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Tel #
Eadie, W.B. Residence 21 Victoria 1764R
Eagan, Rev. Fr. C.S   Littledale 123
Eagan, D.J. Residence Freshwater 19094J
Eagan, Dr. G.J. Dentist Water 2923
Eagan, Dr. G.J. Residence Bonaventure 1439
Eagan, Leo Residence 32 Hayward 1190M
Eagan, Mrs. Margaret Residence Bonaventure 1639
Eagle Café   402 Water 1856
Earle, Mrs. A. Residence 152 Patrick 900
Earle, Alton A.S. Residence 63 Military 2435J
Earle, Mrs. A. Residence Tessier Place 1713M
Earle, Arthur Residence 8 Mullock 1863J
Earle, Mrs. D. Residence Top Battery 3047R
Earle, Mrs. D.M. Residence 8 Linscott 1632J
Earle, Ed. Residence Top Battery 2339M
Earle, F. Residence 6 Central 3116J
Earle, Fred Residence 77 Craigmillar 3144R
Earle, Harold Residence 29 Boncloddy 2955M
Earle, Mrs. John Residence 29 Feild 1737J
Earle, Leonard C.R. Residence Winter 1659W
Earle, Mrs. Residence 31 Craigmillar 1851
Earle, Ralph Residence Lake View 2822M
Earle, Raymond Residence 16 Belvedere 1614R
Earle Sons & Co. Office Water W. 576
Earle, V. Residence Topsail Rd 3935R
Earles, J. Residence 35 Fleming 1313W
Earles, Mrs. J. Residence McKay 2109W
Earles, T. Residence 69 Brazil 127J
East Broadway Store, Ltd. Grocers Plymouth 3440
East Broadway Store, Ltd. Grocers Plymouth 3441
East Coast Fisheries Ltd. Reid Building Duckworth 527
East End Bakery, Our Own   Water 668
East End Meat Market A. Stacey 31 Plymouth 1112
East End Stores, Ltd. Hardware and Grocery Duckworth 201
East End Stores, Ltd. Grocery Duckworth 202
East End Stores, Ltd. Office Duckworth 203
East End Taxi Service   Water E. 175
Eastern Oil & Import Co., Ltd.   317 Water 2448
Eastern Trust Company   263 Water 27
Eastern Trust Company   263 Water 28
Eastman, D. Residence 19 Freshwater 3188M
Eaton, W.J. Residence 52 Rennie's Mill 3954W
Ebsary, C.A. Residence 169 Campbell 1564R
Ebsary, E. Residence 153 Southside E. 2933M
Ebsary, Mrs. Georgina Residence 151 Southside 1176R
Ebsary, Mrs. J. Residence 6 Mt. Royal 2940J
Ebsary, Mrs. W.E. Residence 3 Atlantic 2724W
Ebsary, W.R. Residence Mundy Pond 1564W
Eckersley, R.J. Residence Forest 629J
Economy Cash Store   148 Gower 1103
Economy Cash Store   148 Gower 3477
Eddy, Bert Residence 314 Pennywell 2239
Eddy, Chas. Residence 225 Pennywell 3902W
Eddy, Mrs. Chas. Residence 12 Prince of Wales 1285R
Eddy, Clarence Residence 12 Prince of Wales 3279J
Eddy, E.D. Residence 322 Pennywell 1013W
Eddy, Edward Residence Pennywell 303R
Eddy, Gordon Residence 98 St. Clare 399
Eddy, Max Residence 9 Prince of Wales 2409M
Eddy, Ronald Residence 46 Golf 3303R
Eddy, R.S. Residence 17 Prince of Wales 1285W
Edens, Gerald McD. Residence 32 Gower 2794
Edgar, Miss E.M. Residence 163 Gower 349W
Edgar, John Residence 38 King's 2029R
Edgar, Miss Louise Residence 29 Victoria 2906J
Edgecombe, A.H. Residence Waterford Bridge 2499R
Edgecombe, Benjamin Grocer 80 Cabot 2307
Edgecombe, George Residence Top Battery 3302J
Edgecombe, Miss M. Residence 36 Cochrane 1239W
Edgecombe, Miss Sophie Residence 24 Scott 1606R
Edney, Mrs. J.W. Residence 27 William 690W
Edney, William Residence 32 McDougall 1293W
Edstrom, Miss Mary Residence 39 Cochrane 2062R
Edstrom, P.J. Plumber 6 Pilot's Hill 956
Edstrom, William Residence 65 Fleming 3905J
Edwards, Bert Drug Store Cross Rds 3515
Edwards, Mrs. James Residence 96 Circular 507W
Edward[sic], James, Grocery Residence 149 Duckworth 196
Edwards, J.E.E.   366 Water 1315
Edwards, K. Allan Residence Howley 2755M
Edwards, William D. Residence 112 Circular 3726
Efford, Sergt. R. Residence 31 Raleigh 3976J
Efford, Wm. Residence 122 Freshwater 3163J
Ehlers, Geo. Residence 53 Military 2912
Electric Utilities Ltd.   18 Freshwater 840
Elks, Benevolent Order of   Duckworth 3609
