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Find Surname Alphabetically |
Mc N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Surname | Given Name | Occupation | Address |
G | |||
Gabriel | Herbert | acct Job Bros | h 24 Mullock |
Gabriel | Roland | acct Jas Baird Ltd | |
Gaden's Aerated Water Works | John R Bennett, prop | 166-168 Duckworth | |
Gaden | Garland M | Anglo Amer Tel Co | h 35 Queen's Rd |
Gaden | Margaret | wid Thomas | bds 30 Queen's Rd |
Gale | Louisa | wid Thomas, confecty | 120 Duckworth, h do |
Gale | M | agent R N F Co | |
Galgay | Augustus | emp Sudbury Mfg Co Ltd | bds 222 Water W |
Galgay | Mary | wid Francis | h 224 Water W |
Galgay | Maurice | emp Parker & Monroe | h 217 New Gower |
Galgay | Michael | cooper Job Bros & Co Ltd | |
Galgay | Richard | emp Bowring Bros | bds 224 Water W |
Gallagher | Patrick | teamster Bowring Bros | h 15 Mullock |
Gallant | Miss Clementine | h 2 Queen's Rd | |
Gallately | A | mach dept R N F Co | |
Gallen | William | emp C J Ellis | h 1 Waldegrave |
Gallishaw | Mrs A | wid John | h 16 Bannerman |
Gallishaw | Agnes | milliner Marshall Bros | bds 111 Military Rd |
Gallishaw | Kate | saleslady Ayre & Sons Ltd | bds 16 Bannerman |
Gallivan | Elizabeth | emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd | bds 38 Duckworth |
Gallivan | John | cooperage | 24 Duckworth, h do |
Gallivan | Michael, Jr | cooper | h 7 Cochrane |
Gallivan | Michael, Sr | cooper Harvey & Co | h 9 Cochrane |
Gallivan | Peter | cooperage and grocery | 35 Duckworth, h do |
Gallivan | William | cooper Smith Co Ltd | h 101 George W |
Gallivan | William W | clerk J J St John | h 6 Bond |
Gallop | Alfred | mason | h 40 Gilbert |
Galway | Bridget | wid Dennis | h 332 Water |
Galway | Dennis | merchant tailor | 332 Water, h do |
Galway | Denis P | of Dennis Galway | bds 332 Water |
Galway | James J | clerk Post Office | h 56 Prescott |
Galway | John | laborer Baine Johnston & Co | h 29 Pleasant |
Galway | John | emp city works | h 28 Wickford |
Galway | John | fire constable | h 2 Brine |
Galway | Michael | of Dennis Galway | bds 332 Water |
Galway | Robert | laborer Bowring Bros Ltd | |
Galway | Thomas | emp Sanitary Stables | h 14 Fleming |
Galway | Wm | emp Wm T Guest | bds Paradise |
Gamberg | Mrs Catherine | h 53 Cookstown | |
Gamberg | Charles | painter | bds 13 Flavin |
Gamberg | George | painter | h 13 Flavin |
Gamberg | Miss Isabel | law student J A Clift | bds 13 Flavin |
Gamberg | Miss Winnifred | stenog Hon C H Emerson | bds 13 Flavin |
Game and Inland Fisheries Office | Custom House | Duckworth | |
Gammell | Mary | wid William | h 3 Wood |
Gammell | Mary | tailoress M Chaplin | bds 3 Wood |
Gane | Sidney | clerk C N Read Son & Watson | bds 68 Cochrane |
Gardiner | Ambrose | fisherman | h 24 Central |
Gardiner | Anthony | fisherman | bds 14 Young |
Gardiner | Charles | teacher C of E School | bds Gear |
Gardiner | Edward | laborer | h 60 Mullock |
Gardiner | Edward C | emp R N F Co | h 7 Monroe |
Gardiner | Esther | wid James | h 20 Boncloddy |
Gardiner | George | carpenter Horwood Lumber Co | h 32 Monroe |
Gardiner | George | conductor R N F Co | h 191 New Gower |
Gardiner | Henry | salesman Ayre & Sons Ltd | h 46 Bannerman |
Gardiner | John | clerk John Anderson & Co | h Knight |
Gardiner | John | ship fireman | bds 55 Flower Hill |
