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Newfoundland Navy
World War II

1939 - 1945

* indicates those that did not return

Service #
16th Contingent 299577 Babstock, Joseph R Eastport, Bonavista Bay
13th Contingent 247914 Badcock, Clifford H Shearstown
14th Contingent 230123 Badcock, Gordon B Mount Scio Rd., St. John’s
14th Contingent 230124 Baggs, Abraham 14 Prospect St., St. John’s
3rd Contingent 181712 Baggs, William F.* Bay Roberts
1st Contingent D/JX173657 Bailey, Edward Corner Brook
10th Contingent 216694 Bailey, Edward P Oderin
7th Contingent D/201719 Bailey, Frank St. John’s
8th Contingent 208921 Bailey, Victor M Merrymeeting Rd., St. John’s
Forestry Transfer 212472 Baker, Andrew L.* North Harbour, Placentia Bay
Forestry Transfer 225722 Baker, George* North Harbour, Placentia Bay
5th Contingent P/188807 Baker, James Carbonear
5th Contingent D/191514 Baker, Joseph Windsor
3rd Contingent 181441 Baldwin, Eli L. Pouch Cove
Forestry Transfer 280556 Ball, Wellington North Arm, Botswood
13th Contingent 247913 Ballam, Clifford* Shearstown
12th Contingent 246564 Ballard, Cyril J 4 Adelaide St., St. John’s
6th Contingent P/194523 Banfield, Reginald Bay L'Argent
17th Contingent 315680 Banks, Alfred F Hampden
10th Contingent 216661 Bannister, George FO British Harbour, Trinity Bay
6th Contingent D/201986 Barbour, Harry CW St. John’s
7th Contingent D/201703 Barfitt, Heber H Long Beach, Random
17th Contingent 315681 Barfitt, Hector G Long Beach, Random
13th Contingent 247908 Barnable, Francis J Ferryland
7th Contingent D/201715 Barnes, Alban J St. Mary’s
3rd Contingent 181292 Barnes, Alfred H. Trinity, Trinity Bay
10th Contingent 216662 Barnes, Aquilla Triton, Notre Dame Bay
15th Contingent 277263 Barnes, Clarence Brigus
Forestry Transfer 265167 Barnes, Eric W. Champneys East, Trinity Bay
12th Contingent 246565 Barnes, Frederick 274 Pennywell Rd., St. John’s
7th Contingent P/200098 Barnes, Harry George* Topsail
15th Contingent 277264 Barnes, Ira M Twillingate
16th Contingent 299633 Barnes, Ralph Summerford, Notre Dame Bay
14th Contingent 230203 Barrett, Andrew L Curling
17th Contingent 315761 Barrett, Bertram 14 Field St., St. John’s
1st Contingent D/JX173661 Barrett, Leslie McLeod Brigus
16th Contingent 299610 Barrett, Patrick J St. John’s
17th Contingent 315665 Barrett, Stephen Fleur de Lys
6th Contingent C/195278 Barrett, Walter J St. John’s
8th Contingent 208925 Barrett, William T 285 Hamilton Ave., St. John’s
Joined in the U.K. SSX30970 Barrett, Woodrow F.  
