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Old News of Newfoundland In the early part of this century in many outports of Newfoundland, world and local news was transmited via Morse Code to the various telegraph offices along the coast. As this news was received, it was then handwritten and entered daily into a large news journal by the telegraph operator, and then placed on display at the telegraph office for interested members of the community to read, or for those who could not read, it was read to them. The news headlines of the day were written in chalk on a large blackboard which was placed for public viewing outside the telegraph office. As daily newspapers were not available in these remote areas, the presentation of the news through these news journals could very well be classed as the early "outport newspaper". It is from some of these old news journals that the following excerpts have been taken, news of the events in Newfoundland which are now an important and integral of our history. The dates include s of the years 1921-22, 1923-24, 1924-25, and 1927-28. Although each daily entry in these journals contains brief details of both world and Newfoundland current events, (which are, incidentally, always followed at the end by the weather forecast for the following day), I have attempted to extract from these pages only the records which are directly of Newfoundland genealogical and historical interest.
[Part I] | October 1921 |
[Part II] | November 1921 |
[Part III] | December 1921 |
[Part IV] | Jan./Feb. 1922 |
[Part V] | March/April/May 1922 |
[Part VI] | June 1922 |
[Part VII] | September/October 1923 |
[Part VIII] | Nov./Dec. 1923 |
[Part IX] | January 1924 |
[Part X] | February 1924 |
[Part XI] | March 1924 |
[Part XII] | April 1924 |
[Part XIII] | May 1924 |
[Part XIV] | June 1924 |
[Part XV] | July 1924 |
[Part XVI] | August 1924 |
[Part XVII] #1 | September 1924 |
[Part XVII] #2 | September 1924 |
[Part XVIII] | October 1924 |
[Part XIX] | November 1924 |
[Part XX] | December 1924 |
[Part XXI] | January 1925 |
[Part XXII] | February 1925 |
[Part XXIII] #1 | October 1927 |
[Part XXIII] #2 | October 1927 |
[Part XXIV] | November 1927 |
[Part XXV] #1 | December 1927 |
[Part XXV] #2 | December 1927 |
[Part XXVI] #1 | Jan. 1928 |
[Part XXVI] #2 | Jan. 1928 |
[Part XXVII] #1 | Feb. 1928 |
[Part XXVII] #2 | Feb. 1928 |
[Part XXVIII] #1 | March 1928 |
[Part XXVIII] #2 | March 1928 |
[Part XXVIII] #3 | March 1928 |
[Part XXIX] #1 | April 1928 |
[Part XXIX] #2 | April 1928 |
[Part XXIX] #3 | April 1928 |
[Part XXX] #1 | May 1928 |
[Part XXX] #2 | May 1928 |
[Part XXX] #3 | May 1928 |
[Part XXXI] #1 | June 1928 |
[Part XXXI] #2 | June 1928 |
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