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(R. L. POLK & CO.)





"A" B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
Abbott Absolom carman h 15 James.
Abbott Ann (wid John)   h 26 Duke of York.
Abbott James shoemaker 345 Water w.
Abbott Louisa (wid Henry)   h 345 Darling.
Abbott Mark laborer 15 James.
Abbott Patrick tanner A Mackeen h 345 Water w.
Abbott Wm J. lineman Tel Co. h 21 North.
Hon Edward P. Morris Pres. Academia Institute Prescott.
Taylor C F Sec Academia Institute Prescott.
Mc Grath James J Librarian Academia Institute Prescott.
Adams Abraham moulder Con Foundry Co. h 6 Williams lane.
Adams Agnes (wid James)   h Signal Hill rd.
Adams Charles tanner h n s Pennywell rd 3 w Riel's lane.
Adams Edward laborer h 45 Williams.
Adams Eli seaman h 11 Young.
Adams Emma domestic 369 Water.
Adams Frederick boilermaker rea Signal Hill rd.
Adams George J asst clerk Supreme Court and comr of affidavits and JP. h 10 Freshwater road.
Adams John laborer h 25 Hickham's lane.
Adams John T hairdresser WH Bartlett rea Signal Hill rd.
Adams Joseph sailmaker P Motty h McCarthy's lane r 112 Pennywell rd.
Adams Margaret (wid Wm)   h 8 Chancey's lane.
Adams Thomas laborer h 9 Long's Hill.
Adams Wm seaman 6 Flavin's lane.
Adams Rev Wm H. pastor Alexander at Methodist church and asst to supt West Circuit Methodist church bda 69 New Gower.
Addy Elibu carpenter h 55 Limekiln Hill.
Addy Martin carpenter rea 51 Limekiln Hill.
Addy Richard coal and wood 133 Gower, h same
Adrain John Merchant Tailor h 38 Le Marchant rd.
Ahern Rev Wm R C cathedral The Palace.
Ainsworth John cooper N Cousens bds same.
Airnsworth, Wm laborer h 313 Water w.
Aitken Robert clerk M Monroe h 158 Le Marchant road.
Aitkins Henry servant Peter Neville  
Albert Hotel Walsh Nicholas, proprietor Beck's Cove.
Albert Soap & Candle Works  J & W Pitts, proprietor Water e, Hoylestown.
Aloock Julia domestic 63 Monkstown rd.
Alderdice Frederick C cashier Colonial Cordage Co. res Jim H. Monroe.
Alexander Mrs. Anna   res 25 Cathedral.
Alexander at Methodist Church Rev Wm H Adams pastor Alexander.
Alexander at Methodist school   63 Alexander.
Allan Line Steamships  Shea & Co Agents Water w.
Allan Patrick J grocer 16 Water w, h same.
Allan Thomas J grocer 24 Water w, h same.
Allan Wm J Watchmaker and Jeweller 293 Water e, h 24 W Water.
Allen Harriet domestic Rev Wm Graham.  
Allen Peter laborer 46 George.
Allen Richard laborer Bowring Bros. h 67 Carter's Hill.
Allen Wm carpenter Lunatic Asylum.  
Alliance Marine Assurance Co Baine, Johnston & Co Agents 205 Water e.
Allison Frank fireman bds 54 Gower
Allison Robert messenger h 54 Gower.
Alsop Carteret second clerk Crown Lands Office h 88 Freshwater rd.
Alyward Miss Mary Ann saleslady C Macpherson res New Gower, Mrs. Walsh.
Anderson Charles steward h 5 Tank Hill.
Anderson James laborer W & G Rendell h 9 Flavin's lane.
Anderson James carpenter h 153 Gower.
Anderson John (J & R Anderson) Dry Goods 371 Water, h 201 Gower.
Anderson J & R (John and Robert Groceries and Provisions 295 Water e.
Anderson Mrs. Maggie domestic 228 Water.
Anderson Rebecca (wid Augustus)   h 69 Gower.
Anderson Robert (J & R Anderson)   h 56 New Gower.
Anderson Robert shipwright h 38 Job's lane.
Anderson George grocer 258 Water, h same.
Andreoli Valentine grocer 12 New Gower, h same.
Andrews Annie domestic Henry Blair.  
Andrews Ann domestic 35 North.
Andrews Benjamin carpenter James Johnston h 10 Belvidere.
Andrews Elizabeth domestic J B Curran.  
Andrews Garland attendant Lunatic Asylum  
Andrews George M porter G Knowling h 1 British sq.
Andrews James J shipwright h 87 Hamilton.
Andrews John H laborer h 20 Plymouth rd.
Andrews Lavinia (wid Nathan) grocer h 13 Bell.
Andrews Mary Ann grocer 20 Plymouth rd, h same.
Andrews Nathan constable Infantry Nfld Constabulary Fort Townshend.
Andrews Miss Phoebe asst teacher Springdale at school res Plymouth rd.
Andrews Robert laborer h 42 lane w from Wickford.