Gardiner | Levi | carpenter Horwood Lumber Co | h 76 Pleasant |
Gardiner | Mary J | emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd | bds 32 Moore |
Gardiner | N | laborer Bishop Sons & Co Ltd | |
Gardiner | Pierce | fisherman | bds 14 Young |
Gardiner | Samuel | motor expressman Ayre & Sons Ltd | h 32 Monroe |
Gardiner | Theo | stenog Horwood Lumber Co | bds 66 Barter's Hill |
Gardiner | Thomas | emp Horwood Lumber Co | |
Gardiner | Walter | clerk G Knowling | h 24 Livingstone |
Gardiner | William | cooper Smith Co Ltd | h 49 Power |
Garf | Charles | emp R N F Co | h 27 Power |
Garf | Frederick | emp Nicholle Inkpen & Chafe | bds 27 Power |
Garf | Walter | operator Nfld Postal Teleg | bds 27 Power |
Garland | Alfred | messenger Nfld Postal Tel | bds Spencer |
Garland | Annie | wid Stephen | h 44 Carter's Hill |
Garland | Annie | clerk Geo Knowling | bds 3 Charlton |
Garland | Benjamin | fisherman | h Battery Rd |
Garland | Charles F | printer Daily News | bds 44 Carter's Hill |
Garland & Co | Booksellers and Stationers, Wholesale and Retail | 353 Water | |
Garland | Eli | emp G Knowling | h 46 Spencer |
Garland | Miss Emma | bds 3 Wood | |
Garland | Ethel | dressmaker G Knowling | bds 3 Charlton |
Garland | Frederick | carpenter | h 22 Bond |
Garland | George | cooper | h 3 Charlton |
Garland | George | fisherman | h Battery Rd |
Garland | Gladys | clerk G Knowling | bds 43 William |
Garland | Miss Hannah | bds 3 Wood | |
Garland | Herbert | clerk G Knowling | h 17 Barter's Hill |
Garland | Hedley V | clerk Nfld Postal Tel | h 52 Mullock |
Garland | Hubert | cooper Ayre & Sons Ltd | bds 66 Cabot |
Garland | James | porter Marshall Bros | h Hayward Ave |
Garland | James | shoemaker | h 2 Tessier Place |
Garland | James | shoemaker | 54 Carter's Hill, h do |
Garland | John | emp Henry Blair | bds Carter's Hill |
Garland | John | wharf asst Ayre & Sons Ltd | bds 75 Lime |
Garland | John | barber T H Garland | bds 200 Cornwall Ave |
Garland | John Alexander | of New York Loan and Law Co | h 94 Barnes R |
Garland | John G | shoemaker | h 323 Prescott |
Garland | John F | laborer | h 75 Lime |
Garland | Joseph | fisherman | h 135 South Side Rd |
Garland | Kenneth | fisherman | bds Battery Rd |
Garland | Louise | clerk S E Garland | bds 27 Bond |
Garland | Mary | wid George | bds 17 Barter's Hill |
Garland | May | stenog Registrar of Supreme Court | bds 27 Bond |
Garland | Pierce | emp St John's Gas Works | h 200 Cornwall Ave |
Garland | Sadie | milliner H Blair | bds 22 Bond |
Garland | Samuel | clerk G Knowling | bds Battery Rd |
Garland | Samuel | asst storekeeper Customs | h 32 Mullock |
Garland | Samuel E | Wholesale and Retail Bookseller, Stationery and Fancy Goods | 177 Water, h 27 Bond |
Garland | Sarah | wid Josiah | h 163 Gower |
Garland | Sarah | milliner Henry Blair | bds 22 Bond |
Garland | Miss Sarah | h 3 Wood | |
Garland | Stanley G | Post Office clerk | bds 52 Mullock |
Garland | Stewart | fisherman | h Battery Rd |
Garland | Thomas H | barber | 264 Water, h 60 Bond |
Garland | William | clerk F Smallwood | bds 3 Charlton |
Garland | William | clerk Geo Knowling | |
Garland | William P | emp St John's Gas Works | h 200 Cornwall Ave |
Garland | Winnie | emp Imp Tob Co | bds 42 William |
Garneau Ltd | wholesale dry goods | 102-104 New Gower | |
