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Tel #
Hackett, A.M. Residence 129 Pleasant 2722R
Hackett, Mrs. H. Residence 19 Balsam 2985J
Hagerty, Patrick Residence Liverpool 2860R
Haggett, Mrs. H. Residence 10 Blackmarsh 2025J
Haig Store, The   206 Duckworth 2116
Haines, H.C. & Son Office 36 Cashin 4115
Haines, Robert Residence 5 Topsail Road 682M
Haire, J.P. Residence 36 Cookstown 3108M
Haken, H.N. Advertising Offices 175 Water 3757
Haken, H.N. Residence Duckworth E. 3755
Halfyard, Capt. N. Residence 26 Power 3509
Halfyard, W. Residence Topsail Rd 2488J
Halfyard, Wallace Residence 58 Pennywell 1640J
Halfyard, William Residence 125 Cabot 3298W
Halfyard, William Residence 102 LeMarchant 92
Halfyard, Mrs. W.W. Residence 32 Victoria 3947M
Haliburton, J.P. Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1152
Hall, Alexander Residence Portugal Cove Rd 3409J
Hall, Ches Residence 65 Quidi Vidi 2144W
Hall, Claude Residence 117 Military 3809
Hall, Miss D. Residence Rennie's Mill 263
Hall, Edgar C. Residence 8 Bate's 1585R
Hall, F. Residence 32 York 2236W
Hall, Miss Florence Residence Bennett 4107J
Hall, H.W. Residence 31 Prince of Wales 4079W
Hall, J.B. Grocery Prince of Wales 2822
Hall, Miss O. Residence 25 Maxse 439M
Hall, Mrs. Richard Residence 155 Craigmillar 2759R
Hall, W.G. Residence 196 Hamilton 2619W
Hall, W.T. Residence 4 Campbell 3226W
Halleran, P.J. Residence 131 Military 2463J
Halleran, Robert Confectionery 12 King's 3679
Hallett, David Residence Lake View 2822J
Hallett, T. Ltd Office, Bishop's Cove Water 1523
Hallett, T. Residence 204 LeMarchant 1527
Halley & Co.   New Gower 722
Halley & Co. P.F. Halley's Office New Gower 420
Halley, Miss Eileen Residence Topsail Rd 269
Halley, Geo. H., Ltd. Agents Queen Insurance Co.   658
Halley, Gordon D. Residence 16 Gower 1465
Halley, Miss Mary Residence Water W. 2538J
Halley, P.F. Residence 35 Waterford Bridge 2499W
Halley, Raymond Residence 192 Duckworth 2447
Halley, T.P. Law Office Renouf Building 91
Halley, T.P. Residence 117 Hamilton 3636
Halliday, F.A. Residence Newtown 2006
Halliday, Harold Residence Newtown 1084
Halliday, James Residence Bloomfield Farm 1084
Halliday, M. Residence 209 Craigmillar 3132J
Halliday, W. Butcher 10 Duckworth 1959
Halliday, W. Residence Long Pond 1987M
Hamilton Inn   Hamilton 4185
Hamilton, Mrs. J. Residence 32 Barter's 3124M
Hamilton, Mrs. T. Residence 73 Carter's 1600J
Hamilton, T. Grocer Carter's 1086
Hamlyn, Arthur Residence 33 Shaw 207M
Hamlyn, Arthur Residence 55 Craigmillar 2936R
Hamlyn, Mrs. E. Residence 13 Topsail Rd 3066J
Hamlyn, Ernest Residence 166 Hamilton 2631M
Hamlyn, George Residence Newtown 965M
Hamlyn, Harry Residence Topsail Rd 3491
Hamlyn, Harry   Bowring Park Lodge 2484
Hamlyn, James Residence Topsail Rd 2490R
Hamlyn, John C. Residence 238 Hamilton 2634J
Hamlyn, William Residence 38 Cochrane 1239M
Hamlyn, Mrs. William Residence 6 Belvedere 2918
Hammond, C.H. Residence 82 Quidi Vidi 3906M
Hammond, C.H. Residence 101 Gower 2511R
Hammond, Edward Residence Winter 4094W
Hammond, Mrs. Janet Residence 128 Quidi Vidi 1083M
Hammond, John Residence 52 Aldershot 2855W
Hammond, Mrs. N. Residence 41 Suvla 3044R
Hammond, T. Residence 48 Quidi Vidi 2229W
Hammond, W.R. Residence 73 Quidi Vidi 1822W
Hancock, B. Residence 152 Pleasant 2706W
Hancock, Const. F.J. Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1151R
Hancock, Mrs. H.M. Residence 48 LeMarchant 3292M
