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Newfoundland Navy
World War II
1939 - 1945
* indicates those that did not return
Remarks |
Service #
16th Contingent | 299577 | Babstock, Joseph R | Eastport, Bonavista Bay |
13th Contingent | 247914 | Badcock, Clifford H | Shearstown |
14th Contingent | 230123 | Badcock, Gordon B | Mount Scio Rd., St. John’s |
14th Contingent | 230124 | Baggs, Abraham | 14 Prospect St., St. John’s |
3rd Contingent | 181712 | Baggs, William F.* | Bay Roberts |
1st Contingent | D/JX173657 | Bailey, Edward | Corner Brook |
10th Contingent | 216694 | Bailey, Edward P | Oderin |
7th Contingent | D/201719 | Bailey, Frank | St. John’s |
8th Contingent | 208921 | Bailey, Victor M | Merrymeeting Rd., St. John’s |
Forestry Transfer | 212472 | Baker, Andrew L.* | North Harbour, Placentia Bay |
Forestry Transfer | 225722 | Baker, George* | North Harbour, Placentia Bay |
5th Contingent | P/188807 | Baker, James | Carbonear |
5th Contingent | D/191514 | Baker, Joseph | Windsor |
3rd Contingent | 181441 | Baldwin, Eli L. | Pouch Cove |
Forestry Transfer | 280556 | Ball, Wellington | North Arm, Botswood |
13th Contingent | 247913 | Ballam, Clifford* | Shearstown |
12th Contingent | 246564 | Ballard, Cyril J | 4 Adelaide St., St. John’s |
6th Contingent | P/194523 | Banfield, Reginald | Bay L'Argent |
17th Contingent | 315680 | Banks, Alfred F | Hampden |
10th Contingent | 216661 | Bannister, George FO | British Harbour, Trinity Bay |
6th Contingent | D/201986 | Barbour, Harry CW | St. John’s |
7th Contingent | D/201703 | Barfitt, Heber H | Long Beach, Random |
17th Contingent | 315681 | Barfitt, Hector G | Long Beach, Random |
13th Contingent | 247908 | Barnable, Francis J | Ferryland |
7th Contingent | D/201715 | Barnes, Alban J | St. Mary’s |
3rd Contingent | 181292 | Barnes, Alfred H. | Trinity, Trinity Bay |
10th Contingent | 216662 | Barnes, Aquilla | Triton, Notre Dame Bay |
15th Contingent | 277263 | Barnes, Clarence | Brigus |
Forestry Transfer | 265167 | Barnes, Eric W. | Champneys East, Trinity Bay |
12th Contingent | 246565 | Barnes, Frederick | 274 Pennywell Rd., St. John’s |
7th Contingent | P/200098 | Barnes, Harry George* | Topsail |
15th Contingent | 277264 | Barnes, Ira M | Twillingate |
16th Contingent | 299633 | Barnes, Ralph | Summerford, Notre Dame Bay |
14th Contingent | 230203 | Barrett, Andrew L | Curling |
17th Contingent | 315761 | Barrett, Bertram | 14 Field St., St. John’s |
1st Contingent | D/JX173661 | Barrett, Leslie McLeod | Brigus |
16th Contingent | 299610 | Barrett, Patrick J | St. John’s |
17th Contingent | 315665 | Barrett, Stephen | Fleur de Lys |
6th Contingent | C/195278 | Barrett, Walter J | St. John’s |
8th Contingent | 208925 | Barrett, William T | 285 Hamilton Ave., St. John’s |
Joined in the U.K. | SSX30970 | Barrett, Woodrow F. | |
7th Contingent | C/204788 | Barron, John | Grand Falls |
14th Contingent | 230202 | Barry, Arthur F | Corner Brook |
5th Contingent | C/188416 | Barry, Frank* | 53 Casey St., St. John’s |
17th Contingent | 315742 | Barry, James | Blackhead Rd., St. John’s |
7th Contingent | D/201717 | Barry, Martin | St. John’s |
18th Contingent | 316604 | Barry, Maurice J | Windsor |
8th Contingent | 208932 | Barry, Richard | Curling |
12th Contingent | 246566 | Barry, Robert | 32 Coronation St., St. John’s |
14th Contingent | 230201 | Barry, Robert J | Curling |
10th Contingent | 216729 | Barry, Thomas | Brewley, Placentia Bay |
18th Contingent | 316637 | Barteau, Ronald K | Bryant's Cove, Harbour Grace |
