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City Directory
City of St. John's

Find Surname Alphabetically A B C D E F G H I J K L M Mc
Surname Given Name Occupation Address
Gabriel Herbert acct Job Bros h 24 Mullock
Gabriel Roland acct Jas Baird Ltd  
Gaden's Aerated Water Works   John R Bennett, prop 166-168 Duckworth
Gaden Garland M Anglo Amer Tel Co h 35 Queen's Rd
Gaden Margaret wid Thomas bds 30 Queen's Rd
Gale Louisa wid Thomas, confecty 120 Duckworth, h do
Gale M agent R N F Co  
Galgay Augustus emp Sudbury Mfg Co Ltd bds 222 Water W
Galgay Mary wid Francis h 224 Water W
Galgay Maurice emp Parker & Monroe h 217 New Gower
Galgay Michael cooper Job Bros & Co Ltd  
Galgay Richard emp Bowring Bros bds 224 Water W
Gallagher Patrick teamster Bowring Bros h 15 Mullock
Gallant Miss Clementine   h 2 Queen's Rd
Gallately A mach dept R N F Co  
Gallen William emp C J Ellis h 1 Waldegrave
Gallishaw Mrs A wid John h 16 Bannerman
Gallishaw Agnes milliner Marshall Bros bds 111 Military Rd
Gallishaw Kate saleslady Ayre & Sons Ltd bds 16 Bannerman
Gallivan Elizabeth emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd bds 38 Duckworth
Gallivan John cooperage 24 Duckworth, h do
Gallivan Michael, Jr cooper h 7 Cochrane
Gallivan Michael, Sr cooper Harvey & Co h 9 Cochrane
Gallivan Peter cooperage and grocery 35 Duckworth, h do
Gallivan William cooper Smith Co Ltd h 101 George W
Gallivan William W clerk J J St John h 6 Bond
Gallop Alfred mason h 40 Gilbert
Galway Bridget wid Dennis h 332 Water
Galway Dennis merchant tailor 332 Water, h do
Galway Denis P of Dennis Galway bds 332 Water
Galway James J clerk Post Office h 56 Prescott
Galway John laborer Baine Johnston & Co h 29 Pleasant
Galway John emp city works h 28 Wickford
Galway John fire constable h 2 Brine
Galway Michael of Dennis Galway bds 332 Water
Galway Robert laborer Bowring Bros Ltd  
Galway Thomas emp Sanitary Stables h 14 Fleming
Galway Wm emp Wm T Guest bds Paradise
Gamberg Mrs Catherine h 53 Cookstown  
Gamberg Charles painter bds 13 Flavin
Gamberg George painter h 13 Flavin
Gamberg Miss Isabel law student J A Clift bds 13 Flavin
Gamberg Miss Winnifred stenog Hon C H Emerson bds 13 Flavin
Game and Inland Fisheries Office   Custom House Duckworth
Gammell Mary wid William h 3 Wood
Gammell Mary tailoress M Chaplin bds 3 Wood
Gane Sidney clerk C N Read Son & Watson bds 68 Cochrane
Gardiner Ambrose fisherman h 24 Central
Gardiner Anthony fisherman bds 14 Young
Gardiner Charles teacher C of E School bds Gear
Gardiner Edward laborer h 60 Mullock
Gardiner Edward C emp R N F Co h 7 Monroe
Gardiner Esther wid James h 20 Boncloddy
Gardiner George carpenter Horwood Lumber Co h 32 Monroe
Gardiner George conductor R N F Co h 191 New Gower
Gardiner Henry salesman Ayre & Sons Ltd h 46 Bannerman
Gardiner John clerk John Anderson & Co h Knight
Gardiner John ship fireman bds 55 Flower Hill
Gardiner Levi carpenter Horwood Lumber Co h 76 Pleasant
Gardiner Mary J emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd bds 32 Moore
Gardiner N laborer Bishop Sons & Co Ltd  
Gardiner Pierce fisherman bds 14 Young
Gardiner Samuel motor expressman Ayre & Sons Ltd h 32 Monroe
Gardiner Theo stenog Horwood Lumber Co bds 66 Barter's Hill
Gardiner Thomas emp Horwood Lumber Co  
Gardiner Walter clerk G Knowling h 24 Livingstone