Elliott, Mrs. E.D. Residence 6 Maxse 2327W
Elliott, G. Residence Waterford Bridge 3709
Elliott, S. Residence Carpasian 2232W
Elliott, Mrs. S. Residence 5 Leslie 1128
Elliott, S., Ltd. Office Water E. 3428
Elliott, W.W. Residence 87 Barnes' 2345
Ellis, C. Archer Residence 161 Gower 3923J
Ellis, C.J. Residence 178 Gower 1385
Ellis, E.A. Residence 40 Victoria 1427
Ellis, E.B. Residence 15 Maxse 973
Ellis, Eric Residence 7 Forest 1525
Ellis, Miss Jessie Residence 13 William 1541M
Ellis, J.C. Fish & Oil Exporter 408 Water 2101
Ellis, J.C. Fish & Oil Exporter 14 Southside E. 3310
Ellis, J.C. Residence 54 Springdale 3234
Ellis, Joseph A. Residence 183 Freshwater 2387R
Ellis, Miss M. Residence 116 Military 314
Elton, Gordon Residence Cornwall 2630M
Elton, Sandy Country Residence Brookfield 3247J
Emberley, George Grocer 32 Gower 1836
Emberley, James Residence 4 Bond 2451J
Emberley, Miss M. Residence 14 Wood 2623R
Emberley, Mrs. M.J. Residence Top Shaw 1448R
Emerson, Fred R. K.C. Residence Winter 518
Emerson, Fred R. K.C. Office, Hunt, Emerson    
  Sterling & Higgins   59
Emerson, Harry Universal Agencies Ltd. Water 2087
Emerson, Harry Universal Agencies Ltd.    
  Residence Winter 518
Emerson, Hon. Sir Edward Country Residence   3643
Empire Taxi   King's 259
Empire Trading Co., Ltd. J.J. Rossiter, Manager Renouf Bldg 549
Emsley, J. Residence 29 Parade 3053W
England, Jack Residence 24 Feild 1757M
England, Mrs. John Residence 45 Long's 2986M
England, Walter Residence 25 Feild 2001M
English, Miss A. Residence 14 Queen's 2065M
English, Frank Residence 14 Charlton 3958W
English, Mrs. J. Residence 58 Brazil 127R
English, John P. Residence 27 Bannerman 789R
English, L.E.F. Residence 176 Pleasant 3312M
English, S. Residence 38 Cashin 2927R
English, Const. William Residence 12 Feild 3455W
Ennis, Miss Alice Residence 3 Bates' 2831R
Ennis, C.J. Residence 26 Hamilton 2065R
Ennis, Lewis Residence 112 Bond 2906M
Ennis, William Residence Southside E. 2922R
Epstein, Ed. Residence 694 Water W. 2084
Epstein, Isador Residence Gower 493W
Epstein, Maurice Residence 89 Barnes' 3219
Escott, James Residence 72 Leslie 3246J
Escott, James P. Residence 31 Charlton 2586R
Escott, Philip Residence 22 Craigmillar 2526R
Estabrooks, T.H. & Co., Ltd.   138 Water 649
European Cleaners & Dyers   248 Hamilton 743
European Watchmakers & Jewellers   369 Water 1274
Eustace, James Residence 40 Bannerman 1376
Evans, A.R. Residence 54 Monkstown 1717W
Evans, B. Residence 36 Gear 2415J
Evans, C. Residence Mt. Cashel 3903W
Evans, Caleb Residence 19 John 1392w
Evans, Chesley Residence 55 William 1583W
Evans, F. Residence 34 John 2491J
Evans, George Residence 240 Freshwater 3995R
Evans, Gerald Residence 148 Patrick 2709M
Evans, J. Residence 5 Middle Battery 1011W
Evans, James Residence Topsail Rd 1560M
Evans, John Grocer 33 Cabot 243
Evans, John J. Printer Prescott 1387
Evans, Mrs. Residence 161 Casey 2681M
Evans, Mrs. Margaret Residence 129 New Gower 2471R
Evans, Mrs. Marion Residence 34 Forest 1077
Evans, Michael Residence 171 Pleasant 2696J
Evening Telegram Ltd. Private Branch Exchange   2900
Evening Telegram Ltd.     2901
Evening Telegram Ltd.     2902
Everard, J.J. Residence 156 Hamilton 1472R
Ewing, E.G. Residence 203 LeMarchant 256
Ewing, F.M. Residence 202 Hamilton 2736
Ewing, Jas. R. Residence 187 LeMarchant 1058
Ewing, W.H. Residence 41 Pleasant 1439
Ewing, W.H. & Son   199 Water 689
Ewing, Wm. Residence 50 Hayward 1074W
Experimental Farm   Mount Pearl 2334R

Contributed by Cindy Tedstone (2002)
Transcribed by Norma Elliott (March 2003)
Co-ordinated by Mary Rawlinson

Revised by Craig Peterman (March 2003)

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