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Tel #
Pack, A.E. Residence 1 Sudbury 2370W
Pack, Ronald Residence 2 Summer 3002W
Paddon, Mrs. G.M. Residence 17 Military 4059
Palace, R.C.   Bonaventure 225
Palfrey, Mrs. N. Residence 17 Monkstown 1933R
Palmer, C.H. Residence 76 Cochrane 3962R
Palmer, Gordon Residence 25 Alexander 2556W
Palmer's Garage   Topsail Rd 1518
Pan American Airways     3062
  Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.    
      Week Days   3063
  Office Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.    
      Sundays   2400
P. & P. Grocery   Cor. Cornwall and  
      Craigmillar 2646
Parade Street School   Parade 3105R
Paramount Taxi   Water 3579
Paramount Theatre   Harvey 1126
Pardy, Albert Residence 115 Quidi Vidi 842W
Pardy, N.W. Residence 21 Blatch 2179R
Park Inn   643 Water 2304
Park Taxi   Water W. 1914
Parker, John Residence Topsail Rd 930
Parker, Miss M. Residence Garrison Hill 780
Parker & Monroe Ltd. West End Store   888
West End Office   889
  West End Store   1216
  East End Store   396
  East End Office   1215
  Factory Alexander 491
Parker, Mrs. T. Residence 19 Garrison 1973J
Parkins, A.E. Residence 107 Gower 2069J
Parkins, Cyril L. Residence Craigmillar 2932J
Parmiter, Mrs. A. Residence 259 Hamilton 2627R
Parrell, P. Residence 66 Bannerman 3206W
Parrell, Thomas Residence Kenmount 3472W
Parrell, Mrs. William Residence 2 Mullock 4134
Parrell, Mrs. William Residence Allandale 1153R
Parrott, A.G. Residence Brookfield Rd 2865R
Parrott, Charles Residence 111 Springdale 2688R
Parrott, E.C. Residence 63 Warbury 2392W
Parrott, Jacob Residence 103 Craigmillar 2527M
Parrott, M. Residence 22A Campbell 3222J
Parsley, Sergt. William Residence Howley Ext. 3913M
Parsons, A. Residence 90 Gower 1682
Parson, Const. A. Residence 46 Warbury 2947W
Parson, Albert Residence Southside 2699M
Parsons, Allan P. Residence 6 Mayor 3024J
Parsons, Allan P. Store 23 Freshwater 2009
Parson, Arthur Grocer New Gower 555
Parsons, Arthur Residence Atlantic 1478
Parsons, A.W. Residence 191 Pennywell 3902R
Parsons Beauty Parlour Miss Margaret Parsons 369 Water 1380
Parsons, Mrs. Bella Residence 36 Victoria 2905J
Parsons, Bernard D., Ltd. Office 175 Water 1731
Parsons, Bernard D. Residence Robinson's Hill 2287
Parson, Bert Residence Portugal Cove Rd 744M
Parsons, C.H. Residence 31 St. Clare 2570M
Parsons, Charles Residence 63 Avalon Terrace 3349J
Parsons, Charles Residence 793 Water 2539J
Parsons, Cyril Residence Blackler 2773W
Parsons, Don Taxi 2 Springdale 2035
Parsons, E. Residence 74 Freshwater 2778
Parsons, Const. E.H. Residence 43 Merrymeeting 3334R
Parsons, Edwin Grocer 73 Hayward 407
Parsons, Frank Residence Stephen 3119M
Parsons, G. Residence 68 Bond 3080M
Parsons, Gerald Residence Robinson's Hill 667M
Parsons, George Residence Glenridge Crescent 3412M
Parsons, G.H. Residence 69 Springdale 1647J
Parsons, George R. The Auto Man King's 109
