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Tel #
Kane, J. Residence 159 Pleasant 1794R
Kane, Michael Residence Water W. 1890
Kane, Supt. P.J. Residence LeMarchant W. 3233M
Kane, Thos. Jr. Residence 3 Kickham 1723R
Kavanagh, A.J. Residence 11 York 2718M
Kavanagh, Miss B. Residence 21 Colonial 2056R
Kavanagh, A. J. Residence 72 George 2431
Kavanagh, Dr. E.P. Residence Queen's 724
Kavanagh, Dr. E.P. Residence 1 Maxse 974
Kavanagh, Frederick Residence 116 Bond 2907R
Kavanagh, Mrs. F.J. Residence 194 Gower 1379W
Kavanagh, Mrs. J. Residence 125 Bond 2909M
Kavanagh, Mrs. J. Residence 29 Cabot 2256M
Kavanagh, John Residence Hd. Mundy Pond 579R
Kavanagh, John Residence 18 Prospect 2244M
Kavanagh, Mrs. John Residence Blackmarsh 3381J
Kavanagh, John T. Residence 113 Military 735M
Kavanagh, Miss K. Residence 74 Barnes' 2154R
Kavanagh, Lee Residence 20 Flower 2470J
Kavanagh, L.J. Residence 50 Barnes' 3435R
Kavanagh, P. Store Prescott 567
Kavanagh, P.F. Residence 54 Cochrane 1172J
Kavanagh, Lieut. W. Residence 73 Golf 2224R
Kavanagh, W. Residence 70 Monroe 4160R
Kean, Dr. C.D. Residence and Surgery 17 Topsail 4010
Kean, Frank Residence 32 Summer 2705
Kean, Mrs. Jacob Residence 14 McDougall 1293J
Kean, Mrs. J.W. Residence 9 Victoria 754
Kean, M.A. Residence 10 Sudbury 2370J
Kean, Mrs. Mary Residence 8 Hagerty 2835R
Kean, M.J. Office, Morris Bldg Queen 4077
Kean, M.J. Residence 95 Monkstown 2416R
Kean, Capt. Reg Residence 14 Allandale 1178J
Kean, Roland Residence 11 Monroe 1741W
Kean, Mrs. V. Residence 13 Monroe 1741R
Kearley, Jack Residence Oxen Pond 3174R
Kearney, A.B. Residence 212 Pennywell 3694W
Kearsey, G.F. Office Imperial Life    
      Assurance Co.   3860
Kearney, G.F. Residence 77 Circular 1393
Kearney, Wm. Residence 9 Livingstone 2981R
Kearsey, Ed. Grocery 39 Cookstown 3639
Kearsey, John Residence 12 Mullock 3938R
Keats, Clifford Residence 101 Pennywell 1634W
Keats, Douglas Office 16 Mt. Royal 1891
Kelland, E.M. Residence 3 Leslie 2514R
Kelland, James Residence 26 Cabot 3445W
Kelland, Mrs. M.E. Residence 48 Barnes' 1464W
Kelland, R. Residence 230 Pennywell 2917W
Kelland, R.W. Residence 8 Boulevard 2251M
Kelligrew, Eliot Residence 36 Raleigh 3990W
Kelloway, Mrs. Herbert Residence 33 Eric 1838R
Kelloway, Raymond Residence 27 Eric 3901W
Kelloway, Mrs. Simeon Residence 49 Charlton 2193R
Kelly, C.J. Residence 26 Victoria 1784J
Kelly, Cyril Residence 2 Convent Lane 3979J
Kelly, Mrs. E. Residence 81 Campbell 3908R
Kelly, E. O'D., Ltd. Garage & Showroom Duckworth 3407
Kelly, E. O'D. Residence 85 Barnes' 1596R
Kelly, Ernest Residence 19 Cabot 1306W
Kelly, Frank Residence 257 Southside 3538M
Kelly, Fred Residence 84 Mayor 2428M
Kelly, Mrs. Gertrude O'D. Residence 92 St. Clare 3914M
Kelly, Graham Residence 213 Pennywell 562
Kelly, Mrs. H. Residence 50 Colonial 1324
Kelly, Hubert Residence 90 Circular 983R
Kelly, James Residence Signal Hill 45
Kelly, James Residence 46 Long's 865J
Kelly, Mrs. James Residence 12 Barnes' 1556W
Kelly, James J. Residence 8 Sudbury 3197W
Kelly, J.F. Residence Topsail Road 2496W
Kelly, Mrs. John Residence 13 Young 2359R
Kelly, John P. Residence 27 Gower 3559
Kelly, John P. Residence 50 Monkstown 3950M
Kelly, Katherine O'D. Residence 18 Pennywell 1643R
Kelly, Miss Kay Residence 62 King's Bridge 3925W