Hancock, W.C. Residence 14 Raleigh 3944J
Hand, J.B. & Co.   382 Water 3350
Hand, Miss Josephine Residence 75 Gower 3319J
Hand, Robert Residence 37 LeMarchant 1549J
Hand, Mrs. W.J. Residence 36 Prescott 607R
Handicrafts Division   Water 93
Handicrafts Division   Water 379
Handicrafts Division   Water 971
Handrigan, C.R. Residence 194 LeMarchant 568
Handrigan, Michael Residence 15 Coronation 2708W
Hanley, G.R. Residence 66 St. Clare 2266
Hanley, P.J. Residence 24 Raleigh 3777
Hanlon, M. Residence Mount Scio 1536M
Hanlon, Nicholas Residence Nagle's Hill 1608M
Hann, Mrs. Edna Residence 29 Topsail 1999
Hann, Fred J. Office Water E. 1744
Hann, Roland Residence Goodridge 3618W
Hann, T.F. Residence 16 Deanery 3692
Hannaford, Mrs. David Residence 67 Gower 2824M
Hannaford, Jack Residence 92 Hamilton 2651M
Hann's Confectionery   204 Water 2567
Hapgood, R. Residence 73 Craigmillar 2999W
Hapgood, W. Residence 47 Cook 3003J
Harbin, Victor Residence 74 Patrick 2618M
Harbour Master Office   Water 2127
Harding, Mrs. A. Residence Mt. Cashel 3903M
Harding, C.V. Residence 58 Carter's 1713W
Harding, Miss E.J. Residence 76 Barter's 1752W
Harding, Mrs. J. Residence 23 Prospect 2244J
Harding, John Residence 12 Beaumont 3215J
Harding, Mrs. Samuel Residence 22 John 2613M
Harding, William Residence 35 Pleasant 283
Harnett, Heber Residence 5 Campbell 3223
Harnum, Jack Residence 102 Circular 3703
Harnum, L.J. Residence 65 Military 1007
Harrington, Mrs. M. Residence 25 Carnell 2577J
Harrington's Taxi   174 Pleasant 2695
Harris, Baxter Residence 52 Springdale 2858J
Harris, Dick Jeweller 176 Water 4022
Harris, Dick Residence 27 New Portugal Cove Rd 1435
Harris, Miss Eva Residence 66 Prescott 3083
Harris, Fraser Residence Forest 2776
Harris, Fred Residence Forest 1067J
Harris, Gordon Residence Hamilton 448R
Harris & Hiscock, Ltd. Private Branch Exchange    
  Connecting All Depts. Water E. 516
Harris & Hiscock, Ltd.   Water E. 517
Harris, Robert F. Residence Forest 1619R
Harris, R.T. Residence 79 Queen's 2153
Harris, R.W. Residence Waterford Bridge 4156J
Harris, Samuel Residence 6 Quidi Vidi 2801R
Harris, Dr. T.E. Dentist Water 820
Harris, Dr. T.E. Residence 172 Patrick 3507
Harris, Thomas Residence 43 Monkstown 2108J
Harris, W.H. Residence 182 Merrymeeting 2302M
Hart, C. Residence 21 Eric 3901R
Hart, Mrs. Gordon Residence 101 Theatre 304M
Hart, Lewis Residence 27 LeMarchant 3999J
Hart, Mrs. W. Residence 50 LeMarchant 3992R
Hartery, Mrs. A. Residence 22 Brazil 2615R
Hartley, Miss E.M., Nurse Residence 70 Patrick 2649R
Harvey-Brehm, Ltd.   LeMarchant 1700
Harvey-Brehm, Ltd.   LeMarchant 1701
Harvey-Brehm, Ltd.   LeMarchant 1702
Harvey-Brehm, Ltd.   LeMarchant 1703
Harvey-Brehm, Ltd.   LeMarchant 1705
Harvey-Brehm, Ltd. Factory Factory Lane 282
Harvey, A. & Co., Ltd.   Water E. 871
Harvey, A. & Co., Ltd. After Hours, Sundays and    
    Holidays Water E. 982
Harvey, A. & Co., Ltd. Private Branch Exchange    
  Connecting All Depts.   1200
  During Meal Hours & Holidays    
      Ask for:-    
      Steamer Office   1200
      Pier 2   1201
      Store Office   1202
      Box and Lumber Factory   1203
      Pier 1   1204
      Private Office   2163
      Grocery Warehouse   1737
Harvey, A. & Co., Ltd. Cold Storage, K.C. Skuce   2369
  Cold Storage, K.C. Skuce   1798
  Cold Storage   1605
  West End Cold Storage   1349
Harvey, A. & Co., Ltd. Travel Agency Dept.    