Parsons, H. Residence Franklyn 4113
Parsons, Heber Residence Mount Pearl 2334W
Parsons, Harold Residence 131 St. Clare 3914R
Parsons, Harvey Residence 50 William 1773W
Parsons, Irvine Store Water 1750
Parsons, Irvine Residence 102 Patrick 364
Parsons, James Residence 16 McDougall 1243W
Parsons, J.C. Residence Cor. Pleasant and  
        LeMarchant 1794J
Parsons, John Residence 30 Mayor 2914W
Parsons, John Residence 303 Hamilton 4024
Parsons, John R. Office 175 Water 4032
Parsons, Joseph Store 206 Duckworth 2116
Parsons, Mrs. K. Residence 129 St. Clare 3914W
Parsons, Mrs. L. (Warbury Grocery) 21 Warbury 2445
Parsons, Mrs. L. Residence 60 Colonial 2823M
Parsons & Lloyd, Barristers and      
    Solicitors Office Exchange Bldg 810
Parsons, Mrs. Mabel "The Vogue" 134 Bond 997
Parsons, Mrs. Margaret Residence 19 Hayward 2414J
Parsons, Max Residence 98 Springdale 3358J
Parsons, M.D. Residence 75 Freshwater 3178R
Parsons, Mrs. Mildred Residence 64 Prince of Wales 1866M
Parsons, P. Residence 14 Winchester 2398W
Parsons, P.R. Residence Robinson's Hill 4094M
Parsons, Mrs. Ray S. Residence 69 Prince of Wales 1169
Parsons, R. Residence 202 Pennywell 3902M
Parsons, R.A., K.C. Residence 34 Queen's 2173
Parsons, R.F. Residence Rostellan Road 3929W
Parsons, Robert Store 50 Goodridge 1380
Parsons, S. Residence 12 Merrymeeting 3004W
Parsons, S.H. Residence 17 Maxse 1661
Parsons, S.H. & Son Photographers Prescott 521
Parsons, Mrs. Urban Residence 6 Blatch 3171W
Parsons, W. Druggist LeMarchant 688
Parsons, Walter V. Residence 11 Cook 3155
Parsons, W.E. Residence Robinson's Hill 1545J
Parsons, W.G. Residence 62 Cabot 3103J
Parsons, William Residence 1 Howley Ext. 2298M
Parsons, William Residence Mount Royal 3389M
Parsons, William Residence 22 Raleigh 3926J
Parsons, W.J. Residence 96 Gower 422
Parsons, Wilson Residence 231 Pennywell 2075M
Parsons' General Store   111 Merrymeeting 2431
Partner, Leslie Residence 106 Pennywell 907
Paterson, C.C. Residence 14 Gower 111
Paterson, Dr. L. Residence 14 Gower 111
Paterson, R.G. Residence Winter Place 1545[???]
Patey, E.D. Residence 125 Pennywell 1924[???]
Patrick, C. Residence 91 Craigmillar 2759J
Patrick, H. Residence 29 Topsail Rd 2485[???]
Payne, Andrew Residence 29 Franklyn 3282[???]
Payne, Arthur W.   92 Merrymeeting 3032
Payne, Harry H.   Portugal Cove Rd 1206
Payne, Kenneth Residence Craigmillar 3339
Payne, Mrs. L.J. Residence 15 Balsam 2985
Payne, W.E. Residence 45 Cochrane 1049
Payne, W.J. Residence 4 Bulley 2989
Peach, R.L. Residence Torbay Rd 2034
Pear, Lawrence Residence 161 Craigmillar 3134
Pearce, Alex Residence 286 LeMarchant 2757
Pearce, Arch Residence 17 Long 2987
Pearce, Arthur Residence 56 Goodridge 2844
Pearce, George Residence 1 Cavell 1061
Pearce, H. Residence 20 Cairo 1470
Pearce, Herman Residence 50 Long's 3021
Pearce, Kenneth Residence 43 Young 2495
Pearce, N. Residence Southside W. 3380