Gardiner William cooper Smith Co Ltd h 49 Power
Garf Charles emp R N F Co h 27 Power
Garf Frederick emp Nicholle Inkpen & Chafe bds 27 Power
Garf Walter operator Nfld Postal Teleg bds 27 Power
Garland Alfred messenger Nfld Postal Tel bds Spencer
Garland Annie wid Stephen h 44 Carter's Hill
Garland Annie clerk Geo Knowling bds 3 Charlton
Garland Benjamin fisherman h Battery Rd
Garland Charles F printer Daily News bds 44 Carter's Hill
Garland & Co   Booksellers and Stationers, Wholesale and Retail 353 Water
Garland Eli emp G Knowling h 46 Spencer
Garland Miss Emma   bds 3 Wood
Garland Ethel dressmaker G Knowling bds 3 Charlton
Garland Frederick carpenter h 22 Bond
Garland George cooper h 3 Charlton
Garland George fisherman h Battery Rd
Garland Gladys clerk G Knowling bds 43 William
Garland Miss Hannah   bds 3 Wood
Garland Herbert clerk G Knowling h 17 Barter's Hill
Garland Hedley V clerk Nfld Postal Tel h 52 Mullock
Garland Hubert cooper Ayre & Sons Ltd bds 66 Cabot
Garland James porter Marshall Bros h Hayward Ave
Garland James shoemaker h 2 Tessier Place
Garland James shoemaker 54 Carter's Hill, h do
Garland John emp Henry Blair bds Carter's Hill
Garland John wharf asst Ayre & Sons Ltd bds 75 Lime
Garland John barber T H Garland bds 200 Cornwall Ave
Garland John Alexander of New York Loan and Law Co h 94 Barnes R
Garland John G shoemaker h 323 Prescott
Garland John F laborer h 75 Lime
Garland Joseph fisherman h 135 South Side Rd
Garland Kenneth fisherman bds Battery Rd
Garland Louise clerk S E Garland bds 27 Bond
Garland Mary wid George bds 17 Barter's Hill
Garland May stenog Registrar of Supreme Court bds 27 Bond
Garland Pierce emp St John's Gas Works h 200 Cornwall Ave
Garland Sadie milliner H Blair bds 22 Bond
Garland Samuel clerk G Knowling bds Battery Rd
Garland Samuel asst storekeeper Customs h 32 Mullock
Garland Samuel E Wholesale and Retail Bookseller, Stationery and Fancy Goods 177 Water, h 27 Bond
Garland Sarah wid Josiah h 163 Gower
Garland Sarah milliner Henry Blair bds 22 Bond
Garland Miss Sarah   h 3 Wood
Garland Stanley G Post Office clerk bds 52 Mullock
Garland Stewart fisherman h Battery Rd
Garland Thomas H barber 264 Water, h 60 Bond
Garland William clerk F Smallwood bds 3 Charlton
Garland William clerk Geo Knowling  
Garland William P emp St John's Gas Works h 200 Cornwall Ave
Garland Winnie emp Imp Tob Co bds 42 William
Garneau Ltd   wholesale dry goods 102-104 New Gower
Garrett John freighter g 66 Livingstone
Garrett Samuel contractor and builder 2 Duckworth, h do
Garrett Thomas laborer W & G Rendell bds 10 Sebastian
Garrigas Miss Alice   h 193 New Gower
Gartlen Hubert cooper h 66 Cabot
Gatehouse Jessie emp Consump Hospital bds Signal Hill
Gatehouse S emp Union Trading Co  
Gatherall Annie emp R J Byrne bds 1 Queen's Rd
Gatherall Mary prop Central Hotel and Café 364 Water, h do
Gatherall Thomas fisherman h South Side Rd
Gaul E packer Royal Stores Ltd  
Gaul Ellen wid Thomas h 72 George W
Gaul Eva stenog Nfld Postal Tel bds Springdale
Gaul Richard conductor R N F Co h 46 Power
Gaulton Bert H emp Evening Herald bds 8 1/2 Plymouth Rd
Gaulton Charles A mason h 18 Plymouth Rd
Gaulton Thomas mason h 8 1/2 Plymouth Rd
Gaze W E clerk Steer Bros bds 121 Hamilton
Gear & Co   Hardware, Tinware and Stove Dealers 349 Water
