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Tel #
Lacey, Alex Residence 34 Cochrane 2082W
Lacey, J.F. Residence 163 LeMarchant 1180
Lacey, J.J. Office City Chambers 1154
Lacey, J.J. Residence Cochrane 1208
Lacey, John Residence 12 Holloway 2494M
Lacey, Const. John Residence 16 Fleming 3924J
Lacey, Mrs. L. Residence 24 Pleasant 1328J
Lady Esther Agency   Water 917
Laederer[sic], Charles L. Residence 15 Livingstone 3963W
LaFortune Construction Office   Alexander 3688
LaFortune, T.R. Office Renour Bldg 2022
LaFosse, Harold Residence 3 Summer 3002R
LaFosse, Sam Residence Mayor 3262W
Lahey, R.J. Residence 294 LeMarchant 3494W
Laing, Ernest Residence 191 Freshwater 1516
Laite, Geo. Residence 170 Hamilton 2619R
Lake, Miss G. Residence Old Railway Track 3266W
Lake, H.B. Clyde Office 175 Water 694
Lake, H.B. Clyde Office 175 Water 3768
Lake, H.B. Clyde Residence 202 LeMarchant 1905
Lake, Sergt. James Residence 26 Belvedere 1019R
Lake, Miss Margaret Residence 26 Livingstone 2980W
Lake, Spencer G. Residence 287 Hamilton 3425M
Lakin, J.H. Plumber King's 60
Lakin, J.H. Residence 47 Malta 1470W
Lallemand, F.A. & Co., Ltd. (M.J. Kean) Morris Bldg Queen 4077
Lamb, D.J. Residence 23 Job 2559W
Lamb, Stanley Residence Blackhead 1622J
Lambert, George Residence Kenmount 2248W
Lane, Allan Residence Goodridge 2779R
Lane, Edgar Residence Kenmount 2248J
Lane, Mrs. George Residence 121 Cabot 3296M
Lane, Mrs. George Residence 59 Bannerman 3206J
Lane, Mrs. H. Residence 302 Pennywell 3797J
Lane, Rev. Dr. David Residence, St. Andrew's    
      Church Manse   464
Lang, James P. Residence Newtown 1786R
Langdon, Mrs. E. Residence 14 Angel 2554M
Langdon, Mrs. H. Residence 32 Malta 3016W
Langer, E. Residence 2 Avalon 2842J
Langmead, Geo. & Co., Ltd. Jewellers Water 962
Lannon, T. Residence Kilbride 3479J
Laracy, Miss Pauline Residence 39 Waterford Bridge 2499J
Laracy's Store Residence 324 Water 2265
Larkin, H. Residence 71 Queen's 482M
Larner, Mrs. Florence Residence 81 Hayward 3969M
Laundry, C.R. Residence 48 Long's 3021J
Lavatte, Mrs. Rita Residence 147 New Gower 1210
La Vogue, Ltd.   Water 1849
La Vogue, Ltd.   Water 1850
Lawlor, Gus Meat Market 3 LeMarchant 121
Lawlor, Gus Residence Portugal Cove Rd 4068
Lawlor, Mrs. James Residence 6 Calver 3199W
Lawlor, Sergt. J.F. Residence 107 Long's 3278R
Lawlor, John J. Residence 49 Quidi Vidi 2413J
Lawlor, L. Residence 8 Chapel 1157W
Lawlor, Mrs. M. Residence 52 Bond 1400R
Lawlor, Max Meat Market 158 Duckworth 2483
Lawlor, Max Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1068
Lawlor, M.J. Residence 9 Walsh's Sq. 3953M
Lawlor, T. Residence 46 Alexander 2550W
Lawlor, Thomas Residence 33 Maxse 439R
Lawlor, Thomas Residence 19 Allan 2980R
Lawlor, Thomas Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1865M
Lawlor, Walter J. Dairy Farm Portugal Cove Rd 330
Lawrence, Mrs. Agnes Residence Topsail Rd 2865J
Lawrence Bros. Ltd. Factory 119 Gower 705
Lawrence Bros. Ltd.      
