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Tel #
Facey, Miss Ella Residence 10 Murray 492J
Facey, W. Residence Cornwall 2217J
Fagan, Dick Residence 2 Prescott 3916W
Fagan, Jas. Residence 18 Codner's 3102W
Fagan, J.M. Residence 12 Raleigh 2944R
Fagan, Mrs. Richard Residence 8 Knight 1923J
Fagan, T.J. Residence 17 Charlton 2582M
Fahey, John Residence 42 Carter's 2793W
Fahey, L.L. Residence 81 Military 3244M
Fahey, Philip Residence 50 LeMarchant 3292J
Fahey, R. Residence 55 Cornwall 2238M
Falk, Mrs. F. Residence 55 Southside 1943R
Fanning, A. Residence Mundy Pond 3117W
Fanning, Mrs. A. Residence 743 Water 636W
Fanning, H.F. Office and Typewriter Supplies 374 Water 2250
Fanning, Mrs. Ida Residence 24 Waldegrave 401
Fardy, Mrs. A. Residence 29 Flower 1629W
Fardy, M.J. Residence 50 Mullock 2572M
Farsdale, J.M. Residence 173 Gower 1800W
Farrell, Mrs. Annie Residence 35 Hamilton 2654M
Farrell, Henry L. Residence 32 Power 2731W
Farrell, J. Residence Government House  
       Lodge East 1222J
Farrell, Mrs. James Residence 2 Young 2006W
Farrell, James P. Residence Topsail Road 3448J
Farrell, Joseph H. Tailor 97 Long's 3606
Farrell, Michael Residence 6 Power 63
Fearn, Basil Residence 135 Casey 545
Fearn, Basil Office Beck's Cove 120
Fearn, Ltd. Office 284 Water 844
Fearn, Frank Residence Topsail Road 3247M
Feaver, Alex Residence Shaw's Lane 2464J
Feaver, H. Residence Richmond 2645R
Feaver, Roy Residence 131 Bond 3937R
Feaver, S.J. Forge Feaver's Lane 1457
Feehan, Mrs. E. Residence 132 Gower 806J
Feehan, John J. Druggist 490 Water 1531
Feehan, R.J. Residence 166 New Gower 716
Feildian Bowling Alleys Bishop Feild College   3737
Felix, A. Residence Pine Bud 1688M
Fennessey, Thos. J.   446 Water 1937R
Ferguson, D. Residence 42 Leslie 2929J
Ferguson, Mrs. Janette Residence Waterford Bridge 1295R
Fewer, M. Residence 97 Gower 3319W
Fewer, Patrick A. Butcher Casey 3616
Field, Albert E. Residence 6 Summer 960J
Field, Mrs. Edwin Residence Prescott 3064M
Field, John Grocery Kenna's 4018
Field, Mrs. L. Residence 19 Barron 2676M
Field, T. Residence 42 Lime 3100W
Fifield, Alfred Residence 180 Merrymeeting 1954M
Fifield, Arthur Residence 72 Aldershot 1034R
Fifield, J.F. Residence 114 Aldershot 2856J
Fillier, J. Residence 1 Lintrose[sic] Terrace 2819M
Finch, Mrs. G. Residence Mundy Pond 3429R
Finch, Wm. Residence 245 Hamilton 640R
Findlater, Mrs. A. Residence Ordnance 1364
Finlay, Wm. Residence Signal Hill 3242W
Finn, Mrs. Catherine Residence 2 Gear 3279M
Finn, J.J. Residence 57 Craigmillar 2859M
Finn, William Residence 24 Finn 3275M
Fire Alarm No Number Required    
Fire Department Private Branch Exchange    
      Connecting all Deparrtments   173
Firth, Mrs. M.C. Residence 21 Military 213