7th Contingent C/204788 Barron, John Grand Falls
14th Contingent 230202 Barry, Arthur F Corner Brook
5th Contingent C/188416 Barry, Frank* 53 Casey St., St. John’s
17th Contingent 315742 Barry, James Blackhead Rd., St. John’s
7th Contingent D/201717 Barry, Martin St. John’s
18th Contingent 316604 Barry, Maurice J Windsor
8th Contingent 208932 Barry, Richard Curling
12th Contingent 246566 Barry, Robert 32 Coronation St., St. John’s
14th Contingent 230201 Barry, Robert J Curling
10th Contingent 216729 Barry, Thomas Brewley, Placentia Bay
18th Contingent 316637 Barteau, Ronald K Bryant's Cove, Harbour Grace
Forestry Transfer 569152 Barter, Alexander Corner Brook
10th Contingent 216695 Barter, Hugh Cape La Hune
14th Contingent 230222 Barter, James Bay de Verde
10th Contingent 216696 Barter, John Cape La Hune
10th Contingent 216697 Barter, William Cape La Hune
3rd Contingent 181442 Bartlett, Bertram 3 Mt Royal Ave., St. John’s
7th Contingent P/200115 Bartlett, Douglas K St. John’s
13th Contingent 247903 Bartlett, Ernest R Rattling Brook
8th Contingent 208927 Bartlett, Fintan E* Portugal Cove Rd., St. John’s
17th Contingent 315682 Bartlett, Hardy F Bridgeport, Notre Dame Bay
3rd Contingent 181711 Bartlett, James Marysvale, Brigus
8th Contingent 208868 Bartlett, James Marysvale, Conception Bay
8th Contingent 208928 Bartlett, James 21 Coronation St., St. John’s
8th Contingent 208933 Bartlett, Joseph Marysvale, Conception Bay
4th Contingent C/185963 Bartlett, Thomas Marysvale, Brigus
2nd Contingent 181196 Bartlett, Wesley J. Burlington, Notre Dame Bay
17th Contingent 315672 Bartlett, William B Bell Island
4th Contingent D/187464 Basha, William Bell Island
3rd Contingent 181443 Bath, Frederick P.* Horse Island
11th Contingent 220890 Batt, Roland W Benoits Cove
16th Contingent 299647 Batten, Benjamin G Clarke's Beach
11th Contingent 220891 Battiste, Charles C Channel
10th Contingent 216730 Beaton, Chesley C Norris Arm
Forestry Transfer 242240 Beaton, Fred Badger
14th Contingent 230178 Beaton, Valmond A Norris Arm
6th Contingent P/194520 Beauchamp, Budd Rencontre West
2nd Contingent 181225 Beaufield, Horace J. Raleigh, Western Bay
6th Contingent P/194516 Beck, William T Port au Bras, Burin
10th Contingent 216793 Beckett, Oscar* Old Perlican
14th Contingent 230200 Bellows, Jacob J Corner Brook
16th Contingent 299656 Bemister, Louis C 70 St Clare Ave., St. John’s
9th Contingent 211414 Bennett, Austin 21 Sulva St., St. John’s
12th Contingent 246683 Bennett, Francis Clattice Harbour, Placentia Bay
3rd Contingent 181668 Bennett, Gower W. Port aux Basques
Forestry Transfer 265165 Bennett, James Mouse Island, Channel
3rd Contingent 181398 Bennett, John Pasadena
4th Contingent C/185964 Bennett, John Gerard* Buchans
17th Contingent 315683 Bennett, John T Codroy
5th Contingent C/188417 Bennett, Joseph D. Southside, St. John's
17th Contingent 315729 Bennett, Leo Deer Lake
2nd Contingent 181279 Bennett, Philip Great Harbour, Fortune Bay
Forestry Transfer 280397 Bennett, Stanley* Corner Brook
6th Contingent P/194597 Bennett, Wallace F* Port au Bras, Burin
5th Contingent C/188418 Bennett, William C. 395 Duckworth St., St. John’s
Forestry Transfer KX131143 Benoit, Edward R. Seal Rocks