Forestry Transfer | 569152 | Barter, Alexander | Corner Brook |
10th Contingent | 216695 | Barter, Hugh | Cape La Hune |
14th Contingent | 230222 | Barter, James | Bay de Verde |
10th Contingent | 216696 | Barter, John | Cape La Hune |
10th Contingent | 216697 | Barter, William | Cape La Hune |
3rd Contingent | 181442 | Bartlett, Bertram | 3 Mt Royal Ave., St. John’s |
7th Contingent | P/200115 | Bartlett, Douglas K | St. John’s |
13th Contingent | 247903 | Bartlett, Ernest R | Rattling Brook |
8th Contingent | 208927 | Bartlett, Fintan E* | Portugal Cove Rd., St. John’s |
17th Contingent | 315682 | Bartlett, Hardy F | Bridgeport, Notre Dame Bay |
3rd Contingent | 181711 | Bartlett, James | Marysvale, Brigus |
8th Contingent | 208868 | Bartlett, James | Marysvale, Conception Bay |
8th Contingent | 208928 | Bartlett, James | 21 Coronation St., St. John’s |
8th Contingent | 208933 | Bartlett, Joseph | Marysvale, Conception Bay |
4th Contingent | C/185963 | Bartlett, Thomas | Marysvale, Brigus |
2nd Contingent | 181196 | Bartlett, Wesley J. | Burlington, Notre Dame Bay |
17th Contingent | 315672 | Bartlett, William B | Bell Island |
4th Contingent | D/187464 | Basha, William | Bell Island |
3rd Contingent | 181443 | Bath, Frederick P.* | Horse Island |
11th Contingent | 220890 | Batt, Roland W | Benoits Cove |
16th Contingent | 299647 | Batten, Benjamin G | Clarke's Beach |
11th Contingent | 220891 | Battiste, Charles C | Channel |
10th Contingent | 216730 | Beaton, Chesley C | Norris Arm |
Forestry Transfer | 242240 | Beaton, Fred | Badger |
14th Contingent | 230178 | Beaton, Valmond A | Norris Arm |
6th Contingent | P/194520 | Beauchamp, Budd | Rencontre West |
2nd Contingent | 181225 | Beaufield, Horace J. | Raleigh, Western Bay |
6th Contingent | P/194516 | Beck, William T | Port au Bras, Burin |
10th Contingent | 216793 | Beckett, Oscar* | Old Perlican |
14th Contingent | 230200 | Bellows, Jacob J | Corner Brook |
16th Contingent | 299656 | Bemister, Louis C | 70 St Clare Ave., St. John’s |
9th Contingent | 211414 | Bennett, Austin | 21 Sulva St., St. John’s |
12th Contingent | 246683 | Bennett, Francis | Clattice Harbour, Placentia Bay |
3rd Contingent | 181668 | Bennett, Gower W. | Port aux Basques |
Forestry Transfer | 265165 | Bennett, James | Mouse Island, Channel |
3rd Contingent | 181398 | Bennett, John | Pasadena |
4th Contingent | C/185964 | Bennett, John Gerard* | Buchans |
17th Contingent | 315683 | Bennett, John T | Codroy |
5th Contingent | C/188417 | Bennett, Joseph D. | Southside, St. John's |
17th Contingent | 315729 | Bennett, Leo | Deer Lake |
2nd Contingent | 181279 | Bennett, Philip | Great Harbour, Fortune Bay |
Forestry Transfer | 280397 | Bennett, Stanley* | Corner Brook |
6th Contingent | P/194597 | Bennett, Wallace F* | Port au Bras, Burin |
5th Contingent | C/188418 | Bennett, William C. | 395 Duckworth St., St. John’s |
Forestry Transfer | KX131143 | Benoit, Edward R. | Seal Rocks |
16th Contingent | 299657 | Benson, Bernard M | 45 Calver St., St. John’s |
Joined in the U.K. | D/SSX31256 | Benson, Eric H. | 7 York St., St. John's |
7th Contingent | D/201704 | Benson, Wm Thomas | Long Beach, Random |
17th Contingent | 315668 | Benton, George Norman* | Islington, Trinity Bay |
Forestry Transfer | 347190 | Beson, Leo | Windsor |
7th Contingent | C/204804 | Beson, Walter | Windsor |
2nd Contingent | 181222 | Bessey, William H. | Cape Onion |
17th Contingent | 315684 | Best, Chesley | Tack's Beach, Placentia Bay |
Forestry Transfer | 222307 | Best, Edgar | St. John's |
