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Newfoundland Vital Statistics
Death Records
Selected for the Ferryland District
1891 - 1935
Part 4

Only Including the Towns of: Aquaforte, Bay Bulls, Brigus South, Burnt Cove, Caplin Bay (Calvert),
Cape Broyle, Ferryland, Fermeuse, Mobile, Renews to Cape Race, St. Michaels, Tor Cove And Witless Bay







Place of Birth

Place of Burial

March 26, 1905 Ferryland Consumption Hackett, Anne 45 St. John's St.John's
April 30, 1904 Fermeuse Convulsions Hagan, Alphonsus 15 Days Fermeuse Fermeuse
April 29, 1893 Fermeuse Diphtheria Hagan, Catherine 14 Fermeuse Fermeuse
April 12, 1920 Fermeuse Old Age Hagan, Margaret 76 Ferryland Fermeuse
January 13, 1915 Fermeuse Consumption Hagan, Sarah 35 Trepassey Fermeuse
April 13, 1908 Fermeuse Pulmonary TB Hagen, Annie 27 Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 18, 1914 Fermeuse Senility Hagen, Thomas 80 Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 7, 1917 Aquaforte Cerebral Haemorrhage Hall, Henry 17 Aquaforte Aquaforte
January 8, 1916 Big Pond, B.Bulls Rd Convulsions Hall, Ann 3 Months Big Pond Goulds
December 26, 1893 Aquaforte Not Stated Hall, Esther 33 Broad Cove, Con.Bay Aquaforte
July 15, 1912 Freshwater,B.Bulls Old Age Hall, James 72 Freshwater, B.Bulls Bay Bulls
May 2, 1894 Aquaforte Not Stated Hall, James John 1 1/2 Aquaforte Aquaforte
May 24, 1891 Freshwater La Grippe Hall, Jane 61 Belle Isle Bread&Cheese Cove
October 3, 1901 Bay Bulls Old Age Hall, John 90 England Bay Bulls
April 15, 1919 Aquaforte Meningitis Hall, Manuel 28 Aquaforte Aquaforte
May 17, 1904 Bay Bulls Dyspepsia Hall, Margaret 36 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 1, 1897 Aquaforte Old Age Hall, Mary 88 England Aquaforte
April 28, 1915 Bay Bulls Dropsy Hall, Robert 62 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 2, 1901 Bay Bulls Burnt to Death Hall, Rosanna 21 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 7, 1914 Aquaforte Prostatitis Hall, William 75 Freshwater Aquaforte
December 9, 1898 Toad's Cove Consumption Handrigan, Theresa 26 Toad's Cove Toad's Cove
May 6, 1913 Caplin Bay Old Age Hanlon, Johanna 78 Caplin Bay Ferryland
May 1, 1900 Bauline Consumption Hanrahan, Bridget 19 Bauline Not Stated
October 2, 1932 Renews Cancer ofStomach Harding, Christopher 78 Renews Renews
February 1, 1902 Renews Old Age Harding, Emma 88 Renews Renews
February 17, 1911 Renews Old Age Harding, Jane 86 Renews Renews
April 2, 1897 Renews La Grippe Harding, Joseph 53 Renews Renews
December 15, 1912 Renews TB Harding, Margaret 18 Renews Renews
April 24, 1917 Cape Broyle Asthma Harding, Margaret 66 Cape Broyle Renews
March 21, 1903 Renews Heart Failure Harding, Mary 41 Renews Renews
November 21, 1916 Renews Measles Harding, William 29 Renews Renews
October 9, 1917 France Killed in Action Harding, William 18 Renews  
December 14, 1910 Aquaforte Heart Failure Hare, Catherine 72 Aquaforte Aquaforte
May 8, 1916 Witless Bay Bronchitis Harrigan, Edward 4 Witless Bay Witless Bay
January 25, 1930 Grace Hospital Influenza Harrigan, Grace 15 Days Witless Bay Witless Bay
January 15, 1915 Witless Bay Paralysis Harrington, Elizabeth 66 Witless Bay Witless Bay
September 14, 1899 Witless Bay Inflammation of Bowels Harrington, John 64 Witless Bay Witless Bay
December 19, 1920 Witless Bay Kidney Trouble Harrington, Mary M. 41 Witless Bay Witless Bay
December 26, 1923 St. John's Pneumonia Harrington, Thomas J. 37 Witless Bay Witless Bay
December 3, 1896 Fermeuse Infantile Hart, Edward 3 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 15, 1897 Fermeuse Thrush Hart, Edward 5 Weeks Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 8, 1901 Fermeuse Rheumatism Hart, Jane 69 Fermeuse Fermeuse
August 28, 1911 Fermeuse Diabetes Hart, Jane 62 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 6, 1897 Fermeuse Natural Causes Hart, John 2 Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 24, 1897 Fermeuse Diphtheria Hart, John 12 Fermeuse Fermeuse
