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Will of Edward J. Roche In the name of God Amen, I, Edward J. Roche, being in my sound mind and senses do give and bequeath to my two sons, Edward Patrick Roche and John Thomas Roche, all my household property, and also all profits arising therefrom for their use and benefit also one house situated in King's Road, St. John's...after the death of my sisters Catherine and Bridget Roche, the said house that was formerly leased to Maurice Kearney. I also give and bequeath unto my sons Edward Patrick Roche and John Thomas Roche my life insurance amounting to 1200 Pounds, the interest of this and all these properties to be used for the education of them...also the sum of fifty pounds to Edward Patrick Roche left by his grandfather Roche, and to John Thomas Roche the sum of fifty pounds left him by his grandfather O'Reilly, also to my son Edward Patrick one chain and locket and wedding ring belonging to his mother Mary Roche and also to my son John Thomas one watch. It is also my behest that the House and grounds situated in Great Placentia be rented yearly, and all other properties sold, and disposed of, and the profits arising therefrom also be used for the use and benefit of my two sons. Should one of my children die, the other is to receive all the properties and all the interest accruing therefrom, and in case both children should die, the properties and monies to be equally divided among my nephews and nieces over eight years old. And I hereby appoint William P. Walsh and Dennis Dooley, both of St. John's, to be Executors to this my last Will and Testament. Dated at Great Placentia April 8th, 1885 E.J. Roche Witnesses to the Signature of E. J. Roche James Collins On the 26 August 1885, a Petition went forward to the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or any one of the Honorable Judges thereof: To the Honorable the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or any one of the Honorable Judges thereof The Petition of Thomas O'Reilly of Placentia in the Southern District of the said Island, Stipendiary Magistrate Humbly Showeth That Edward J. Roche formerly of Placentia aforesaid Telegraph Operator - died on or about the eighth day of April last past, having first made and executed his last will and testament as hereto annexed and which will has been duly proven in common form. That said Testator died possessed of property situate within the jurisdiction of the honorable Court of the probable value of about Seven thousand dollars. That he left him surviving two sons namely Edward Patrick aged about eleven years and John Thomas aged about ten years. That his wife the mother of the said children died before the said Testator. That in and by his said last will and testament he nominated and appointed William P. Walsh of St. John's and Denis Dooley of same place as Executors thereof. That said William P. Walsh and Denis Dooley have both renounced said executorship and refused to accept the trust and the said will. That your petitioner is the brother of the mother of the aforenamed children and is willing for the safeguarding of the interests of the said children to undertake the office and duty of Administrator with the will annexed of the Estate and effects of the said Testator. Petitioner therefore prays that administration with the Will Annexed of the Estate and effects which were of the said Edward J. Roche deceased may be grated unto him and as in duty bound he will ever pray, etc., etc, etc. Dated at Placentia aforesaid (in margin - and filed) this 26th day of August AD 1885 Robert J Newl (?) T.
O'Reilly I, Thomas O'Reilly of Placentia in the Southern District, make oath and say that I am the petitioner in the foregoing petition in this matter named and that the several matters and things in the said petition set forth are just, correct and true. Sworn before me at Placentia Geo. G. Adams T. O'Reilly Note: Edward J. Roche was the father of the future Archbishop and the son of Edward F. Roach formerly of Borris, Co. Carlow and Catherine Maher, formerly of Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary married 7/February/1829 at the RC Basilica in St. John's.
Contributed by J. F. Roche
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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