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Vol 15 Page 90 - 94 WILL OF WILLIAM HODDER - 1722
Newfoundland - In the Supreme Court Whereas WILLIAM HODDER of TOPSHAM in the County of DEVON, Mariner, deceased being possessed or entitled unto two Plantations or Estates in Newfoundland the one situated in PETTY HARBOR and the other in FERRYLAND aforesaid did on or about the twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Two make and Execute his Last Will and Testament and thereof did give devise and Bequeath unto his two daughters MARY and KATHERINE all his Estate real and Personal Goods and Chattles, Lands Rights and Credits whatsoever, and did appoint his said Daughters Executrixes of his said Will. And Whereas after the Death of the said WILLIAM HODDER his said Will was proved in due form of Law by KATHERINE HODDER one of his daughters and Executrixes. And Whereas the said MARY HODDER the other Executrix is since also Deceased but in her Life Time did make and Execute her Last Will and Testament bearing Date the Eighteenth Day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Two and thereby did Bequeath and Devise all her Estate real and personal Goods, Chattles, Lands Rights, and Credits whatsoever unto the said KATHERINE her sister, and did appoint the said KATHERINE Executrix of her said Will, who since her Death hath proved the same by means whereof the said KATHERINE is now solely entitled unto the aforesaid two Plantations or Estates in Newfoundland situate in PETTY HARBOR and FERRYLAND. Now Know all Men by these presents that on the twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Forty Four before me CHARLES WEBBER of the City of EXON, Notary Publick by Royal Authority Sworn and Constituted appeared personally the abovenamed KATHERINE HODDER and did Nominate Constitute and Appoint CHARLES LIMBROY of the City of EXON Merchant to be her True and Lawful Attorney, Procurator, Factor or Agent for her and in her Name and to and for her use and Account to Sett and Lett her said Plantations or Estates in Newfoundland for a Term of years at such yearly Rent to such a Tenant or Tenants and for such price or prices as he shall think fit and will Approve of or otherwise to sell and Dispose of the same for such a price or prices as he can get or procure for the same leaving it in the Power of her said Attorney to do as he shall think most Adviseable for her Interest. Giving and by these presents Granting to the said CHARLES LIMBROY full Power and Authority to Act in her Stead and to Execute any Deeds or Writings relating to or concern the Setting, Letting or Selling the said Premises in as full and ample manner and to all Intents and Purposes as if the said Constituent were personally present, in Promising hereby to Ratify and Confirm all and every Act and Acts which her said Attorney shall do think necessary to be done in or about the Premises. And delivered in presence of And in Further Testimony hereof the said CHARLES WEBBER have hereunto set my Hand and Seal of attestation the Day and year first above Written. Whereas WILLIAM HODDER of TOPSHAM in the County of DEVON Mariner Deceased being possessed or entitled unto Two Plantations or Estates in Newfoundland the one situated in PETTY HARBOR and the other in FERRYLAND in Newfoundland aforesaid, did, on or about the Twelfth Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Twenty two make and Execute his Last Will and Testament and thereof did give devise and bequeath unto his two daughters MARY and KATHERINE all his Estate real and Personal Goods and Chattles, Lands, Rights and Credits whatsoever and did appoint his said Daughters Executrixes of his said and Whereas after the Death of the said WILLIAM HODDER his said Will was proved in form of Law by KATHERINE HODDER one of his Daughters and Executrixes and Whereas the said MARY HODDER the other Executrix is also Deceased but in her life time did make and Execute her Last Will and Testament bearing Date the Eighteen Day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Two and hereby did Bequeath and Devise all her Estate real and personal, goods, chattles Lands Rights and Credits whatsoever unto the said KATHERINE HODDER her Sister and did appoint the said KATHERINE Executrix of her said Will who since her Death hath proved the same in due form of Law by means whereof the said KATHERINE is now solely Entitled unto the aforesaid Two Plantations or Estates in Newfoundland