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Index of Miscellaneous Deeds and Wills
(1744-1859 in 22 Volumes)
held at the
Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (PANL)
"M" (Part 1)
None of these documents are in the possession of the NGB. This is a transcription only.
For information on obtaining copies of wills click here
Please use the following to select the page you want to view
The following is the "Nature of Document" meanings for the Misc Wills and Deeds | |||||
A | Assent | AA | Deed of Assumption Agreement | AF | Affidavit |
AG | Agreement | AL | Assignment of Lease | AP | Assignment of Purchase and Sale |
AR | Assignment of Rentals | AS | Assignment | AT | Appointment of Trustee |
B/S | Bill of Sale | C | Conveyance | CF | Confirmation |
CO | Court Order | CT | Trustee Certificate | CV | Caveat |
D | Declaration | DB | Debenture | E | Easement: Right of Way |
G | Grant | GT | Guarantee | I | Indemnification |
J | Judgement | L | Lease | L1 | License |
LP | Les Pendens | LS | Surrender of Lease | M | Mortgage: Deed of Further Charge; Trust Deed |
MC | Minute of Council | MP | Master Plan | MR | Mortgage Renewal |
N | Notice | NA | Notice of Abandonment | NE | Notice of Expropriation |
NL | Notice of Lease | NW | Navigable Waters | O | Option |
P | Indenture of Subordination (Deed of Postponement) | PA | Power of Attorney | PR | Part Release of Mortgage |
PT | Partition | QT | Quieting of Titles | R | Release (Notice of Expropriation) |
RC | Release of Covenant | RE | Rectification; Amended Notice of Expropriation | RM | Release of Mortgage; Release of Debenture; Release of Conditional Sale Agreement (Irving Oil) |
RP | Release of Power of Attorney | S | Deed of Substitution | SL | Lien Statement |
SM | Supplemental Trust Deed | TM | Transfer of Mortgage | WC | Worker's Compensation |
ORS | Others |
My apologies if some of this is
incorrect but parts of this document were very difficult to decipher
(Ivy Benoit) | |||||||
Date | Consideration | Nature of Deed | Parties | # | Vol. | Page | Situation |
1748 Mar. 7 | 5/ | Lease | Monier John from Roberts Wm. |
1 | 1 | St. John's | |
A@ 8 | ,12 per year | B/S | DoA Do |
1 | 5 | do | |
1749 Aug. 17 | ,1.1/yr. | B/S | do A Roberts Thos. |
1 | 10 | A | |
1744 Nov. 10 | B/S | doA Roberts Wm. |
1 | 12 | A | ||
1761 Apr. 20 | will | do Will of |
16 | ||||
1808 Apr. 24 | Will of | Mackay Wm. | 61 | ||||
A Nov. 22 | A | Murphy Denis | 73 | ||||
1809 Mar. 4 | A | Malone Andrew | 92 | ||||
1783 | Plantation | Murphy Patrick (see N. & S. Registry Index) | 1 | 2 | Bay de Verde | ||
B/S | Macbraire James from Gould Wm. | 2 | 39&65 | ||||
B/S | do From High Sheriff |
64 | St. John's South Meads | ||||
B/S | do A Dwyer T & M. |
67 | Fitzpatrick's Plantation | ||||
M | do A Sawer John |
70 | St. John's | ||||
B/S | March Stephen room at Old Perlican | 74 | |||||
Miller Robert To O'Bren Saml. | 76 | St. Mary's | |||||
1800 Dec. 15 | M | Meagher James A Cunningham ??? | 77 | ||||
M | do A Rennie & Brien |
91 | |||||
A/C | McGreal Lawrence a/c with Fillis ??? | 100 | |||||
M/ | Macbraire James to Read & Ranson | 103 | |||||
B/S | Molloy Edmund from Power John |
111 | Burin | ||||
Morrissey A Hayes Geo. T. |
119 | St. John's | |||||