    W. Lawrence Residence 134 Gower 236
Lawrence, Mrs. Edna Residence 260 Hamilton 2359
Lawrence, George Residence Topsail Rd 2865W
Lawrence, James Residence 119 Gower 1671J
Lawrence Nfld. Co. Wholesale Paper Dealers Water 88
Lawrence, Robert Residence 62 Pleasant 2727R
Lawrence, Sandy Residence 216 LeMarchant 3238R
Lawrence, Thos. Residence 231 Southside 2750R
Lawrence, W.B. Commission Agent 139 Gower 476
Lawrence, W.B. Residence 101 LeMarchant 1663R
Lawrence, W.H. Undertaker 134 Gower 236
Lawrence's Bakery   Mill Bridge 2067
Lawrence's Store   231 Southside W. 3695
Laws, F.A.J. Residence 20 Queen's 4189
Leahey, Miss Madeline Residence 28 Bond 2167J
Leahey, Peter Residence 24 Duggan 3067W
Leamon, Mrs. Cyril Residence 34 Gear 2410W
Leamon, Mrs. John Residence 20 Monkstown 605
Leamon, Lloyd Conception Bay Taxi 7 Adelaide 1925
Learie, Joseph Residence 87 Allandale 3406J
Learie, Mrs. Wm. Residence 151 Pleasant 2710M
Learning, E. Residence 345 Water 1779R
Learning, Eric Residence 69 Southside E. 2697W
Learning, Geo. Residence Lamb's Lane 1996M
Learning, Geo. Residence Temperance 3332R
Learning, Mrs. M. Residence 119 Southside E. 2592J
Learning, R. Residence 38 Fleming 1019M
Ledingham, Miss E.V. Residence Mullock 2154J
LeDrew, A.R. Residence 293 LeMarchant 683
    Trunks   Empire 815
LeDrew, Mrs. E. Residence Collier's Lane 3578R
LeDrew, George Residence 47 Alexander 2804W
LeDrew, H. Motor Express Baggage and    
     Furniture Remover Allandale 1051
LeDrew, Dr. I.S. Surgery and Residence 283 Duckworth 3150
LeDrew, Jacob Residence 56 Franklyn 790R
LeDrew, Lincoln Lunch Counter Adelaide 1811
LeDrew, Mrs. M. Residence Pennywell 3797W
LeDrew, Ray Residence 10 Bulley 2989J
LeDrew, Stanley Residence 93 Campbell 3900R
LeDrew's Motor Express Trunks and Baggage Remover Empire 815
Lee Engineering Co.   Duckworth 2505
Lee, Fong Laundry Prescott 1845J
Lee, G.V. Office and Residence 88 Springdale 65
Lee, Hing Laundry 81 Casey 280
Lee, Jim Residence 117 Carter's 492R
Lee, Kim & Co. Laundry New Gower 2666H
Lee, Major J.S. Residence Waterford Bridge 408
Lee, John Laundry 83 Gower 3498W
Lee, John Residence 85 Gower 3319M
Lee, L. Residence 130 Pleasant 2722J
Lee, Philip Residence 12 McKay 2045M
Lee, Singe Laundry 41 Cookstown 3107R
Lee, Soon Laundry Monkstown 453W
Lee, Tom Residence 216 Theatre 1708W
Lee, Const. W. Residence 30 McFarlane 2186W
Lee, William Residence 41 Young 2452R
Legge, Miss Marina Residence 53 Franklyn 3289W
LeGrow, Herbert Residence 19 Franklyn 3214R
LeGrow, Miss Ida Residence 7 Cook 3198M
LeGrow, Isaac Residence 31 Spencer 3008M
LeGrow, Mrs. R. Residence 37 Craigmillar 3956J
Lehr, Richard Residence Pennywell Ext. 3365R
Leith, Robert Residence 38 Rennie's Mill 1034
LeMarchant Drug Store J.F. Janes 8 Campbell 3511
Lemee, Francis Residence 263 Southside 2241W
LeMessurier, Mrs. A. Residence 34 William 1773J
LeMessurier, Cyril Residence 18 Mayor 3025W
LeMessurier, Mrs. Frank Residence Masonic Terrace 3772W
LeMessurier, Mrs. George W. Residence Bay Bulls Rd 224M
LeMessurier, H.A. Residence Sutherland Place 4015
LeMessurier, H.J. Residence 241 Hamilton 3246R
LeMessurier, P.J. Residence 8 Catherine 1148
Lench, Miss M.L. Residence 111 Theatre 954M
Lench, J. Roger Residence 24 Mayor 332M
Lench, T.A. Architect Renouf 1409
Lench, T.A. Residence 68 LeMarchant 289
Leonard, D. Residence 10 Gear 3280R
Leonard, Mrs. T. Residence 18 Queen 2006R
Leonard, T.W. Residence 15 Gear 3274J
LeShana, Mrs. Geo. Residence 121 Pennywell 1027M