16th Contingent 299657 Benson, Bernard M 45 Calver St., St. John’s
Joined in the U.K. D/SSX31256 Benson, Eric H. 7 York St., St. John's
7th Contingent D/201704 Benson, Wm Thomas Long Beach, Random
17th Contingent 315668 Benton, George Norman* Islington, Trinity Bay
Forestry Transfer 347190 Beson, Leo Windsor
7th Contingent C/204804 Beson, Walter Windsor
2nd Contingent 181222 Bessey, William H. Cape Onion
17th Contingent 315684 Best, Chesley Tack's Beach, Placentia Bay
Forestry Transfer 222307 Best, Edgar St. John's
13th Contingent 247937 Best, Fred M Blackhead Rd., St. John’s
6th Contingent C/195258 Best, George Fred Merasheen, Placentia Bay
5th Contingent P/188855 Best, Ronald Bonavista
1st Contingent D/JX173664 Best, Ronald P St. John’s
Forestry Transfer 289769 Best, Thomas Wesleyville
16th Contingent 299563 Bickford, Hubert Bell Island
14th Contingent 230114 Bickford, Ralph Bell Island
9th Contingent 211418 Biggin, Cornelius Daniel's Harbour
Forestry Transfer 265194 Biggin, Leonard Daniel's Harbour
2nd Contingent 181218 Biles, Wesley W. St. Anthony
11th Contingent 220892 Billard, Victor H Channel
14th Contingent 230125 Bindon, Gerald P 12 Cook St., St. John’s
13th Contingent 247906 Bishop, Albert F Corner Brook
2nd Contingent 181246 Bishop, Alexander* Point La Haye
16th Contingent 299624 Bishop, Allan H Cavendish, Trinity Bay
8th Contingent 208926 Bishop, Augustus E 3 Barters Hill, St. John’s
11th Contingent D/220893 Bishop, Cecil D Grand Falls
17th Contingent 315667 Bishop, Eli M* Cavendish, Trinity Bay
12th Contingent 246569 Bishop, Eric D Wesleyville
7th Contingent P/200064 Bishop, Fred Vincent Mount Pearl, St. John’s
10th Contingent 216836 Bishop, George Portugal Cove
14th Contingent 230229 Bishop, Kenneth Western Bay, Bay de Verde
2nd Contingent 181248 Bishop, Patrick J. Gaskiers
8th Contingent 208924 Bishop, Roy Grand Falls
9th Contingent 211412 Bishop, Thomas F* Placentia
18th Contingent 316605 Blackmore, Albert E Bell Island
11th Contingent 220981 Blackmore, Stephen N Bell Island
14th Contingent 230115 Blackmore, William H Bell Island
11th Contingent 220894 Blackwood, Gideon J Corner Brook
5th Contingent D/191511 Blackwood, Kenneth M.  
Forestry Transfer 280432 Blackwood, Peter Port Nelson, Bonavista Bay
17th Contingent 315743 Blagdon, Hubert* Boxey, Fortune Bay
12th Contingent C246684 Blagdon, Newton H Grand Bank
2nd Contingent 180274 Blagdon, William H. North River, Conception Bay
9th Contingent 211419 Blake, Otto Horwood, Notre Dame Bay
11th Contingent 220895 Blanchard, Henrv J Shallop Cove, St. Georges
11th Contingent 220896 Blanchard, Richard W* McIvers, Bay of Islands
2nd Contingent 180809 Blandford, Darius Cluny* Greenspond
1st Contingent D/JX173660 Blundon, Alfred B Bay de Verde
17th Contingent 315685 Blundon, Alfred R Musgravetown
1st Contingent D/JX173654 Blundon, Donald Bay de Verde
13th Contingent 247917 Blundon, John K Windsor
1st Contingent D/JX173624 Blundon, Malcolm Bay de Verde
17th Contingent 315744 Blundon, Robert 113 Southside Rd., St. John’s
11th Contingent 220982 Blundon, Ronald 113 Southside Rd., St. John’s
8th Contingent 208920 Blundon, Stanley J 113 Southside Rd., St. John’s
15th Contingent 277360 Blyde, Wallace F 63 Merrymeeting Rd., St. John’s