Pearce, Mrs. M.C. Residence 23 Long's 2987
Pearce, Stephen Residence Waterford Bridge 3121
Pearcey, Mrs. Gordon Residence Collier's Lane 2590R
Pearcey, Jack Residence 58 Quidi Vidi 503R
Pearcey, J.C. Office Water 1417
Pearcey, J.C. Residence 6 Golf 1712J
Pearcey, Miss Lizzie   111 Campbell 3376J
Pearcey, Capt. Patrick Residence 27 Central 691
Pearcey, W.J. Residence Topsail Rd 2886M
Peckford, Mrs. C. Residence 156 Casey 1187
Peckford, Lester Residence 205 LeMarchant 2845
Peckford, Sergt. Residence 37 Warbury 3821W
Peckford, T. Residence 178 Pennywell 3481R
Peckford, T.W. Residence 5 Bates' 2965W
Peckham, Mrs. Alice Residence 184 Gower 2922J
Peckham, B.F. Residence Logy Bay 2259M
Peckham, Norman Residence 18 Buchanan 2769M
Peckham, O. Residence 87 St. Clare 3385W
Peddigrew, Patrick Residence Cookstown 3114
Peddigrew, William Residence 315 Pennywell 2927W
Peddle, Abraham Residence 19 Long 2987W
Peddle, Arthur Residence 6 Mount Pleasant 3369R
Peddle, Hubert Residence 193 Craigmillar 3650W
Peddle, John Residence Topsail Rd 3066M
Peddle, R. Residence 164 St. Clare 2366
Peddle, R.C. Residence Prince of Wales 3218W
Peddle, W. Residence 7 Raleigh 1311R
Pedler, Adjt. B.C. Residence 97 Springdale 2606R
Peet, A. Residence 65 St. Clare 1857J
Peet, A.E. Residence 16 Campbell 3853
Peet, Arch Tailor 5 Long's 1512
Peet, Charles Residence 4 Howley Ext. 3986M
Peet, Charles R. Residence 176 Patrick 3709W
Peet, E.C. Residence 75 Long's 2334R
Peet, Gordon N. Residence 71 Alexander 2804J
Peet, H.J. Residence 87 Long's 865R
Peet, Leonard Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1659M
Peet, Mrs. William Residence 176 LeMarchant 3253W
Pelder, John Residence Bannerman 3244W
Pelley, Const. A. Residence 177 Pennywell 3364R
Pelley, D.E. Residence 213 LeMarchant 3287M
Pelley, E. Residence 188 Pleasant 2494J
Pelley, Edwin S. Mfrs. Agent 174 Pleasant 101
Pelley's Dry Goods Store and      
    Grocery   174 Pleasant 101
Pennell, S. Residence 60 Hayward 1071R
Pender, John, Jr. Residence 56 St. Clare 1857R
Pender, Mrs. John Residence 48 Alexander 3161M
Penney, A. Residence 23 Mayor 3023R
Penney, Allan Residence 70 Campbell 3376W
Penney, Bert, Hairdresser Residence 76 Pleasant 1034
Penney, A.R Residence 22 Merrymeeting 78J
Penney, Charles Residence Asylum Road 3939J
Penney, Charles P. Residence 13 Leslie 2523M
Penney, F. Residence 37 McKay 3955W
Penney, Frank Mfrs. Agent 158 Water 1483
Penney, Frank Residence 188 LeMarchant 2992
Penney, Mrs. F. Residence 41 Topsail Rd 3422
Penney, Fred Residence 28 Golf 3393M
Penney, Gordon Residence 15 Mt. Royal 3358R
Penney, Harold Residence 8 Boulevard 3925M
Penney, Harvey Residence 17 Pleasant 3970J
Penney, J. Residence Allandale 1376R
Penney, Mrs. John Residence 113 Craigmillar 3272R
Penney, John W. Residence 21 Cornwall 1984J
Penney, L.R. Residence 1 Cookstown 3714J
Penney, Mrs. R. Residence 15 Walsh's 3953R
Penney & Sons Ltd. Dry Goods 178 Duckworth 3534