Garrett | John | freighter | g 66 Livingstone |
Garrett | Samuel | contractor and builder | 2 Duckworth, h do |
Garrett | Thomas | laborer W & G Rendell | bds 10 Sebastian |
Garrigas | Miss Alice | h 193 New Gower | |
Gartlen | Hubert | cooper | h 66 Cabot |
Gatehouse | Jessie | emp Consump Hospital | bds Signal Hill |
Gatehouse | S | emp Union Trading Co | |
Gatherall | Annie | emp R J Byrne | bds 1 Queen's Rd |
Gatherall | Mary | prop Central Hotel and Café | 364 Water, h do |
Gatherall | Thomas | fisherman | h South Side Rd |
Gaul | E | packer Royal Stores Ltd | |
Gaul | Ellen | wid Thomas | h 72 George W |
Gaul | Eva | stenog Nfld Postal Tel | bds Springdale |
Gaul | Richard | conductor R N F Co | h 46 Power |
Gaulton | Bert H | emp Evening Herald | bds 8 1/2 Plymouth Rd |
Gaulton | Charles A | mason | h 18 Plymouth Rd |
Gaulton | Thomas | mason | h 8 1/2 Plymouth Rd |
Gaze | W E | clerk Steer Bros | bds 121 Hamilton |
Gear & Co | Hardware, Tinware and Stove Dealers | 349 Water | |
Gear | Ernest | clerk Gear & Co | bds 131 LeMarchant |
Gear | Harold | clerk Gear & Co | bds 131 LeMarchant |
Gear | Henry | of Gear & Co | h 131 LeMarchant Rd |
Gear | John | shoemaker | 153 New Gower, h do |
Gear | Mollie | emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd | bds 7 Flower Hill |
Gear | Richard G | clerk | bds 153 New Gower |
Geary | John | bds 28 Cochrane | |
Geary | Mrs J | wid Joseph | h 36 Young |
Geary | William | cooperage and grocery | 21a & 43r Patrick, h 158 Water W |
Gellateley | Alexander | boiler maker | h 15 Holdsworth |
Gellateley | Charles | fireman Bowring Bros Ltd | |
Gellateley | W | emp Mach Shop R N F Co | |
Gellert | Elizabeth | wid John | bds 3 Park Row, Rennie's Mill Rd |
General Hospital | Dr L E Keegan, Med Supt | Forest Rd | |
General Post Office | 352-356 Water | ||
General Protestant Cemetery | Topsail Rd | ||
General Stores R N F Co | Long Bridge | ||
George | A | emp Mach Shop R N F Co | |
George | L | agent R N F Co | |
Geran | James | master mariner | h 5 Long's Hill |
Ghent | John C | laborer W & G Rendell | h 17 Colonial |
Gibb | Archibald G | Flr Wlkr Ayre & Sons Ltd | h 11 Garrison Hill |
Gibb | Gertrude | stenographer Baine Johnston & Co | bds 11 Garrison Hill |
Gibbon | William | sailor | h 3 Mullock |
Gibbons | Augustus | emp Geo Neal | h 39 Cuddihy |
Gibbons | Ellen | wid James | h 4 Hamilton |
Gibbons | James, Jr | clerk | bds 4 Hamilton |
Gibbons | John | carpenter | h 5 Carter's Hill |
Gibbons | Mabel | nurse General Hospital | bds 173 Duckworth |
Gibbons | Mark | carpenter | h 173 Duckworth |
Gibbons | Samuel | carpenter | h 22 Clifford |
Gibbs | Isaac | cabman | h 40 Brazil Sq |
Gibbs | John | Post Office clerk | h 5 Bell |
Gibbs | Hon Michael P (K C) | Barrister and Solicitor | Bank of Montreal Bldg, h 57 LeMarchant Rd |
Giles | Harriett | dressmaker | h 35 Mullock |
Giles | John B | moulder Conso Fdry Co Ltd | h 37 Mullock |
Giles | Samuel | janitor Bishop Field College | h 22 Carew |
Giles | Sidney | sailor | h 14 Tessier Place |
Gill | Charles | foreman F Smallwood | h 7 Long |
Gill | Mabel | tailoress J Maunder | bds 7 Long |
Gill | Robert | asst Dry Goods Dept Ayre & Sons Ltd | bds 7 Long |
Gillam | J | agent R N F Co | bds Southside Rd |
Gillam | Louisa | wid William, liquors | 53 Southside Rd, h do |
Gillard | Douglas | carpenter | h 91 Cabot |