15th Contingent 277265 Boland, Alexander S* Lamaline, Musgrave Harbour
Forestry Transfer 280004 Boland, Eli J. Carmanville
10th Contingent 216731 Boland, Samuel J Trinity, Bonavista Bay
2nd Contingent 181297 Boland, William L. Lamaline, Musgrave Harbour
8th Contingent 208963 Bollard, John F Bellevue, Trinity Bay
15th Contingent 277381 Bolt, Chesley C Tack's Beach, Placentia Bay
6th Contingent P/194522 Bond, Albert Cluett* Belleoram
6th Contingent P/194527 Bond, Benjamin G Grand Bank
12th Contingent 246685 Bond, Stanley G. Frenchman's Cove, Garnish
7th Contingent C/204803 Boone, Hollie L Corner Brook
1st Contingent D/JX173670 Boone, Isaac Bareneed, Conception Bay
14th Contingent 230177 Boone, Malcolm G Grand Falls
8th Contingent 208922 Boone, Maxwell L Blackhead Rd., St. John’s
5th Contingent D/191521 Borden, Elmo Corner Brook
Forestry Transfer 280391 Bourgeois, Harold Wood's Island, Bay of islands
6th Contingent P/195426 Bowdridge, Gordon* Burgeo
Forestry Transfer 280005 Bown, Charles* Fredericton, Notre Dame Bay
10th Contingent 216732 Bowne, Harvey Wm. Windsor
17th Contingent 315730 Boyd, Augustus WG Bonne Bay
10th Contingent 216733 Boyde, Allan G Twillingate
2nd Contingent C/180812  Brace, Eleazer Bonavista
5th Contingent D/191512 Brace, Sidney Bishop's Falls
9th Contingent 211416 Bradbury, Francis Torbay
12th Contingent 246705 Bradley, Harry M Indian Cove, Battle Harbour
16th Contingent 299583 Bradley, Raymond W Musgrave Harbour
12th Contingent 246567 Bragg, Arthur W Channel
11th Contingent 220983 Bragg, Edgar Pouch Cove
2nd Contingent 181287 BRAGG, Harrison Port aux Basques
15th Contingent 277253 Brake, Allan J Stephenville Crossing
8th Contingent 209008 Brake, Frederick C Humbermouth
Forestry Transfer 24286? Brake, Robert George St. George’s
5th Contingent C/188414 Brazil, Cyril W. 7 William St., St. John’s
10th Contingent 216794 Brazil, John J Bell Island
13th Contingent 247912 Brazil, Thomas Wm. Spaniard's Bay
18th Contingent 316638 Breen, Edward Grand Falls
17th Contingent 315745 Breen, Patrick J 21 Job St., St. John’s
11th Contingent 220984 Brennan, Patrick J Ship Cove, Placentia Bay
9th Contingent 211411 Brennan, Samuel Summerville, Bonavista Bay
14th Contingent 230090 Breon, Charles J Grand Bank
10th Contingent 216698 Brennan, Michael Marystown
16th Contingent 299611 Brett, Douglas Sops Arm
Forestry Transfer 212473 Brewer, Arthur William* Epworth
6th Contingent P/194518 Brewer, Fred C Burin Bay Arm
Forestry Transfer 212474 Brewer, George* Epworth
7th Contingent P/200093 Bridger, Leslie St. John’s
6th Contingent D/201958 Bright, Edward Victoria, Carbonear
5th Contingent C/188411 Bright, Walter S.* 30 Colonial St., St. John’s
1st Contingent D/JX173658 Brinston, Albert St. John’s
3rd Contingent 181399 Brinston, Gordon* Lark Harbour, Bay of Islands
  P/SSX31760 Brinstone, Douglas V.* St. John's
Forestry Transfer 280395 Brockway, Alfred W. Benoits Cove
12th Contingent 246706 Bromley, John A Crouse via Conche
13th Contingent 247936 Bromley, John J 28 Coronation St., St. John’s
7th Contingent P/200105 Bromley, Vincent J St. John’s
Forestry Transfer 265221 Brooks, Moody N. Lush’s Bight, Notre Dame Bay
13th Contingent 247907 Brophy, Michael Fermeuse
12th Contingent 246568 Brophy, Patrick J Fermeuse