Penney, Sam Residence Purcell's Ridge 1975J
Penney, T.W. Residence 242 Pennywell 2074M
Penney, Mrs. W. Residence 207 Duckworth 272
Pento, John Residence 28 Young 3007J
Penton, Mrs. A. Residence 231 Hamilton 3839M
People's Restaurant   456 Water 94
Percey, D.F. Residence 51 Prescott 161
Percey, Ed. G. Residence Lake View 1834
Percey, Fred Residence and Service Station Top Robinson's Hill 2092
Percy, George Residence 55 Charlton 2586W
Perchard, Gordon Residence 39 Golf 3673R
Perchard, Mrs. James Residence 34 Central 3122M
Percival, Mrs. L.G. Residence 75 Quidi Vidi 1321W
Peres, Mrs. J. Residence 5 Freshwater 3009J
Perks, Alfonse Residence Brazil 2615W
Perlin, A.B. Residence 716 Water 2540
Perlin, I.F. & Co.   201 Water  
Perlin, Mrs. I.F. Residence 44 Queen's 1345
Perry, Fred Residence 254 Hamilton 2632J
Perry, G. Residence 18 Morris 3973M
Perry, Gordon Residence Glenridge Crescent 2211M
Perry, Reg W. Residence Cornwall 666M
Peter Pan Hams & Bacon   351 Duckworth 824
Peter Pan Sales Co.   351 Duckworth 824
Peters, Mrs. Catherine Residence 5 Buchanan 1715J
Peters, E.F. Residence 85 Pennywell 1333
Peters, George Residence 10 LeMarchant 792
Peters, Capt. James H. Residence 63A LeMarchant 4074
Peters & Sons Office 379 Duckworth 371
Peters, W.H. Residence Allandale 1273
Peters, Wilfred E. Residence 195 LeMarchant 329
Peterson, Mrs. W. Residence 7 Prince's 447R
Petrie, Miss Martha Residence 86 Lime 2961R
Petten, Ray Residence 107 Gower 3741
Peyton, Mrs. A.R. Residence 28 Brazil 2566R
Peyton, Harold Residence 54 Belvedere 3905R
Phelan Bros. Office Holloway 1017
Phelan, E.J., K.C. Residence Waterford Bridge 3453
Phelan, Mrs. Fred Residence 91 Springdale 628M
Phelan, Jack Residence Torbay Rd 2034M
Phelan, Mrs. Katherine Residence 37 Leslie 3464R
Phelan, Mrs. P. Residence 50 King's 2029J
Phillips, Mrs. Dan Residence 104 Lime 2256J
Phillips, Ernest Residence Allandale 1691J
Phillips, Fred Residence Allandale 1691M
Phillips, George Tinsmith 103 Gower 1847
Phillips, Mrs. I. Residence 21 Gower 3469
Phillips, J.C. Residence 84 Circular 1645
Phillips, J.G. Residence Top Prince of Wales 1562W
Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd. Of Residence    
    London Residence 274 Water 190
Picco, Augustus Residence 25 Belvedere 2921J
Picco, Charles Residence 20 Buchanan 1715W
Picco, John Residence 14 John [???]
Picco, Thomas Residence 58 Alders [???]
Piccott, P. Residence Blackmarsh [???]
Piccott, Patrick Residence 24 Carnell [???]
Piercey, Alex Residence 55 St. Clare [???]
Piercey, E.R. Residence 158 Pleasant [???]
Piercey, Mrs. L.E. Residence 90 Merrymeeting 3033W
Piercey, Miss M. Residence 19 Boncloddy 3291W
Piercey, Mrs. L.E. Residence 97 Circular 931
Piercey, R.S. Residence 54 Stephen 3119W
Piercey, W. Residence Mt. Royal 275[???]
Pierpoint, A.H. Residence Blatch 3171J
Pierpoint, A.H. Store Rawlins' Cross [???]
Pike, Mrs. A. Residence 110 Merrymeeting [???]
