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Index of Miscellaneous Deeds and Wills
(1744-1859 in 22 Volumes)
held at the
Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (PANL)
"K" (Part 1)
None of these documents are in the possession of the NGB. This is a transcription only.
For information on obtaining copies of wills click here
Please use the following to select the page you want to view
The following is the "Nature of Document" meanings for the Misc Wills and Deeds | |||||
A | Assent | AA | Deed of Assumption Agreement | AF | Affidavit |
AG | Agreement | AL | Assignment of Lease | AP | Assignment of Purchase and Sale |
AR | Assignment of Rentals | AS | Assignment | AT | Appointment of Trustee |
B/S | Bill of Sale | C | Conveyance | CF | Confirmation |
CO | Court Order | CT | Trustee Certificate | CV | Caveat |
D | Declaration | DB | Debenture | E | Easement: Right of Way |
G | Grant | GT | Guarantee | I | Indemnification |
J | Judgement | L | Lease | L1 | License |
LP | Les Pendens | LS | Surrender of Lease | M | Mortgage: Deed of Further Charge; Trust Deed |
MC | Minute of Council | MP | Master Plan | MR | Mortgage Renewal |
N | Notice | NA | Notice of Abandonment | NE | Notice of Expropriation |
NL | Notice of Lease | NW | Navigable Waters | O | Option |
P | Indenture of Subordination (Deed of Postponement) | PA | Power of Attorney | PR | Part Release of Mortgage |
PT | Partition | QT | Quieting of Titles | R | Release (Notice of Expropriation) |
RC | Release of Covenant | RE | Rectification; Amended Notice of Expropriation | RM | Release of Mortgage; Release of Debenture; Release of Conditional Sale Agreement (Irving Oil) |
RP | Release of Power of Attorney | S | Deed of Substitution | SL | Lien Statement |
SM | Supplemental Trust Deed | TM | Transfer of Mortgage | WC | Worker's Compensation |
ORS | Others |
My apologies if some of this is
incorrect but parts of this document were very difficult to decipher
(Ivy Benoit) |
Date | Consideration | Nature of Deed | Parties | # | Vol. | Page | Situation |
08 Aug. 27 | Will of | Kavanagh Joseph | |||||
1794 May 20 | A | Kennedy Patrick | 1 | 81 | |||
1809 Oct. 31 | A | Keefe James | 1 | 94 | |||
Kavanagh Jo. Petition to Gov. Waldegrave |
2 | 1 | |||||
B/S | Keanes Rich. To Haly Wm. |
A | 81 | Blackmarsh, St. John's | |||
1801 Nov. 13 | £600 | B/S | Keefe James & Hogan John from Brine Robert | 2 | 86 | Belle Isle farm | |
B/S | Kemp Ja. Jno. From Young & Green |
A | 104 | Carbonear | |||
M | Kelly Patrick to Cunningham ??? | A | 120 | ||||
M | Kielley Lan & Pat. To Cunningham | A | 142 | ||||
1805 Oct. 26 | ,600 | A | Kearney Matthew AHunter & Co. | 3 | 52 | ||
A @ 26 | ,500 | B/S | do ADo |
66 | |||
1806 Jan. 8 | ,600 | B/S | do ADo |
67 | |||
Knight James A Macbraire James |
95 | ||||||
Kelly James A Clapp Wm. & co. |
107 | ||||||
Kearney Wm. A Do |
108 | ||||||
Keith John From Macbraire James |
115 | ||||||
Knight James K. To Macbraire James |
196 | ||||||
Kough Geo & Thos. From Howlett Jno. |
290 | ||||||
Kelly Denis To Kough Geo. & Thos. |
294 | ||||||
Kough Geo. Thos. From Kelly Denis |
294 | ||||||
Kearney Mat. To Hunter & Co. |
301 | ||||||
Kavenah Jos. From Bollard Robt. |
321 | ||||||