Gillard | Henry | carpenter | h 14 Spencer |
Gillett | Arthur | carpenter | h 23 1/2 Goodview |
Gillett | Orazah | longshoreman | h 22 Joy Place |
Gillies | A J | brakeman R N F Co | |
Gillies | William | clerk Royal Stores Ltd | h 58 Gower |
Gillingham | Alfreda | wid John C | h 17 Charlton |
Gillingham | Ethel M | nurse | bds 9 Golf Ave |
Gillingham | George | carpenter | h 5 Golf Ave |
Gillingham | George F | foreman Thos Curran | h 3 Golf Ave |
Gillingham | Harold | carpenter | bds 9 Golf Ave |
Gillingham | John | mach dept R N F Co | h 137 Cabot |
Gillingham | William | carpenter | h 9 Golf Ave |
Gittleson | Elias G | of U S Picture & Portrait Co | h 72 LeMarchant Rd |
Gittleson | Henry | secty U S Picture & Portrait Co | bds 72 LeMarchant Rd |
Gladney | Edward F | carpenter Empire Wood-Working Co | bds Fort Townsend |
Gladney | James | expressman T J Edens | bds 112 Military Rd |
Gladney | John | usher Rossley's Star Theatre | h Fort Townsend |
Gladney | John | emp Fire Dept | h Bonaventure Ave |
Gladney | William | letter carrier | bds Fort Townsend |
Glasco | Burton | steward | bds 37 Power's Ave |
Glasco | Fanny | wid Thomas, butcher | 396 Water, h do |
Glasco | Frederick | steward | bds 37 Power's Ave |
Glasco | John | clerk J D Ryan | bds 21 Water W |
Glasco | Lawrence, Jr | clerk J | bds 21 Water W |
Glasco | Mary | wid Lawrence | h 21 Water W |
Glasco | Thomas, Jr | clerk Fanny Glasco | bds 396 Water |
Gleeson | John P | journalist | bds 53 Freshwater Rd |
Gleeson | Patrick J | commission agent | 108 Water, h 53 Freshwater Rd |
Glendennon | Jane | wid Samuel | h 48 Long's Hill |
Globe Steam Laundry Co Ltd | Springdale | ||
Glynn | Cornelius | clerk Royal Stores Ltd | h 36 Barter's Hill |
Glynn | Francis | ship carpenter | h 27 Pleasant |
Glynn | James | emp H Bartlett | bds 27 Pleasant |
Glynn | Lizzie | tailoress W P Shortall | bds 27 Pleasant |
Glynn | Matthew | harness maker R N F Co | h 38 Pleasant |
Glynn | Patrick J | emp M & E Kennedy | h Southside Rd |
Goadby | Frederick | painter R N F Co | h 50 Alexander |
Goddin[sic] | Clarence | storekeeper Harvey & Co | h 42 Freshwater Rd |
Godden | Rev George R | Church of England | h King's Bridge Rd |
Godden | Malcolm | cashier Nfld Produce Co | bds 38 Freshwater Rd |
Godden | Thomas | h King's Bridge Rd | |
Godden | Thomas | floor-walker Dick's & Co | h 38 Freshwater Rd |
Godden | Walter | engineer | bds 27 Cook |
Godden | William H | emp Custom House | h 27 Cook |
Godley | Frederick | clerk Royal Stores Ltd | bds 60 Gower |
Godley | Jennie | clerk Royal Stores Ltd | bds 60 Gower |
Godley | Selina | wid William | h 60 Gower |
Godley | William | stone cutter Muir's Marble Works | bds 13 Victoria |
Goff | Chesley | salesman Horwood Lumber Co | |
Goff | Frank | laborer Empire Wood-Working Co Ltd | bds 14 Clifford |
Goff | Fred F | carpenter Empire Wood-Working Co | bds 14 Clifford |
Goldstone | Israel | h 54 Prescott | |
Goldstone | Mollie | stenographer Geo Knowling | bds 54 Prescott |
Goldsworthy | Mark | laborer | h 14 Notre Dame |
Gollop | Ernest | laborer | bds 92 Lime |
Gollop | Henry | mason W Hallett | h 92 Lime |
Gollop | James | mason | bds 92 Lime |
Goobie | Wallace R | Variety Store | 112-114 Water W, h Sudbury Hall |
Gooby | Andrew | emp H M Customs | h 248 Hamilton Ave |