Gear Ernest clerk Gear & Co bds 131 LeMarchant
Gear Harold clerk Gear & Co bds 131 LeMarchant
Gear Henry of Gear & Co h 131 LeMarchant Rd
Gear John shoemaker 153 New Gower, h do
Gear Mollie emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd bds 7 Flower Hill
Gear Richard G clerk bds 153 New Gower
Geary John   bds 28 Cochrane
Geary Mrs J wid Joseph h 36 Young
Geary William cooperage and grocery 21a & 43r Patrick, h 158 Water W
Gellateley Alexander boiler maker h 15 Holdsworth
Gellateley Charles fireman Bowring Bros Ltd  
Gellateley W emp Mach Shop R N F Co  
Gellert Elizabeth wid John bds 3 Park Row, Rennie's Mill Rd
General Hospital   Dr L E Keegan, Med Supt Forest Rd
General Post Office     352-356 Water
General Protestant Cemetery     Topsail Rd
General Stores R N F Co     Long Bridge
George A emp Mach Shop R N F Co  
George L agent R N F Co  
Geran James master mariner h 5 Long's Hill
Ghent John C laborer W & G Rendell h 17 Colonial
Gibb Archibald G Flr Wlkr Ayre & Sons Ltd h 11 Garrison Hill
Gibb Gertrude stenographer Baine Johnston & Co bds 11 Garrison Hill
Gibbon William sailor h 3 Mullock
Gibbons Augustus emp Geo Neal h 39 Cuddihy
Gibbons Ellen wid James h 4 Hamilton
Gibbons James, Jr clerk bds 4 Hamilton
Gibbons John carpenter h 5 Carter's Hill
Gibbons Mabel nurse General Hospital bds 173 Duckworth
Gibbons Mark carpenter h 173 Duckworth
Gibbons Samuel carpenter h 22 Clifford
Gibbs Isaac cabman h 40 Brazil Sq
Gibbs John Post Office clerk h 5 Bell
Gibbs Hon Michael P (K C) Barrister and Solicitor Bank of Montreal Bldg, h 57 LeMarchant Rd
Giles Harriett dressmaker h 35 Mullock
Giles John B moulder Conso Fdry Co Ltd h 37 Mullock
Giles Samuel janitor Bishop Field College h 22 Carew
Giles Sidney sailor h 14 Tessier Place
Gill Charles foreman F Smallwood h 7 Long
Gill Mabel tailoress J Maunder bds 7 Long
Gill Robert asst Dry Goods Dept Ayre & Sons Ltd bds 7 Long
Gillam J agent R N F Co bds Southside Rd
Gillam Louisa wid William, liquors 53 Southside Rd, h do
Gillard Douglas carpenter h 91 Cabot
Gillard Henry carpenter h 14 Spencer
Gillett Arthur carpenter h 23 1/2 Goodview
Gillett Orazah longshoreman h 22 Joy Place
Gillies A J brakeman R N F Co  
Gillies William clerk Royal Stores Ltd h 58 Gower
Gillingham Alfreda wid John C h 17 Charlton
Gillingham Ethel M nurse bds 9 Golf Ave
Gillingham George carpenter h 5 Golf Ave
Gillingham George F foreman Thos Curran h 3 Golf Ave
Gillingham Harold carpenter bds 9 Golf Ave
Gillingham John mach dept R N F Co h 137 Cabot
Gillingham William carpenter h 9 Golf Ave
Gittleson Elias G of U S Picture & Portrait Co h 72 LeMarchant Rd
Gittleson Henry secty U S Picture & Portrait Co bds 72 LeMarchant Rd
Gladney Edward F carpenter Empire Wood-Working Co bds Fort Townsend
Gladney James expressman T J Edens bds 112 Military Rd
Gladney John usher Rossley's Star Theatre h Fort Townsend
Gladney John emp Fire Dept h Bonaventure Ave
Gladney William letter carrier bds Fort Townsend
Glasco Burton steward bds 37 Power's Ave
Glasco Fanny wid Thomas, butcher 396 Water, h do
Glasco Frederick steward bds 37 Power's Ave
Glasco John clerk J D Ryan bds 21 Water W
Glasco Lawrence, Jr clerk J bds 21 Water W
Glasco Mary wid Lawrence h 21 Water W
Glasco Thomas, Jr clerk Fanny Glasco bds 396 Water