4th Contingent D/187443 Brophy, Philip J. Fermeuse
12th Contingent 246798 Brown, Abraham Cook's Harbour
6th Contingent P/194519 Brown, Benjamin L Burin Bay, Burin
12th Contingent 246570 Brown, Charles Manuels
15th Contingent 277266 Brown, Charles H Rock Harbour, Placentia Bay
15th Contingent 277269 Brown, Donald K Trinity, Bonavista Bay
1st Contingent D/JX179617 Brown, Everett [Joined in the U.K.] 11 Bulley Street, St. John’s
1st Contingent D/JX174387 Brown, George Bay Roberts, Conception Bay
10th Contingent 216734 Brown, George Wm. Tack's Beach, Placentia Bay
12th Contingent 246707 Brown, Harold Port Union
11th Contingent 220897 Brown, Harold F Port Union
15th Contingent 277268 Brown, Harvey Malcolm Greenspond
13th Contingent 247911 Brown, Heber S* Red Bay, Labrador
6th Contingent P/194520 Brown, Henry G Port au Bras, Burin
7th Contingent P/200075 Brown, Henry J 16 Wood St., St. John’s
13th Contingent 247910 Brown, James Petit Forte
15th Contingent 277267 Brown, James Gabriel Rock Harbour, Placentia Bay
10th Contingent 216699 Brown, James H Rock Harbour, Placentia Bay
12th Contingent 246572 Brown, Leonard F Trinity, Bonavista Bay
17th Contingent 315686 Brown, Matthew T Gambo
8th Contingent 208934 Brown, Patrick Colliers, Conception Bay
12th Contingent 246571 Brown, Percy Trinity, Bonavista Bay
2nd Contingent 180819 Brown, Philip J. Trinity, Trinity Bay
8th Contingent 208867 Brown, Stephen J Bell Island
16th Contingent 299584 Brown, Victor Trinity, Bonavista Bay
17th Contingent 315688 Brown, Willis L Joe Batts Arm
8th Contingent 208929 Browne, James H Woodfords, Conception Bay
8th Contingent 208930 Browne, John F 311 Hamilton Ave., St. John’s
  P/194521 Browne, William G. Burin
7th Contingent P/200081 Brownrigg, Francis J St. John’s
Forestry Transfer 280343 Bruce, Hugh A. Searston
7th Contingent D/201731 Bruce, Peter Argentia
2nd Contingent 183543 Bruce, William Campbell's Creek
17th Contingent 315689 Bryan, Andrew P Coachman's Cove
1st Contingent D/173656 Bryan, Frederick J Fogo
  D/JX173656 Bryan, John F. Fogo
17th Contingent 315687 Bryan, Martin P Coachman's Cove
13th Contingent 247905 Buckle, Brendan Corner Brook
15th Contingent 277270 Budden, Edward C. Heart's Content
1st Contingent D/JX173666 Budgell, Albert Cordswell Bell Island
6th Contingent P/194524 Buglar, Ernest Harbour Breton
18th Contingent 316606 Bull, Felix Eastport, Bonavista Bay
16th Contingent 299578 Bull, Harold C Eastport, Bonavista Bay
16th Contingent 299579 Bull, John WD Eastport, Bonavista Bay
14th Contingent 230127 Bulley, Robert P Topsail Rd., St. John’s
2nd Contingent 181242 Burke, Francis J. St. Mary's
4th Contingent C/185965 Burke, John Grand Falls
11th Contingent 220986 Burke, John J Logy Bay
3rd Contingent 181710 Burke, John J. Harbour Grace
11th Contingent 220898 Burke, William C* Grand Falls
14th Contingent 230128 Burke, William J Flat Rock, Conception Bay
Forestry Transfer 280398 Burry, Bramwell Greenspond
Forestry Transfer 280517 Burry, James Greenspond
9th Contingent 211415 Burry, Joseph Greenspond
Forestry Transfer 280024 Burry, Oliver J. Botwood
2nd Contingent 180823 Burry, Sidney Greenspond
10th Contingent 216795 Bursey, Clarence Old Perlican
