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Date |
Place |
Cause |
Name |
Age |
Place of Birth |
Place of Burial |
O | ||||||
August 25, 1918 | Cape Broyle | Still Born | O' Brien, . | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle | |
September 4, 1923 | St. John's | Pulmonary TB | O' Brien, Alberta | 44 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
October 7, 1929 | Bay Bulls | Pulmonary TB | O' Brien, Benedict | 14 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 1, 1903 | Bay Bulls | Cancer | O' Brien, Elizabeth | 60 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 4, 1918 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O' Brien, Elizabeth | 70 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
July 26, 1931 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | O' Brien, Emily | 66 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 20, 1934 | Sanatorium | Pulmonary TB | O' Brien, Florence | 17 | Cape Broyle | Mount Carmel Cemetery |
October 29, 1915 | Bay Bulls | Cancer | O' Brien, James | 52 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 20, 1930 | General Hospital | Senility | O' Brien, James | 80 | Not Stated | Cape Broyle |
April 19, 1931 | St. John's | Heart Failure | O' Brien, John | 83 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
April 13, 1932 | Cape Broyle | Convulsions | O' Brien, Lucy | 2 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
December 23, 1935 | St. John's | Appendicitis | O' Brien, Lydia | 18 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
April 2, 1928 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | O' Brien, Margaret A. | 66 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
June 24, 1918 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O' Brien, Mary | 87 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 23, 1931 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O' Brien, Mary | 87 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 26, 1935 | Cape Broyle | Not Stated | O' Brien, Mary | 3 1/2 Months | Not Stated | Cape Broyle |
February 20, 1926 | St. John's | Pulmonary TB | O' Brien, Mary Jane | 37 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 14, 1900 | Bay Bulls | Dyspepsia | O' Brien, Michael | 68 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 23, 1925 | LaManche | Old Age | O' Brien, Michael | 79 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
October 25, 1918 | France | Killed in Action | O' Brien, Michael 2968 | Witless Bay | France | |
October 20, 1921 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O' Brien, Miles | 95 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 9, 1923 | At Sea | Drowned | O' Brien, Miles | 24 | Bay Bulls | At Sea |
October 27, 1929 | Cape Broyle | TB | O' Brien, Monica | 31 | Bay Bulls | Cape Broyle |
October 29, 1934 | General Hospital | Pulmonary TB | O' Brien, Nicholas | 20 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
December 24, 1930 | Sanatorium | Pulmonary TB | O' Brien, Patrick | 22 | Not Stated | Cape Broyle |
July 10, 1935 | Cape Broyle | Heart/Stroke | O' Brien, Peter | 74 | Not Stated | Cape Broyle |
May 13, 1915 | Witless Bay | Consumption | O' Brien, Richard J. | 50 | Bay Bulls | Witless Bay |
March 30, 1935 | Cape Broyle | Old Age | O' Brien, Thomas | 92 | Not Stated | Cape Broyle |
April 18, 1935 | Bay Bulls | Not Stated | O' Brien, Yvette | 7 Days | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
May 18, 1928 | Fermeuse | Senile Decay | O' Connell, John | 76 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
April 1, 1923 | Witless Bay | Heart Failure | O' Connor, Mary Ellen | 30 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
February 7, 1934 | 75 Long's Hill | Myocarditis | O' Connor, Patrick | 84 | St. John's | Ferryland |
December 25, 1932 | Bay Bulls | Not Stated | O' Donnell, John A. | 2 Months | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
April 6, 1924 | Witless Bay | Old Age | O' Donnell, Rev. Michael | 92 | Cahir, Ireland | Witless Bay |
July 30, 1920 | Witless Bay | Heart Failure | O' Driscoll, Aidan | 66 | Mobile | St. John's |
May 15, 1916 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O' Driscoll, Anne | 78 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
June 29, 1920 | Bay Bulls | Not Stated | O' Driscoll, Anne | 2 Weeks | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
August 6, 1933 | Tor's Cove | Pneumonia | O' Driscoll, Annie | 5 Months | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 14, 1933 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O' Driscoll, Bridget | 72 | Blackhead | Mobile |
July 22, 1935 | Tor's Cove | Childbirth | O' Driscoll, Catherine | Incorrect Age | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 1, 1915 | France | Killed in Action | O' Driscoll, Charles | 27 | Tor's Cove | |
July 1, 1928 | Tor's Cove | Cancer | O' Driscoll, Cornelius | 66 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 1, 1928 | Tor's Cove | Cancer | O' Driscoll, Cornelius | 66 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
February 8, 1921 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | O' Driscoll, Daniel | 68 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
February 23, 1932 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | O' Driscoll, Elizabeth | 25 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
June 11, 1921 | Tor's Cove | Old Age | O' Driscoll, Ellen | 87 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 14, 1929 | Bay Bulls | TB | O' Driscoll, Esther | 17 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
July 6, 1935 | Tor's Cove | Heart Failure | O' Driscoll, Esther | 81 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
August 15, 1900 | Mobile | Consumption | O' Driscoll, John | 22 | Mobile | Mobile |
January 31, 1917 | Tor's Cove | Asthma | O' Driscoll, John | 67 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