April 10, 1914 Fermeuse Senility Hart, Margaret 64 Carbonear Fermeuse
May 13, 1896 Fermeuse Child Birth Hart, Mary 35 Trepassey Fermeuse
October 16, 1898 Fermeuse Convulsions Hart, Mary 6 Weeks Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 4, 1893 Fermeuse Diphtheria Harte, Alice 1 1/2 Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 24, 1933 Fermeuse Senile Decay Harte, Andrew 89 Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 3, 1933 Fermeuse Heart Disease Harte, Andrew 40 Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 30, 1906 Fermeuse Old Age Harte, Edward 90 Fermeuse Fermeuse
December 15, 1931 Fermeuse Heart Failure Harte, Elizabeth 57 Ferryland Fermeuse
March 15, 1915 Fermeuse TB Harte, Ellen F. 38 Renews Renews
November 1, 1893 Fermeuse Inflammation of Bowels Harte, Esther 11 Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 29, 1924 Fermeuse Heart Failure Harte, James 69 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 10, 1893 Fermeuse Convulsions Harte, Johanna 4 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 19, 1914 Fermeuse Old Age Harte, John 84 Fermeuse Fermeuse
January 11, 1933 Fermeuse Senile Decay Harte, John 84 Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 7, 1897 Fermeuse Diphtheria Harte, Patrick 18 Fermeuse Fermeuse
Sept 17 1923 Fermeuse Heart Failure Harte, Pierce Leo 19 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 8, 1893 Fermeuse Convulsions Harte, Selina 4 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
January 18, 1910 Cape Broyle Organic Disease of Heart Hartery, Cornelius 78 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
May 30, 1910 Cape Broyle Senility Hartery, Edward 76 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
February 14, 1904 Cape Broyle Consumption Hartery, Eric T. 6 Months Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 25, 1909 Cape Broyle Convulsions Hartery, Gerald J. 2 Days Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
April 25, 1897 Cape Broyle Consumption Hartery, James Joseph 25 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
July 8, 1911 Cape Broyle Marasmus Hartery, James Leo 2 1/2 Months Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 11, 1900 Cape Broyle Bright's Disease Hartery, John 75 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
April 24, 1901 Cape Broyle Child Birth Hartery, Mary Elizabeth 22 Caplin Bay Ferryland
May 11, 1906 Cape Broyle Old Age Hartery, Michael 75 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
March 19, 1929 Cape Broyle Bright's Disease Hartery, Michael 57 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
December 6, 1901 Cape Broyle Consumption Hartery, Monica 21 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
May 28, 1928 Cape Broyle General Debility Hartery, Monica 65 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
July 2, 1929 Admiral's Cove Convulsions Hartery, Vincent 1 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
December 25, 1895 Mobile Heart Disease/Old Age Hartwell, Alice 69 Tor's Cove Mobile
Sept 14 1905 Bauline Consumption Hartwell, Mary 40 Burn Cove St. Michael's
February 19, 1915 Witless Bay Consumption Hartwell, Mary 31 Witless Bay Witless Bay
February 27, 1921 Bauline Death by Fire Hartwell, Patrick 69 Bauline St. Michael's
December 6, 1910 Mobile Old Age Hartwell, Peter 92 Ireland Mobile
August 26, 1933 Admiral's Cove Bright's Disease Harvey, Bridget 69 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
May 28, 1901 Cape Broyle Convulsions Harvey, Esther Maud 7 Weeks Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
July 1, 1898 Cape Broyle Convulsions Harvey, Joseph Peter 8 Days Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 12, 1899 Cape Broyle Dyspepsia Harvey, Mary 43 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