     Office Hours:    
      9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays    
      10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays    
      British Overseas Airways   3062
      Northeast Airlines    
      Pan American Airways   3063
      Trans-Canada Air Lines    
      Canadian National Railways    
      or ask for Travel Agents:   2400
      Air Express open 9 a.m. to    
      5 p.m. Weekdays only   370
Harvey, Edward Residence 36 Leslie 3317M
Harvey, Gerald Residence Devon Row 3147
Harvey, H.E. Residence 425 Southside 1261J
Harvey, J.H. Residence 113 Freshwater 2148M
Harvey, John Residence 45 Fleming 1313M
Harvey, John Jr. Residence 141 Southside E. 1176W
Harvey, Mrs. Mary Residence 59 Craigmillar 3935M
Harvey, Peter Residence 2 Fleming 3924M
Harvey, Reginald Residence King's Bridge 466
Harvey, Mrs. Ruth Residence 125 Campbell 3915J
Harvey, W. Residence 135 Southside E. 3318J
Harvey, Mrs. W.C. Residence 91 Barnes' 4169
Harvey, W.E. Residence Winter 1535M
Hatcher, A.G. Residence 44 Newtown 1738M
Hatcher, C. Residence 72 Spencer 3169J
Hatcher, E. Residence 68 Pleasant 2692W
Hatcher, E.G. Residence 57 Carter's 1235M
Hatcher, Mrs. L. Residence 39 Campbell 2118M
Hatfield, Lawrence Grocer 91 Carter's 3595
Hawco, M. Residence 13 Craigmillar 2999J
Hawe, Mrs. Richard Residence 781 Water 636J
Hawes & Co., London Ltd.   Duckworth 969
Hawes & Co., London Ltd.   Duckworth 970
Hawkes Bay Trading Co., Ltd.   Water 1795
Hawkes Bay Trading Co., Ltd.   Water 1658
Hawkins, E. Residence 33 Prince of Wales 2754
Hawkins, E.L. Residence 20 Franklyn 1825W
Hawkins, Fred Residence 92A Barnes' 1108J
Hawkins, H. Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1534W
Hawkins. H.M. Residence 52 Mullock 1838R
Hawkins, Reginald H. Residence Fitzpatrick 3971W
Hawkins, S.J. Residence 4 Prince of Wales 1658W
Hawkins, W. Residence 10 Circular E. 1532M
Hawkins. Wm., Plumber Residence 76 Hayward 2396
Hawksford, Lieut. R.C. Residence Cochrane Hotel 2437
Hawthorne Poultry Farm   Freshwater Valley 1038
Haye, A.L. Residence 67 St. Clare 3875
Haye, Albert Residence Cornwall 666J
Haye, Cyril Residence 80 Aldershot 2857M
Haye, Gordon Residence 325 Hamilton 2636R
Haye, Mrs. Rex, R.N. Residence 250 Hamilton 3839R
Hayes, Capt. A. Residence 11 Gower 183
Hayes, Mrs. Caroline Residence 22 Boncloddy 3999M
Hayes, J.M. Residence 9 King's 1511W
Hayes, Mrs. John Residence King's Bridge 2364J
Hayes, Miss Louise Residence 578 Water 1848W
Hayes, M. Residence 415 Southside 1991J
Hayes, Mrs. M. Residence Alexander 3736
Hayes, Mrs. Margaret Residence 9 Kickham 1723J
Hayes, P.J. Residence 59 Lime 3035M
Hayes, Richard Residence Allandale 1376J
Hayes, Thos. Residence 310 Pleasant 2025W
Hayes, Mrs. Thos. Residence Blackler 2771R
Haynes, A. Residence 16 Summer 960M
Haynes, R. Taxi 67 Mayor 3532
Haynes, William Residence 15 Mullock 1190J
Hayter, R.W. Residence 46 Colonial 3325M
Hayward, A.E. Residence 155 Casey 2681W
Hayward, Mrs. Bert Residence 46 Rennie's Mill 584
Hayward, Miss C. Residence 37 Sudbury 2542M
Hayward, Ferd Residence 69 Leslie 1366M
Hayward, Mrs. F.W. Residence King's Bridge 112
Hayward, Miss Mabel Residence Lake View 3856R