LeShana, Mrs. William Residence 80A Carter's 2793M
LeShane, R. Residence 7 Gear 2410R
Leslie, H.L. Residence 327 Hamilton 1468R
Lester, A. Residence Mount Pearl 3588
Lester, C.F. Stables Hamilton 458
Lester, C.F. Stables Hamilton 235
Lester, Mrs. C.F. Summer Residence Mount Pearl 3985W
Lester, Mrs. C.F. Residence 49 Hamilton 1519M
Lester, Edward Residence Old Placentia 2480J
Lester, Frederick Residence Topsail Rd 2482J
Lester, Gordon Residence Mount Pearl 2334M
Lester, John Residence Mount Pearl 2480M
Lester, M. Residence 9 Henry 3928M
Lester, R. Residence 53 Hamilton 2647J
Lester, Rupert Summer Residence Mount Pearl 3985R
Lester, R.C. Office Hamilton 3127
Lester, Stan Residence Mount Pearl 2480R
Lethbridge, Const. A. Residence 8 Howley Ext. 2150J
Lethbridge, Const. George Residence 10 Howley Ext. 3986J
Lethbridge, Mrs. S. Residence 20 Codner's 3102J
LaValliant, A.H. Residence Blatch 2148R
Lever, W.T. Residence Allandale 1693R
Levitz, Bernard Dry Goods 232 Water 3054
Levitz, Bernard Residence 108 Gower 3437R
Levitz, Charles Residence 110 Gower 2069W
Levita, H.A. Residence Winter 1281
Levitz, Isaac Residence 5 Flavin 473
Levitz, Isaac Dry GOods 325 Water 1338
Levitz, Sam L. Wholesale Dry Goods 28 Adelaide 2818
Levitz, Simon Residence 178 LeMarchant 1438
Levitz, Simon & Son   318 Water 3492
Lewis, A.S. Residence 22 Circular 1269
Lewis, C.N. Residence 78 Pennywell 1637J
Lewis, E. Residence 10 Atlantic 2724M
Lewis, E. Residence 33 Cochrane 2236R
Lewis, E.B. Residence 29 Craigmillar 2527R
Lewis, F.J. Residence Pennywell 3394J
Lewis, Frank Residence 30 Raleigh 3976R
Lewis, Harry Residence 21 Power 2731J
Lewis, Harry Residence 211 Craigmillar 3235R
Lewis, Herbert Residence Southside E. 2884R
Lewis, Hugh Residence 17 Cashin 303W
Lewis, James Residence 41 Plymouth 2802J
Lewis, John Residence 41 Colonial 2280M
Lewis, Patrick Residence St. Clare 3443R
Lewis, Peter Residence 8 Power 2734M
Lewis, Philip J., K.C. Residence 18 Bonaventure 991
Lewis, P.J. Residence 49 Golf 3395M
Lewis, P.J. Meat Market Prescott 553
Lewis, W. Residence 97 Merrymeeting 3731W
Libby, McNeil & Libby of Canada,      
    Ltd.   Water 1501
Libby, McNeil & Libby of Canada,      
    Ltd.   Water 3092
Library, Gosling Memorial Museum Bldg Duckworth 2269
Liddy, Mrs. Mary Residence 62 Cochrane 849
Lidstone, J. Residence Prescott 3916M
Lidstone, John Residence Freshwater 2438M
Lilly, A. Residence 52 Boulevard 3922J
Lilly, E. Residence 190 Pleasant 3711R
Lilly, H.R. Residence 1 Atlantic 2724R
Lime Kiln   Battery 910
Lindberg, Mrs. John Residence Military 841
Lindsay, E. Residence 10 Ordnance 1069
Lindsay, Fred A., Upholsterer Residence 41 Mullock 1774
Lindsay, J. Residence 2 Monkstown 824R
Lindsay, Miss F. Residence 73 Military 3778
Lindsay, R. Residence 37 Springdale 2893R
Lindstrom, Gordon Residence 56 Feild 3194R
Linegar, F.X. Residence 21 Alexander 3740
Linegar, H. Residence Freshwater 1995J
Linegar, Mrs. John Residence Freshwater 3057R
Linegar, J.W. Residence 69 Monkstown 1778M
Linegar, Capt. P.J. Residence 106 Water E. 1182
Linegar, S. Grocery 226 Duckworth 4116
Linegar, Stan Residence 134 Theatre 1031M
Linegar, William F. Residence 45 Parade 3056R
Linehan, Miss Hilda Residence 40 Lime 1852W
Little, Herbert Residence 115 Bond 1517R
Littlejohn, Norman Residence 177 Campbell 3942J
Littlejohn's Taxi   33 Adelaide 740
Lloyd, A.E. Residence 35 Rennie's Mill 394
Lloyd's Agents Bowring Brothers Ltd.   1870
Locke, Mrs. Charles Residence Waterford Bridge 1986J
Locke, Miss Eileen Residence 174 Pleasant 2695M