Situate in PETTY HARBOR and FERRYLAND. Now Know all Men by these Presents that on the twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Forty four before me CHARLES WEBBER of the City of EXON Notary Publick by Royal Authority Sworn and Constituted appeared personally the abovenamed KAHERINE HODDER and did Nominate Constitute and appoint CHARLES LIMBROY of the City of EXON Merchant to be her true and lawful Attorney Procurator Factor or Agent for her and in her Name and to and for her use and [?fit] to sett and lett her said Plantations or Estates in Newfoundland for a Term of years at such yearly Rent to such Tenant or Tenants and for such price or Prices as he shall think fitt and approve of or otherwise to sell and dispose of the same for such price or prices as he can get or procure for the same leaving it in the Power of her said Attorney to do as he shall think most adviseable for her Interest. Giving and by these presents Granting to the said CHARLES LIMBROY full Power and Authority to Act in her stead and to Execute any Deeds or Writings relating to or concerning the setting letting or selling the said Premises in as full and ample manner and to all Intents and purposes as if the said Constituent were personally present. Promising hereby to ratify and confirm all and every Act and acts which her said Attorney shall do or think necessary to be done in or about the Premises. In Witness whereof the said KATHERINE HODDER hath hereunto sett her Hand and Seal the Day and year abovesaid. Sealed and Delivered in the Present of Vol 15 Page 94 And in Further Testimony hereof the said CHARLES WEBBER have hereunto sett my Hand and usual Seal of Attestation the day of year first above written. Know all men by these presents whom it doth or may concern by Virtue of the above Letter of Attorney made to me by KATHERINE HODDER I assign sett over convey the possession and right Title perpetual Inheritance of a plantation in PETTY HARBOR consisting of four Boats Rooms adjoining to AZRIAS [CONDUITS?] and running back [home?] to the fresh water for and in consideration of Twenty Guineas to me in Hand paid and sixteen pounds seventy shillings for Copys of Title Deeds, Wills, Probates of Wills commits fees for the Support and Proof of said KATHERINE HODDERS aforesaid Plantation amounting in the whole to Forty Seven Fifteen shillings In Consideration of having received said sum I do make over assign set and convey the possession right title and perpetual Inheritance of the same unto PHILLIP WATTS Planter of PETTY HARBOR, for and in consideration of the above recited sum, as Witness my Hand and Seal this eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty five.
Vol 15 Page 95 THE WILL OF MARY HODDER - 1744 In the Name of God Amen. I, MARY HODDER of TOPSHAM in the County of Devon, Spinster do hereby make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in Manner following Viz first and principally I recommend my Soul into the Hands of God and my Body to the Earth and as touching the Disposition of such Temporal Estate and worldly good things wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God for above my Deserts to bless me with I give devise and bequeath as followeth. First I will that all my just debts and funeral Expences be forthwith fully satisfied and paid with all convenient speed after my Decease; Item - I give unto my Two Brothers WILLIAM and JOHN HODDER to Each of them the sum of one shilling and no more. Lastly, all the rest of my Estate, Real and Personal Goods and Chattles Lands and Rights and Credits whatsoever both in Law and Equity or otherwise howsoever I give Devise and bequeath the same unto my Sister KATHERINE HODDER whom I make and Appoint whole and sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this Eighteenth day of august in the Fifteenth year of the Reign of King George the Second over Great Britain and Anno Domini one thousand Seven hundred and forty two. Signed, Sealed published and declared to be the Last Will and Testament of the Testatrix in the presence of us who at her Request have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses.
Page Contributed and Transcribed by Susan Snelgrove, Uxbridge, ON on July 23, 2002.
Document Source: Vol 15, pages 90-95, Registry of Deeds, Confederation Building
Page Updated by Ivy Benoit (July 26, 2002)
Revised by Craig Peterman ( Wednesday, 20-Feb-2013 04:31:11 AST )
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