Gooby | Archibald | tinsmith Jas Pennock | bds 57 Flower Hill |
Gooby | Clara | emp Mark Chaplin | bds 57 Flower Hill |
Gooby | Clara | emp Royal Stores | bds 170 Pleasant |
Gooby | Henry | laborer | bds 175 Southside Rd |
Gooby | Herbert | fisherman | h South Side Rd |
Gooby | John | master mariner | h 170 Pleasant |
Gooby | Simeon | laborer | h South Side Rd |
Gooby | Simon | carpenter | h 57 Flower Hill |
Gooby | William | fisherman | h South Side Rd |
Gooby | William P | clerk Steer Bros | h 1 Brazil Sq |
Good | Albert | laborer | h McNeil |
Good | Archibald | laborer J Baird Ltd | h Merry Meeting Rd |
Good | Jessie | emp Royal Stores | bds McNeil |
Good | John | laborer | h McNeil |
Good | Robert | steward H M S Sirius | h 9 Dammerill's Lane |
Good | William | laborer | h 10 Boncloddy |
Goodall | James | laborer | h 19 Stephen |
Goodall | Patrick | teamster Jas Baird Ltd | h 50 Casey |
Goodchild | James | gardener J S Munn | |
Goodfellow | Edgar H | watchmaker Joseph Roper | h Cockpit Rd |
Goodland | Catherine | wid John | h 18 Hayward Ave |
Goodland | Catherine | wid Henry, confectionery | 55 Parade, h do |
Goodland | Ernest J | printer Herald Office | bds Old Portugal Cove Rd |
Goodland | James | cooper | h 33 Prospect |
Goodland | May | emp J F Wiseman | bds 55 Parade |
Goodland | William H | of Gray & Goodland | h Winter Ave |
Goodman | Henry | teacher Meth College | h 84 Forest Rd |
Goodridge | A C | deputy minister Marine Fisheries | h Waterford Bridge Rd |
Goodridge | Alan & Sons Limited | general importers and exporters | 321-323 Water |
Goodridge | Alfred James | of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd | bds Rennie's Mill Rd |
Goodridge | Hon Augustus Frederick | of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd | h 4 Park Place, Rennie's Mill Rd |
Goodridge | Avalon T | of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd | h 35 Monkstown Rd |
Goodridge | Frederick | of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd | h 18 Rennie's Mill Rd |
Goodridge | George | laborer | h 8 St John Place |
Goodridge | Richard Frederick | of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd | h Rosevale, Waterford Bridge Rd |
Goodridge | T B | acct R N F Co | bds Cochrane House |
Goodridge | William P | of A Goodridge & Sons Ltd | bds Rennie's Mill Rd |
Gordon | George | stevedore | h 68 Bannerman |
Gordon | George | P O clerk | bds Queen's Hotel |
Gordon | James | moulder | h 68 Pleasant |
Gordon | Pearcey | emp C F Lester | bds 16 Flower Hill |
Gordon | Thomas | laborer Job Bros | h 71 South Side Rd |
Gorman | Denis P | emp J J St John | h 58 Freshwater Rd |
Gorman | Egbert | emp R N F Co | h 18 Brennan |
Gorman | Eleanor | wid George | h 1 Duggan |
Gorman | J | emp Mercant Coopge | h 1 Duggan |
Gorman | James | laborer Baine Johnston & Co | bds 6 Long's Hill |
Gorman | Martin | laborer A H Murray | h 6 Finn's Lane |
Gorman | Thomas | teamster Mercant Coopge | bds 1 Duggan |
Gorman | Thomas | laborer | h 19 Simms |
Gorman | W | steward R N F Co | |
Gosling | Ambrose G | salesman Harvey & Co | bds 77 LeMarchant Rd |
Gosling | William G | of Harvey & Co | h 77 LeMarchant Rd |
Goss | Mrs A | wid James, liquors | 74a New Gower, h 74 do |
Goss | Annie | clerk F Fitzpatrick | bds 48 Brazil Sq |
Goss | Mrs C | wid Peter | h 7 Prospect |