September 26 1903 Cape Broyle Old Age Harvey, Mary 78 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
August 23, 1935 Admiral's Cove Not Stated Harvey, Mary L. 1 Month Not Stated Cape Broyle
March 26, 1893 Admiral's Cove Debility Harvey, William 64 Ireland Cape Broyle
March 12, 1903 Cape Broyle Convulsions Harvey, William Peter 5 Days Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
September 20, 1891 Toad's Cove Cancer Hatfield, George 69 Toad's Cove Toad's Cove
December 26, 1905 Tor's Cove Old Age Hatfield, Henry 89 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
April 29, 1935 Tor's Cove Angina Pectoris Hatfield, Henry 66 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
March 29, 1902 Renews Child Birth Hatse, Mary A. 35 Aquaforte Aquaforte
October 3, 1926 Bay Bulls Old Age Hawco, Elizabeth 88 Chapel Cove Bay Bulls
December 10, 1926 St. John's Spinal Meningitis Hawkins, Edward 19 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
June 1, 1930 Admiral's Cove Convulsions Hawkins, Edward J. 8 Months Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
July 3, 1928 Admiral's Cove Consumption Hawkins, Lucy 48 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
November 10, 1931 Aquaforte Senility Hawkins, Mary Anne 83 Aquaforte Aquaforte
January 15, 1903 Cape Broyle Convulsions Hawkins, Mary Elizabeth 5 Weeks Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
March 10, 1932 Brigus TB Hawkins, Matilda 54 Mobile Mobile
January 2, 1929 Wallis Hospital Pulmonary TB Hawkins, Michael 46 Not Stated Admiral's Cove
January 2, 1929 Admiral's Cove TB Hawkins, Michael 50 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
August 26, 1930 Brigus Convulsions Hawkins, Regina 12 Brigus Cape Broyle
Sept 29 1929 Admiral's Cove TB Hawkins, Robert 22 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
August 26, 1907 Caplin Bay Pulmonary TB Hayden, Elizabeth 36 Caplin Bay Ferryland
June 4, 1906 Caplin Bay Convulsions Hayden, Joseph 2 Weeks Caplin Bay Caplin Bay
July 15, 1916 Caplin Bay Measles Hayden, Michael 3 Caplin Bay Ferryland
December 23, 1899 Caplin Bay Convulsions Hayden, Patrick 1 Month Caplin Bay Ferryland
October 2, 1898 Caplin Bay Old Age Hayden, Thomas 75 Ireland Ferryland
August 25, 1899 Renews Consumption Hayes, Ann 32 Renews Renews
February 20, 1910 Renews Natural Delicacy Hayes, Bridget T. 1 1/2 Renews Renews
January 3, 1929 Cape Broyle TB Hayes, Ellen 49 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
February 21, 1915 Renews Natural Delicacy Hayes, John A. 8 Months Renews Renews
March 29, 1923 Fermeuse Lost During Snow Storm Hayes, Joseph 18 Renews Renews
December 25, 1902 Brigus South Dyspepsia Hayes, Mary 55 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
March 23, 1904 Brigus South Cancer Hayes, Mary 48 Fermeuse Brigus South
August 7, 1905 Renews Old Age Hayes, Mary 74 Renews Renews
October 27, 1916 Renews Congenital Debility Hayes, Mary Janette 6 Months Renews Renews
January 21, 1903 Brigus South Congestion of Lungs Hayes, Michael 62 Brigus South Cape Broyle
May 6, 1911 Admiral's Cove Pneumonia Hayes, Norah 77 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
Sept 15 1915 Tor's Cove Convulsions Hayfield, James 3 Months Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
June 7, 1901 Renews Consumption Hayse, Agnes 37 Renews Renews
October 25, 1904 Brigus South Dyspepsia Hayse, John 67 Brigus South Cape Broyle
February 8, 1903 LaManche Drowning Hayse, Martin 26 Brigus South Body not Recovered
May 6, 1907 Witless Bay Heart Disease Healey, Catherine 89 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 17, 1919 Mobile Old Age Healey, David 87 Mobile Mobile
March 23, 1932 See Original Record See Original Records Healey, Elizabeth 72 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 23, 1932 St. John's See Original Records Healey, Elizabeth 72 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 24, 1902 Ferryland Dropsy Healey, Margaret 75 Chance Cove Ferryland