February 25, 1917 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | O' Driscoll, Joseph Patrick | 60 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 20, 1928 | Tor's Cove | Dropsy | O' Driscoll, Josephine | 72 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 20, 1928 | Tor's Cove | Dropsy | O' Driscoll, Josephine | 72 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 10, 1934 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | O' Driscoll, Lawrence | 33 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
March 6, 1930 | Tor's Cove | Not Stated | O' Driscoll, Marcella | 27 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
February 7, 1917 | Mobile | Heart Failure | O' Driscoll, Margaret | 75 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
Sept 15 1933 | Bay Bulls | Pulmonary TB | O' Driscoll, Margaret | 59 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 5, 1935 | Ferryland | Influenza | O' Driscoll, Margaret | 83 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
November 7, 1918 | Bay Bulls | Measles | O' Driscoll, Martin H. | 36 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
July 24, 1920 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | O' Driscoll, Mary | 35 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
April 2, 1928 | Halifax | Pulmonary TB | O' Driscoll, Mary | 22 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 8, 1919 | Tor's Cove | Cancer | O' Driscoll, Mary J. | 46 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
December 9, 1934 | 61 Merrmeeting Rd. | Senility | O' Driscoll, Mrs. Ann | 72 | Tor's Cove | Mount Carmel Cemetery |
April 23, 1934 | Tor's Cove | Kidney Disease | O' Driscoll, Not Stated | 65 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
June 22, 1920 | Bay Bulls | Congestion of Throat | O' Driscoll, Prudentia | 3 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
May 29, 1899 | Witless Bay | Not Stated | O' Driscoll, Rev. M. | 50 | Mobile | Witless Bay |
February 13, 1902 | Tor's Cove | Bronchitis | O' Driscoll, Samuel | 72 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
March 20, 1922 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O' Driscoll, Sarah | 76 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 23, 1919 | Mobile | Cancer | O' Driscoll, William | 67 | Mobile | Mobile |
February 8, 1930 | Poor Asylum | Old Age | O' Driscoll, William | 71 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
August 17, 1934 | Fermeuse | Heart Failure | O' Flaherty, Edward | 56 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 16, 1925 | Fermeuse | Infant Debility | O' Flaherty, Edward P. | 1 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 16, 1926 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | O' Keefe, Fanny | Not Stated | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
September 9, 1932 | Ferryland | Pulmonary TB | O' Keefe, Matilda | 24 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
November 5, 1915 | Fermeuse | Accidental Poisoning | O' Keefe, Ronald | 3 | Renews | Fermeuse |
January 28, 1917 | France | Killed in Action | O' Keefe, Thomas J. | 22 | Ferryland | |
October 20, 1924 | Renews | Convulsions | O' Leary, Josephine | 14 | Renews | Renews |
March 15, 1929 | Fermeuse | Influenza | O' Neil, Alice | 74 | Fermeuse | Renews |
December 5, 1928 | Fermeuse | Senile Decay | O' Neil, Anne | 74 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
July 18, 1927 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | O' Neil, Bessie | 17 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 28, 1899 | Fermeuse | Dropsy | O' Neil, Con | 58 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 13, 1925 | Fermeuse | Kidney Disease | O' Neil, Constantine | 86 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 5, 1919 | Witless Bay | Heart Failure | O' Neil, Gertrude | 34 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
July 6, 1932 | Fermeuse | Paralysis | O' Neil, James | 76 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
April 15, 1933 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O' Neil, John | 80 | St. John's | Bay Bulls |
December 25, 1900 | Renews | Old Age | O' Neil, Lawrence | 86 | Renews | Renews |
December 11, 1927 | Fermeuse | Infant Debility | O' Neil, Margaret M. | 1 Week | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 23, 1902 | Renews | Diphtheria | O' Neil, Mary | 44 | Fermeuse | Renews |
January 22, 1899 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O' Neil, Susan | 89 | Toad's Cove | Fermeuse |
March 14, 1901 | Fermeuse | Consumption | O' Neil, Susan | 12 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 31, 1901 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O' Neill James | 86 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
April 22, 1917 | France | Wounds | O' Neill, Ambrose A. | 26 | Fermeuse | |
November 24, 1917 | Witless Bay | Old Age | O' Neill, Bridget | 73 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 5, 1922 | Fermeuse | Rheumatism | O' Neill, Catherine | 77 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 21, 1915 | Fermeuse | Paralysis | O' Neill, Edward | 21 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 29, 1918 | Cape Broyle | Senile Decay | O' Neill, Elizabeth | 80 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
February 24, 1927 | Fermeuse | Heart Trouble | O' Neill, Ellen | 70 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 3, 1924 | Fermeuse | Scarlet Fever | O' Neill, Francis | 2 1/2 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 13, 1921 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O' Neill, Henry | 75 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 16, 1935 | Fermeuse | Cancer of Stomach | O' Neill, Henry*1 | 52 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 16, 1927 | Fermeuse | Cancer | O' Neill, James | 56 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 17, 1916 | Fermeuse | Pulmonary TB | O' Neill, Johanna | 26 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 31, 1900 | Fermeuse | Whooping Cough | O' Neill, John | 3 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 24, 1915 | Witless Bay | Heart Disease | O' Neill, John | 80 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