Kelly, Lewis Residence 13 Hayward 1609M
Kelly, Miss M. Residence Forest 1812M
Kelly, Miss M. Residence 265 Hamilton 504
Kelly, Miss Mary J. Residence 38 Henry 2881J
Kelly, M.F. Residence Glenridge Crescent 3585R
Kelly, Mrs. R. Store 152 Signal Hill 2388
Kelly, Redmond Residence 44 Victoria 957
Kelly, Mrs. Redmond Residence 86 Brazil 3911R
Kelly, Thomas Residence 24 Gear 3280M
Kelly, W. Residence 180 Pennywell 2973R
Kelly, Wm. Residence 126 Duckworth 599R
Kelly's   392 Water 1651
Kelly's Grocery   39 Freshwater 2480
Kelsey, J.S. Residence Kenmount 2472R
Kemp, P.J. Residence 92 Circular 1530
Kendall, Henry Residence 13 Livingstone 3963J
Kendall, Max Residence 343 Sudbury 2551J
Kendrick, Sydney Residence 137 Casey 2683W
Kennedy, Dr. A.B., Dentist Surgery and Residence 246 Water 857
Kennedy, Mrs. Bride Residence 4 Brine 1552R
Kennedy, Miss Dorothy Residence 11 Signal Hill 3348
Kennedy, E.J., Contractor Office and Residence 170 Patrick 791
Kennedy, George J. Residence Dick's 2996W
Kennedy, G.M. Residence 12 Freshwater 3192R
Kennedy, Miss I. Residence 254 New Gower 2359J
Kennedy, Ira A. Residence Water W. 3506
Kennedy, J.J. Residence 7 Topsail 682W
Kennedy, Miss Joan Residence 9 Barnes' Place 1853J
Kennedy, Dr. John J. Surgery and Residence LeMarchant 673
Kennedy, Mrs. Leo H. Residence 33 Mount Royal 3904W
Kennedy, Max Residence 5 Blackmarsh 2025M
Kennedy, Mrs. N.J. Residence 142 Patrick 2712J
Kennedy, Neil Residence 21 Rankin 2466W
Kennedy, O.K. Residence 61 Prescott 3987M
Kennedy, P.J. Residence 23 McKay 1267M
Kennedy, Reg Residence 85 Craigmillar 3272M
Kennedy, Mrs. R.K. Residence 78 Circular 2212J
Kennedy, T.J. Scrap Iron & Metal Dealer 13 William's Lane 627
Kennedy, Mrs. W. Residence 93 Pennywell 2867W
Kennedy, W.J. Residence 14 Campbell 3224J
Kennedy's Drug Store, Ltd. Night & Day 204 Duckworth 381
Kenney, Mrs. C. Residence 70 Colonial 2825M
Kenny[sic], Edward Residence 41 Gower 2154R
Kenney, F.J. Residence 126 Circular 3803
Kenny, Frank Residence 42 Cochrane 2062M
Kenny, Frank Residence 52 Long's 2986W
Kenny, Fred Residence 126 Circular 3803
Kenny, George Residence Portugal Cove Rd 3269M
Kenny, James Residence 5 Lyon's Sq. 2678M
Kenny, Miss M. Residence 19 Walsh's Sq. 3593W
Kenny, Mrs. Nellie Residence 21 Angel 2553W
Kenny, Patrick Residence Portugal Cove Rd 744J
Kenny, Richard Residence Cove Road 1865R
Kenny, Thomas Residence Portugal Cove Rd 1724J
Kenny, Mrs. Walter Residence 51 Monkstown 1592M
Kenny, Mrs. William Residence Portugal Cove Rd 2297R
Kent, James Residence 15 Monkstown 3591R
Kent, Mrs. J.M. Residence Bonaventure 528
Kent, J.W. Residence 206 New Gower 2676W
Kent, P.J. Residence 13 Monkstown 3591W
Kent, R.J. Residence 31 Cookstown 2220R
Kent, R.J. Residence 95 Monkstown 2416R
Kent, Miss Winifred Residence 180 Theatre 1852J
Keough, Miss Edna Residence 14 Chapel 2796R
Keough, J.F. Residence 25 Mullock 64
Kepple, Miss M. Residence 199 Hamilton 4067R
Kerevan, Mrs. P.J. Residence 22 York 596R
Kerrivan, Michael Residence 27 Pleasant 3995R
Kerrivan, Mrs. W. Residence 232 Hamilton 2119R
Kielley, D.W. Residence Cornwall 2489J
Kielly, Gilbert J. Contractor Residence    
    and Builder Residence Allandale 1514R
Kielly, Mrs. J.J. Residence 53 Monkstown 1778J
Kielly, J.G. Residence 85 Military 735J
Kielly, John Residence 175 Gower 2726R