Gleeson John P journalist bds 53 Freshwater Rd
Gleeson Patrick J commission agent 108 Water, h 53 Freshwater Rd
Glendennon Jane wid Samuel h 48 Long's Hill
Globe Steam Laundry Co Ltd     Springdale
Glynn Cornelius clerk Royal Stores Ltd h 36 Barter's Hill
Glynn Francis ship carpenter h 27 Pleasant
Glynn James emp H Bartlett bds 27 Pleasant
Glynn Lizzie tailoress W P Shortall bds 27 Pleasant
Glynn Matthew harness maker R N F Co h 38 Pleasant
Glynn Patrick J emp M & E Kennedy h Southside Rd
Goadby Frederick painter R N F Co h 50 Alexander
Goddin[sic] Clarence storekeeper Harvey & Co h 42 Freshwater Rd
Godden Rev George R Church of England h King's Bridge Rd
Godden Malcolm cashier Nfld Produce Co bds 38 Freshwater Rd
Godden Thomas   h King's Bridge Rd
Godden Thomas floor-walker Dick's & Co h 38 Freshwater Rd
Godden Walter engineer bds 27 Cook
Godden William H emp Custom House h 27 Cook
Godley Frederick clerk Royal Stores Ltd bds 60 Gower
Godley Jennie clerk Royal Stores Ltd bds 60 Gower
Godley Selina wid William h 60 Gower
Godley William stone cutter Muir's Marble Works bds 13 Victoria
Goff Chesley salesman Horwood Lumber Co  
Goff Frank laborer Empire Wood-Working Co Ltd bds 14 Clifford
Goff Fred F carpenter Empire Wood-Working Co bds 14 Clifford
Goldstone Israel   h 54 Prescott
Goldstone Mollie stenographer Geo Knowling bds 54 Prescott
Goldsworthy Mark laborer h 14 Notre Dame
Gollop Ernest laborer bds 92 Lime
Gollop Henry mason W Hallett h 92 Lime
Gollop James mason bds 92 Lime
Goobie Wallace R Variety Store 112-114 Water W, h Sudbury Hall
Gooby Andrew emp H M Customs h 248 Hamilton Ave
Gooby Archibald tinsmith Jas Pennock bds 57 Flower Hill
Gooby Clara emp Mark Chaplin bds 57 Flower Hill
Gooby Clara emp Royal Stores bds 170 Pleasant
Gooby Henry laborer bds 175 Southside Rd
Gooby Herbert fisherman h South Side Rd
Gooby John master mariner h 170 Pleasant
Gooby Simeon laborer h South Side Rd
Gooby Simon carpenter h 57 Flower Hill
Gooby William fisherman h South Side Rd
Gooby William P clerk Steer Bros h 1 Brazil Sq
Good Albert laborer h McNeil
Good Archibald laborer J Baird Ltd h Merry Meeting Rd
Good Jessie emp Royal Stores bds McNeil
Good John laborer h McNeil
Good Robert steward H M S Sirius h 9 Dammerill's Lane
Good William laborer h 10 Boncloddy
Goodall James laborer h 19 Stephen
Goodall Patrick teamster Jas Baird Ltd h 50 Casey
Goodchild James gardener J S Munn  
Goodfellow Edgar H watchmaker Joseph Roper h Cockpit Rd
Goodland Catherine wid John h 18 Hayward Ave
Goodland Catherine wid Henry, confectionery 55 Parade, h do
Goodland Ernest J printer Herald Office bds Old Portugal Cove Rd
Goodland James cooper h 33 Prospect
Goodland May emp J F Wiseman bds 55 Parade
Goodland William H of Gray & Goodland h Winter Ave
Goodman Henry teacher Meth College h 84 Forest Rd
Goodridge A C deputy minister Marine Fisheries h Waterford Bridge Rd
Goodridge Alan & Sons Limited general importers and exporters 321-323 Water
Goodridge Alfred James of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd bds Rennie's Mill Rd
Goodridge Hon Augustus Frederick of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd h 4 Park Place, Rennie's Mill Rd
Goodridge Avalon T of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd h 35 Monkstown Rd