January 16, 1931 | Fermeuse | Meningitis | O' Neill, John | 13 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 10, 1935 | Fermeuse | Convulsions | O' Neill, John | 3 Months | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
April 6, 1916 | Fermeuse | Child Birth | O' Neill, Julia | 36 | St. John's | Fermeuse |
March 23, 1935 | Fermeuse | Senile Decay | O' Neill, Kate | 76 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 12, 1915 | Fermeuse | Child Birth | O' Neill, Katie Ann | 40 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 24, 1920 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O' Neill, Margaret | 86 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 6, 1917 | St. John's | Old Age | O' Neill, Martin | 77 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
August 26, 1934 | Calvert | Cancer | O' Neill, Martin | 70 | Not Stated | Calvert |
March 24, 1903 | Renews | Croup | O' Neill, Mary | 6 | Renews | Renews |
January 1, 1919 | Fermeuse | Broncho/Pneumonia | O' Neill, Mary | 27 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 8, 1928 | Cape Broyle | General Debility | O' Neill, Mary Anne | Not Stated | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
December 5, 1920 | Fermeuse | Infant Debility | O' Neill, Mary Ellen | 1 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 5, 1921 | Fermeuse | Infant Debility | O' Neill, Mary Ellen | 1 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 7, 1925 | Fermeuse | Cancer of Stomach | O' Neill, Michael | 68 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
July 9, 1917 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | O' Neill, Nellie | 12 | Tor's Cove | Mt Olivet, Tors Cove |
April 7, 1900 | Broad Cove | Consumption | O' Neill, Owen | 24 | Broad Cove | Renews |
July 4, 1925 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O' Neill, Owen | 75 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 9, 1917 | France | Killed in Action | O' Neill, Patrick | 37 | Fermeuse | |
May 15, 1918 | Fermeuse | Cerebral Haemorrhage | O' Neill, Patrick | 39 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 28, 1918 | Witless Bay | Old Age | O' Neill, Patrick | 83 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
June 2, 1900 | Fermeuse | Whooping Cough | O' Neill, Peter | 2 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 8, 1916 | Fermeuse | Peritonitis | O' Neill, Sylvester | 63 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 5, 1927 | Fermeuse | Heart Disease | O' Neill, Thomas | 70 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 26, 1919 | Renews | Old Age | O' Neill, William | 61 | Renews | Renews |
June 17, 1919 | Poor Asylum | Consumption | O' Neill, William | 48 | Renews | Mt. Carmel Cemetery |
August 2, 1935 | Mobile | Old Age | O' Reilley, David | 86 | Mobile | Mobile |
April 1, 1935 | Mobile | Influenza | O' Reilley, Sarah | 76 | Mobile | Mobile |
July 31, 1935 | Mobile | Consumption | O' Reilley, Teresa | 17 | Mobile | Mobile |
August 11, 1923 | Mobile | Old Age | O' Reilly, James | 76 | Mobile | Mobile |
March 19, 1918 | Mobile | Consumption | O' Reilly, John | 76 | Mobile | Mobile |
September 1, 1923 | Mobile | Convulsions | O' Reilly, John W. | 2 | Mobile | Mobile |
Sept 15 1923 | Mobile | Old Age | O' Reilly, Margaret | 76 | St. John's | Mobile |
December 14, 1929 | Mobile | Not Stated | O' Reilly, Thomas | 3 Weeks | Mobile | Mobile |
May 14, 1935 | Fermeuse | Whooping Cough | O' Shaughnessey, Eugene | 3 Months | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
Setp 15 1928 | Renews | Spinal Disease | O' Toole, Elizabeth | 16 | Renews | Renews |
December 3, 1917 | Renews | Natural Delicacy | O' Toole, Lawrence | 5 Minutes | Renews | Renews |
February 26, 1917 | Renews | Asthma | O' Toole, Michael | 51 | Renews | Renews |
July 16, 1922 | Renews | Infant Debility | O' Toole, Paul Cyril | 10 Days | Renews | Renews |
September 1, 1931 | Renews | Pneumonia | O' Toole, Peter | 44 | Renews | Renews |
November 2, 1916 | Renews | Congenital Debility | O' Toole, Peter Aloysius | 4 Months | Renews | Renews |
July 18, 1921 | Renews | Congenital Debility | O' Toole, Peter Francis | 1 Month | Renews | Renews |
Sept 11 1930 | Tor's Cove | Pulmonary TB | O, Driscoll, John | 21 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
June 22, 1935 | Fermeuse | Pneumonia | Oates, Aidan F. | 1 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 18, 1896 | Fermeuse | Heart Failure | Oates, Andrew | 66 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 16, 1922 | Fermeuse | Pulmonary TB | Oates, Angela | 30 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
March 4, 1893 | Fermeuse | Convulsions | Oates, Robert | 12 Days | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 11, 1920 | Fermeuse | Infant Debility | Oates, Thomas | 10 Months | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 7, 1913 | Bay Bulls | Bright's Disease | O'Brien, Cornelius | 72 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
December 4, 1913 | Bay Bulls | Infant Debility | O'Brien, Edward | 3 Months | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
May 15, 1897 | Bay Bulls | Bronchitis | O'Brien, Ellen | 89 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
March 10, 1909 | Bay Bulls | Paralysis | O'Brien, Ellen | 78 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 14, 1908 | Bay Bulls | Decline | O'Brien, John | 78 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
December 23, 1912 | Witless Bay | Consumption | O'Brien, Joseph | 12 Months | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
February 21, 1913 | Bay Bulls | Dyspepsia | O'Brien, Mary | 76 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 23, 1912 | Bay Bulls | Consumption | O'Brien, Nicholas | 38 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 15, 1895 | Bay Bulls | Paralysis/Old Age | O'Brien, Patrick | 84 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 11, 1915 | Bay Bulls | Consumption | O'Brien, Patrick | 32 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 22, 1912 | Witless Bay | Consumption | O'Brien, William | 3 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