4th Contingent C/185966 Bursey, Graham Coley's Point
12th Contingent 246665 Bursey, Graham* Old Perlican
10th Contingent 216796 Bursey, Uriah G Caplin Cove, Bay de Verde
18th Contingent 316607 Bursey, William HG Bell Island
18th Contingent 316660 Bursey,Walter R 1 Colonial St., St. John’s
10th Contingent 216797 Burt, Aubrey Old Perlican
13th Contingent 247934 Burt, Bronson 0 St. John’s
Forestry Transfer 280026 Burt, Garland Botwood
3rd Contingent 181268 Burt, George Birchy Bay, Notre Dame Bay
16th Contingent 299644 Burton, Earle F Harbour Buffett
Forestry Transfer 280017 Burton, Edward Corner Brook
16th Contingent 299612 Burton, Herbert Horse Island
6th Contingent D/201984 Burton, Moses Harbour Buffett
Forestry Transfer 217852 Burton, Ralph Port Anson
4th Contingent P/188901 Burton, Robert J. 10 William St., St. John’s
6th Contingent D/201987 Burton, William L Harbour Buffett
4th Contingent C/185967 Bussey, Freeman A. Port de Grave
8th Contingent 208931 Bussey, Harold J Waldegrave St., St. John’s
5th Contingent C/188412 Butler, Aubrey Bishop* 123 St. Clare Ave., St. John’s
13th Contingent 247933 Butler, Cecil Bauline
5th Contingent P/188852 Butler, Ernest* Bonavista
12th Contingent 246666 Butler, Frederick D Bell Island
13th Contingent 247932 Butler, Henry Long Pond, Manuels
8th Contingent 208923 Butler, James 367 Water St., St. John’s
16th Contingent 299645 Butler, John C Harbour Buffett
Forestry Transfer 280226 Butler, John Edgar* Port Rexton
5th Contingent C/188413 Butler, John Joseph Mount Cashel Rd., St. John’s
9th Contingent 211413 Butler, Victor L Port Rexton
11th Contingent 220985 Butler, Vincent P 39 Flower Hill, St. John’s
15th Contingent 277273 Butler, William Albert* Flat Island, Bonavista Bay
4th Contingent D/187452 Butler, William K. Bell lsland
6th Contingent C/195266 Butlers, Edward J Brigus
6th Contingent D/201988 Butt, Charles W Corner Brook
7th Contingent C/204805 Butt, Edmund G Western Bay
8th Contingent 208866 Butt, Edward H. Mount Moriah, Bay of Islands
5th Contingent P/188859 Butt, Elijah Cyril* St. Jones Within
3rd Contingent 181678 Butt, Garland Lomond
15th Contingent 277272 Butt, Garland Flat Island, Bonavista Bay
Forestry Transfer 265195 Butt, George W. Rocky Harbour, St. Barbe
1st Contingent D/JX173669 Butt, Harry Corner Brook
3rd Contingent 181400 Butt, James G. Howley
15th Contingent 277271 Butt, Maxwell Stewart Flat Island, Bonavista Bay
14th Contingent 230198 Butt, Stewart R Corner Brook
Forestry Transfer 280396 Butt, Wallace Curling
Joined in the U.K. P/JX235664 Butt, William M. Mount Pearl, St. John’s
14th Contingent 230221 Butters, James Brigus
3rd Contingent 181305 Button, Lester Lead Cove, Trinity Bay
1st Contingent D/JX173667 Button, Norman Old Perlican
15th Contingent 277274 Button, Ralph L Old Perlican
11th Contingent 220867 Button, Samson G Brownsdale, Trinity Bay
3rd Contingent 181262 Button, Wilbert G. Lead Cove, Trinity Bay
1st Contingent D/JX173655 Button, William J Old Perlican
1st Contingent D/JX173673 Byrne, Gerald St. John’s
17th Contingent 315673 Byrne, Gerald A Bell island
9th Contingent 211417 Byrne, Michael 207 Southside Rd., St. John’s
13th Contingent 247931 Byrne, Raymond C St. John’s

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