Goodridge Frederick of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd h 18 Rennie's Mill Rd
Goodridge George laborer h 8 St John Place
Goodridge Richard Frederick of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd h Rosevale, Waterford Bridge Rd
Goodridge T B acct R N F Co bds Cochrane House
Goodridge William P of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd bds Rennie's Mill Rd
Gordon George stevedore h 68 Bannerman
Gordon George P O clerk bds Queen's Hotel
Gordon James moulder h 68 Pleasant
Gordon Pearcey emp C F Lester bds 16 Flower Hill
Gordon Thomas laborer Job Bros h 71 South Side Rd
Gorman Denis P emp J J St John h 58 Freshwater Rd
Gorman Egbert emp R N F Co h 18 Brennan
Gorman Eleanor wid George h 1 Duggan
Gorman J emp Mercant Coopge h 1 Duggan
Gorman James laborer Baine Johnston & Co bds 6 Long's Hill
Gorman Martin laborer A H Murray h 6 Finn's Lane
Gorman Thomas teamster Mercant Coopge bds 1 Duggan
Gorman Thomas laborer h 19 Simms
Gorman W steward R N F Co  
Gosling Ambrose G salesman Harvey & Co bds 77 LeMarchant Rd
Gosling William G of Harvey & Co h 77 LeMarchant Rd
Goss Mrs A wid James, liquors 74a New Gower, h 74 do
Goss Annie clerk F Fitzpatrick bds 48 Brazil Sq
Goss Mrs C wid Peter h 7 Prospect
Goss Daisy emp Nfld Clothing Co bds 30 Goodview
Goss Edmund clerk U S Picture & P Co bds 41 Alexander
Goss George laborer h 6 Nunnery Hill
Goss Harvey laborer bds 41 Alexander
Goss Herbert store keeper Light House dept h 22 Plymouth
Goss I J operator R N F Co  
Goss J N emp Ry Car Dept R N F Co  
Goss James fireman h 30 Goodview
Goss James stevedore h 46 Duckworth
Goss John carpenter h 10 Simms
Goss John Col Cordage Co watchman h 48 Brazil Sq
Goss Joseph carpenter h 41 Alexander
Goss Joseph G pilot h 142 Gower
Goss M F brakeman R N F Co  
Goss Mary clerk C P Eagan bds 48 Brazil Sq
Goss Michael J barber bds 48 Brazil Sq
Goss Patrick engineer bds 142 Gower
Goss Patrick fireman bds 30 Goodview
Goss Samuel tea packer Harvey & Co bds 119 Gower
Goss Vincent merchant tailor 331 1/2 Duckworth, h 280 Water
Goss W emp W H Hynes bds York
Goss Walter grocer 20-22 Plymouth Rd, h do
Goss William cooper bds 30 Goodview
Goss William laborer h 21 Stephen
Goss William tailor Jackman The Tailor h 95 Long's Hill
Goudie Stanley baker William Goudie bds 113 Duckworth
Goudie William H baker 113-113a Duckworth, h do
Gough Frederick, Sr carpenter Empire W W Co h 14 Clifford
Gough Frederick, Jr blacksmith R N F Co bds 14 Clifford
Gough Nelly emp F Smallwood bds 11 Clifford
Gough Ralph blacksmith R N F Co bds 14 Clifford
Gough William carpenter Thomas Bros bds 14 Clifford
Gould James A clerk Jas Baird Ltd h 3 British Sq
Gourley John printer bds 77 Pleasant
Gourley Mary wid John h 77 Pleasant
Gover Edward plumber h 20 George East
Gover John laborer h 43 South Side Rd
Gover S N clerk F Smallwood bds New Tremont Hotel
Government Engineer's Office   Court House Water
Government House and Grounds     Military Rd
Government Lodge     Military Rd
Government Oil Stores     Quidi Vidi Rd
Government Savings Bank     Duckworth
Grace Charles emp Ry Dept R N F Co bds 10 Knight
Grace John P water rate collector h 10 Knight
Grace Nicholas shoemaker h 8 Spencer
Grace Patrick J clerk Harvey & Co bds 10 Knight
Grace William fireman bds Quidi Vidi Village
Grace William A clerk Imp Tob Co bds 10 Knight
