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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
A. D. Nathaniel Rabbitts


Will of A. D. Nathaniel Rabbitts
from Newfoundland will books volume 8 pages 455 to 457 probate year 1908

In re
      Nathaniel Rabbitts         deceased.

      This is the last will and testament of Nathaniel Rabbitts Telegraphist Brigus Conception Bay Newfoundland I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Jane Rabbitts the sum of Two thousand seven hundred Dollars of my Life insurance money the balance of my Life insurance money to be equally divided among my three youngest children viz. Gower, Gordon and Ervie.
I will and bequeath to my beloved wife aforesaid all that piece of land situate in Convent Square Brigus with building containing shop and office together with all the stock and fittings in said shop To be Hers while she remains in my name, at Her decease or second marriage the aforesaid Convent Square property is to be given to my two sons Gower and Gordon their Heirs and descendants for ever.
I will and bequeath to my beloved wife for Her use only, while she remains in my name all my interest 1/3 in the waterside premises known as the Sterling property also my interest in Middle Ridge property (one quarter) known as old Court House also all that Piece or Parcel of land known as Mount Grace Farm. I will and bequeath to my beloved wife aforesaid all my Furniture and Household Goods for her use while she remains in my name. Should my wife marry a second time she shall deliver up all Lands, property and money within Two Days after such marriage to my two sons Gower, and Gordon. Retaining the sum of $400.00 for each year between my decease and Her second marriage
If necessary my Daughter Annie Minerva Rabbitts is to be supported out of my Estate while she remains unmarried should either one of my sons become deceased His share of money, Land and property mentioned in this will shall become the surviving son’s property provided the Deceased son leave no issue should my wife aforesaid become deceased all the money remaining at Her Death shall be equally divided also my Furniture and Household goods, and given to my three children Gower, Gordon, and Annie Minerva (Ervie) Rabbitts and all lands and other property given her in this will shall be given to my Two sons Gower and Gordon Rabbitts
Should my two sons predecease my wife all their interest rights, and privileges, in this will shall be given to my Daughter Annie Minerva provided no issue left by either son.    The property situated in Convent Square is never to be sold, Bargained nor given away, nor leased for any one term over twelve years    I appoint my son Gower A.E. Rabbitts as executor and my beloved wife Mary Jane Rabbitts executrix of this my will     Signed and sealed by me this Twenty ninth Day of June one thousand nine hundred and four A.D. N. Rabbitts (LS)

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Aug. 19. 08
Johnson J.
Aug. 19. 08
granted to
Mary Jane
Gower Rabbitts
sworn at



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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