Firth O'Neill's Beauty Parlour   New Gower 645
Fish & Meat Co., Ltd.   Military 236
Fisher, W. Residence 41 Feild 3191M
Fishery Products Ltd. Private Branch Exchange    
     Connecting All Departments   2380
     Connecting All Departments   2381
     Connecting All Departments   2382
  Night and Holiday Calls:    
     Office   2380
     Wharf   2381
     Cold Storage   2382
Fisherman's Union Trading Co.   Board of Trade Bldg 49
Fitch Shampoo Agency   Water 917
Fitzgerald, Chas. Residence 1 Boggan 2293W
Fitzgerald, E. Residence 72 Livingstone 1271M
Fitzgerald, Frank Residence 67 Springdale 1392M
Fitzgerald, Frank Residence Blackmarsh 3096J
Fitzgerald, Mrs. L. Residence 22 Victoria 2911R
Fitzgerald, Leo Residence Blackmarsh 3429M
Fitzgerald, P.J. Residence 37 Monkstown 466
Fitzgerald, Richard Residence 81 Pennywell 2004R
Fitzgerald, W.J. Residence 69 Rennie's Mill 1620R
Fitzgibbon, Joseph Residence 127 Hamilton 2062M
Fitzpatrick, Miss E. Residence 12 Maxse 1186J
Fitzpatrick, Frank Residence Pierce 3379R
Fitzpatrick, Fred Residence 71 Pennywell 1441W
Fitzpatrick, M. Residence 65 Avalon Terrace 3349W
Fitzpatrick, Miss M.J. Residence 163 Gower 2671
Fitzpatrick, Thomas Grocery 121 Gower 1390
Fitzpatrick, W. Residence Topsail Road 1203
Fleming, Alfred Residence Southside W. 1894W
Fleming, Gerald Residence 11 Spencer 3008R
Fleming, John Residence 15 Convent 1956R
Fleming, Kevin Residence 1 Duckworth 3245M
Fleming, Mrs. M. Residence 11 Boggan 2393R
Fleming, Margaret Residence 42 Stephen 3110J
Fleming, R. Residence 21 McFarlane 2659R
Fleming, Richard Residence 98 Lime 3103R
Fleming, Thomas Residence 7 McKay 1267R
Flett, H.W. Residence 321 LeMarchant 2406M
Flight, Clarence Residence 47 Franklyn 790M
Flight, Geo. Residence 4 Beaumont 1370W
Flight, James Residence 44 Feild 3194W
Flight, Wm. Residence 111 St. Clare 2362R
Flood, J.J. Residence 58 Pleasant 2716M
Flood, John Residence Southside W. 3245R
Flowertown   G.W.V.A. Bldg 1264
Flynn, D. Residence 77 Casey 2414M
Flynn, Mrs. Elizabeth Residence 15 Brazil 2458R
Flynn, Mrs. G. Residence 68 Patrick 896M
Flynn, Jas. Residence Pilot's Hill 3957R
Flynn, J.J. Residence 126 Bond 482R
Flynn, Mrs. John Residence 21 Topsail Rd 682R
Flynn, M. Residence 79 Long's 2206R
Flynn, Mrs. M. Residence 59 Parade 3063R
Flynn, Mrs. Mary Residence 27 Boncloddy 3291R
Flynn, Michael Residence 3 Deanery 2637M
Flynn, Patrick Residence Oxen Pond 1907M
Flynn, T.J. Residence 108 Pleasant 2710J
Flynn's Cooperage   24 Hamilton 2594
Fogarty, A.W. Residence Leslie 2050
Fogarty, G. Residence 2 Monkstown 453R
Fogerty, W. Residence Mayor 3025J
Fogwill, Frank Residence Portugal Cove Rd 3125W
Fogwill, R.T. Residence 37 Avalon Terrace 3160J