Hayward, T. Residence 22 Campbell 3225R
Head, J.A. Residence 33 Topsail 2169W
Heale, Arthur Residence 74 Forest 2155M
Heale, Miss Elsie Store 112 Casey 2208
Heale, Harold Residence 10 Bond 1172M
Heale, Mrs. S. Residence 45 Prince of Wales 1866J
Heale, Thomas Residence 20 Mt. Pleasant 3369M
Heale, Victor Residence 66 Colonial 1055J
Healey, Allan Residence 15 Central 311
Healey, Ed Residence 745 Water 1779W
Healey, Mrs. Ellen Residence Freshwater Valley 1994M
Healey, Mrs. H. Residence 48 Charlton 2583W
Healey, Jos. F. Residence 375 Southside 852W
Healey, Leo Residence Waterford Bridge 1295M
Healey, Mrs. M.A. Residence 102 Casey 3493J
Healey, Philip Residence 734 Water 3267M
Healey, P.J. Residence 5 Knight 3099R
Healey, Sam Grocer 493 Water 3391
Healey, T.P. Residence 1 Deanery 3979W
Healey, Vincent Residence 7 Knight 3100W
Heap & Partners, Nfld. Ltd.   241 Water 1830
Heap & Partners, Nfld. Ltd.   241 Water 1831
Hearn, A.R.R. Residence 91 Forest 2155R
Hearn, Mrs. Jean Residence 165 Gower 1732
Hearn, John Residence Pennywell 2392J
Hearn, Mrs. P. Residence 108 Water E. 2419J
Hearn, Raymond Residence 7 Convent 2573W
Hearn, Wm. Residence King's Bridge 2323M
Heater, Miss Elsie Residence 53 Brazil 2657M
Heath, A.G. Residence 22 Colonial 1889M
Heath, A.W. Residence 159 Southside E. 2697R
Hebrew Congregation of Nfld.   Henry 411
Hedderson, Bernard Residence 14 Catherine 2830R
Hefferton, G.B. Residence 44 St. Clare 2970J
Hefferton, G.B. Grocery St. Clare & Golf 3335
Hefferton, G.B. Dry Goods St. Clare & Golf 778
Hefferton, Jake Residence 20 Mount Royal 3981W
Hefferton, S.J. Residence 5 Golf 2329M
Heing, Hong Residence 85 Gower 3319M
Hemmens, J.M. Residence 57 Job 440R
Hemmens, John Residence 39 Parade 5055J
Henderson, Mrs. C. Residence Topsail Rd 2531R
Henderson, C.U. Residence Waterford Bridge 840R
Henderson, Edward Residence Southside W. 2957R
Henderson, J. Residence    
     Bank of Montreal Staff    
      Quarters Water 1952
Henderson, Mrs. Nellie Residence 30 Aldershot 2836J
Henley, J.J., Ltd. Mattress Mfgrs. Henry 642
Henley, J.J., Ltd. Factory Newtown 554R
Henley, Mrs. J.J. Residence 9 Newtown 3461R
Hennebury, Alex Masseur 29 Gower 4076
Hennebury, Ewen S. Residence 22 Belvedere 2473M
Hennebury, Hayward Mfrs. Agent 305 Hamilton 3299
Hennebury, James Residence 52 Freshwater 1528W
Hennebury, John Residence 51 Cookstown 2220J
Hennebury, R.A. Residence 260 Duckworth 3480R
Hennebury, M.J. Residence 97 King's 1893R
Hennebury, W.F. Residence 21 York 596W
Hennebury, Wm. Residence 152 Freshwater 2854R
Hennessey, Mrs. Andrew Residence 12 Colonial 2280R
Hennessey, J.F. Residence 48 Feild 3949W
Hennessey, J.J. Residence 40 New Gower 3920W
Hennessey's Bus Service   George 1553
Herald, Capt. N. Residence 2 Prince of Wales 46
Herder, Mrs. Beatrice Residence Waterford Bridge 755
Herder, Mrs. H.A. Residence 43 Forest 1532R
Herder, Hubert Residence King's Bridge 3802
Herder, James Residence Rennie's Mill 223
Herder, R.B. Residence Rennie's Mill 1508
Heweardine[sic], Mrs. Wm. Residence 109 Pennywell 1924W
Hewitt, Stephen Residence Allendale 1691R
Hibbs, Gordon G. Residence 136 Gower 612
