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1921 |
Listing forTwillingate
THANKS TO THE ORIGINAL GROUP The idea originated with John Howell and the Notre Dame Genealogy Project and was later expanded to cover the entire Province by Bill Crant and a large number of volunteer transcribers. We wouuld like to thank the original group who started the 1921 census project of transcribing the Notre Dame Bay region of the Province. Put together by John and Patricia Howell, Tonya Colbourne, Glynn Hewlett, Freeman Fry, Karen Ruedisueli, George White, and Sidney Young. There may be others that I am not aware of. Bill Crant, who then combined their efforts with his own to expand the project out to include the entire Province, thus creating the Newfoundland's Grand Banks Genealogy Site (NGB). Together, these people were the origin of the idea to put the 1921 cenus on line for all to be able to use it from anywhere they are living. It should be realized that the 1921 census is an old document that was hand written and in many areas, it is very difficult to read the handwriting. Also many of the pages are in very poor condition, adding to the difficulty that these people had in trying to transcribe the information. The original census was organized in the order of the houses on the street in each community. People living next door to each other or within the same house can be identified by the order of the names in the census. We have attempted to retain the original layout, spellings of the names, and the order of the names in the census so that researchers can derive all of the information possible from the original census information. It is hoped to add the information contained on the right hand page of the census at a later date. Our sincere thanks to all of these people who put the original idea together (These plus any others that I may be unaware of their participation). |
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