13th Contingent | 247937 | Best, Fred M | Blackhead Rd., St. John’s |
6th Contingent | C/195258 | Best, George Fred | Merasheen, Placentia Bay |
5th Contingent | P/188855 | Best, Ronald | Bonavista |
1st Contingent | D/JX173664 | Best, Ronald P | St. John’s |
Forestry Transfer | 289769 | Best, Thomas | Wesleyville |
16th Contingent | 299563 | Bickford, Hubert | Bell Island |
14th Contingent | 230114 | Bickford, Ralph | Bell Island |
9th Contingent | 211418 | Biggin, Cornelius | Daniel's Harbour |
Forestry Transfer | 265194 | Biggin, Leonard | Daniel's Harbour |
2nd Contingent | 181218 | Biles, Wesley W. | St. Anthony |
11th Contingent | 220892 | Billard, Victor H | Channel |
14th Contingent | 230125 | Bindon, Gerald P | 12 Cook St., St. John’s |
13th Contingent | 247906 | Bishop, Albert F | Corner Brook |
2nd Contingent | 181246 | Bishop, Alexander* | Point La Haye |
16th Contingent | 299624 | Bishop, Allan H | Cavendish, Trinity Bay |
8th Contingent | 208926 | Bishop, Augustus E | 3 Barters Hill, St. John’s |
11th Contingent | D/220893 | Bishop, Cecil D | Grand Falls |
17th Contingent | 315667 | Bishop, Eli M* | Cavendish, Trinity Bay |
12th Contingent | 246569 | Bishop, Eric D | Wesleyville |
7th Contingent | P/200064 | Bishop, Fred Vincent | Mount Pearl, St. John’s |
10th Contingent | 216836 | Bishop, George | Portugal Cove |
14th Contingent | 230229 | Bishop, Kenneth | Western Bay, Bay de Verde |
2nd Contingent | 181248 | Bishop, Patrick J. | Gaskiers |
8th Contingent | 208924 | Bishop, Roy | Grand Falls |
9th Contingent | 211412 | Bishop, Thomas F* | Placentia |
18th Contingent | 316605 | Blackmore, Albert E | Bell Island |
11th Contingent | 220981 | Blackmore, Stephen N | Bell Island |
14th Contingent | 230115 | Blackmore, William H | Bell Island |
11th Contingent | 220894 | Blackwood, Gideon J | Corner Brook |
5th Contingent | D/191511 | Blackwood, Kenneth M. | |
Forestry Transfer | 280432 | Blackwood, Peter | Port Nelson, Bonavista Bay |
17th Contingent | 315743 | Blagdon, Hubert* | Boxey, Fortune Bay |
12th Contingent | C246684 | Blagdon, Newton H | Grand Bank |
2nd Contingent | 180274 | Blagdon, William H. | North River, Conception Bay |
9th Contingent | 211419 | Blake, Otto | Horwood, Notre Dame Bay |
11th Contingent | 220895 | Blanchard, Henrv J | Shallop Cove, St. Georges |
11th Contingent | 220896 | Blanchard, Richard W* | McIvers, Bay of Islands |
2nd Contingent | 180809 | Blandford, Darius Cluny* | Greenspond |
1st Contingent | D/JX173660 | Blundon, Alfred B | Bay de Verde |
17th Contingent | 315685 | Blundon, Alfred R | Musgravetown |
1st Contingent | D/JX173654 | Blundon, Donald | Bay de Verde |
13th Contingent | 247917 | Blundon, John K | Windsor |
1st Contingent | D/JX173624 | Blundon, Malcolm | Bay de Verde |
17th Contingent | 315744 | Blundon, Robert | 113 Southside Rd., St. John’s |
11th Contingent | 220982 | Blundon, Ronald | 113 Southside Rd., St. John’s |
8th Contingent | 208920 | Blundon, Stanley J | 113 Southside Rd., St. John’s |
15th Contingent | 277360 | Blyde, Wallace F | 63 Merrymeeting Rd., St. John’s |
15th Contingent | 277265 | Boland, Alexander S* | Lamaline, Musgrave Harbour |
Forestry Transfer | 280004 | Boland, Eli J. | Carmanville |
10th Contingent | 216731 | Boland, Samuel J | Trinity, Bonavista Bay |
2nd Contingent | 181297 | Boland, William L. | Lamaline, Musgrave Harbour |
8th Contingent | 208963 | Bollard, John F | Bellevue, Trinity Bay |
15th Contingent | 277381 | Bolt, Chesley C | Tack's Beach, Placentia Bay |
6th Contingent | P/194522 | Bond, Albert Cluett* | Belleoram |