Goss | Daisy | emp Nfld Clothing Co | bds 30 Goodview |
Goss | Edmund | clerk U S Picture & P Co | bds 41 Alexander |
Goss | George | laborer | h 6 Nunnery Hill |
Goss | Harvey | laborer | bds 41 Alexander |
Goss | Herbert | store keeper Light House dept | h 22 Plymouth |
Goss | I J | operator R N F Co | |
Goss | J N | emp Ry Car Dept R N F Co | |
Goss | James | fireman | h 30 Goodview |
Goss | James | stevedore | h 46 Duckworth |
Goss | John | carpenter | h 10 Simms |
Goss | John | Col Cordage Co watchman | h 48 Brazil Sq |
Goss | Joseph | carpenter | h 41 Alexander |
Goss | Joseph G | pilot | h 142 Gower |
Goss | M F | brakeman R N F Co | |
Goss | Mary | clerk C P Eagan | bds 48 Brazil Sq |
Goss | Michael J | barber | bds 48 Brazil Sq |
Goss | Patrick | engineer | bds 142 Gower |
Goss | Patrick | fireman | bds 30 Goodview |
Goss | Samuel | tea packer Harvey & Co | bds 119 Gower |
Goss | Vincent | merchant tailor | 331 1/2 Duckworth, h 280 Water |
Goss | W | emp W H Hynes | bds York |
Goss | Walter | grocer | 20-22 Plymouth Rd, h do |
Goss | William | cooper | bds 30 Goodview |
Goss | William | laborer | h 21 Stephen |
Goss | William | tailor Jackman The Tailor | h 95 Long's Hill |
Goudie | Stanley | baker William Goudie | bds 113 Duckworth |
Goudie | William H | baker | 113-113a Duckworth, h do |
Gough | Frederick, Sr | carpenter Empire W W Co | h 14 Clifford |
Gough | Frederick, Jr | blacksmith R N F Co | bds 14 Clifford |
Gough | Nelly | emp F Smallwood | bds 11 Clifford |
Gough | Ralph | blacksmith R N F Co | bds 14 Clifford |
Gough | William | carpenter Thomas Bros | bds 14 Clifford |
Gould | James A | clerk Jas Baird Ltd | h 3 British Sq |
Gourley | John | printer | bds 77 Pleasant |
Gourley | Mary | wid John | h 77 Pleasant |
Gover | Edward | plumber | h 20 George East |
Gover | John | laborer | h 43 South Side Rd |
Gover | S N | clerk F Smallwood | bds New Tremont Hotel |
Government Engineer's Office | Court House | Water | |
Government House and Grounds | Military Rd | ||
Government Lodge | Military Rd | ||
Government Oil Stores | Quidi Vidi Rd | ||
Government Savings Bank | Duckworth | ||
Grace | Charles | emp Ry Dept R N F Co | bds 10 Knight |
Grace | John P | water rate collector | h 10 Knight |
Grace | Nicholas | shoemaker | h 8 Spencer |
Grace | Patrick J | clerk Harvey & Co | bds 10 Knight |
Grace | William | fireman | bds Quidi Vidi Village |
Grace | William A | clerk Imp Tob Co | bds 10 Knight |
Grady | Herman | sailor | h 54 Wickford |
Graham | A G | emp Ry Dept R N F Co | |
Graham | Thomas J | clerk M Connors | h Topsail Rd |
Graham | William F | clerk John Anderson | h 43 Parade |
Grant | A | emp R N F Co | |
Grant | B | emp Mach dept R N F Co | |
Grant | Charles J | clerk Royal Stores Ltd | bds 21 Bond |
Grant | Douglas G | salesman Ellis & Co Ltd | bds 3 Brazil Sq |
Grant | E G, M H A | game and fisheries dept | h Trinity |
Grant | Frederick C | acct Rothwell & Bowring Ltd | h 1 Carnell |
Grant | Henry G | cashier R N F Co | bds 21 Bond |
Grant | James | boiler maker | bds 25 Brine |
Grant | James W | lumber dealer | Board of Trade Bldg, h 31 Monkstown Rd |
Grant | John | laborer | h 25 Brine |
Grant | John | emp R N F Co | h 5 Pleasant |
Grant | L | emp Globe Steam Laundry | |
Grant | Robert W | carpenter J & F Davey | h 21 Bond |
Grant | Mrs S | wid Richard | bds 78 Monroe |
