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McAlpine's 1904 Directory
Twillingate District
Complete List of Communities
Badger Bay
Beachy Cove
Bear Cove and Nick's Cove
Beaver Cove
Birchy Bay
Birchy Cove and Jackson's Cove
Birchy Islands
Black Island
Black Island Tickle
Black Swan
Bobby's Cove
Boot Harbor
Boyde's Harbor
Boydes Cove and Harbor
Bridger's Cove
Burnt Arm
Burnt Cove
Burnt Island
Button Hole Cove
Appendix (Card's Harbor)
Chaplin Cove -
(Spelled as in Original Directory)
Samson's Islands
Scissor's Cove
Seal Bay
Seal Cove
Sealing Bight
Sergeant's Cove
Cape St. John Gull Island Carter's Cove
Chance Harbor East
Chance Harbor West
Clarkes Cove
Cobb's Arm
Comfort Cove
Cotrel's Cove
Cottles Island
Appendix (Dark Tickle)
Denier and Long Island
Dildo Island
Dominion Point
Eastern Tickle
Elliott's Point
Emily's Pond
Exploits Harbor
Exploit's River North
Exploits River South
Farewell Head and Dog Bay
Farmer's Arm
Fleuries Bight
French point
Friday's Bay
Glover's Harbor
Goshen's Arm
Goshen's Arm
Great Triton Island
Green's Cove
Green Island Cove
Gull Island Cove
Gut Arm
Hall's Bay
Hall's Bay Proper
Hamilton's Cove
Harry's Cove and King's Cove
Hatchet Harbor
Herring Neck
Indian Arm
Indian Cove
Indian Cove
Indian Burying Place
Indian Point
Kane's Point
Kiars Cove
Kite Cove
Leading Tickles
Little Bay
Little Bay Islands
Little Beaver Cove and Big Beaver Cove
Little Burnt Bay
Little Wards Harbor and Vicinity
Appendix (Little Ward's Harbor and Vicinity)
Lobster Harbor
Locke's Harbor and Vicinity
Loon Bay
Loon Bay Harbor
Merritt's Harbor
Michael's Harbor
Middle Arm and South West Arm
Mint Island
Moore's Cove
Moor's Harbor
Morton's Harbor
Mumper's Island
Muddy Cove
Muddy Hole
New Bay
New Bay Head and Vicinity
New Harbor
Nipper's Harbor
Norris' Arm
Northern Arm
Northern Harbor
North West Arm
North West Point
North West, South West, Southern and South East Arms
Pearce's Harbor
Peter's Arm
Phillip's Head
Pike's Arm
Pilley's Island
Point of Bay
Potter's Cove
Rabbit's Arm)
Red Rod Cove
Rogue's Harbor
Round Harbor
Rowsell's Island
Salt Pond
Salt Harbor
Salt Pans
Sam's Cove
Sam Jone's Cove
Samson's Islands
Scissor's Cove
Seal Bay
Seal Cove
Sealing Bight
Sergeant's Cove
Shoe Cove
Ship Cove
Snook's Arm
Sop's Arm and Julie's Harbor
Southern Arm
Sparrow Bill Cove
Starve Harbor
Stocking Harbor and Smith's Harbor
Sunday Cove Island
Swan Island Harbor
Three Arms
Tilt Cove #1
Tilt Cove #2
Appendix (Tilt Cove)
Tizzard's Harbor
Tom Hall's Harbor
Too Good Arm
Appendix (Triton Harbor)
Trump Island
Twillingate Island North
Twillingate Island South
Upper Sandy Point
Venon's Bight
Virgin Arm
Waldron's cove
Webber's Bight
Western Head
Whale Gulch
Wigwam Point
Wild Bight #1
Wild Bight #2
Wild cove
Winter House Cove

163 Communities - Complete

[McAlpine's Directories ]

The entries have been transcribed as
they appear in the 1904 directory.
Over the years, many of the names have become
colloquialized or spelled differently.

Page Revised: January - 2003 (Don Tate)

Newfoundland's Grand Banks is a non-profit endeavor.
No part of this project may be reproduced in any form
for any purpose other than personal use.

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