other good security by my executors hereinafter named who are to pay the interest on the said sum annually to my said wife for the cloathing maintenance and education of my said son until he shall attain the age aforesaid. And in the event of his dying before he attains that age the said sum and all interest thereon shall then go to my said wife hereby enjoining my said son to be obedient and dutiful in every respect to his mother.
Thirdly, I also will and bequeath to my beloved mother Margaret Doyle of Ballyrunnan county Wexford, Ireland, the sum of one hundred pounds currency of Newfoundland for her sole use and benefit whilst living and any balance thereof that may remain in her hands at her death she may dispose thereof among her children as she may think proper, but if she should be dead at the time of my decease then the said sum of one hundred pounds shall be distributed amongst my nearest surviving relations in Ireland.
Fourthly, I also will and bequeath the sum of ten pounds currency to the Right Reverend Doctor Mullock for a high Mass and office for the repose of my soul, the sum of eleven pounds currency to the Reverend Kyran Walsh, the sum of ten pounds and ten shillings currency to the Reverend Jeremiah O'Donnell and the sum of eleven pounds currency to the Reverend Mr. Veriker the said sums being for Masses to be celebrated by them respectively for the repose of my soul and the souls of my relations.
Fifthly, I also will and bequeath the sum of fifty pounds currency to the said Right Reverend Doctor Mullock for the use of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of this Town, the Presentation Convent and the Convent of Mercy therein to be divided equally between them in sums of sixteen pounds thirteen shillings and four pence currency each.
Sixthly, I lastly will and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my property, moneys and effects to my said wife for her sole separate and exclusive use and benefit.
And I hereby nominate and appoint my trusty friend Mr. Michael Scanlan and Mr. Mathew Byrne of Saint John's the executors of this my last will and testament, and enjoin on them to carry out this my will in every respect paying my funeral expenses and the cost of a respectable head stone for me out of the share of my estate bequeathed to my said wife and complying with the terms hereof as speedily as may be convenient after my decease hereby revoking all former wills made by me. As witness my hand and seal at Saint John's in the Island of Newfoundland this twenty eighth day of December Annoque Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty one (1851) William Doyle (LS)
Signed sealed published and declared by the said William Doyle as and for his last will and testament on the day and year aforesaid before us, P.F.Little, Catherine McCarthy, Mathew Byrne.
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning Registrar
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