Grant | Thomas | shoemaker | 301 Water W, h do |
Grant | William | emp Ry Dept R N F Co | bds 25 Brine |
Grant | William | clerk British Amer House | h 17 Barron |
Gray & Goodland | stationers, booksellers and printers | 206 Water | |
Gray | Miss J | clerk G Knowling | bds Power |
Gray | John | sailor | h 10 James |
Gray | John | tinsmith F Gushue | h Water W |
Gray | William N | of Gray & Goodland | h 134 Gower |
Greaves | Arthur H | of Greaves & Sons Ltd | bds 9 Garrison Hill |
Greaves | Henry E | of Greaves & Sons Ltd | h 9 Garrison Hill |
Greaves & Sons Ltd | props National Stores | 359 Water | |
Greeley | Henry | teamster Harvey & Co | h 34 Field |
Green | Angela | emp Consumpt Hospital | bds Signal Hill |
Green | Anne | wid Daniel J | bds 34 Queen's Rd |
Green | B | emp Nfld Clothing Co | bds 4 Pilot's Hill |
Green | Bride | emp Consump Hospital | bds Signal Hill |
Green | Bridget | wid Thomas | h 10 Lime |
Green | Bridget J | emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd | bds 21 Walsh's Sq |
Green | C | clerk Geo Knowling | bds Parade |
Green | Catherine | wid Thomas J | h 118 Gower |
Green | Cecily | emp Nfld Clothing Co | bds 41 Freshwater Rd |
Green | Cyril J | emp T McMurdo | bds 113 Circular Rd |
Green | E M | emp I F Perlin & Co | bds 41 Queen's Rd |
Green | Elias | laborer Bowring Bros Ltd | h 34 Quidi Vidi Rd |
Green | Elizabeth | wid William | bds 21 Battery Rd |
Green | Florence | stenog A S Rendell & Co | bds 118 Gower |
Green | Frank | tailor Wm Spurrell | bds Parade |
Green | George | laborer Job Bros & Co Ltd | h Walsh's Sq |
Green | George | carpenter | h 41 Freshwater Rd |
Green | Harold | clerk Royal Stores Ltd | h 75 Long's Hill |
Griffin | Maurice | laborer Harvey & Co | h 93 Carter's Hill |
Griffin | Patrick | emp Royal Stores Ltd | bds 93 Carter's Hill |
Griffin | Patrick | bartender T Wall | h 34a Buchanan |
Griffin | Stephen | sailor | h 94 Hamilton |
Griffin | Thomas | bartender T H O'Neil | h 84 King's Rd |
Griffiths | Alexander | laborer | h 24 Carnell |
Griffiths | George | Moulder Consol Fdry Co | bds 30 Power |
Griffiths | J | emp Mercantile Cooperage | h 259 South Side Rd |
Griffiths | Maud | emp J Maunder | bds 30 Power |
Griffiths | Richard | laborer | bds 259 South Side Rd |
Griffiths | William | stove fitter | h 30 Power |
Griffiths | William | cooper | bds 30 Power |
Griffiths | William | draper John Anderson | h 255 South Side Rd |
Grills | Michael, Jr | cooper Harvey & Co | bds 21 Bannerman |
Grills | Michael E | stevedore | h 21 Bannerman |
Grills | William | chief steward S S Invermore | h 17 John |
Grimes | George F | mgr Union Trading Co | h 41 Long's Hill |
Grimes | R | emp Ry Dept R N F Co | bds 7 Bell |
Grimes | Rupert | clerk Sudbury Mfg Co | bds Fort Townsend |
Grimes | Stanley | clerk Royal Stores Ltd | bds 34 Flower Hill |
Grimes | William | supt Police | h Fort Townsend |
Grinslen | Matthew | laborer | bds Waterford Bridge Rd |
Grouchy | Alexander | clerk Marshall Bros | h 32r Mullock |
Grouchy | Bessie | emp Nicholle Inkpen & Chafe | bds 46 Goodview |
Grouchy | Elias | carman Sanitary Dept | h 24 William |
Grouchy | Isabel | dressmaker Royal Stores Ltd | bds 46 Goodview |
Grouchy | James | laborer | bds Howe Place |
Grouchy | Martha | wid Frank | h 46 Goodview |
Grouchy | Philip | h 112 Barnes Rd | |