Grady Herman sailor h 54 Wickford
Graham A G emp Ry Dept R N F Co  
Graham Thomas J clerk M Connors h Topsail Rd
Graham William F clerk John Anderson h 43 Parade
Grant A emp R N F Co  
Grant B emp Mach dept R N F Co  
Grant Charles J clerk Royal Stores Ltd bds 21 Bond
Grant Douglas G salesman Ellis & Co Ltd bds 3 Brazil Sq
Grant E G, M H A game and fisheries dept h Trinity
Grant Frederick C acct Rothwell & Bowring Ltd h 1 Carnell
Grant Henry G cashier R N F Co bds 21 Bond
Grant James boiler maker bds 25 Brine
Grant James W lumber dealer Board of Trade Bldg, h 31 Monkstown Rd
Grant John laborer h 25 Brine
Grant John emp R N F Co h 5 Pleasant
Grant L emp Globe Steam Laundry  
Grant Robert W carpenter J & F Davey h 21 Bond
Grant Mrs S wid Richard bds 78 Monroe
Grant Thomas shoemaker 301 Water W, h do
Grant William emp Ry Dept R N F Co bds 25 Brine
Grant William clerk British Amer House h 17 Barron
Gray & Goodland   stationers, booksellers and printers 206 Water
Gray Miss J clerk G Knowling bds Power
Gray John sailor h 10 James
Gray John tinsmith F Gushue h Water W
Gray William N of Gray & Goodland h 134 Gower
Greaves Arthur H of Greaves & Sons Ltd bds 9 Garrison Hill
Greaves Henry E of Greaves & Sons Ltd h 9 Garrison Hill
Greaves & Sons Ltd   props National Stores 359 Water
Greeley Henry teamster Harvey & Co h 34 Field
Green Angela emp Consumpt Hospital bds Signal Hill
Green Anne wid Daniel J bds 34 Queen's Rd
Green B emp Nfld Clothing Co bds 4 Pilot's Hill
Green Bride emp Consump Hospital bds Signal Hill
Green Bridget wid Thomas h 10 Lime
Green Bridget J emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd bds 21 Walsh's Sq
Green C clerk Geo Knowling bds Parade
Green Catherine wid Thomas J h 118 Gower
Green Cecily emp Nfld Clothing Co bds 41 Freshwater Rd
Green Cyril J emp T McMurdo bds 113 Circular Rd
Green E M emp I F Perlin & Co bds 41 Queen's Rd
Green Elias laborer Bowring Bros Ltd h 34 Quidi Vidi Rd
Green Elizabeth wid William bds 21 Battery Rd
Green Florence stenog A S Rendell & Co bds 118 Gower
Green Frank tailor Wm Spurrell bds Parade
Green George laborer Job Bros & Co Ltd h Walsh's Sq
Green George carpenter h 41 Freshwater Rd
Green Harold clerk Royal Stores Ltd h 75 Long's Hill
Griffin Maurice laborer Harvey & Co h 93 Carter's Hill
Griffin Patrick emp Royal Stores Ltd bds 93 Carter's Hill
Griffin Patrick bartender T Wall h 34a Buchanan
Griffin Stephen sailor h 94 Hamilton
Griffin Thomas bartender T H O'Neil h 84 King's Rd
Griffiths Alexander laborer h 24 Carnell
Griffiths George Moulder Consol Fdry Co bds 30 Power
Griffiths J emp Mercantile Cooperage h 259 South Side Rd
Griffiths Maud emp J Maunder bds 30 Power
Griffiths Richard laborer bds 259 South Side Rd
Griffiths William stove fitter h 30 Power
Griffiths William cooper bds 30 Power
Griffiths William draper John Anderson h 255 South Side Rd
Grills Michael, Jr cooper Harvey & Co bds 21 Bannerman
Grills Michael E stevedore h 21 Bannerman
Grills William chief steward S S Invermore h 17 John
Grimes George F mgr Union Trading Co h 41 Long's Hill
Grimes R emp Ry Dept R N F Co bds 7 Bell
Grimes Rupert clerk Sudbury Mfg Co bds Fort Townsend
Grimes Stanley clerk Royal Stores Ltd bds 34 Flower Hill
Grimes William supt Police h Fort Townsend
Grinslen Matthew laborer bds Waterford Bridge Rd