Andrews Robert tinmaker h 6 Chapel lane.
Andrews Robert laborer h 6 lane w from 27 Barker's Hill.
Andrews Sarah toiloress M Chaplin res 87 Hamilton.
Andrews Miss Susan J housekeeper 3 British sq.
Andrews Susannah domestic 33 King's Bridge rd.
Andrews Wm Wharfinger H J Stabb h 56 Water e.
Angel James fisherman h 12 Tank Hill.
Angel James (James Angel & Co)   h 132 Hamilton.
Angel James & Co (James Angel    
Alexander Brown     
Props Victoria Engine & Boiler Works    7 Water w.
Angel John Manager Newfoundland Consolidated Foundry Co (Ltd) 141 Hamilton.
Angel John E engineer Victoria B & E Works 132 Hamilton.
Angel Joseph seaman 83 King's rd.
Angel Mary Ann (wid John)   186 Water w.
Angel Richard laborer M Monroe h 186 Water w.
Angel Samuel fisherman h 29 Water w.
Angel Stephen watchman P & L Tessier h 37 Springdale.
Angel Thomas laborer h Bambrick's lane.
Angel Thomas laborer h 9 Coady's lane.
Angel Thomas cooper Michael Power res 13 Buchanan.
Angel's Wharf    15 Water w.
Aglin Francis shoemaker H Heath h 40 Cochrane.
Angle-American Telegraph Co Hon A M Mackay General Superintendent 181 Water.
Annan Mary domestic 65 Le Marchant rd.
Anthony Abraham laborer h r 43 Rogerson's lane.
Anthony Charles printer The Herald bds 9 Le Marchant rd.
Anthony Elizabeth domestic Arthur Barrett.  
Anthony George wharfinger P & L Tessier h 42 Dreelan's Well rd.
Anthony Patrick butcher P Buckmaster bds Same.
Anthony Wm fireman h 18 Balsam.
Anthony Wm laborer P & L Tessier h 42 Dreelan's Wall rd.
Anthony Wm E laborer bds 32 Wickford.
Antinoni Anzelo tinsmith res Innocence Antinoni.
Antinoni Denis J cabinetmaker Patrick Hagarty h 17 John.
Antinoni Innocence gardener h r 17 John.
Antle Abel watchman Upper Dundee h 13 Barter's Hill.
Antle Allen E tailor A W Martin res Military rd cor Carew.
Antle Charles carman h 77 King's rd.
Antle George laborer Upper Dundee res South Side e.
Antle John master mariner 4 Pilot's Hill.
Antle John theological student res St John's Theological College.
Antle Lillie domestic 100 Water.
Antle Thomas moulder Con Foundry Co h 166 Le Marchant rd.
Antle Wm cooper Upper Dundee h South Side e.
Apsey Amelia domestic 32 Hatchings.
Apsey Sarah (wid Elias)   h 212 Water w.
Archibald Charles E mngr Newfoundland Furniture & Moulding Co h 54 Rennie's Mill rd.
Ariela Henry Trimmer Electric Light Co h Flavin's lane
Armbruster Louis enginner Herder & Halleren h South Side e.
Armstrong Elisa domestic 170 Lazybank rd.
Armstrong George mate h 20 Delahunty's lane.
Armstrong James engineer h 5 Freshwater rd.
Armstrong Mary (wid James) confectioner h 184 Water w.
Armstrong Mary domestic 4 Barnes rd.
Armstrong Miss Minnie dressmaker Miss E M Lynch res 144 Water w.
Armstrong Thomas engineer res 20 Delahunty's lane.
Armstrong Wm spinner Col Cord Co res John Kenny, Water w.
Armstrong Wm shoemaker Sage & Wallace res 117 Longshill.
Arnold Christina domestic Harvey Place Circular rd.
Amott George W clerk Edwin Dader h 162 Le Marchant rd.
Ash Miss Amelia tailoress John Maunder res 1 Goodview.
Ash Ann domestic 102 Larybank rd.
Ash Druscilla (wid Wm)   res 43 Harvey rd.
Ash Francis captain h 2 James.
Ash Robert seaman h 32 Livingstone.
Ash Wm storekeeper Ayre & Sons h 1 Goodview.
Ashbourne John seaman h 23 New Gower.
Ashley Benjamin laborer Con Foundry Co h 69 Patrick.
Ashley Daniel wks foundry h 69 Patrick.
Ashley James moulder Con Foundry Co h 101 Hamilton.
Ashley John cooper h 130 Water w.
Ashley Thomas laborer h 32 Water w.
Ashman Miss Fannie   res 1 Cochrane.
Ashman George seaman h 12 South.
Ashman Mrs George grocer 12 South h same.
Ashman Miss Mary A   18 British sq.
Ashman Patrick laborer h 8 Dogstown.
Ashman Thomas laborer h 14 Carey's lane.
Ashman Thomas trader h 26 Maxse.
Askell Lizzie domestic Michael Doyle  
Asmood Johanna (wid Michael)   res 56 Darling.