Keen Robt. Letter from |
340 | ||||||
Do A | 344 | ||||||
Do A | 362 | ||||||
Kelligrow Wm. To Congdon John |
4 | 110 | |||||
Do From Coveduck John |
112 | ||||||
Kelly Thos. To McCabe Thos |
161 | ||||||
Keen Elizabeth et al A Hunters & Co. |
192 | ||||||
Keen Robert A Do |
197 | ||||||
Keen Elizabeth et al A Calver Elizabeth |
199 | ||||||
Keen Robert ADo |
204 | ||||||
P/A | Do AButler John |
206-15 | |||||
King James A Stuart & Rennie |
237 | ||||||
King Thos. ADo |
529 | ||||||
Kennedy Wm. A Hinton Jno. Jno. Est. of |
533 | ||||||
Agrt. | Do And Hoyles Co. |
535 | |||||
Knight Stephen From Barnes Jno. |
5 | 28 | |||||
Kingdon Samuel A Solomon Simon |
6 | 40 | |||||
Keen Elizabeth To Hunters & Co. |
108-113 | ||||||
4 | Keen Robert To Jordan Wm. |
6 | 134 | Hr. Grace | |||
Knight & Roberts A Triminghams & Co. |
191 | ||||||
Knight Stephen Will of |
7 | 53 | |||||
Will of | Kenny John | 75 | |||||
Will of | Keating Garrett Will |
160 | |||||
P/A | Kelly Thos. To Dwyer Philip |
179 | |||||
Will of | Kelly James | 282 | |||||
P/A | Kenna John To Walsh Patrick |
301 | |||||
Will of | Kelly Miles | 358 | |||||
B/S | Keating Jno. To Kennedy Jno. |
8 | 46 | ||||
B/S | Kennedy Jno. From Keating Jn. |
46 | |||||
Settlement | behold | Kennedys of Hr. Main in re property |
49 | ||||
M | Kearney David to Cunningham et al |
85 | |||||
B/S | Knight Stephen from Sheriff Bland |
102 | |||||
4 | Do Est of To Mitchell Jno. |
290 | |||||
B/S | Kelly Jno. From Neil S. |
330 | |||||
A/4 | Kellaher & Power to Miller, Fergus & Co. |
417 | |||||
B/S | Kenan Thos. To Do |
447 | |||||
Grant | Keats Sir R. G. A Whalen Wm. |
9 | 142 | ||||
B/S | Kelly Michael A Beenlen Philip |
152 | |||||
P/A | Kemp Geo. & Co. A Kemp Edward |
311 | |||||
B/S | Do AMajor Wm. & R. |
315 | |||||
4 | Keating May A Bolafey James | 532 | |||||
M | Kough Timothy ABranscombe Wm. | 10 | 154 | ||||
Certificate | Kough Samuel Discharge |
188 | |||||
B/S | APatrick From Tobin Michael | 214 | |||||
M | Do ACahill James |
216 | |||||
Certificate | Kelly Lawrence Discharge |
478 | |||||
In re | Kennedy Jno. Property of |
11 | 1 | Hr. Main | |||
4 | Kain John To Walsh Wm. |
77 | |||||
M | Kenny Robt. A Banks Edward |
124 | |||||
Certificate | Kelligrews Henry Discharge |
170 | |||||
do | A Thomas A | 174 | |||||
B/S | Kehoe James To Dwyer Martin |
394 | |||||
Arbitration | Parker, Knight and Bulley | 12 | 18 | ||||
B/S | Kennedy Patrick To Kennedy John |
101 | |||||
Plantation | Kean Mark | 26 | 13 | 6 | Bay de Verde | ||
A | Keefe Michael | 28 | 6 | A | |||
A | Kelly Denis | 36 | 7 | A | |||
Plantation | King Samuel | 39 | 13 | 8 | Bay de Verde | ||
A | A Henry | 49 | 9 | A | |||
A | Kemp John | 125 | 21 | Northern Bay | |||
A | Kennedy Ralph | 176 | 29 | Western Bay | |||
A | King James | 200 | 32 | Bradley's Cove | |||
A | King Wm. | 241 | 38 | Broad Cove | |||
AWm. Thos. | 247 | 39 | A | ||||
A James & Edward | 253 | 40 | Mulley's Cove | ||||
A John | 261 | 41 | Small Point | ||||
A John | 265 | 41 | Perry's Cove |
This page Contributed by Barbara McGrath and
Transcribed by Ivy Benoit (March, 2001)
Revised by Ivy F. Benoit ( February 20, 2013 AST )
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