Grouchy Alexander clerk Marshall Bros h 32r Mullock
Grouchy Bessie emp Nicholle Inkpen & Chafe bds 46 Goodview
Grouchy Elias carman Sanitary Dept h 24 William
Grouchy Isabel dressmaker Royal Stores Ltd bds 46 Goodview
Grouchy James laborer bds Howe Place
Grouchy Martha wid Frank h 46 Goodview
Grouchy Philip   h 112 Barnes Rd
Grouchy Philip printer Daily News bds 24 William
Grouchy Philip carman Sanitary Dept h 14 Hayward Ave
Grouchy Rose wid John h 13 Holloway
Grouchy Samuel emp Limberg Brew Co bds 12 Howe Place
Grouchy Thomas watchmaker T J Duley & Co bds 24 William
Grouchy Walter clerk R N F Co bds 46 Goodview
Grover John emp Job Bros & Co Ltd  
Groves Cyril emp Royal Stores  
Groves Emily emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd bds 8 Plymouth Rd
Groves George J foreman G Browning & Son h 8 Plymouth Rd
Groves Richard emp tub factory h Pilot's Hill
Groves William emp Harvey & Co h 60 Bannerman
Grubert William shoemaker h 37 New Gower
Guest James fish merchant South Side Rd, h do
Guest Robert emp Job Bros h South Side Rd
Guest Stanley emp James Guest h South Side Rd
Guest William fish merchant South Side Rd, h do
Guest William T planter h South Side Rd
Guilfoyle T agent R N F Co  
Guinan Anastasia wid Francis h 103 Long's Hill
Gullage Augustus laborer Bowring Bros Ltd bds 119 South Side Rd
Gullage James carpenter Bowring Bros Ltd h 119 South Side Rd
Gulliver Arthur emp G M Barr bds 22 1/2 Tessier Place
Gulliver G emp St John's Nail Mfg Co Ltd bds 138 Hamilton Ave
Gulliver Herbert fisherman bds 22 1/2 Tessier Place
Gulliver John T emp R N F Co h 138 Hamilton Ave
Gulliver R emp Ry Dept R N F Co  
Gulliver William laborer bds 22 1/2 Tessier Place
Gulliver William teamster h 15 Buchanan
Gulliver William fireman St John's Gas Co h 13 Buchanan
Gunn John emp W H Davidson bds Topsail Rd
Gunn John bartender Robert Strang bds 60 New Gower
Gunn William D salesman W H Davidson h 276a Gower
Gunnerson Elizabeth wid David h 144 New Gower
Gunnerson Joseph emp Globe Steam Laundry bds 144 New Gower
Gunnerson May dressmaker bds 134 New Gower
Gunnerson William stove fitter Consol Fdry bds 144 New Gower
Gunns Ltd   F G House, agent 223 Duckworth
Gush James fisherman bds Battery Rd
Gush Reuben gardener A Harvey bds Battery Rd
Gush William fisherman bds Battery Rd
Gush William J fisherman h Battery Rd
Gushue Miss Agnes   h 45 Bond
Gushue Miss Annie   h 45 Bond
Gushue Frank tinsmith 21 Pilot's Hill, h 45 Gower
Gushue George emp R N F Co bds 210 LeMarchant Rd
Gushue George W stationery Dept R N F Co h 216 LeMarchant Rd
Gushue James mail clerk h 210 LeMarchant Rd
Gushue Lilly of Taylor & Gushue bds 210 LeMarchant Rd
Gushue Raymond messenger Nfld Postal Tel bds 210 LeMarchant Rd
Gustavsen Axil emp Ry Dept R N F Co  
Guy J engineer R N F Co  
Guy May nurse Gen Hospital bds do
Guy Philip laborer h 7 College Sq
Guzzell Albert, Sr cabman h Beaumont
Guzzell Albert, Jr truckman bds Beaumont
Guzzell Charles emp C F Lea bds 149r Pleasant
Guzzell Ernest cabman h Beaumont
Guzzell James emp C F Lester bds 336 South Side Rd
Guzzell John laborer h 14 Convent Sq
Guzzell William cabman C F Lester h 9 Bambrick

Transcribed by Norma Elliott (April 2004)

Page Last Modified: Tuesday March 26, 2013

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