November 13, 1903 Aquaforte Old Age Healey, Mary 60 Aquaforte Aquaforte
May 13, 1907 Mobile General Debility Healey, Mary E. 65 Mobile Mobile
March 14, 1905 Aquaforte Bronchitis Healey, Michael 68 Aquaforte Aquaforte
Sept 24 1928 Aquaforte Dysentry Healey, Michael 23 Months Aquaforte Aquaforte
Sept 27 1935 Aquaforte Peritonitis Healey, Mollie 21 Aquaforte Ferryland
Sept 27 1935 General Hospital Appendicitis Healey, William 21 Aquaforte Aquaforte
December 8, 1898 Ferryland Consumption Healy, James 26 Ferryland Ferryland
May 5, 1912 Mobile Old Age Healy, James 75 Mobile Mobile
January 7, 1916 Ferryland Convulsions Healy, John M. 8 Months Ferryland Ferryland
January 6, 1917 Ferryland Convulsions Healy, Joseph J. 2 Months Ferryland Ferryland
September 4, 1898 Ferryland Convulsions Healy, Mary Caroline 5 Months Ferryland Ferryland
May 10, 1927 St. John's Heart Failure Hearn, Ambrose 53 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 5, 1935 Renews Whooping Cough Hearn, Catherine Pauline 11 Months Renews Renews
February 14, 1896 Bay Bulls Cancer Hearn, Donal 76 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 13, 1913 Bay Bulls Indigestion Hearn, Elizabeth 64 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 3, 1910 Tor's Cove Gastritis Hearn, James 66 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
October 8, 1896 Bay Bulls Consumption Hearn, John 38 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 28, 1900 Renews Consumption Hearn, John 37 Goulds Renews
December 9, 1930 Poor Asylum Old Age Hearn, John 80 Not Stated Tor's Cove
June 10, 1930 Poor Asylum Old Age Hearn, John 80 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
April 3, 1923 Tor's Cove Old Age Hearn, Margaret 86 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
June 15, 1891 Toad's Cove Influenza Hearn, Mary 70 Toad's Cove Toad's Cove
June 21, 1920 Tor's Cove Old Age Hearn, Michael 72 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
June 13, 1906 St.John's Old Age Hearn, Simon 75 Burn Cove St. Michael's
October 4, 1895 Bay Bulls Consumption Hearne, James 48 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 29, 1899 Fermeuse Old Age Hefferman, Thomas 76 Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 11, 1926 Fermeuse Dropsy Heffernan, Johanna 73 Fermeuse Fermeuse
November 18, 1896 Renews Infantile Heffernan, John 2 Days Renews Renews
August 6, 1903 Fermeuse Heart Failure Heffernan, Margaret 39 Bonavista Fermeuse
Sept 16 1910 Fermeuse TB of Bone Heffernan, Mary 18 Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 9, 1911 Fermeuse Old Age Heffernan, Mary 86 Fermeuse Fermeuse
September 2, 1914 Fermeuse TB of Bone Heffernan, Richard 12 Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 20, 1914 Renews Infant Debility Hepditch, Mary J. 2 Days Renews Renews
January 6, 1903 Renews General Debility Hepditch, Richard 8 Months Renews Renews
May 19, 1898 Witless Bay   Hickey, Cornelius 8 Months Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 12, 1932 Aquaforte Influenza Hiscock, James 67 Aquaforte Aquaforte
February 23, 1913 Aquaforte Old Age Hiscock, Mary 80 Aquaforte Aquaforte
November 8, 1918 Aquaforte Broncho/Pneumonia Hiscock, Peter 41 Aquaforte Aquaforte
March 12, 1931 Aquaforte Old Age Hiscott, James Not Stated Aquaforte Aquaforte
June 18, 1908 Aquaforte   Hiscott, John 68 Aquaforte Aquaforte
December 10, 1914 Renews Old Age Hoffman, Bridget 93 Renews Renews
June 10, 1914 St. John's Congestion of Brain Holden, James 14 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 28, 1915 St. John's Heart Disease Hollihan, Elizabeth 61 Not Stated Mt. Carmel Cemetery
June 22, 1891 Ferryland La Grippe Hopkins, Anastatia 47 Ferryland Ferryland