January 19, 1895 | Fermeuse | Consumption | O'Connell, Daniel | 34 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 4, 1897 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O'Connell, James | 84 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 12, 1914 | Witless Bay | Brain Trouble | O'Connor, Thomas | 12 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
July 6, 1914 | Bay Bulls | Heart Trouble | O'Dea, Patrick | 18 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 19, 1896 | Renews Convent | Hemorrhage | O'Donnell, Rev.Mt.Joseph | 62 | Ireland | Renews |
November 16, 1912 | Bay Bulls | Heart Disease | O'Driscoll, Edward | 73 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
Sept 22 1914 | Bay Bulls | Convulsions | O'Driscoll, Edward | 3 Months | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 3, 1913 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | O'Driscoll, Ellen | 82 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 5, 1908 | Tor's Cove | Old Age | O'Driscoll, John | 75 | Tor's Cove | Tors Cove |
March 28, 1914 | Bay Bulls | Paralysis | O'Driscoll, John | 82 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 31, 1914 | Southern Cross | Drowning | O'Driscoll, Lawrence | Not Given | Not Stated | Not Stated |
February 26, 1907 | Bay Bulls | Heart Disease | O'Driscoll, Martin | 73 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
July 8, 1914 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | O'Driscoll, Martin | 83 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 21, 1907 | Tor's Cove | Pulmonary TB | O'Driscoll, Mary | 66 | Tor's Cove | Tors Cove |
September 23, 1892 | Bay Bulls | Convulsions | O'Driscoll, Samuel | 3 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 16, 1908 | Bay Bulls | Pneumonia | O'Driscoll, William | 66 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
December 15, 1897 | Cape Broyle | Cancer | Oldridge, John | 55 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
December 12, 1909 | Cape Broyle | Hemorrhage | Oldridge, John | 30 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
June 28, 1917 | Cape Broyle | Whooping Cough | Oldridge, Patrick | 8 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
February 8, 1912 | Renews | Old Age | O'Leary, Edward | 78 | Renews | Renews |
May 8, 1904 | Renews | Bronchitis | O'Leary, Johanna | 52 | Renews | Renews |
December 28, 1904 | Renews | Pleurisy | O'Leary, Johanna | 62 | Renews | Renews |
March 20, 1911 | Renews | Still Born | O'Leary, John | Renews | Renews | |
December 1, 1904 | Renews | Diabetes | O'Leary, Mary | 43 | Renews | Renews |
June 19, 1897 | Fermeuse | Consumption | O'Neil, Annie | 22 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
November 15, 1897 | Bay Bulls | O'Neil, Bridget | 2 Days | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls | |
July 12, 1898 | Fermeuse | Consumption | O'Neil, Bridget | 60 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 2, 1894 | Fermeuse | Consumption | O'Neil, Cornelius | 11 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 5, 1891 | Fermeuse | La Grippe | O'Neil, John | 2 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 8, 1893 | Fermeuse | Diphtheria | O'Neil, John | 20 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 25, 1904 | Fermeuse | Drowning | O'Neil, John | 44 | Fermeuse | At Sea |
October 8, 1892 | Fermeuse | Swelling in Leg | O'Neil, Margaret | 32 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 10, 1898 | Fermeuse | Convulsions | O'Neil, Mary | 3 Days | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
July 12, 1898 | Fermeuse | Paralysis | O'Neil, Mary Ann | 14 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 21, 1898 | Fermeuse | Consumption | O'Neil, Michael | 58 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 2, 1904 | Fermeuse | General Debility | O'Neil, Michael | 5 Months | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 25, 1904 | Fermeuse | Drowning | O'Neil, Owen | 22 | Fermeuse | At Sea |
November 22, 1893 | Fermeuse | Decline | O'Neil, Sylvester | 1 1/2 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 3, 1893 | Fermeuse | Diphtheria | O'Neil, William | 5 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
July 6, 1893 | Fermeuse | Asthma | O'Neil, William | 58 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 23, 1913 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O'Neill, Anne | 88 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 13, 1908 | Bay Bulls | Infant Debility | O'Neill, Child | 3 Months | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 17, 1904 | Fermeuse | Tumour | O'Neill, Constantine | 7 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 24, 1896 | Fermeuse | Convulsions | O'Neill, Edward | 2 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 17, 1907 | Fermeuse | General Debility | O'Neill, Elizabeth | 55 | St. Mary's | Fermeuse |
April 7, 1913 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O'Neill, Fanny | 92 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 27, 1896 | Fermeuse | Consumption | O'Neill, Henry | 40 or 46 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 10, 1914 | Witless Bay | Paralysis | O'Neill, James | 66 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
January 30, 1895 | Fermeuse | Convulsions | O'Neill, Johanna Mary | 8 Days | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
October 18, 1907 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O'Neill, John | 77 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
February 5, 1913 | Fermeuse | Heart Failure | O'Neill, John | 75 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