Fogwill, Irving Residence 25 Avalone Terrace 3186M
Fogwill, William Residence Topsail Road 3026W
Foley, F. Residence Cor. Cashin & Campbell 3342W
Foley, Gerald Residence 14 Henry 2990W
Foley, Gordon Residence 81 Quidi Vidi 1083R
Foley, J.T. Residence Queen's 242
Foley, Miss Mary Residence 176 Gower 979
Foley, P. Residence Quidi Vidi 2091R
Foley, Mrs. P.J. Residence 1 Quidi Vidi 856
Foley, Mrs. Thomas Residence 663 Water 3327M
Follett, Cyril Residence Blackmarsh 2878J
Follett, Mrs. Elvah Residence 76 Monroe 2582M
Follett, J.C. Residence Forest 2874M
Follett, Mrs. Wm. Residence 285 Hamilton 3425J
Fong, Davey Residence 383 Duckworth 189
Food Depot, The   254 New Gower 2359W
Foote, Mrs. E. Residence 57 Craigmillar 2936J
Foote, G.E. Residence 10 Colonial 3466J
Foote, J.B. Residence 151 Hamilton 4179R
Foran, Edward Residence 8 Topsail Rd 2836
Foran, J. Residence 44 Alexander 1361R
Foran, James Residence 196 Pleasant 2694M
Forbes, Mrs. A. Residence 246 Hamilton 2133W
Forbes, Mrs. James Residence 102 Hamilton 3151R
Forbes, J.D. Residence 220 Hamilton 2636W
Forbes-Roberts, H. Residence 10 Forest 496
Ford, Mrs. Abe Residence 2 British 1021M
Ford, Lt. Cdr. G.W. Residence 9 Military 2064
Ford, H.G. Residence 26 Springdale 1085W
Ford, H.S. Residence 19 Leslie 1869J
Ford, J.H. Residence 472 Water 1355M
Ford, Mrs. Marion Residence 12 Rennie's Mill 3909M
Ford Sales & Service A.E. Hickman Co., Ltd.   1135
Ford, Ted Residence Waterford Bridge 3172R
Forest Fire Patrol Depot   Mt. Pearl 2334J
Forest Fire Patrol   Mt. Pearl Park 13
Forrestal, Mrs. C. Residence 450 Southside 1344
Forrestal, Mrs. H. Residence Mill Bridge 3355M
Forsey, J.E. Lake Residence 143 Pleasant 3489
Forsey, Philip Residence 292 Pennywell 3419R
Fort Amherst Lighthouse   Southside E. 2921W
Fort Amherst Sea Foods   391 Duckworth 2848
Fortune, Rev. L.A. Residence 101 Military 735R
Fortune, P.J. Residence 99 Military 1025J
Fortune, P.J. Store 95 New Gower 715
Fortune, T.J. Residence 63 Cochrane 204W
Forward, Miss Mary Residence 15 Flavin 2958W
Foster, Alex Butcher Duckworth 1246
Foster, Alex Residence 48 St. Clare 2895
Foster, John Druggist 111 Pleasant 4023
Foster, John Residence Freshwater 2382W
Foundry Dept. Foreman's Office    
  (U.N.& F. Co) 133 Hamilton 3079
Four One Five Eight Taxi Service Fleming 4158
Fowler, Mrs. B. Residence Hamilton 2654W
Fowler, C. Residence Southside W. 2957W
Fowler, John Residence 283 LeMarchant 2757J
Fowler, Miss K. Residence 140 New Gower 3141W
Fowler, J. Stan Residence 64 Fleming 2473J
Fowler, Mrs. Residence 19 Hamilton 2654W
Fowlow, Frank Residence 6 Gilbert 2549R
Fowlow, Geo. Residence 24 Gear 2343R
Fowlow. H. Grocer 24 Livingstone 2953
Fox, Ernest, Manager Confederation Life Assn.    