December 2, 1907 Ferryland Cancer in Stomach Hopkins, Henry 66 Ferryland Ferryland
April 13, 1910 Ferryland Croup Howlett, Anastatia 2 Ferryland Ferryland
April 26, 1896 Witless Bay Child Birth Howlett, Ann 38 Witless Bay Witless Bay
November 5, 1902 Tor's Cove General Debility Howlett, Bridget 17 Days Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
October 30, 1911 Tor's Cove Old Age Howlett, Catherine 87 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
October 3, 1911 Admiral's Cove Convulsions Howlett, Christiana 5 1/2 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
March 14, 1925 St. John's See Original Records Howlett, Edward 59 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
November 18, 1902 Tor's Cove General Debility Howlett, Ellen 31 Days Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
October 15, 1894 Tor's Cove Dyspepsia Howlett, Frances 60 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
June 7, 1914 Tor's Cove   Howlett, Frances 39 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 4, 1912 Tor's Cove Heart Failure Howlett, Gertrude M. 6 Hours Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
November 10, 1897 Tor's Cove Consumption Howlett, Hannah 26 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
September 1, 1921 Tor's Cove Kidney Disease Howlett, James 17 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
December 25, 1929 Nfld. Infirmary Cerebral Hemorrhage Howlett, Johanna 85 Forest Pond Goulds
May 28, 1913 Tor's Cove Gangrene of Liver Howlett, John 62 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
August 3, 1924 Witless Bay Old Age Howlett, John 85 Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 25, 1913 Admiral's Cove Convulsions Howlett, Josephine 5 Months Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
April 29, 1913 Witless Bay Brain Fever Howlett, Madonna 5 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 10, 1891 Toad's Cove Convulsions Howlett, Margaret 1 Month Toad's Cove Toad's Cove
January 29, 1917 Tor's Cove Consumption Howlett, Martin 20 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
June 18, 1912 Witless Bay Consumption Howlett, Mary 65 Witless Bay Witless Bay
February 22, 1913 Witless Bay Convulsions Howlett, Mary 1 Witless Bay Witless Bay
July 11, 1904 Witless Bay Cancer Howlett, Mary A. 27 Witless Bay Witless Bay
Sept 11 1906 Cape Broyle Convulsions Howlett, Mary A. 3 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
June 18, 1907 Tor's Cove Breast Cancer Howlett, Mary A. 77 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
June 17, 1914 Cape Broyle Old Age Howlett, Mary Ann 81 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
August 6, 1900 Witless Bay Heart Disease Howlett, Michael 45 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 1, 1925 Tor's Cove Consumption Howlett, Nellie 22 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
November 10, 1893 Tor's Cove Apoplexy Howlett, Nicholas 67 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
August 31, 1928 Tor's Cove Angina Pectoris Howlett, Patrick 68 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
March 17, 1918 Poor Asylum Senile Decay Howlett, Pearce 73 Toad's Cove Mt. Carmel
October 23, 1921 Tor's Cove Consumption Howlett, Terence 20 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
October 27, 1918 Witless Bay Influenza Howlett, Thomas 2 1/2 Witless Bay Witless Bay
Sept 22 1923 Poor Asylum Bronchial Asthma Howlett, Thomas Not Stated Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
August 26, 1894 Tor's Cove Epilepsy Howlett, William 70 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
October 29, 1918 Witless Bay Influenza Howlett, William 15 Months Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 9, 1905 Broad Cove Breast Cancer Howley, Mary 55 Ferryland Renews
December 15, 1907 Tor's Cove Pneumonia Hullula, Mary 6 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