December 27, 1896 | Fermeuse | Diphtheria | O'Neill, Maria | 10 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 8, 1903 | Fermeuse | Consumption | O'Neill, Mary | 57 | Caplin Bay | Fermeuse |
May 27, 1908 | Renews | Old Age | O'Neill, Mary | 87 | Renews | Renews |
May 26, 1909 | Witless Bay | Paralysis | O'Neill, Mary | 75 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 18, 1915 | Fermeuse | Cancer of Stomach | O'Neill, Mary | 57 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
April 28, 1893 | Fermeuse | Diphtheria | O'Neill, Maurice | 12 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
April 17, 1908 | Fermeuse | Delicacy | O'Neill, Michael | 68 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
September 3, 1914 | Fermeuse | Dropsy | O'Neill, Owen | 65 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
May 6, 1909 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O'Neill, Paul | 75 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January ??, 1893 | Fermeuse | Quinsy | O'Neill, Thomas | 19 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
July 28, 1910 | Fermeuse | Gastritis | O'Neill, Thomas | 65 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 2, 1914 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O'Neill, William | 81 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
January 8, 1893 | Bay Bulls | Burned | O'Reilly, Margaret | 17 | St. John's West | Bay Bulls |
July 21, 1913 | Fermeuse | Old Age | O'Shaughnessy, Johanna | 81 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
June 10, 1910 | Ferryland | Phthises Pul | O'Toole, Annie | 30 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
June 25, 1910 | Caplin Cove | Old Age | O'Toole, Felix | 80 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
October 1, 1913 | Renews | Old Age | O'Toole, Jeremiah | 83 | Renews | Renews |
P | ||||||
"Death Records from Vital Stat" | ||||||
August 25, 1918 | General Hospital | Myocarditis | Pack, Avis | 64 | Petty Harbour | Bay Bulls |
August 18, 1914 | Bay Bulls | TB of Bowels | Pack, Edwin J. | 62 | Freshwater | Bay Bulls |
January 14, 1906 | Bay Bulls | TB | Pack, Rosella Mary | 23 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
December 16, 1896 | Aquaforte | Bronchitis/Old Age | Parsons, George | 80 | Bonavista | Ferryland |
April 28, 1926 | Bay Bulls | Still Birth | Patrick ??? | SB | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
August 2, 1907 | Ferryland | Pneumonia | Paul, Alphonsus | 24 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
June 5, 1891 | Ferryland | La Grippe | Paul, Catherine | 72 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
July 4, 1928 | Calvert | Drowning | Paul, Charles | Not Stated | Fortune Bay | Fortune Bay |
February 18, 1896 | Ferryland | Convulsions | Paul, Joseph | 6 Days | Ferryland | Ferryland |
March 4, 1904 | Ferryland | Heart Failure | Paul, Joseph | 54 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
July 21, 1934 | Grace Hospital | Eclampsia | Paul, Mrs. Stella | 32 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
April 7, 1927 | Aquaforte | Congenital Debility | Payne, Ada | 1 Month | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
August 28, 1903 | Aquaforte | Consumption | Payne, Ada C. | 17 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
February 21, 1897 | Aquaforte | Bronchitis | Payne, Amelia Florence | 26 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
February 25, 1904 | Aquaforte | Stomach Cancer | Payne, Caroline | 43 | Freshwater, Bay Bulls | Aquaforte |
January 21, 1916 | Aquaforte | Old Age | Payne, Caroline | 81 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
January 21, 1919 | Aquaforte | Bright's Disease | Payne, Charles Allen | 13 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
August 8, 1905 | Aquaforte | Asthma | Payne, Eliza | 30 | St. John's | Aquaforte |
December 28, 1920 | Aquaforte | Meningitis | Payne, Elizabeth | 17 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
January 24, 1912 | Aquaforte | Prematurity | Payne, Georg | 6 Hours | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
April 6, 1904 | Aquaforte | Consumption | Payne, Harold G. | 47 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
April 30, 1911 | Aquaforte | Tub. Meningitis | Payne, Herbert C. | 16 Months | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
October 1, 1904 | Aquaforte | Consumption | Payne, John Thomas | 21 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
June 30, 1930 | See Original Record | See Original Records | Payne, Matilda | 72 | Not Stated | Aquaforte |
May 30, 1906 | Aquaforte | Heart Disease | Payne, Minnie | 41 | St. John's | Aquaforte |
July 16, 1911 | Aquaforte | Infant Debility | Payne, Raymond C.B. | 5 Days | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
April 10, 1893 | Aquaforte | Not Stated | Payne, Thomas | 76 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
April 14, 1922 | Aquaforte | Cancer of Throat | Payne, Thomas | 62 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
January 1, 1898 | Aquaforte | Bronchitis | Payne, Thomas Gilbert | 9 Months | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
January 30, 1910 | Aquaforte | Brain Fever | Payne, Walter | 27 | Aquaforte | Aquaforte |
February 25, 1927 | Fermeuse | TB | Peddle, Catherine | 25 | Renews | Renews |
May 23, 1925 | Fermeuse | Pneumonia | Peddle, Ellen | 43 | Renews | Renews |
May 25, 1904 | Fermeuse | Drowning | Pender, Richard | 24 | St. John's | At Sea |
March 14, 1930 | Admiral's Cove | Convulsions | Pendergast, Agnes Regina | 7 Weeks | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
January 31, 1926 | Admiral's Cove | Influenza | Pendergast, Alice | 1 | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
June 14, 1897 | Cape Broyle | Old Age | Pendergast, Anne | 92 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
December 29, 1928 | St. John's | Senility | Pendergast, Annie | 87 | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
June 13, 1891 | Cape Broyle | Extreme Weakness | Pendergast, Ellen | Few Hours | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