Locke, G.C. Residence 24 Prince of Wales 3212J
Locke, Miss H. Residence 26 Bannerman 3256J
Locke, Ishmael Residence Shaw's 2464W
Lockyer, John Residence 39 Charlton 2563J
Lockyer, Miss M. Residence 6 Raleigh 1311J
Loder, W.J. Residence 65 Springdale 1647M
Lodge, Miss Helen Residence 154 Patrick 1496
London Assurance Corp. Furness House Water E. 2373
London Café   Water 4000
London, New York & Paris Ass'n      
    of Fashion, Ltd. Ladies' Department   835
London, New York & Paris Ass'n      
    of Fashion, Ltd. Men's Department   834
London, New York & Paris Ass'n      
    of Fashion, Ltd. Warehouse & Advertising Dept.   833
Long, A.H. Standard Bedding Co. 1 Flower 2049
Long, Alex Residence 258 Hamilton 4171J
Long, A.H.[sic] Residence 44 Gilbert 2597M
Long, Ed. Residence 28 Spencer 3009R
Long, Ex-Head Const. Residence 53 Parade 3054J
Long Bros. Job Printers Water 2346
Long, Dan F. Residence 173 Pennywell 3118W
Long, Mrs. G. Residence 63 Power 2605M
Long, Mrs. Harriet Residence Forest 1280
Long, Miss Hilda Residence 22 Holloway 1671W
Long, James Residence 132 Military 3909R
Long, John Residence 72 Springdale 2594J
Long, Joseph Residence 84 Cabot 3951M
Long, R. Commission Merchant Muir Building 162
Long, R. Residence Freshwater Valley 1995M
Long, Wallace Residence 86 Bond 1672J
Long, W.H. Residence 158 Hamilton 3138W
Long, W.J. Residence Waterford Bridge 2083
Long's Hill Taxi (Maurice Hitchem) 117 Long's 3728
Loon, Tom Residence 740 Water 2536R
Loughlin, C.J. Residence Forest 2194R
Lovelace, William Residence 227 Pennywell 3392W
Loveys, A.W. Residence 229 Hamilton 2635R
Lowe, Mrs. Grace Residence 14 Cavell 2891J
Lowe, Mrs. S. Residence Cabot 3298R
Lowe, Wm. J. Residence 20 Central 1386M
L.S.P.U. Hall   Victoria 845
Lucas, Geo. Residence 20 Malta 1470M
Ludlow, A.J. Repair Shop 127 George 1116
Ludlow, A.J. Residence 135 Military 3701
Ludlow, John Residence 23 Victoria 2350
Luff, Mrs. E. Residence 14 Dunford 3022J
Lumsden, J.T. Residence 40 Victoria 1427
Lunch Counter Miss Ethel Smith Adelaide 1811
Lundrigan, Mrs. Residence 41 Long's 2986R
Lundrigan, A. Residence George 948W
Luscombe, Gordon Residence 9 British 2412
Luscombe, H.R. Residence Cornwall 1291J
Luscombe, J.P. Residence 182 Pennywell 2973J
Lush, C.A. Residence 21 Sudbury 916
Lush, Donald Residence Hamilton Ext. 808J
Lush, E.P. Office, Confederation Life   1284
Lush, E.P. Residence 100 LeMarchant 2077R
Lush, Fred Residence 70 Leslie 1833W
Lush, James A. Residence 14 McKay 3955M
Lush, Mrs. Joseph Residence 64 Water 1011R
Lush, Capt. Llewellyn Residence 40 Brazil 2959R
Lush, Mrs. W. Residence 4 Barnes' 3754J
Luther, Ed Residence 37 Charlton 2583R
Lynch, A. Residence 33 Plymouth 2260R
Lynch, Augustine Residence 8 Pilot's 2749R
Lynch, Frank Residence 1 Rennie's Mill 500J
Lynch, Miss J. Residence 10 Prospect 1511M
Lynch, James Residence 62 Barnes' 1148
Lynch, James Residence 11 Fitzpatrick 3971J
Lynch, Dr. J. Gordon Surgery Duckworth 269
Lynch, Dr. J. Gordon Residence Forest 269
Lynch, John Residence Howley Ext. 858
Lynch, Malcolm Residence Portugal Cove Rd 2291M
Lynch, Miss Mary Residence 50 Gower 1524R
Lynch, Stan Residence 5 Colonial 2280W
Lynch, Thomas Residence 10 Feild 3405J
Lythgoe, Ronald Residence 285 Southside 1181J
Lythgoe, Wm. Residence 102 Barnes' 1685R

Contributed by Cindy Tedstone (2002)
Transcribed by Norma Elliott (March 2003)
Co-ordinated by Mary Rawlinson

Revised by Craig Peterman (March 2003)

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