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Index of Miscellaneous Deeds and Wills
(1744-1859 in 22 Volumes)
held at the
Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (PANL)
"L" (Part 2)
None of these documents are in the possession of the NGB. This is a transcription only.
For information on obtaining copies of wills click here
Please use the following to select the page you want to view
The following is the "Nature of Document" meanings for the Misc Wills and Deeds | |||||
A | Assent | AA | Deed of Assumption Agreement | AF | Affidavit |
AG | Agreement | AL | Assignment of Lease | AP | Assignment of Purchase and Sale |
AR | Assignment of Rentals | AS | Assignment | AT | Appointment of Trustee |
B/S | Bill of Sale | C | Conveyance | CF | Confirmation |
CO | Court Order | CT | Trustee Certificate | CV | Caveat |
D | Declaration | DB | Debenture | E | Easement: Right of Way |
G | Grant | GT | Guarantee | I | Indemnification |
J | Judgement | L | Lease | L1 | License |
LP | Les Pendens | LS | Surrender of Lease | M | Mortgage: Deed of Further Charge; Trust Deed |
MC | Minute of Council | MP | Master Plan | MR | Mortgage Renewal |
N | Notice | NA | Notice of Abandonment | NE | Notice of Expropriation |
NL | Notice of Lease | NW | Navigable Waters | O | Option |
P | Indenture of Subordination (Deed of Postponement) | PA | Power of Attorney | PR | Part Release of Mortgage |
PT | Partition | QT | Quieting of Titles | R | Release (Notice of Expropriation) |
RC | Release of Covenant | RE | Rectification; Amended Notice of Expropriation | RM | Release of Mortgage; Release of Debenture; Release of Conditional Sale Agreement (Irving Oil) |
RP | Release of Power of Attorney | S | Deed of Substitution | SL | Lien Statement |
SM | Supplemental Trust Deed | TM | Transfer of Mortgage | WC | Worker's Compensation |
ORS | Others |
My apologies if some of this is
incorrect but parts of this document were very difficult to decipher
(Ivy Benoit) | |||||||
Date | Consideration | Nature of Deed | Parties | # | Vol. | Page | Situation |
A | LeGow John | 186 | 30 | A | |||
Luther Wm. & Stephen | 208 | 33 | Adam's Cove | ||||
LeRossignol Augustus | 225 | 36 | Blackhead | ||||
LeGrow John | 245 | 39 | Broad Cove | ||||
A Thos. | 246 | 39 | A | ||||
Leary Timothy | 262 | 41 | Small Point | ||||
Lewis Aaron | 275 | 43 | Holyrood | ||||
Lewis John | 276 | 43 | A | ||||
LeCour Edward | 313 | 47 | Harbour Main | ||||
Do | 314 | 48 | A | ||||
Leary Denis | 321 | 49 | A | ||||
Lines Timothy | 352 | 53 | Gasters | ||||
Do | 380 | 57 | Bacon Cove | ||||
Lee Mary | 395 | 60 | Colliers | ||||
Lidston John | 463 | 80 | Port de Grave | ||||
Lamb Richard | 490 | 85 | A | ||||
1759 | Larne Henry | 535 | 93 | A | |||
1789 | Lunergan Edward | 603 | 101 | Cupids | |||
1780 | LeDros Wm. | 607 | 101 | A | |||
1762 | A Mary | 608 | 102 | A | |||
1795 | A George | 609 | 102 | A | |||
1788 | A Nicholas | 610 | 102 | ||||
1790 | Leary Thos. | 621 | 103 | ||||
1789 | Lynch Elizabeth | 757 | 117 | Island Cove | |||
1802 | Lunergan John | 759 | 117 | A | |||