Grouchy | Philip | printer Daily News | bds 24 William |
Grouchy | Philip | carman Sanitary Dept | h 14 Hayward Ave |
Grouchy | Rose | wid John | h 13 Holloway |
Grouchy | Samuel | emp Limberg Brew Co | bds 12 Howe Place |
Grouchy | Thomas | watchmaker T J Duley & Co | bds 24 William |
Grouchy | Walter | clerk R N F Co | bds 46 Goodview |
Grover | John | emp Job Bros & Co Ltd | |
Groves | Cyril | emp Royal Stores | |
Groves | Emily | emp Standard Mfg Co Ltd | bds 8 Plymouth Rd |
Groves | George J | foreman G Browning & Son | h 8 Plymouth Rd |
Groves | Richard | emp tub factory | h Pilot's Hill |
Groves | William | emp Harvey & Co | h 60 Bannerman |
Grubert | William | shoemaker | h 37 New Gower |
Guest | James | fish merchant | South Side Rd, h do |
Guest | Robert | emp Job Bros | h South Side Rd |
Guest | Stanley | emp James Guest | h South Side Rd |
Guest | William | fish merchant | South Side Rd, h do |
Guest | William T | planter | h South Side Rd |
Guilfoyle | T | agent R N F Co | |
Guinan | Anastasia | wid Francis | h 103 Long's Hill |
Gullage | Augustus | laborer Bowring Bros Ltd | bds 119 South Side Rd |
Gullage | James | carpenter Bowring Bros Ltd | h 119 South Side Rd |
Gulliver | Arthur | emp G M Barr | bds 22 1/2 Tessier Place |
Gulliver | G | emp St John's Nail Mfg Co Ltd | bds 138 Hamilton Ave |
Gulliver | Herbert | fisherman | bds 22 1/2 Tessier Place |
Gulliver | John T | emp R N F Co | h 138 Hamilton Ave |
Gulliver | R | emp Ry Dept R N F Co | |
Gulliver | William | laborer | bds 22 1/2 Tessier Place |
Gulliver | William | teamster | h 15 Buchanan |
Gulliver | William | fireman St John's Gas Co | h 13 Buchanan |
Gunn | John | emp W H Davidson | bds Topsail Rd |
Gunn | John | bartender Robert Strang | bds 60 New Gower |
Gunn | William D | salesman W H Davidson | h 276a Gower |
Gunnerson | Elizabeth | wid David | h 144 New Gower |
Gunnerson | Joseph | emp Globe Steam Laundry | bds 144 New Gower |
Gunnerson | May | dressmaker | bds 134 New Gower |
Gunnerson | William | stove fitter Consol Fdry | bds 144 New Gower |
Gunns Ltd | F G House, agent | 223 Duckworth | |
Gush | James | fisherman | bds Battery Rd |
Gush | Reuben | gardener A Harvey | bds Battery Rd |
Gush | William | fisherman | bds Battery Rd |
Gush | William J | fisherman | h Battery Rd |
Gushue | Miss Agnes | h 45 Bond | |
Gushue | Miss Annie | h 45 Bond | |
Gushue | Frank | tinsmith | 21 Pilot's Hill, h 45 Gower |
Gushue | George | emp R N F Co | bds 210 LeMarchant Rd |
Gushue | George W | stationery Dept R N F Co | h 216 LeMarchant Rd |
Gushue | James | mail clerk | h 210 LeMarchant Rd |
Gushue | Lilly | of Taylor & Gushue | bds 210 LeMarchant Rd |
Gushue | Raymond | messenger Nfld Postal Tel | bds 210 LeMarchant Rd |
Gustavsen | Axil | emp Ry Dept R N F Co | |
Guy | J | engineer R N F Co | |
Guy | May | nurse Gen Hospital | bds do |
Guy | Philip | laborer | h 7 College Sq |
Guzzell | Albert, Sr | cabman | h Beaumont |
Guzzell | Albert, Jr | truckman | bds Beaumont |
Guzzell | Charles | emp C F Lea | bds 149r Pleasant |
Guzzell | Ernest | cabman | h Beaumont |
Guzzell | James | emp C F Lester | bds 336 South Side Rd |
Guzzell | John | laborer | h 14 Convent Sq |
Guzzell | William | cabman C F Lester | h 9 Bambrick |
Transcribed by Norma Elliott (April 2004)
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