6th Contingent | P/194527 | Bond, Benjamin G | Grand Bank |
12th Contingent | 246685 | Bond, Stanley G. | Frenchman's Cove, Garnish |
7th Contingent | C/204803 | Boone, Hollie L | Corner Brook |
1st Contingent | D/JX173670 | Boone, Isaac | Bareneed, Conception Bay |
14th Contingent | 230177 | Boone, Malcolm G | Grand Falls |
8th Contingent | 208922 | Boone, Maxwell L | Blackhead Rd., St. John’s |
5th Contingent | D/191521 | Borden, Elmo | Corner Brook |
Forestry Transfer | 280391 | Bourgeois, Harold | Wood's Island, Bay of islands |
6th Contingent | P/195426 | Bowdridge, Gordon* | Burgeo |
Forestry Transfer | 280005 | Bown, Charles* | Fredericton, Notre Dame Bay |
10th Contingent | 216732 | Bowne, Harvey Wm. | Windsor |
17th Contingent | 315730 | Boyd, Augustus WG | Bonne Bay |
10th Contingent | 216733 | Boyde, Allan G | Twillingate |
2nd Contingent | C/180812 | Brace, Eleazer | Bonavista |
5th Contingent | D/191512 | Brace, Sidney | Bishop's Falls |
9th Contingent | 211416 | Bradbury, Francis | Torbay |
12th Contingent | 246705 | Bradley, Harry M | Indian Cove, Battle Harbour |
16th Contingent | 299583 | Bradley, Raymond W | Musgrave Harbour |
12th Contingent | 246567 | Bragg, Arthur W | Channel |
11th Contingent | 220983 | Bragg, Edgar | Pouch Cove |
2nd Contingent | 181287 | BRAGG, Harrison | Port aux Basques |
15th Contingent | 277253 | Brake, Allan J | Stephenville Crossing |
8th Contingent | 209008 | Brake, Frederick C | Humbermouth |
Forestry Transfer | 24286? | Brake, Robert George | St. George’s |
5th Contingent | C/188414 | Brazil, Cyril W. | 7 William St., St. John’s |
10th Contingent | 216794 | Brazil, John J | Bell Island |
13th Contingent | 247912 | Brazil, Thomas Wm. | Spaniard's Bay |
18th Contingent | 316638 | Breen, Edward | Grand Falls |
17th Contingent | 315745 | Breen, Patrick J | 21 Job St., St. John’s |
11th Contingent | 220984 | Brennan, Patrick J | Ship Cove, Placentia Bay |
9th Contingent | 211411 | Brennan, Samuel | Summerville, Bonavista Bay |
14th Contingent | 230090 | Breon, Charles J | Grand Bank |
10th Contingent | 216698 | Brennan, Michael | Marystown |
16th Contingent | 299611 | Brett, Douglas | Sops Arm |
Forestry Transfer | 212473 | Brewer, Arthur William* | Epworth |
6th Contingent | P/194518 | Brewer, Fred C | Burin Bay Arm |
Forestry Transfer | 212474 | Brewer, George* | Epworth |
7th Contingent | P/200093 | Bridger, Leslie | St. John’s |
6th Contingent | D/201958 | Bright, Edward | Victoria, Carbonear |
5th Contingent | C/188411 | Bright, Walter S.* | 30 Colonial St., St. John’s |
1st Contingent | D/JX173658 | Brinston, Albert | St. John’s |
3rd Contingent | 181399 | Brinston, Gordon* | Lark Harbour, Bay of Islands |
P/SSX31760 | Brinstone, Douglas V.* | St. John's | |
Forestry Transfer | 280395 | Brockway, Alfred W. | Benoits Cove |
12th Contingent | 246706 | Bromley, John A | Crouse via Conche |
13th Contingent | 247936 | Bromley, John J | 28 Coronation St., St. John’s |
7th Contingent | P/200105 | Bromley, Vincent J | St. John’s |
Forestry Transfer | 265221 | Brooks, Moody N. | Lush’s Bight, Notre Dame Bay |
13th Contingent | 247907 | Brophy, Michael | Fermeuse |
12th Contingent | 246568 | Brophy, Patrick J | Fermeuse |
4th Contingent | D/187443 | Brophy, Philip J. | Fermeuse |
12th Contingent | 246798 | Brown, Abraham | Cook's Harbour |
6th Contingent | P/194519 | Brown, Benjamin L | Burin Bay, Burin |
12th Contingent | 246570 | Brown, Charles | Manuels |
15th Contingent | 277266 | Brown, Charles H | Rock Harbour, Placentia Bay |