1790 | Lilly Wm. | 772 | 119 | S. side Hr. Grace | |||
1784 | Luther John | 841 | 125 | Carbonear | |||
1785 | Lilly Wm. | 883 | 128 | A | |||
1803 | Lidane Jno. | 929 | 132 | Crocker's Cove | |||
1802 | Lilly Wm. | 993 | 139 | Harbour Grace, N. Side | |||
1798 | Linehan Jerry | 1034 | 144 | A | |||
1795 | Plantation | Lynch Honor | 1040 | 13 | 145 | Harbour Grace | |
1803 | Lampen Wm. | 1048 | 146 | A | |||
1800 | M | Loveys Wm. To Gosse Jno. |
14 | 34 | Western Bay | ||
1800 | M | LeGrow Peter A Do |
43 | Broad Cove | |||
1800 | Agrt. | Luther Thos. A Kemp G. J. |
155 | ||||
1800 | LeGrow Thos. A Do |
155 | |||||
1806 | B/S | LeCurleau Jno. A Danson Wm. |
235 | Bareneed | |||
1803 | D/S | Linehan Jeremiah from Kelly John |
264 | Hr. Grace | |||
1748 | D/G | Lester Benj. A Taverner Jacob |
15 | 40 | Trinity | ||
1744 | P/A | Limbrey Charles from Hodder William, Hodder Katherine | 15 | 90-94 | |||
1795 | P/A | Lycott Philip To Reed Richard |
108 | ||||
1795 | 4 | Lester Benj. A Hurdle Thos. |
128 | Trinity | |||
1780 | A | Lang Wm. A Winter Jas. |
182 | St. John's | |||
1788 | Letter re power Mrs. Harris Hosell property | 193 | A | ||||
1788 | Do Fishermen's claim upon voyage |
194 | |||||
1806 | Do Re removing houses in St. John's |
228 | |||||
1793 | Lower V Street |
16 | 36 | Trinity | |||
1794 | Debt | Lundergan vs Jenkins |
43 | A | |||
A | A | Lambord v Hide |
43 | A | |||
1795 | 4 | Lester Benj. To Anderson Rich. |
59 | A | |||
1748 | A | Do From Taverner Jacob |
73 | A | |||
1794 | B/S | Do A @ Benj. |
85 | A | |||
1799 | Debt | Lincoln Vs Etheridge |
109 | A | |||
1800 | 4 | Lambert Elizabeth to Bryan John |
117 | A | |||
A | Debt | Loder Vs Sutton |
127 | ||||
1802 | 4 | Lester Garland from Rolles |
173 | A | |||
A | B/S | Do A Do |
176 | A | |||
A | 4 | Do A Do |
185 | A | |||
A | B/S | Do A Do |
189 | A | |||
1805 | B/S | A Benj. & C. A Pottle Wm. | 255 | A | |||
1803 | LeVisconk Jno. To Parsons Chas. |
17 | 6 | Harbour Grace | |||
1812 | M | Lilly Joseph A St. John Oliver |
155 | A | |||
1811 | D/G | Luce Aaron A Ezekiel Peter |
163 | Harbour Main | |||
1812 | B/S | 216 | Blackhead | ||||
1815 | B/S | LeCaux Philip To Fahey Thos. |
295 | Western Bay | |||
A | Will | Lilly Wm. | 335 | ||||
B/S | LeDrew Nicholas to Keating Wm. |
19 | 34 | Cupids | |||
B/S | Lilly George A Gosse Robt. |
69 | |||||
Petition | Lowden Edward | 131 | |||||
Bond | Lewis Elias To Danson Wm. |
162 | |||||
Bond | Leary Lewis To Danson Wm. |
19 | 170 | ||||
B/S | Legge James A Hunt Robt. |
186 | |||||
A | Lang Alex. A McPherson Peter |
447 | Port de Grave | ||||
A | Lilly George A Smith George |
572 | |||||
Bond | Lamb John A Gosse & Co. |
604 | |||||
Lyons Michael A Foley Thos. |
626 | ||||||
B/S | Lockyer Geo. From Johnstone Jas. |
21 | 43 | Trinity | |||
A | Lock David A Crocker Joseph |
72 | A | ||||
A | Lynch John to Power Wm. |
85 | A |
This page Contributed by Barbara McGrath and
Transcribed by Ivy Benoit (March, 2001)
Revised by Ivy F. Benoit ( February 20, 2013 AST )
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