Aspell Archibald clerk h 64 New Gower.
Aspell Miss Bridget dressmaker Mrs J J Norris res 226 Water w.
Aspell James laborer Victoria B & E Co res 43 Alexander.
Aspell John laborer h 5 Job's lane.
Aspell John laborer h 43 Alexander.
Aspell Miss Mary A   res 64 New Gower.
Aspell Patrick laborer h 19 Thomas.
Aspell Peter   res 64 New Gower.
Aspell Richard fisherman h 226 Water w.
Aspell Theresa (wid James)   res 14 James.
Aspell Thomas Constable Infantry Nfld Constabulary res Fort Townshend.
Aspell Wm sacriatan R C cathedral res Barter's Hill.
Athenseum Building    Duckworth opp Cathedral.
Atkins John watchman h 116 New Gower.
Atkins John printer Bowden & Sons res 14 Barnes rd.
Atkins Lizzie domestic 132 Hamilton.
Atkins Mary Ann (wid Thomas)   h 14 Barnes rd.
Atkins Thomas laborer h 14 Hagarty's lane.
Atlantic Hotel John Whitty Manager   Water and Duckworth.
Atlas Insurance Co West & Rendell agents 163 Water e.
Attorney General's Office Sir W V Whiteway, KCMG Attorney General   Colonial Buildings.
Auchenlech Alexander carpenter E H & G Davey res Freshwater rd.
Austin Charles tailor J Adrain 16 Young.
Austin Samuel tide waiter H M C h 28 Forest road.
Austin Wm carpenter James Murray h Freshwater rd.
Austin Wm wharfinger h 16 Young.
Austin Wm jr porter res 16 Young.
Avalon Steamship Co. Job Bros & Co Agents 137-139 Water e.
Avery Adam laborer res 88 Hamilton.
Avery Miss Annie dressmaker bds 58 Flower Hill st.
Avery Archibald laborer Victoria Tobacco Works res 88 Hamilton.
Avery Ebenezer laborer Victoria Tobacco Works h 235 1/2 New Gower.
Avery Eliza (wid George)   res 24 Darling.
Avery James tidewaiter H M C h 24 Darling.
Avery John engineer res 24 Darling.
Avery John ship carpenter h 19 James.
Avery John fisherman h 35 Williams.
Avery Joshua seaman bds 57 Limekiln Hill.
Avery Mrs Matilda   h 290 Duckworth.
Avery Wm J clerk Pittman & Mews h 58 Williams.
Avoy John laborer h r 67 King's rd.
Avoy Martin laborer h r 67 King's rd.
Ayles Miss Mary H dressmaker Miss Ellen Aylward 10 1/2 New Gower, h same.
Aylward Miss Alice dressmaker Miss Ellen Aylward res 28 Prescott.
Aylward Andrew engineer h 12 Livingstone.
Aylward Bridget (wid Patrick) grocer 200 Water w, h same.
Aylward Miss Ellen dressmaker 28 Prescott res same.
Aylward Miss Hannah manageress St John's Steam Laundry res 23 Prescott.
Aylward James tanner Patrick Aylward bds 84 Water w.
Aylward James seaman h 120 Water w.
Aylward James cabman h 15 Long's lane.
Aylward Mrs James grocer 15 Long's lane. h same.
Aylward John messenger Bryan Mitchell res 3 Delahunty's lane.
Aylward John planter h r 22 Hagarty's lane.
Aylward Miss Kate   res 308 Water.
Aylward Miss Maggie dressmaker Miss Ellen Aylward res 28 Prescott.
Aylward Margaret (wid Thomas)   r 3Delahunty's lane.
Aylward Miss Mary confectionery 308 Water, h same.
Aylward Matthew tanner Patrick Aylward bds 84 Water w.
Aylward Patrick tanner 259 Water w, bds 84 same.
Aylward Terrence laborer r 3 Delahunty's lane.
Aylward Wm mason Barnes & Burridge h 28 Prescott.
Aylward Wm tailor 424 Water, h same.
Ayre Charles P Ayre & Sons h 2 Tasker ter.
Ayre Fred W Ayre & Sons h 233 Water e.
Ayre George John B & G Ayre h 58 New Gower.
Ayre Mrs Jessie   h 429 Water.
Ayre John Bray Ayre & Sons h 235 Water e.
Ayre John B John B & G Ayre h 46 New Gower.
Ayre John B & G Bakers and Confectioners 45 New Gower.
   Crockery and Glassware 202 Water.
Ayre Mary Hannah (wid C R)   h Thornlea and Waterford Bridge rd.
Ayre Robert C Ayre & Sons h 114 Hamilton.
Ayre & Son (John Bray, Fred W, Robert C and Charles P) General Merchants 231, 233, 235 Water e.
Ayre's Wharf    east side McBride's Cove.
Axford Frederick H crockery, etc 300 Water, h same.

Transcribed by Vonnie Mirra (January 2004)

Page Revised: January 2004 (Don Tate)

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