Sepember 22, 1896 | Cape Broyle | Old Age | Pendergast, Johanna | 92 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
August 29, 1935 | Admiral's Cove | Cancer of Stomach | Pendergast, Joseph | 74 | Not Stated | Cape Broyle |
March 1, 1926 | Admiral's Cove | Influenza | Pendergast, Madonna | 3 | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
February 9, 1906 | Cape Broyle | Heart Failure | Pendergast, Maria | 75 | Bell Island, C.Bay | Cape Broyle |
August 31, 1908 | Ferryland | Old Age | Pendergast, Mary | 95 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
April 9, 1928 | Admiral's Cove | Consumption | Pendergast, Mary | 10 | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
July 3, 1926 | Admiral's Cove | Consumption | Pendergast, Sarah | 73 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
June 13, 1891 | Cape Broyle | Extreme Weakness | Pendergast, Thomas | Few Hours | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
April 24, 1894 | Cape Broyle | Dyspepsia | Pendergast, Thomas | 57 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
October 8, 1935 | Admiral's Cove | TB | Pendergast, Veronica | 38 | Not Stated | Cape Broyle |
October 8, 1895 | Cape Broyle | Consumption | Pendergast, William | 34 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
June 24, 1931 | Cape Broyle | Senility | Pendergast, William | 86 | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
July 5, 1932 | Trepassey | Blood Poison | Pennell, Catherine | 34 | Trepassey | Trepassey |
July 8, 1899 | Brigus South | Paralysis | Powe, Ellen | 70 | Caplin Bay | Brigus South |
June 24, 1894 | Ferryland | Consumption | Powell, Teresa | 40 | Fermeuse | Ferryland |
June 22, 1891 | Ferryland | La Grippe | Powell, William | 49 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
December 9, 1904 | Renews | Old Age | Power, Alice | 93 | Renews | Renews |
Sept 28 1917 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Power, Alice | 24 | Mobile | Mt Olivet, Tors Cove |
January 29, 1893 | Tor's Cove | Diphtheria | Power, Ann | 24 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
October 2, 1898 | Bay Bulls | Consumption | Power, Ann | 17 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
April 27, 1900 | Caplin Bay | Whooping Cough | Power, Anne | 8 Months | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
November 23, 1928 | Fermeuse | Heart Trouble | Power, Anne | 70 | Fermeuse | Fermeuse |
August 5, 1929 | Calvert | Not Stated | Power, Anne | 61 | Calvert | Ferryland |
February 1, 1931 | St. John's | Old Age | Power, Anne | 79 | Bay Bulls | Tor's Cove |
March 8, 1931 | Calvert | Dropsy | Power, Anne | 51 | Calvert | Ferryland |
March 14, 1918 | Caplin Bay | Pulmonary TB | Power, Annie | 14 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
January 15, 1910 | Caplin Cove | Congenital Debility | Power, Annie Joseph | 2 Months | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
August 9, 1933 | Grace Hospital | Anasiphalus | Power, Baby | Still Born | St. John's | Mount Carmel Cemetery |
August 9, 1933 | Grace Hospital | Anasiphalus | Power, Baby | SB | St. John's | Mount Carmel Cemetery |
January 23, 1893 | Tor's Cove | Diphtheria | Power, Bridget | 14 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
August 24, 1896 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | Power, Catherine | 76 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
August 20, 1920 | Tor's Cove | Dropsy | Power, Catherine | 64 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 31, 1906 | Tor's Cove | Measles | Power, Charles J. | 6 Months | Tor's Cove | Tors Cove |
August 13, 1907 | Witless Bay | Scarlet Fever | Power, Clare | 17 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
January 16, 1894 | Coady's Marsh | Accident | Power, Cornelius | 21 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
February 11, 1908 | Tor's Cove | TB of Throat | Power, David | 65 | Tor's Cove | Tors Cove |
April 25, 1926 | Tor's Cove | Old Age | Power, David | 78 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 8, 1930 | Tor's Cove | Convulsions | Power, Dermott | 1 1/2 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 11, 1917 | Tor's Cove | Heart Failure | Power, Edith | 17 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
March 21, 1917 | Mobile | Whooping Cough | Power, Edwaed | 10 Months | Mobile | Mobile |
August 1, 1914 | Bear's Cove | Senility | Power, Edward | 81 | Bear's Cove | Renews |
July 16, 1903 | Renews | Consumption | Power, Elizabeth | 56 | Renews | Renews |
July 6, 1909 | Witless Bay | Infant Debility | Power, Elizabeth | 10 Months | Tor's Cove | Witless Bay |
April 23, 1933 | Brigus South | Cancer | Power, Elizabeth | 47 | Cape Broyle | Cape Broyle |
April 6, 1892 | Caplin Bay | Dyspepsia | Power, Ellen | 62 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
January 26, 1893 | Tor's Cove | Diphtheria | Power, Ellen | 53 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
March 24, 1894 | Brigus South | Consumption | Power, Ellen | 78 | Brigus South | Brigus South |
January 20, 1895 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Power, Ellen | 22 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
October 26, 1897 | Renews | Consumption | Power, Ellen | 28 | Renews | Renews |
March 5, 1915 | Tor's Cove | Diphtheria | Power, Ellen | 7 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 25, 1915 | Witless Bay | Cancer | Power, Ellen | 50 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
October 21, 1919 | Tor's Cove | Paralysis | Power, Ellen | 82 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 23, 1927 | Tor's Cove | Old Age | Power, Ellen | 85 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
August 31, 1929 | Renews | Natural Delicacy | Power, Ellen, Monica | 5 Weeks | Renews | Renews |
April 5, 1921 | Bay Bulls | Pulmonary TB | Power, Elsie | 20 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 14, 1928 | Calvert | Typhoid Fever | Power, Ernest | 3 | Calvert | Ferryland |