Pike, Sergt. A. Residence 80 Merrymeeting 3019W
Pike, A.H. Residence Cornwall 2238R
Pike, Arthur Grocer 4 Quidi Vidi 268
Pike, Mrs. Arthur Residence 104 LeMarchant 1654
Pike Brewing Co.   Monchy 3886
Pike, Charles Residence 28 Boncloddy 3291J
Pike, E. Residence Topsail Rd 3788R
Pike, Edgar Residence 21 McDougall 1033W
Pike, Mrs. Ena Residence 104 Springdale 2853W
Pike, Mrs. Ernest Residence Head Mundy Pond 579W
Pike, Mrs. Fannie Residence 184 Hamilton 2634M
Pike, G. Residence 7 Cavell 2144R
Pike, George Residence 43 Avalon Terrace 2998
Pike, Gordon F. Residence 24 Leslie 2110
Pike, H. Residence Linscott 1628M
Pike, Mrs. H. Residence 3 Pleasant 2612M
Pike, Harvey B. Residence 207 Hamilton 2631R
Pike, H.K. Residence 240 New Gower 2686W
Pike, J.F. Residence 244 LeMarchant 1351
Pike, Llewellyn Residence 17 St. Clare 2570W
Pike, Mac Residence 4 Hayward 1776R
Pike, Max Residence 19 St. Clare 23
Pike, Moses Residence 173 Pennywell 3118W
Pike, Mrs. Neil Residence 7 Eric 2929R
Pike, R. Residence 43 Morris 2074R
Pike, Ronald Residence 78 Allandale 2366R
Pike, R.W. Residence Waterford Bridge 4156W
Pike, Mrs. Samuel Residence 67 Golf 3919M
Pike, S.G. Residence Forest 2954M
Pike, Thomas Residence 72 Cabot 2256R
Pike, T.S. Residence Waterford Bridge 2496J
Pike, W.B. Residence 152 Merrymeeting 3027M
Pike, W.G. Residence 20 Allandale 1178R
Pike, W.H. Residence 106 Springdale 2608R
Pike, William Residence Southside 2306J
Pike, William H. Residence 6 Catherine 2830J
Pike's Cycle Shop (J.A. Pike, Prop.) 74 Springdale 4170
Pilgrim, Leonard Residence 8 Avalon 2855M
Pilgrim, Mrs. Lewis Residence Cornwall 2489M
[???] House   King's Wharf 1074
[???], Miss Mary Residence 3 Gilbert 1486
[???], Wilf Residence 7 Bond 2261J
[???] Restaurant   New Gower 3158
[???] [???] Devon Row 74
P[???] Law Offices Royal Bank Bldg 176
Pin[???], Mrs. F. Residence 32 Coronation 2751J
Pippy, C.A. Residence Waterford Bridge 2966
Pippy, C.A. Office 170 Water 1797
Pippy, C.A. Office 170 Water 1798
Pippy, C.A. Office 170 Water 1751
[???]   71 Springdale 1109
Pippy, Miss E. Residence [???] Power 2605R
Pippy, [???] Herbert Residence Young 1711R
Pippy, [???] [???] 7 Waldegrave 2451R
Pippy, H.R. Residence 40 Golf 2197
Pippy, Mrs. Mildred Residence 178 Pleasant 3711W
Pippy, Roy Residence 193 LeMarchant 3254M
Pippy, Walter Residence Torbay Rd 693
Pippy, W.G. Tinsmith 425 Water 278
Pippy, W.J. Residence 289 Hamilton 1448W
Pitcher, Mrs. A. Residence 52 Barter's 1692R
Pitcher, ex-Sergt. C. Residence 15 Prince of Wales 3088J
Pitcher, Const. E. Residence 40 Livingstone 3012M
Pitcher, Gordon Residence 4 Allandale 1693M
Pitcher, Mrs. H.E. Residence 77 Hayward 3969J
Pitcher, J.C. Residence 7 Boncloddy 3287R
Pittman, Anderson Residence 447 Southside 1361R
Pittman, Arthur Residence Bond 3081M
Pittman, C. Residence 39 Avalon Terrace 3180W
Pittman, F.E. Residence 132 Patrick 233
Pittman, H.R. Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1724W
Pittman, Mrs. K. Residence 34 Alexander 3411W
Pittman, J.F. Residence 32 Mt. Pleasant 3893J
Pittman, T.A. Residence 248 Duckworth 2242R
Pleasant Taxi Service   Cor. Campbell &  
      LeMarchant 830
Police Mess Quarters   Fort Townshend 1742
Policoff, Dr. A.W. Residence & Surgery 2 Freshwater 1960
Pollard, J.H. Residence 298 LeMarchant 3368M
Pollard, Mrs. S. Residence 25 Pennywell 2225M