  Bank of Nova Scotia    
  Building   1284
Fox, Ernest Residence 16 Rennie's Mill 2031
Fox, Hon. Mr. Justice Chambers Court House 3686
Fox, Hon. Mr. Justice Residence 30 Queen's 34
Fox, L.M. Residence 5 Angel Place 2654J
Fraize, Miss F.L. Residence 46 Victoria 3471W
Frampton, Daniel Residence 28 Raleigh 1060J
Frampton, E. Residence 5 Long 1726M
Frampton, E. Residence 9 Raleigh 1660R
Frampton, Mrs. Wm. Residence 48 Spencer 3343M
Francis Sailworks   Queen 4140
Francis, Miss M.G. Residence 7 Prince of Wales 2409W
Francis, Walter Residence 82 Merrymeeting 3018J
Franklyn Store Wm. Andrews Franklyn 3596
Fraser, Allan Residence 80 Barnes' 1018
Fraser, Prof. A.M.   23 Rennie's Mill 1969
Fraser, Capt. D.C. Residence Topsail Road 246
Fraser, Capt. D.C. "Cloverdale Farm" Topsail Road 551W
Fraser & Fraser, Drs. Surgery 284 Duckworth 494
Fraser, Harry Residence Duckworth 4060
Fraser, Hazen M. Residence 34 Winter 2670
Fraser, Dr. J.O. Residence 292 Duckworth 494
Fraser, J.W. Residence 4 Golf 2979W
Fraser, Dr. N.S. Residence Circular 4006
Freake, Const. Leslie Residence Carpasian 1688W
Frecker, A. Residence 25 Forest 3322
Freeman, P.W. Residence Allandale 2366J
Freeman, T.S.A. Heap & Partners (Nfld.) Ltd. Water 1830
Freeman, T.S.A. Residence Mayfield Waterford Bridge 745
Freeman's Grocery & Dry Goods   47 Hayward 2807
Frelich, M. Residence 33 Cashin 2469W
French, Clarence Restaurant 378 Duckworth 4061
French Consulate Residence 37 King's Bridge 878
French, Douglas Residence Waterford Bridge 2456M
French, E.D. Residence 83 Monroe 2581R
French, F??? Residence 124 Casey 3257M
French, Harold Residence 1 Raleigh 1009R
French, Hayward Residence 30 Scott 1375M
French, John Residence 5 Avalon Terrace 3106W
French, Leonard Residence 35 Feild 1757R
French, R.M. Residence Waterford Bridge 3968M
French, Stephen Residence 134 Pleasant 1137M
French, Walter J. Residence 83 Bond 3094
French, W.E. Residence 15 William 1241W
French, Mrs. W.P. Residence Campbell 3908R
Frew, L.G. Residence 44 LeMarchant 1489R
Fried, Jerry Residence 20 Maxse 4025
Frizzell, Mrs. Wm. Residence 88 New Gower 2096J
Frost, A.J. Residence 114 Duckworth 2739W
Frost, Mrs. Nellie Residence 185 Pennywell 3902W
Froude, Mrs. H. Residence Ebsary 3207M
Froude, R.M. Residence 196 Water 2299J
Fry, Chas. Residence 71 Monroe 2362J
Fry, Florence Residence Torbay Rd 2034J
Fry, G.B., Plumber Residence 50 Patrick 2362
Fry, R. Residence 12 Charlton 2593J
Fry, Solomon Residence 89 Hamilton 2639J
Fry, W.A. Residence 117 Springdale 1506W
Fudge, George Residence 52 Pennywell 2274M
Fudge, John Residence 47 Stephen 3119M
Furey, Albert Residence Road de Luxe 2876M
Furey, Chas. Residence 59 Prescott 3967W
Furlong, Misses Residence Winter 310
Furlong, Miss Agnes Residence King's Bridge 2557M
Furlong, Edward Residence 25 Central 3520
Furlong, E.T. Residence 24 Allandale 2264
Furlong, F.L. Residence Waterford Bridge 1155
Furlong, Miss Helen Beauty Service 100 Barnes' 1533
Furlong, J. Residence 695 Water 1991W
Furlong, J. Residence 135 Southside 3318R
Furlong, James P. Residence 112 Pleasant 893
Furlong, Mrs. J.F. Residence 165 New Gower 3483M
Furlong, L. Smithville Long Pond 481
Furlong, Miss Mary Residence 22 New Gower 3231W
Furlong, P. Residence 48 Signal Hill 2555
Furlong, Peter Residence 5 ??? 2990J
Furlong, Peter Residence 23 Howe 2091W
Furlong, P.J. Residence Long Pond 1695R
Furlong, R.S. Residence Winter 310
Furlong, R.S. Office Duckworth 61
Furneaux, Mrs. E.A. Residence 30 Gear 3281R
Furneaux, Dr. J.H., V.S. Residence Allandale 1714
Furneaux, Wilfrid E. Residence 38 Monkstown 1717R
Furness Withy & Co., Ltd. Private Branch Exchange    
      Night and Holiday Calls   2373
      General Office   2373
      Wharf Office   2374
      Passenger Department   2375
      Watchman   2376
      Manager's Office   2377

Contributed by Cindy Tedstone (2002)
Transcribed by Norma Elliott (March 2003)
Co-ordinated by Mary Rawlinson

Revised by Craig Peterman (March 2003)

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