Hibbs, T.C. Residence 133 Pleasant 2707J
Hickey, Frank Residence 101 Military 3710
Hickey, Fred Residence 31 Maxse  
Hickey, Gerald Residence 50 Victoria 2906R
Hickey, Hubert J. Residence 18 Hayward 2146
Hickey, J.E. Residence 64 LeMarchant 3362
Hickey, J.J. Grocer Hayward 2124
Hickey, John Residence Blackhead 2969W
Hickey, Mrs. John   45 Cookstown 2220M
Hickey, Leo F. Residence 135 Patrick 2192
Hickey, Mrs. M. Residence Top Battery 3204J
Hickey, Mrs. Mary Residence Kilbride 2485J
Hickey, Michael Residence 15 Sudbury 3457W
Hickey, P.J. Residence 65 Pleasant 2720J
Hickey, T.P. Residence 17 Dicks' 1864M
Hickey, T.P. Residence 8 Henry 454
Hickey, Mrs. V. Residence 25 Central 1386J
Hickey, Mrs. W. Residence 36 Bannerman 789M
Hickman, Mrs. A.E. Residence King's Bridge 362
Hickman, E.L. Residence "Bartra" 48 Circular 3255W
Hickman, G.A. Residence 166 LeMarchant 3255W
Hierlihy, Miss Dulcie Residence Craigmillar 2932R
Hierlihy, George Residence 394 Water 95
Hierlihy, George R. Residence 191 Gower 3458
Hierlihy, Oscar Residence 13 Raleigh 1223
Higgins, Gordon F., K.C. Residence Circular 197
Higgins, James D. Residence 67 Cochrane 435
Higgins, John G., K.C. Residence 42 Rennie's Mill 151
Higgins, John G., K.C. Barrister and Solicitor    
     Law Offices Duckworth 249
Higgins, Dr. W.J. Residence 18 Gower 4080
Higgins & Renouf Barristers & Solicitors Renouf Bldg 477
Higher Levels Dry Goods   LeMarchant 2315
Hill, Gerald L. Office, Confederation Life   1283
Hill, Gerald L. Residence 206 Hamilton 4179W
Hill, Henry Residence King's Bridge 2477R
Hill, Jack, Sand Dealer Residence 299 LeMarchant 3368J
Hill, John Residence 21 Prescott 3696
Hill, Capt. Sid Residence 206 Hamilton 4179W
Hill Top Grocery F. Percy Robinson's Hill 429
Hillier, Mrs. E. Residence 36 Warbury 2048J
Hillier, E.E. Residence 23 Blackmarsh 3442M
Hillier, Fred Residence 71 Warbury 2109R
Hillier, Mrs. V. Residence 255 LeMarchant 3230W
Hilltop Inn, The   29 Cookstown 2320
Hillyard, W.H. Residence 189 Pennywell 4174
Hinchey, Miss Mary Confectionery 17 Job 1003
Hindy, Mrs. Martin Residence 185 Craigmillar 3078R
Hing Lee Laundry   81 Casey 280
Hing, Sam Residence 40 Pleasant 2858R
Hing Wing Laundry 43 Hamilton 1155
Hiscock, Mrs. Arthur Residence 55 Long's 978
Hiscock, Mrs. Caroline Residence 63 Springdale 1647W
Hiscock, E. Residence 2 Brazil 625J
Hiscock, Mrs. E. Residence 271 Southside 2241R
Hiscock, E.H. Residence 41 Prince of Wales 1878J
Hiscock, Eric Residence 12 Military 1955M
Hiscock, Eric Residence 166 Craigmillar 3650M
Hiscock, Mrs. Geo. Residence 2 Southside 1595W
Hiscock, Mrs. Gladys Residence 365 Water 934J
Hiscock, Capt. J. Residence 51 Charlton 2583J
Hiscock, John Residence Blackmarsh 2771W
Hiscock, Lorne, F.P.O.A. Opt. At Trapnell's Water 537
Hiscock, Lorne Residence Rennie's Mill 323
Hiscock, Ned Residence Rennie's Mill 3459
Hiscock, R.G. Residence 95 Carter's 2506J
Hiscock, Ronald, Jr. Residence 41 Calver 2841R
Hiscock, Mrs. S. Residence 9 Goodridge 2467M
Hodder, Miss E. Residence 9 Young 2052W
Hodder, F. Residence Merrymeeting 3018R
Hodder, H.W. Residence 8 York 2675R
Hodder, John Residence 215 Hamilton 3129R
Hodder, Wilson Residence 76 Golf 3919J