15th Contingent | 277269 | Brown, Donald K | Trinity, Bonavista Bay |
1st Contingent | D/JX179617 | Brown, Everett [Joined in the U.K.] | 11 Bulley Street, St. John’s |
1st Contingent | D/JX174387 | Brown, George | Bay Roberts, Conception Bay |
10th Contingent | 216734 | Brown, George Wm. | Tack's Beach, Placentia Bay |
12th Contingent | 246707 | Brown, Harold | Port Union |
11th Contingent | 220897 | Brown, Harold F | Port Union |
15th Contingent | 277268 | Brown, Harvey Malcolm | Greenspond |
13th Contingent | 247911 | Brown, Heber S* | Red Bay, Labrador |
6th Contingent | P/194520 | Brown, Henry G | Port au Bras, Burin |
7th Contingent | P/200075 | Brown, Henry J | 16 Wood St., St. John’s |
13th Contingent | 247910 | Brown, James | Petit Forte |
15th Contingent | 277267 | Brown, James Gabriel | Rock Harbour, Placentia Bay |
10th Contingent | 216699 | Brown, James H | Rock Harbour, Placentia Bay |
12th Contingent | 246572 | Brown, Leonard F | Trinity, Bonavista Bay |
17th Contingent | 315686 | Brown, Matthew T | Gambo |
8th Contingent | 208934 | Brown, Patrick | Colliers, Conception Bay |
12th Contingent | 246571 | Brown, Percy | Trinity, Bonavista Bay |
2nd Contingent | 180819 | Brown, Philip J. | Trinity, Trinity Bay |
8th Contingent | 208867 | Brown, Stephen J | Bell Island |
16th Contingent | 299584 | Brown, Victor | Trinity, Bonavista Bay |
17th Contingent | 315688 | Brown, Willis L | Joe Batts Arm |
8th Contingent | 208929 | Browne, James H | Woodfords, Conception Bay |
8th Contingent | 208930 | Browne, John F | 311 Hamilton Ave., St. John’s |
P/194521 | Browne, William G. | Burin | |
7th Contingent | P/200081 | Brownrigg, Francis J | St. John’s |
Forestry Transfer | 280343 | Bruce, Hugh A. | Searston |
7th Contingent | D/201731 | Bruce, Peter | Argentia |
2nd Contingent | 183543 | Bruce, William | Campbell's Creek |
17th Contingent | 315689 | Bryan, Andrew P | Coachman's Cove |
1st Contingent | D/173656 | Bryan, Frederick J | Fogo |
D/JX173656 | Bryan, John F. | Fogo | |
17th Contingent | 315687 | Bryan, Martin P | Coachman's Cove |
13th Contingent | 247905 | Buckle, Brendan | Corner Brook |
15th Contingent | 277270 | Budden, Edward C. | Heart's Content |
1st Contingent | D/JX173666 | Budgell, Albert Cordswell | Bell Island |
6th Contingent | P/194524 | Buglar, Ernest | Harbour Breton |
18th Contingent | 316606 | Bull, Felix | Eastport, Bonavista Bay |
16th Contingent | 299578 | Bull, Harold C | Eastport, Bonavista Bay |
16th Contingent | 299579 | Bull, John WD | Eastport, Bonavista Bay |
14th Contingent | 230127 | Bulley, Robert P | Topsail Rd., St. John’s |
2nd Contingent | 181242 | Burke, Francis J. | St. Mary's |
4th Contingent | C/185965 | Burke, John | Grand Falls |
11th Contingent | 220986 | Burke, John J | Logy Bay |
3rd Contingent | 181710 | Burke, John J. | Harbour Grace |
11th Contingent | 220898 | Burke, William C* | Grand Falls |
14th Contingent | 230128 | Burke, William J | Flat Rock, Conception Bay |
Forestry Transfer | 280398 | Burry, Bramwell | Greenspond |
Forestry Transfer | 280517 | Burry, James | Greenspond |
9th Contingent | 211415 | Burry, Joseph | Greenspond |
Forestry Transfer | 280024 | Burry, Oliver J. | Botwood |
2nd Contingent | 180823 | Burry, Sidney | Greenspond |
10th Contingent | 216795 | Bursey, Clarence | Old Perlican |
4th Contingent | C/185966 | Bursey, Graham | Coley's Point |
12th Contingent | 246665 | Bursey, Graham* | Old Perlican |
10th Contingent | 216796 | Bursey, Uriah G | Caplin Cove, Bay de Verde |
18th Contingent | 316607 | Bursey, William HG | Bell Island |