November 3, 1909 Tor's Cove Convulsions Hundregan, William B. Infant Tor's Cove Tors Cove
March 28, 1929 Mobile Old Age Hutchings, Ellen 84 Mobile Mobile
August 11, 1919 Mobile Drowned Hutchings, James 4 Mobile Mobile
April 12, 1918 Mobile Heart Trouble Hutchings, Joseph K. 17 Months Mobile Mobile
May 28, 1918 Mobile Infant Debility Hutchings, Michael J. 2 Months Mobile Mobile
Sept 27 1935 Mobile Consumption Hutchings, Patrick 15 Mobile Mobile
May 2, 1912 Mobile TB Hutchins, John 69 Mobile Mobile
September 23 1900 Bay Bulls Whooping Cough Hyde, 3 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 7, 1895 Bay Bulls   Hyde, Elizabeth 65 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 9, 1900 Bay Bulls Heart Trouble Hyde, James 48 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 15, 1923 Bay Bulls Old Age Hyde, James 74 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 18, 1897 Bay Bulls Infantile Hyde, Jeremiah 1 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 13, 1922 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Hyde, John 66 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 8, 1892 Bay Bulls Consumption Hyde, Julia 22 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 22, 1898 Bay Bulls Consumption Hyde, Margaret 11 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 22, 1898 Bay Bulls Consumption Hyde, Margaret 10 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 7, 1932 Bay Bulls Old Age Hyde, Margaret 77 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 30, 1897 Bay Bulls Bronchitis Hyde, Mary 79 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 14, 1900 Bay Bulls Not Stated Hyde, Mary E. 15 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 9, 1923 Bay Bulls Convulsions Hyde, Mary Margaret 20 Days Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 19, 1892 Bay Bulls Drowning Hyde, Patrick 28 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 26, 1902 Bay Bulls Consumption Hyde, Philomena 18 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 24, 1924 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Hyde, William 67 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 27, 1931 Renews Pulmonary TB Hynes, Annie 14 Renews Renews
January 18, 1896 Ferryland Old Age Hynes, John 94 Ireland Ferryland
July 14, 1918 Renews Convulsions Hynes, John 5 Weeks Renews Renews
April 27, 1929 Ferryland Pneumonia Hynes, Marcella 3 1/2 Ferryland Ferryland
November 7, 1893 Ferryland Old Age Hynes, Mary 80 Brigus South Brigus South
May 12, 1904 Renews General Debility Hynes, Mary Ann 3 Renews Renews
December 12, 1912 Ferryland Convulsions Hynes, Mary C. 9 Days Ferryland Ferryland
September 2, 1897 Renews Convulsions Hynes, Mary Theresa 5 Months Renews Renews
April 11, 1934 On Goulds Road Child Birth Hynes, Mrs. Edward 23 Ferryland Mount Carmel Cemetery
May 31, 1903 Renews General Debility Hynes, Patrick 17 Days Renews Renews
April 1, 1917 General Hospital TB of the Bowels Hynes, Richard 19 Renews Renews
January 25, 1911 Ferryland Convulsions Hynes, Thomas J. 2 Days Ferryland Ferryland
There Were no I's Reported

"Death Records from Vital Stat"
"Selected for the Ferryland District"
1891 - 1935

Only Including the Towns of: Aquaforte, Bay Bulls, Brigus South, Burnt Cove, Caplin Bay (Calvert),
Cape Broyle, Ferryland, Fermeuse, Mobile, Renews to Cape Race, St. Michaels, Tor Cove And Witless Bay

November 6, 1893 Renews Heart Disease Jacjman, Mary 70 Torbay Renews
February 25, 1893 Fermeuse Diphtheria Jackman, Agnes 27 Fermeuse Renews
July 4, 1909 Renews Old Age Jackman, Ann 82 Renews Renews
May 12, 1894 Renews Cancer Jackman, Anne 70 Renews Renews
October 22, 1916 Fermeuse Heart Failure Jackman, Anne 60 Fermeuse Fermeuse
August 30, 1898 Fermeuse Drowned Jackman, Arthur 19 Fermeuse Renews
August 14, 1919 Renews Cancer of Face Jackman, Arthur 56 Renews Renews