Hodder, W.C. Residence Long Pond 1608R
Hoddinott, Richard Residence 13 Morris 4058M
Hoddinot[sic], Ronald Residence 21 Atlantic 2719R
Hoddinott, Mrs. S.W. Residence 29 St. Clare 2880W
Hogan, Don Super Products Water E. 98
Hogan, Don Druggist New Gower 4192
Hogan, Donald Residence 77 Flower 1630M
Hogan, Mrs. F Residence 4 Young 3036M
Hogan, J.A. Residence 82 Queen's 4188
Hogan, James C. Residence 60 Monkstown 1449J
Hogan, J.P. Residence 62 Queen's 4188
Hogan, Miss Lillian Residence 6 Hagerty 2835J
Hogan, Dr. M.F. Dentist 209 Water 1660
Hogan, Dr. M.F. Country Residence Topsail  
      Call Toll Operator    
Hogan, Mrs. T. Residence 33 Goodview 1745J
Hogan, W.A. Residence 167 Patrick 3651
Hogan, Const. Wm. Residence 21 Garrison 1973M
Hol?en, Mrs. C. Residence 47 Gower 1004J
Holden, E.S. (V.O.I.H.) Residence 218 LeMarchant 795
Holden, F. Garage Cowan 1565
Holden, James Residence Blackmarsh 2089R
Holden, James Residence 437 Southside 2454
Holden, John Residence Topsail Rd 2876J
Holden, John R. Residence Top Battery 2339J
Holden, Michael Residence Topsail Rd 1927
Holden, Peter Residence Southside W. 3306M
Holden, Thomas Residence Topsail Rd 2284J
Holland, F.N. Residence 29 Cochrane 3463M
Holland, Hugh Residence 34 Spencer 1930W
Hollett, Mrs. C. Residence 4 Mt. Pleasant 2018M
Hollett, N. Residence 22 Morris 4058J
Hollett, S. Residence Pennywell 3394W
Hollett, Sergt. T. Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1151J
Hollihan, Michael Residence Forest 1067M
Holloway, Miss Elsie Residence 180 Gower 1800R
Holloway, Joseph Residence Pennywell 3975M
Holloway, Lloyd Residence 59 Feild 3187W
Holloway School   Long's 1587
Holloway Studio, The (Marshall Studios Ltd.) Cor. Bates Hill  
        and Henry 768
Holmes, A.C. Residence 2 Ordnance 395
Holmes, Mrs. Office, Y.W.C.A. Bldg. Water 3649
Holwell, Mrs. Alfred Residence 4 Gill Place 758W
Holwell, Arthur Residence 21 New Portugal Cove Rd 2557J
Holwell, Arthur Trucking Service Water 3784
Holwell, Brian Residence Topsail Rd 2408M
Holwell, E.J. Residence 13 Pilot's 3957W
Holwell, Mrs. F. Residence 104 St. Clare 3382J
Holwell, Harry Residence 15 Pilot's 1297M
Holwell, W.T. Residence Southside E. 2884W
Holy Cross Monastery   Patrick 949
Holy Name Hall   Harvey 2333
Home Insurance Co.   Water 871
Homer, T. Fred Residence Newtown 2227W
Homuth, Rev. C.T. Residence 201 Hamilton 2531W
Hood, A. Residence 119 Merrymeeting 3518
Hood, Daniel Residence 276 New Gower 2666M
Hookey, C. Residence 10 Mount Royal 2940M
Hookey, Chas. Residence 47 Salisbury 1470R
Hookey, H.H. Residence Mayor 3262R
Hookey, James Residence 32 Goodridge 3618R
Hookey, J.J. Tinsmith 23 McFarlane 676
Hookey, John Broom Mfr. 12 Mount Royal 2872
Hookey, Mrs. Leslie Residence 77 Quidi Vidi 1061W
Hookey, Sam Plumber 4 Lime 1107
Hopkins, L.W. Residence 12 Maxse 1186J
Hopkins, Ray Residence 27 Newtown 2894R
Hopkins, Wm. Residence 8 Boncloddy 3287W
Hopley, Wm. Residence 108 Theatre 1852M
Horan, P.J. Residence Southside W. 3125M
Hordern, W.J. Residence 287 LeMarchant 2757M
Horton, Albert Residence Kilbride 224J
Horwood, Mrs. Albert Residence 84 Barter's 2099
Horwood, Andrew Residence 140 Campbell 2141R