18th Contingent | 316660 | Bursey,Walter R | 1 Colonial St., St. John’s |
10th Contingent | 216797 | Burt, Aubrey | Old Perlican |
13th Contingent | 247934 | Burt, Bronson 0 | St. John’s |
Forestry Transfer | 280026 | Burt, Garland | Botwood |
3rd Contingent | 181268 | Burt, George | Birchy Bay, Notre Dame Bay |
16th Contingent | 299644 | Burton, Earle F | Harbour Buffett |
Forestry Transfer | 280017 | Burton, Edward | Corner Brook |
16th Contingent | 299612 | Burton, Herbert | Horse Island |
6th Contingent | D/201984 | Burton, Moses | Harbour Buffett |
Forestry Transfer | 217852 | Burton, Ralph | Port Anson |
4th Contingent | P/188901 | Burton, Robert J. | 10 William St., St. John’s |
6th Contingent | D/201987 | Burton, William L | Harbour Buffett |
4th Contingent | C/185967 | Bussey, Freeman A. | Port de Grave |
8th Contingent | 208931 | Bussey, Harold J | Waldegrave St., St. John’s |
5th Contingent | C/188412 | Butler, Aubrey Bishop* | 123 St. Clare Ave., St. John’s |
13th Contingent | 247933 | Butler, Cecil | Bauline |
5th Contingent | P/188852 | Butler, Ernest* | Bonavista |
12th Contingent | 246666 | Butler, Frederick D | Bell Island |
13th Contingent | 247932 | Butler, Henry | Long Pond, Manuels |
8th Contingent | 208923 | Butler, James | 367 Water St., St. John’s |
16th Contingent | 299645 | Butler, John C | Harbour Buffett |
Forestry Transfer | 280226 | Butler, John Edgar* | Port Rexton |
5th Contingent | C/188413 | Butler, John Joseph | Mount Cashel Rd., St. John’s |
9th Contingent | 211413 | Butler, Victor L | Port Rexton |
11th Contingent | 220985 | Butler, Vincent P | 39 Flower Hill, St. John’s |
15th Contingent | 277273 | Butler, William Albert* | Flat Island, Bonavista Bay |
4th Contingent | D/187452 | Butler, William K. | Bell lsland |
6th Contingent | C/195266 | Butlers, Edward J | Brigus |
6th Contingent | D/201988 | Butt, Charles W | Corner Brook |
7th Contingent | C/204805 | Butt, Edmund G | Western Bay |
8th Contingent | 208866 | Butt, Edward H. | Mount Moriah, Bay of Islands |
5th Contingent | P/188859 | Butt, Elijah Cyril* | St. Jones Within |
3rd Contingent | 181678 | Butt, Garland | Lomond |
15th Contingent | 277272 | Butt, Garland | Flat Island, Bonavista Bay |
Forestry Transfer | 265195 | Butt, George W. | Rocky Harbour, St. Barbe |
1st Contingent | D/JX173669 | Butt, Harry | Corner Brook |
3rd Contingent | 181400 | Butt, James G. | Howley |
15th Contingent | 277271 | Butt, Maxwell Stewart | Flat Island, Bonavista Bay |
14th Contingent | 230198 | Butt, Stewart R | Corner Brook |
Forestry Transfer | 280396 | Butt, Wallace | Curling |
Joined in the U.K. | P/JX235664 | Butt, William M. | Mount Pearl, St. John’s |
14th Contingent | 230221 | Butters, James | Brigus |
3rd Contingent | 181305 | Button, Lester | Lead Cove, Trinity Bay |
1st Contingent | D/JX173667 | Button, Norman | Old Perlican |
15th Contingent | 277274 | Button, Ralph L | Old Perlican |
11th Contingent | 220867 | Button, Samson G | Brownsdale, Trinity Bay |
3rd Contingent | 181262 | Button, Wilbert G. | Lead Cove, Trinity Bay |
1st Contingent | D/JX173655 | Button, William J | Old Perlican |
1st Contingent | D/JX173673 | Byrne, Gerald | St. John’s |
17th Contingent | 315673 | Byrne, Gerald A | Bell island |
9th Contingent | 211417 | Byrne, Michael | 207 Southside Rd., St. John’s |
13th Contingent | 247931 | Byrne, Raymond C | St. John’s |
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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen
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