Pollock, John Residence Mayor 499
Pomeroy, E.G. Residence 15 Cabot 2026
Pond, Noah Residence 2 Atlantic 2719M
Poole, Stephen Residence 108 Barnes' 2767M
Pope, Clarence Universal Agencies Water 2087
Pope, H.J. Residence 297 LeMarchant 2080
Pope, H.H. Residence 78 St. Clare 2840
Pope, M.H. Grocer Waldegrave 891
Pope, Thomas J. Residence 70 St. Clare 3384
Pope, W.P. Residence Waterford Bridge 3383
Pope's Furniture & Mattress Residence    
    Factory   Waldegrave 630
Pope's Furniture Showroom   Water 2187
Popular Clothing Store M. Epstein, Manager Water 690
Porter, Mrs. Elizabeth Residence 37 Southside 1942J
Porter, Herman Residence Cabot 1669M
Porter, Miss Jean Residence 128 Circular 1879M
Porter, John Residence 85 Southside E. 1176J
Portugal Cove Taxi   George 53
Portuguese Consulate   158 Pennywell 344
Pottle, Dr. C.H. Residence 72 Cochrane 3462
Pottle, Mrs. George Residence 9 Coronation 2708M
Pottle, H. Residence 10 Golf 1712M
Pottle, Dr. H.L. Residence Empire 2218R
Pound Agencies The William 140 New Gower 990
Powell, C.W. Residence 61 Golf 3395W
Powell, Mrs. David Residence 2 Adelaide 1826W
Powell, Ed Residence 42 Morris 4658R
Powell, H.M. Residence 10 Bonaventure 3311
Powell, William Residence 10 McKay 2508M
Power, Mrs. A. Residence 75 Lime 2258R
Power, Mrs. A.F. Residence 136 Military 3909W
Power, Brendan Residence 63 Duckworth 3866
Power, C. Residence 26 Clifford 3619W
Power, Mrs. Cyril Residence 1 Young 2452W
Power, Mrs. D. Residence 10 Allan 1719R
Power, Cpl. E. Residence Strawberry Marsh 1695M
Power, E.J. Residence 54 Mullock 1838J
Power, Mrs. Francis Residence 61 Brazil 2658W
Power, James Residence Topsail Rd 2875W
Power, Fire Const. James Residence 20½ Signal 3242M
Power, John Residence 7 Plymouth 2001M
Power, John Residence 246 New Gower 4104
Power, John Residence 50 Signal Hill 3882
Power, John Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1534J
Power, John T. Residence LeMarchant W. 3234J
Power, J.P. Residence 12 Tessier Place 1713J
Power, Miss Mary Residence 130 Quidi Vidi 1083W
Power, Miss M. Residence 8 LeMarchant 1497
Power, Mrs. M. Residence 101 Monkstown 3924R
Power, Mrs. M. Residence 124 Duckworth 2548M
Power, M. Residence 580 Water 2042M
Power, M.A. Residence 39 Scott 617J
Power, Miss Margaret Residence 123 LeMarchant 2604J
Power, Mrs. Marie Residence 20 Cochrane 3463W
Power, M.F. Residence 10 Queen's 3068M
Power, M.F. Residence 59 Newtown 554W
Power, M.J. Residence Mount Royal 3389W
Power, M.J. Residence 131 George 1715M
Power, M.J. Residence 390 Water 3812
Power, M.J. Residence Queen's 3785
Power, Dr. M. S. Dentist 176 Water 62
Power, Dr. M. S. Residence 62 Cochrane 849
Power, Miss Nora   240 Duckworth 3315R
Power, Patrick Residence Logy Bay 2259J
Power, Mrs. Peter Residence 524 Water 1770M
Power, Richard Residence Blackhead 1622M
Power, R.J. Residence 1 Saunders Place 3652
Power, Miss T., A.T.C. Residence 159 Queen's 1035M
Power, Thomas Residence 28 Scott 819R
Power, Thomas Residence 258 New Gower 2359M
Power, Thomas Residence Freshwater 168
Power, Thomas P. Residence 11 Parade 3049J
Power, T.J. (Queen Insurance) Residence 75 Military 565
Power, W. Residence 83 Long's 865W
Power, William Residence McKay 548M
Power, William Residence 5 Young 2495J
Power, W.P. Residence Waterford Bridge 3968W