Horwood, Baxter Residence 81 Patrick 1829R
Horwood, Mrs. Bessie Residence 81 Calver 944R
Horwood, C. Residence 102 Hamilton 3151R
Horwood, C.F. Residence 302 Water 821R
Horwood, D. Residence 79 Southside E. 2938J
Horwood, Miss E.M. Residence 158A Patrick 1398
Horwood, Geo. R. Residence Glenridge Crescent 3877
Horwood, Capt. John P. Residence Mundy Pond 3369W
Horwood, John Residence 20 Signal Hill 613
Horwood, Lady Residence 13 Church Hill 1294
Horwood Lumber Co., Ltd. Private Branch Exchange    
  Connecting All Depts.   317
      After Hours Office and    
      Carpenter Shop   317
      Lumber & Builders Supplies   318
      Lumber & Builders Supplies    
         Shipping Office   318
     Sales Office (Mr. K. Payne)   3705
     General Office   430
Horwood Lumber Co., Ltd. (Ebsary Estate) Ebsary Ave 1039
Horwood, Robt. Residence Long Pond 3309M
Horwood, Mrs. W.G. Residence 125 Theatre 1382
Hoskins, Mrs. J. Residence 47 Charlton 2616J
Hoskins, J.E. Residence 25 Craigmillar 2526W
Hoskins, Leslie Residence 67 Craigmillar 2936M
Hoskins, Mrs. Mary Residence 153 Gower 218
Hotel Drug Store   Nfld. Hotel 2341
Hotel Taxi (Nfld.) Cavendish Sq 24
Hounsell, Cyril Residence 83 Cabot 2816J
Hounsell, Lester Residence 27A Warbury 3994R
Hounsell, Mrs. Mary Residence Eric 3246W
Hounsell, Robert Residence 99 King's 493J
Hounsell, Capt. T. Residence 164 Pennywell 1625M
House, A.J. & Sons   Topsail Rd 2164
House, Alexander Residence 89 Pleasant 2728M
House, Bert Residence 32 Cornwall 3313J
House of Beauty (Misses Campbell and Bolger) 67 Queen's 2003
House, Mrs. E. Residence 120 Queen's 1708M
House, Edgar Residence Robinson's Hill 3940J
House, F.G. & Co.   Board of Trade Bldg 479
House, Mrs. F.G Residence Topsail Rd 374
House, Frank Residence 18 Allandale 1178M
House, G. Residence Winter 1535J
Howe, L.M. Residence Berteau 2211J
Howell, A. Residence 30 Suez 3045M
Howell, C. Residence 36 Morris 3931R
Howell, Mrs. C.R. Residence 28 Cornwall 2941R
Howell, E.F. Residence 55 Prince of Wales 3218J
Howell, G. Residence 42 St. Clare 2829R
Howell, J. Taxi Service 54 Goodridge 2888
Howell, J.G. Residence 21A Leslie 2058
Howell, Jas. M. Residence 47 Golf 2890
Howell, Miss M. Residence Merrymeeting 3004J
Howell, Mrs. Percy Residence 247 Pennywell 1336M
Howell, Ralph Residence 314 LeMarchant 2753J
Howell, Robert J. Residence 19 William 1241J
Howell, Walter Residence 157 Pleasant 2706R
Howell, William Residence 107 Hamilton 1958M
Howitt, Rev. Canon A.H. St. Thomas's Rectory   664
Howlett, Mrs. C. Residence 1 Barter's 2096W
Howlett, H.J. Residence 64 Prescott 3083J
Howlett, Miss Ida, M.F. Residence 13 York 2277W
Howlett, W.A. Residence 56 Flower 1601W
Howlett, William Residence Howley 1947R
Howley, Major J.M. Residence 26 Gower 2295
Howley, Miss Katherine Residence 15 Militaru 4120
Howse, Albert Residence 28 Morris 3382M
Howse, Claude K. Residence 36 Winter 4094R
Howse, H.A. (Gus) Residence 118 Gower 3347W
Howse, J.B. Residence 14 Golf 3930M
Howse, J.B. Office North American Life Duckworth 3236
Howse, John Residence 49 Franklyn 2305M
Hoyles, Thos. Residence Blackmarsh 3207W
Hubley, C.A., Ltd. Plumbing, Heating &    