December 21, 1935 | Calvert | Paralysis | Power, Ernest | 9 | Calvert | Ferryland |
January 26, 1898 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Power, Frances | 28 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 2, 1897 | Renews | Consumption | Power, George | 30 | Renews | Renews |
March 31, 1913 | Renews | Bronchitis | Power, George | 8 Months | Renews | Renews |
November 5, 1918 | Renews | Natural Delicacy | Power, George | 15 | Renews | Renews |
December 19, 1920 | Renews | Heart Failure | Power, George | 85 | Renews | Renews |
March 26, 1928 | Calvert | Typhoid Fever | Power, Gerald | 14 Months | Calvert | Ferryland |
December 26, 1905 | Witless Bay | Consumption | Power, Hannah | 39 | Cape Broyle | Witless Bay |
August 29, 1917 | Tor's Cove | Convulsions | Power, Hilda Margaret | 5 1/2 Months | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
August 13, 1902 | Tor's Cove | Heart Failure | Power, Isabella | 62 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 16, 1894 | Coady's Marsh | Accident | Power, James | 25 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 24, 1898 | Caplin Bay | Dyspepsia | Power, James | 57 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
November 28, 1901 | Tor's Cove | Bronchitis | Power, James | 59 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
November 9, 1902 | Caplin Bay | Paralysis | Power, James | 68 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
September 8, 1903 | Witless Bay | Diabetes | Power, James | 84 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
February 28, 1907 | Tor's Cove | Old Age | Power, James | 77 | Tor's Cove | Tors Cove |
April 3, 1907 | Cape Race | Heart Disease | Power, James | 37 | Tor's Cove | Tors Cove |
July 31, 1932 | Burnt Cove | Kidney Disease | Power, James | 56 | Burnt Cove | St. Michael's |
March 17, 1931 | Burnt Cove | Pulmonary TB | Power, Johanna | 9 | Burnt Cove | St. Michael's |
April 10, 1913 | Tor's Cove | Pneumonia | Power, John | 49 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
March 27, 1926 | Burnt Cove | Influenza | Power, John | 10 | Burnt Cove | St. Michael's |
December 2, 1935 | Calvert | Cancer | Power, John | 70 | Calvert | Ferryland |
Sept 13 1907 | Tor's Cove | Croup | Power, John James | 2 Months | Tor's Cove | Tors Cove |
March 9, 1915 | Caplin Bay | Burning | Power, John T. | 3 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
September 9, 1924 | Tor's Cove | Convulsions | Power, John W. | 3 Months | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 27, 1905 | Caplin Bay | Dyspepsia | Power, Joseph | 69 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
January 10, 1918 | Mobile | Paralysis | Power, Joseph | 77 | Mobile | Mobile |
March 28, 1918 | Ferryland | Convulsions | Power, Joseph Benedict | 2 Weeks | Ferryland | Ferryland |
February 28, 1935 | Renews | Accidentally Shot | Power, Lawrence | 25 | Renews | Renews |
January 14, 1918 | Caplin Bay | Pulmonary TB | Power, Lucy | 16 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
February 13, 1900 | Witless Bay | Paralysis | Power, Margaret | 74 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
July 25, 1932 | Sanatorium | Pulmonary TB | Power, Margaret | 20 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
May 7, 1933 | Tor's Cove | Cancer | Power, Margaret | 69 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 25, 1932 | Sanatorium | Consumption | Power, Margaret Anne | 20 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
February 10, 1928 | Tor's Cove | Bronchitis | Power, Margaret Joe | 64 | St. John's | Tor's Cove |
September 7, 1929 | Renews | Natural Delicacy | Power, Marian Teresa | 6 Weeks | Renews | Renews |
August 24, 1897 | Tor's Cove | Dyspepsia | Power, Martin | 66 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 15, 1904 | Witless Bay | Stomach Ulcer | Power, Martin | 75 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
June 16, 1910 | Witless Bay | Dropsy | Power, Martin | 50 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
July 26, 1917 | Witless Bay | Pulmonary TB | Power, Martin | 26 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
May 16, 1896 | Tor's Cove | Old Age | Power, Mary | 88 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
December 26, 1896 | Tor's Cove | Power, Mary | 3 Months | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove | |
May 4, 1909 | Tor's Cove | Pulmonary TB | Power, Mary | 27 | Witless Bay | Tors Cove |
January 17, 1910 | Caplin Cove | Perforation of Stomach | Power, Mary | 69 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
December 8, 1911 | Ferryland | Old Age | Power, Mary | 79 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
Sept 13 1913 | Renews | Senile Decay | Power, Mary | 83 | Fermeuse | Renews |
December 13, 1914 | Brigus South | Heart Failure | Power, Mary | 68 | Brigus South | Brigus South |
November 15, 1916 | Renews | Senile Decay | Power, Mary | 77 | Renews | Renews |
November 7, 1918 | Renews | Natural Delicacy | Power, Mary | 4 | Renews | Renews |
November 14, 1924 | Tor's Cove | Consumption | Power, Mary | 48 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
June 24, 1926 | Ferryland | Heart Failure | Power, Mary | 42 | Ferryland | Ferryland |
August 4, 1930 | Brigus | TB | Power, Mary | 13 | Brigus | Cape Broyle |
June 20, 1904 | Mobile | Heart Failure | Power, Mary | 68 | Mobile | Mobile |
January 21, 1897 | Mobile | Old Age | Power, Mary A. | 90 | Ireland | Mobile |
June 12, 1904 | Tors Cove | Consumption | Power, Mary A. | 59 | Tors Cove | Tors Cove |
June 18, 1907 | Witless Bay | Pneumonia | Power, Mary A. | 78 | Bay Bulls | Witless Bay |
March 2, 1915 | Tor's Cove | Diphtheria | Power, Mary Angela | 2 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
October 26, 1900 | Witless Bay | Consumption | Power, Mary Ann | 14 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 1, 1915 | Tor's Cove | Diphtheria | Power, Mary Ann | 4 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
