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Old News of Newfoundland (Part xvi)

Excerpts from Newfoundland Posts and Telegraphs Daily News Journals

Excerpts from Newfoundland Posts and Telegraphs
August - 1924

Aug. 1:
So far there has been no disturbance at Corner Brook [logging/paper mill
operations] but in messages to the Prime Minister, Alf PRINCE demands
Monroe's presence, otherwise threatens to lay plant and forest in ruins. The
Prime Minister replying, urged the men to call off the strike for the present,
giving the government time to close the House [of Assembly] and investigate
the whole matter, adding that personally he was desirous of giving every
assistance possible.

Aug. 4:
The railway management received word last night that the strike at Corner
Brook has ended and the men would return to work this morning. The strike
passed off without any violence on the part of the men.

Messrs. CRAMM and PUDDISTER, M.H.A.s for Bay de Verde motored to
Caplin Cove on Saturday night to see for themselves the result of the disastrous
fire at that place. They returned last night and report the situation worse than
at first thought. Thirty-two people are in destitute circumstances. The fire is the
result of carelessness on the part of berry pickers or trouters and should teach
those who make fires in the woods the seriousness of the act of carelessness in
that regard. Public subscriptions are asked for the sufferers by the members of
the District, also personal and bed clothing.

Aug. 7:
Regatta Day passed off quietly, weather was ideal and majority of races were
closely contested. They were witnessed by the usual large crowds.

Aug. 9:
A despatch from Montreal says the British Empire Steel Corporation is
prepared to continue working its iron mines in Newfoundland through remainder
of the year on its present wage basis of the 1800 workmen. It is announced here
a demand for higher wages it is said would result in a suspension of work since
the margin of profit on the 7500 toms being shipped this year to Germany, the
only large market open was too slight to permit an increase.

Aug. 19:
The export duty on cod oil, cod liver oil, whale and other fish oils was rescinded
by the House of Assembly yesterday.

The British Special Squadron is due at Quebec today being delayed by fog in the
Gulf. The ships are due in Newfoundland September 6th. They will anchor off
Topsail in Conception Bay.

Aug. 22:
The Marine and Fisheries Department have received following report of the
fishery from Capt. Edgar HANN, Battle Harbour: Good hooking [from] Belle
Isle to Lark Harbor, fair fishing with trawl and hook. 18 schooners average about
400 quintals each. Saw Capt. Jesse WINSOR on his way to Battle Harbour with
full load [of] fish.

Aug. 25:
Recent reports as to health conditions at Hampden, White Bay are found to have
been greatly exaggerated. While there have been a few mild cases of typhoid fever
there has been no epidemic and the water supply and general health conditions are
excellent. There need be no hesitation on the part of laborers to seek employment
there and one hundred men can be given work at once in connection with rossing
[?] and shipping pulpwood while one thousand men will be required for logging in
early part of this fall.

Aug. 28:
Mrs. A. RYAN, proprietress of National House was killed instantly yesterday
afternoon when she jumped from her motor car. It is believed she became frightened
by the severe wind storm and fearing accident to the car, jumped out.

Aug. 30:
Reports of damage caused by Wednesday's gale are only now coming to hand. Capt.
Thomas POOLE of motor steamer "Dorothy Lake" of Fortune was washed overboard
and drowned in Wednesday's gale. The vessel was coal laden from Sydney [Nova

Miss Joan HORWOOD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben HORWOOD was winner
of this year's Jubilee Scholarship of fifteen hundred dollars.

Public meeting will be held Monday in Board of Trade rooms to make arrangements
for reception of the British Navy which will arrive in Newfoundland waters next week.

Schooner "Columbia" of Gloucester arrived St. Jacques from Grand Bank Thursday,
reports her cables parted and she lost anchor. Captain reports Wednesday's storm
worse in his experience.


Page Transcribed by Barbara Pederson (1998)
Page Revised by Don Tate (May 2002)

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