    Engineering, Office Gower 1916
Hubley, R.G. Residence Waterford Bridge 3968J
Hudson, Bramwell Residence Aldershot 2844M
Hudson, Carson Residence 308 Southside 2064J
Hudson, Everett Residence 215 Hamilton 541W
Hudson, H.F. Residence 17½ Freshwater 3188J
Hudson, J.K. Residence 27 Coronation 2708R
Hudson, Lloyd Residence 6 Charlton 2257W
Hudson, Miss M. Residence 20 Mullock 1190W
Hudson, R.H. Bottle Dealer 148 Theatre 3490
Hudson, Mrs. W.F. Residence 12 Finn 1725M
Hudson's Bay Co. Office Water 1031
Hue, Fred H. Residence 724 Water 908
Hughes, Mrs. T.A. Residence 23 Atlantic 3173W
Hull, Mrs. A. Residence 219 New Gower 1590M
Humber, Hr. Const. A. Residence 142 Merrymeeting 3031J
Humphries, Jas. Residence Fitzpatrick 3971R
Humphries, Thos. Residence 168 Gower 3137R
Hunt, Bramwell Residence 196 Freshwater 4081W
Hunt, Chas. E., K.C. Residence Circular 598
Hunt, D. Residence 176 Merrymeeting 2302J
Hunt, Emerson, Stirling &      
    Higgins K. of C. Bldg Duckworth 59
Hunt, Emerson, Stirling &      
    Higgins K. of C. Bldg Duckworth 2081
Hunt, George G. Comm. Agent Prescott 4147
Hunt, George G. Residence 103 Pennywell 1632R
Hunt, H. Residence 24 William 3487
Hunt, J. Residence 59 Pierce 3379W
Hunt, J.J. Residence 81 Hamilton 2651R
Hunt, N.P. Grocer Bond 2322
Hunt, Mrs. P. Residence Stamp's Lane 3930M
Hunt, Thos. Residence 7 Gill Place 758J
Hunter, Dr. A.C. Residence 22 Bonaventure 1718
Hunter, Ernest Residence 335 Southside 1806J
Hunter, Jack M. Residence 96 Hamilton 2039W
Hurley, Const. A. Residence Monck Ave 2698M
Hurley, Miss A. Residence 6 Queen's 1957J
Hurley, Cyril Residence 26A Hamilton 2654J
Hurley, Gordon Residence Blackhead Road 1307M
Hurley, Mrs. J. Residence 41 Hamilton 2641R
Hurley, Robt. Residence 26 Hamilton 1519R
Husk, M. Residence 23 John 2613J
Hussey, Allan Residence 14 Monroe 1670J
Hussey, L. Residence 94 St. Clare 3052J
Hussey, T.M. Residence 98 Merrymeeting 3032J
Hustins, George Residence 93 Bond 3085M
Hustins, P.J. Residence Empire 3117J
Hutchings, Mrs. C.H. Residence Winter 921W
Hutchings, E. Residence Pennywell 2744
Hutchings, Eben. Residence Craigmillar 1749W
Hutchings, Eric Residence 84 Pennywell 1632M
Hutchings, George Residence 28 Gear 2410M
Hutchings, Henry Residence Topsail Rd 2195W
Hutchings, J. Residence 2 Beaumont 2246
Hutchings, John Residence 30 Duckworth 2802R
Hutchings, J.S. Residence 14 Scott 2418R
Hutchings, Miss S. Residence 130 Military 561
Hutchings, Warren & Nurse Barristers & Solicitors 119 Duckworth 171
Hutchinson, W.F. Residence Patrick 474
Hutton, Chas. & Sons Music Dealers 222 Water 650
Hutton, Hubert Residence Kenna's 1173W
Hynes, A. Residence Wood's Range 2383J
Hynes, Earl Residence Forest 2895R
Hynes, George Residence 91 Allandale 1153M
Hynes, G.W. Office Mitchell Bldg 650
Hynes, H. Residence Battery 1582J
Hynes, Miss Kathryn Residence 9 Power 2734J
Hynes, Michael Residence 29 Young 2452M
Hyslop, J. Residence 145 Empire 1514J

Contributed by Cindy Tedstone (2002)
Transcribed by Norma Elliott (March 2003)
Co-ordinated by Mary Rawlinson

Revised by Craig Peterman (March 2003)

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