Agrt. | Macbraire James and Brine Robt. |
122 | |||||
Lease | Macurdy John to Curren Michael |
127 | |||||
M/ | Maddock Luke from O'Brien Samuel | 130 | |||||
M | Mallard Wm. To Cunningham et al |
141 | |||||
S | Mutter Abraham re Schooner Nelly | 156-168 | |||||
M | Meagher Thos. To Hunter & Co. | 163 | |||||
1777 May 15 | Grant | Montagu Gov. A Bollard Robt. |
3 | 38 | |||
1806 Jan. 7 | ,20 | B/S | Macbraire Jas. From Eaststaff Thos. ??? | 55 | |||
1805 Dec. 16 | ,800.4/2 | M | Meagher Thos. To Hunter 7 Co. |
57 | |||
Lease | Murch John from Watts Nicholas et al |
83 | |||||
340.15/4 | M/z | Murray To Macbraire James |
88 | ||||
Bond | do A Do |
93 | |||||
Macbraire James from Knight Jas. R. |
95 | ||||||
Mulcahey B. Co. To Clapp Wm. & Co. | 106 | ||||||
Macbraire Jas. A Keith John |
115 | ||||||
Mangan John To Williams Lance | 140 | ||||||
Martin Jno. A Do |
141 | ||||||
Mulloney Wm. From Gower Gov. |
168 | ||||||
A/4 | Macdonald Michael to Martin Thos. |
3 | 181 | ||||
Macbraire James & Co. From Knight James K. |
196 | ||||||
P/A | do A Ede James |
238 | |||||
Market Place grant of land for | 224 | St. John's Market | |||||
Murray Pat. To Duggan James |
298 | ||||||
Macbraire James From Pendergast Wm. |
322 | ||||||
Moor Stephen To Ewer Rev. Thos. |
369 | Ferryland | |||||
Do A Do |
371 | ||||||
Macbraire James from Coole Thos. | 412 | ||||||
do A Skinner Lieut Col. |
415 | ||||||
Macurdy John A Gov. Waldegrave |
4 | 21 | |||||
do A Williams Jn. m E. Livingstone | 23 | ||||||
Mulley and Gleeson A Flinn John |
59 | ||||||
Macurdy Elizabeth from Bollard Jane |
85 | ||||||
Macbraire James A Shea Joseph |
88 | ||||||
Mackie & Driscoll to Miller Alex & Co. |
94 | ||||||
Miller Alex & Co. From Power James |
95 | Bay Bulls | |||||
do A Carew Geo. |
97 | ||||||
do A Carew James |
100 | ||||||
Do A Glinn Wm. |
102 | ||||||
Macbraire James A Comerford Michael |
128 | ||||||
do A O'Neil Juliana | 157 | ||||||
do A M. Cebe Thos. | 159 | ||||||
M. Cebe Thos. To Macbraire Jas. | 159 | ||||||
do From Kelly Thos. |
161 | ||||||
Melvin Daniel To Comerford Michael |
165 | ||||||
Mullowney Wm. A Macbraire Jas. |
169 | ||||||
Macbraire James From Mullowney Wm. |
169 | ||||||
Mackey Edward to Clements John |
172-3 | ||||||
Miller Fergus & Co. From Coady Jno. |
177 | ||||||
Do A Butler Rich. & Robt. |
178 | ||||||
Mercer Charles To Crawford 7 Co. |
230 | ||||||
Martin John A Hill Jno. |
234 | ||||||
Murphy & Gleeson from Fillicul Elias | 347 | Port de Grave | |||||
Molloy Edward To Hunters & Co. |
355 | ||||||
Miller Fergus Co. From Yard C. |
361 | ||||||
do A Deal David | 363 | ||||||
do A Driscoll Danl. |
365 | Toads Cove | |||||
do A Brine Michael |
367 | Bay Bulls | |||||
D/T | Macurdy Elizabeth to Rennie & Williams |
4 | 435 | ||||
Martin Christopher A Patten Bain & Co. |
447 | ||||||
Martin Jno. A Do |
449 | ||||||
Meagher Thos. From Cook & Travers |
466 | Cupids | |||||
Macbraire James A Green Edward |
5 | 77 | |||||
do A Sullivan James |
80 | ||||||
Marshall David A Stabb Thos. |
81 | ||||||
Macbraire James To Jenkins John |
6 | 1 | |||||
do From Do |
1 | ||||||
do To Blyth, Williams |
15 | ||||||
do From Toughel Wm. & Co. | 17 | ||||||
McCarthy Wm. A Carter Wm. |
53 | ||||||
Meagher Thos. To Boucher Alex & Co. |