Kilpatrick, H. Residence 46 Warbury 2392M
King, Mrs. A. Residence Suez 2466M
King, A.A. Residence 335 Hamilton 2674J
King, Const. Albert Residence 241 Pennywell 1013M
King, Mrs. A.B. Residence Freshwater 2438J
King, A.M. Residence 61 St. Clare 2880R
King, Ambrose Store Mayor 2916
King, Capt. B. Residence 3 Campbell 3224M
King, Berkley Residence 53 Leslie 2929W
King, Mrs. Chas. Residence 30 Merrymeeting 1616W
King, Ches Residence Kenmount 1994R
King, Clayton L. Residence cor. Pennywell 221
King, Frank Grocer 28 Freshwater 4418
King, Mrs. H. Residence 13 Cashin 2331R
King, Harold Residence Mount Scio 1536J
King, H.J. Residence 223 Hamilton 3190M
King, Hubert Residence 4 Southside E. 2938R
King, Mrs. J. Residence 61 Quidi Vidi 2413W
King, Jack Residence Robinson's Hill 1545R
King, James Residence Allandale 1754W
King, Michael Residence 9 Suvla 3044J
King, Michael Residence 10 Fitzpatrick 2805R
King, Stephen Residence 4 Carew 1923M
King, Miss T. Residence 29 Mullock 2145W
King, Thos. Residence 97 Allandale 2723W
King, W.A. Residence 27 Prospect 2244R
King, W.E. Residence Signal Hill 3243W
King's Bridge Service Station   King's Bridge 3759
King's Bridge Taxi Kevin Walsh, Prop. King's Bridge 100
King's Taxi Service   Harvey 286
Kinsella, Miss Clara Residence King's Bridge 2477J
Kinsman, Frank Residence 12 Gear 1658J
Kirby, Mrs. C. Residence 33 Pierce 3206W
Kirby, F. Residence Leslie 2925M
Kirby, J. Residence Pierce 3416M
Kirby, Joseph Residence 50 Stephen 2133R
Kirby, Joseph Residence Southside 1894R
Kirby, P. Residence Kilbride 3479M
Kirby, William Residence York 2277R
Kirkland, Mrs. George Residence 263 Hamilton 2702M
Knapman, M. Residence 80 Pennywell 2867M
Knee, Ben Board & Room Brazil 2893
Knee, Eli Residence Freshwater 3174M
Knee, Mrs. Fred Residence 7 Fitzpatrick 2436W
Knee, Mrs. J. Residence 37 Golf 2329J
Knight, A.B. Residence 179 Gower 2922R
Knight, A.H. Residence 20 Henry 2903R
Knight, Alex O. Residence 18 Henry 3966M
Knight, C.A. Residence 2 Devon Row 3288R
Knight, E.E. Commission Merchant Duckworth 2086
Knight, E.E. Residence 34 Circular 398
Knight, Eric Residence Kilbride 1286J
Knight, Frank S. Residence Allandale 1956
Knight, Mrs. F.W. Residence Southside W. 2883
Knight, H.S., K.C. Residence King's Bridge 4004
Knight, Mrs. J. St. P. Residence King's Bridge 719
Knight, Phelan and Hawkins Barristers & Solicitors Board of Trade Bldg 1009
Knight, Phelan and Hawkins Barristers & Solicitors Board of Trade Bldg 1010
Knight, R.C. Residence 34 Circular 398
Knight, Ray Residence Battery 1582J
Knight, Stephen Residence 31 William 728M
Knight, S.G. Residence 21 New Gower 1578M
Knight, William C. Residence 104 Circular 2196J
Knights of Columbus   St. Clare 99
Knights of Columbus Bowling Alley   St. Clare 3747
Knowling, George Residence 26A Monkstown 751
Knowling, George Office Mitchell Bldg 1570
Knowling, Dr. T.A. Residence 72 Circular 710
Knowling, W.U. Agent, Atlas Insurance Co. 158 Water 1249
Knowling, W.U. Residence 72 Circular 710
Knudsen, Mrs. H. Residence 77 Monroe 2659J
Kong, Gin Laundry 108 Duckworth 3421

Contributed by Cindy Tedstone (2002)
Transcribed by Norma Elliott (March 2003)
Co-ordinated by Mary Rawlinson

Revised by Craig Peterman (March 2003)

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