July 26, 1899 | Caplin Bay | Convulsions | Power, Mary F. | 2 1/2 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
June 23, 1896 | Caplin Bay | Consumption | Power, Mary Frances | 19 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
January 17, 1921 | Bay Bulls | Cancer of Stomach | Power, Mary M. | 62 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
April 7, 1926 | Ferryland | Convulsions | Power, Mary Theresa | 7 Days | Ferryland | Ferryland |
November 16, 1899 | Witless Bay | Consumption | Power, Matthew | 44 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
May 15, 1908 | Caplin Bay | Chronic Dyspepsia | Power, Michael | 74 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
March 28, 1911 | Caplin Bay | La Grippe | Power, Michael | 39 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
January 21, 1914 | Admiral's Cove | Pneumonia | Power, Michael | Not Given | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
June 2, 1914 | Tor's Cove | Placenta Previa | Power, Michael | 77 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
January 30, 1922 | Fermeuse | Pulmonary TB | Power, Michael | 41 | Placentia Bay | Fermeuse |
August 26, 1930 | Tor's Cove | Old Age | Power, Michael | 85 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 17, 1931 | Wallace Hospital | Heart Disease | Power, Michael | 65 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
April 18, 1931 | Wallace Hospital | Cardiac | Power, Michael | 68 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
February 23, 1932 | Poor Asylum | Heart Disease | Power, Michael | 50 | Cape Broyle | Mount Carmel Cemetery |
May 7, 1897 | Brigus South | Old Age | Power, Nicholas | 84 | Brigus South | Brigus South |
June 25, 1917 | Tor's Cove | Cancer | Power, Nicholas | 80 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
August 12, 1904 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | Power, Patrick | 50 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
March 15, 1907 | Tor's Cove | Whooping Cough | Power, Patrick | 3 | St. Michael's | St. Michael's |
February 17, 1909 | Caplin Bay | Whooping Cough | Power, Patrick | 5 Months | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
April 9, 1918 | Caplin Bay | Catarrhal Pneumonia | Power, Patrick | 81 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
November 23, 1921 | Tor's Cove | Heart Disease | Power, Patrick John | 38 | Tor's Cove | Tor's Cove |
March 9, 1898 | Bay Bulls | Paralysis | Power, Peter | 66 | Witless Bay | Bay Bulls |
April 5, 1910 | Witless Bay | Consumption | Power, Peter | 50 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
April 20, 1924 | Renews | Old Age | Power, Peter | 72 | Renews | Renews |
October 24, 1928 | Calvert | Pleurisy | Power, Peter | 25 | Calvert | Ferryland |
January 16, 1925 | Mobile | Old Age | Power, Philip | 79 | Mobile | Mobile |
May 18, 1928 | Brigus | Diptheria | Power, Raymond | 8 | Brigus | Cape Broyle |
June 17, 1918 | Caplin Bay | Pulmonary TB | Power, Richard | 19 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
January 15, 1914 | Caplin Bay | Drowning | Power, Robert | 10 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
April 12, 1918 | Caplin Bay | Senile Decay | Power, Sarah | 84 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
March 31, 1908 | Renews | Pulmonary TB | Power, Stephen | 24 | Renews | Renews |
February 23, 1920 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | Power, Stephen | 73 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
March 25, 1935 | Calvert | Pneumonia | Power, Stephen | 22 | Calvert | Ferryland |
October 16, 1901 | Caplin Bay | Dyspepsia | Power, Thomas | 63 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
July 18, 1908 | Witless Bay | Pneumonia | power, Thomas | 53 | Witless Bay | Witless Bay |
February 2, 1910 | Tor's Cove | Heart Failure | Power, Thomas | 75 | Tor's Cove | Tors Cove |
April 12, 1918 | Caplin Bay | TB Meningitis | Power, Thomas | 14 | Caplin Bay | Ferryland |
June 8, 1934 | Fermeuse | Senile Decay | Power, Thomas | 75 | St. John's | Fermeuse |
May 26, 1909 | Tor's Cove | Old Age | Power, William | 78 | Tor's Cove | Tors Cove |
Sept 28 1929 | Admiral's Cove | Senility | Prendergast, Fanny | 72 | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
August 28, 1916 | Admiral's Cove | Bronchitis | Prendergast, Michael | 82 | Admiral's Cove | Cape Broyle |
August 21, 1902 | Bay Bulls | General Debility | Puddister, | 6 Months | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
May 4, 1905 | Bay Bulls | General Debility | Puddister, | 2 Weeks | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
May 6, 1905 | Bay Bulls | General Debility | Puddister, | 2 Weeks | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 29, 1902 | Bay Bulls | Not Stated | Puddister, . | 2 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
September 9, 1926 | Bay Bulls | Heart Failure | Puddister, Anne | 53 | Witless Bay | Bay Bulls |
March 22, 1921 | Bay Bulls | Old Age | Puddister, Ellen | 85 | Witless Bay | Bay Bulls |
March 2, 1913 | Bay Bulls | Paralysis | Puddister, George | 83 | St. John's | Bay Bulls |
February 24, 1918 | Cappahayden | Drowning/S.S.Florizel | Puddister, George | 46 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
January 1, 1933 | Bay Bulls | Delicacy | Puddister, Jeremiah | 1 Month | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
Sept 29 1934 | Bay Bulls | Not Stated | Puddister, Margaret | 3 1/2 Months | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
February 16, 1916 | Bay Bulls | Consumption | Puddister, Michael | 46 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
June 5, 1904 | Bay Bulls | General Debility | Pudister, . | 1 | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
November 10, 1895 | Bay Bulls | Pudister, George M. | 8 Days | Bay Bulls | Bay Bulls |
O'NEILL, Henry *1 | Age should have been recorded as 56 | Ken O'Neill |
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (February 2003)
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