79 | ||||||
McCawley Danl. A Malone Michael |
104 | ||||||
Meagher James A Butler Jno. |
138 | ||||||
Macbraire James A Boyd John & Peter Walsh |
173 | ||||||
McCalman Donald From Bussey John |
175 | ||||||
do To Denning Wm. |
177 | ||||||
Arbitration | Meagher Thos. And Atwood & Haynes |
194-6 | |||||
Murphy Thos. Re estate of |
199 | ||||||
Macbraire James & Co. From Jackman Jas. & P. |
203 | ||||||
Grant | McKie Peter From Gower Sir E. (Gov.) |
207 | |||||
Murphy Philip A Winter John |
213 | ||||||
do To Atkins Thos. |
218 | ||||||
Meagher Thos. From Williams Jno. |
231 | ||||||
Mercer Jno. Will of |
7 | 8 | |||||
McElligott John Will of | 58 | ||||||
Maddock Luke Will of |
66 | ||||||
Messervey Philip From Salmon Rachel |
83 | ||||||
Mara Ellen To Shea Henry |
110 | ||||||
P/A | Maddock Jno. & Marg. To Miller Fergus | 118 | |||||
Manley Robert afft. Re estate of |
127 | ||||||
P/A | Murray John from Power James |
156 | |||||
1772 | Will of | 168 | |||||
Administration | Mealey James | 177 | |||||
P/A | Mackey Wm. To Gallivan Michael |
191 | |||||
Will of | Miller Harry Will |
202 | |||||
Mayne Alfred Admin. |
225 | ||||||
Will of | Mayne John | 267 | |||||
P/A | Murphy Thos. From O'Donnell Wm. | 7 | 290 | ||||
Petition | Murphy Walter Estate of |
325-7 | |||||
Will of | McCarthy Wm. | 328-31 | |||||
A | Meath Garrett | 354 | |||||
A | Mackey Patrick | 361-4 | |||||
P/A | Meagher Thos. From Power Thomas |
484 | |||||
P/A | McKeernan Thos. To Meagher Thos. |
488 | |||||
Meagher Thos. From McKiernan Thos. |
488 | ||||||
4 | Murphy & Gleeson A Wyatt Jn. |
8 | 33 | ||||
B/S | Masters Jno. A Barnes Jno. |
57 | |||||
B/S | do A Hawdon Geo. |
65 | |||||
B/S | Miller Fergus & Co. A Hayward Wm. | 83 | |||||
T | Masons Mep. To Parsons Thos. | 94 | |||||
B/S | McGrath A Stoneham & Pendergast |
200 | |||||
Agrt. | Maddock Luke and Donovan & Mulloy |
210 | |||||
A | Mulloy Martin and Roach Pat. |
239 | |||||
B/S | Moran Edmond from Little Graham |
258 | |||||
B/S | Martin Rich. To Hunt Stabb & Co. |
327 | |||||
A/4 | Maddock Luke A Power Pat. |
332 | |||||
4 | McDonald A Walsh Jno. |
348 | |||||
B/S | Metcalf Nicholas A Bulley Job |
354 | |||||
A/4 | Manly Robert A Hogan Wm. |
392 | |||||
B/S | Miller Fergus & Co. From Headen James |
409 | |||||
B/S | do A Jacob Andrew |
420 | |||||
B/S | do A Murphy Pat. |
422 | |||||
B/S | Murphy Pat. To Miller Fergus & Co. |
A | |||||
4 | McCully Dorothy A Ryan John |
423 | |||||
A/4 | Miller, Fergus Co. From Do |
424 | |||||
B/S | Mullowney Saml. To Miller Fergus Co. |
426 | |||||
B/S | Miller, Fergus & Co. From Williams Thos. |
428 | |||||
B/S | do A Williams Jonas |
430 | |||||
B/S | do A Scott Philip |
432 | |||||
A/4 | do A Grady James |
437 | |||||
B/S | do A Hennessy Thos. |
439 | |||||
B/S | do A Burke Wm. |
441 | |||||
B/S | do A Yard Chris. |
443 | |||||
B/S | do A Scott Wm. |
445 | |||||
B/S | do A Kenan Thos. |
447 | |||||
M | Murray & Power A Redmond Thos. |
449 | |||||
B/S | Moakler Wm. To Miller Fergus & Co. |
8 | 456 | ||||
B/S | Miller Fergus & Co. From Moakler Wm. |
456 |
This page Contributed by Barbara McGrath and
Transcribed by Ivy Benoit (March, 2001)
Revised by Ivy F. Benoit ( October 22, 2018 ADT )
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