Power's Service Station   Barnes' 3719
Power's Store   59 Newtown 2429
Powers, T.W. Residence 34 Belvedere 752J
Poynter, A.E. Residence 9 Waterford Bridge 4616
Pratt, C.C. Residence Waterford Bridge 1597
Pratt, E.A. Residence Waterford Bridge 470
Pratt, J.C. & Co., Ltd. Hardware, Fire, Life, Water   1820
Pratt, J.C. Residence 137 LeMarchant 328
Pratt, J.K. Residence Waterford Bridge 2427J
Pratt, M.J. Residence 82 Forest 4060
Premier Garment   341 Water 1141
Presbyterian Church St. Andrew's Queen's 464
Presbyterian Church   Queen's 3896
Presentation Convent   Cathedral Square 877
Presentation Convent   Cathedral Square 1819
Presentation Convent Commercial Dept. Barnes' 1002
Press, C.W. Residence 22 Cornwall 266R
Press, E.H. Residence 82 George 4020
Press, E.H. Residence 4 Gear 3590
Press, Fred D. Residence 55 Hayward 1539
Press, G.H. Residence 26 Freshwater 1756
Preston, F.G. Residence 70 Hayward 1785J
Pretty, A. Residence 100 Cabot 3296J
Pretty, Major C., S.A. Residence 259 Pennywell 2017W
Pretty, Fred Residence 67 Alexander 3161J
Pretty, L. Residence 7 Spencer 2693
Pretty, Mrs. S. Residence 49 Avalon Terrace 2886R
Pretty, Mrs. W. Residence 16 Franklyn 1825R
Price, Mrs. Gerald Residence Blackler 579J
Prideaux, Mrs. W.B. Residence 60 Warbury 4083J
Prim, Mrs. M. Residence 86 Cabot 3951R
Prim, Mrs. Matthew Residence 34 Shaw's 307W
Prince, Miss Olive Residence 236 Duckworth 3315J
Prince of Wales College   LeMarchant 2478
Princess Beauty Parlour Miss A. Murray 13 LeMarchant 2310
Pritchard, Mrs. W. Residence 69 Calver 2841M
Prominent Style Shop   282 Water 2395
Prowse, C. Residence Allandale 989J
Prowse, Mrs. E. Residence 16 William 1241M
Public Bureau   Water 2642
Public Service Co., Ltd.   Duckworth 3070
Puddester, Mrs. Ches. Residence 6 Dunford 2591W
Puddester, Cecil Residence 321 Southside 1410W
Puddester, Clayton W. Residence 13 Bennett 4048
Puddester, Clayton W. Office (Maritime Life) 170 Water 1797
Puddester, H.G., K.C. Residence 24 Winter 3822R
Puddester, Hon. Sir John C. Residence Hamilton 266W
Puddester, L. Residence Leslie 2702R
Puddester, L. Residence 4 Hutchings 2832W
Puddester, Mrs. Leo Residence 312 New Gower 3483R
Puddester, Max Residence 70 Hamilton 3151J
Puddester, Max Wholesale Fruits & Groceries 484 Water 509
Puddester, R.P. Residence 306 LeMarchant 2524M
Puddester, W. Residence 18 Allan 2944J
Puddicombe, T. Residence Head Mundy Pond 1576R
Purcell, E.J. Residence 19 Hutchings 2832M
Purcell, John Residence 6 Malta 3016M
Purchase, A. Residence 23 Goodridge 2770J
Purchase, A.A. Residence 11 Long's 2976W
Purchase, F.W. Residence 180 Freshwater 1159R
Purchase, Miss M. Residence 68 Monkstown 2327M
Purity Factories Ltd. Private Branch Exchange    
  Connecting All Depts.    
    Night & Holiday Calls   2543
      General Office   2544
      Watchman   2545
      Private Office (W.R. Goobie)   2546
Purion, Mrs. C. Residence 22 George 2191W
Pye, George Residence Hamilton 2635J
Pye, J. Residence 237 Hamilton 541M
Pyne, Wilf Residence 7 Bond 2261J
Pynn, A. Residence 57 Golf 3488J
Pynn, Miss Myrtle Residence 36 Feild 3949J
Pynn, William Residence 92 New Gower 1220J

Contributed by Cindy Tedstone (2002)
Transcribed by Norma Elliott (March 2003)
Co-ordinated by Mary Rawlinson

Revised by Craig Peterman (March 2003)

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