January 29, 1912 Renews Senile Decay Jackman, Bridget 67 Renews Renews
May 16, 1904 Fermeuse General Debility Jackman, Charles 13 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
April 29, 1898 Renews Dropsy Jackman, Elizabeth 56 Renews Renews
November 11, 1920 Renews Cancer of Stomach Jackman, Elizabeth 46 Renews Renews
January 1, 1932 Renews Heart Failure Jackman, Elizabeth 79 Renews Renews
February 26, 1910 Renews Cancer of Breast Jackman, Ellen 61 Renews Renews
April 28, 1909 Fermeuse Pulmonary TB Jackman, Fanny 40 Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 2, 1900 Renews Whooping Cough Jackman, Frances 10 Months Renews Renews
December 22, 1913 Renews Old Age Jackman, Garret 99 Renews Renews
March 12, 1901 Renews Consumption Jackman, Gerald 18 Renews Renews
November 4, 1906 Renews Pulmonary TB Jackman, Gerald 37 Renews Renews
May 27, 1924 Renews Rheumatic Fever Jackman, Hannah 24 Renews Renews
February 5, 1897 Renews Convulsions Jackman, James 1 Month Renews Renews
November 18, 1920 Renews Heart Failure Jackman, James 72 Renews Renews
November 18, 1921 Renews Heart Failure Jackman, James 72 Renews Renews
February 8, 1917 Renews Pulmonary TB Jackman, Jane 41 Fermeuse Renews
August 6, 1916 Renews Chronic Rheumatism Jackman, John 75 Renews Renews
February 27, 1917 Fermeuse Pneumonia Jackman, John 40 or 48 Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 29, 1933 Fermeuse Congenital Debility Jackman, John 1 Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 15, 1904 Fermeuse General Debility Jackman, Katie 13 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 7, 1906 Renews Convulsions Jackman, Kevin Joseph 6 Days Renews Renews
June 8, 1901 Renews Croup Jackman, Madge 5 Renews Renews
January 16, 1898 Renews Old Age Jackman, Margaret 80 Renews Renews
March 8, 1909 Renews Heart Failure Jackman, Margaret 40 Placentia Renews
April 14, 1894 Renews Consumption Jackman, Mary 28 Placentia Renews
December 15, 1902 Fermeuse Heart Failure Jackman, Mary 84 Renews Renews
September 3, 1904 Renews Old Age Jackman, Mary 82 Renews Renews
August 18, 1927 Renews Consumption Jackman, Mary K. 20 Fermeuse Renews
February 24, 1897 Fermeuse Consumption Jackman, Michael 52 Renews Renews
August 30, 1898 Fermeuse Drowned Jackman, Nicholas 23 Renews Renews
November 16, 1891 Renews Consumption Jackman, Philip 52 Renews Renews
November 30, 1913 Fermeuse TB of Bone Jackman, William 19 Fermeuse Renews
January 25, 1923 Fermeuse Paralysis Jackman, William 66 Fermeuse Renews
Sept 25 1932 Fermeuse Congenital Debility Jackman, William 2 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 10, 1914 Ferryland Convulsions Jacobsen, Johan R. 2 Weeks Ferryland Ferryland
June 21, 1914 Ferryland Phthisis Jacobsen, Kathleen 40 Ferryland Ferryland
February 3, 1897 Renews Drowning Jago, Captain 40 England Ferryland
November 29, 1926 Ferryland Convulsions James, Frederick 5 Weeks Ferryland Ferryland
March 31, 1895 Cape Broyle Dropsy James, Johanna 66 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 20, 1935 Cape Broyle Whooping Cough Janes, Rosaleen 8 1/2 Months Not Stated Cape Broyle
October 14, 1900 Ferryland Paralysis Jardine, Maurice 75 Ferryland Ferryland
November 1, 1907 Caplin Bay Heart Failure Johnson, Alice 7 Caplin Bay Caplin Bay
August 10, 1917 Renews Old Age Johnson, Edward 82 Renews Renews
March 4, 1928 Renews Chronic Colic Johnson, Edward 26 Renews Renews
April 10, 1900 Renews General Debility Johnson, Elizabeth 50 Renews Renews
May 7, 1903 Renews General Debility Johnson, Elizabeth 10 Days Renews Renews
October 10, 1911 Renews Child Birth Johnson, Elizabeth 33 Renews Renews
November 1, 1905 Renews General Debility Johnson, Elizabeth M. 6 Days Renews Renews
March 26, 1909 Caplin Bay TB Johnson, Ellen 42 Cape Broyle Ferryland
December 3, 1906 Renews Old Age Johnson, George 80 Renews Renews
November 10, 1903 Renews Tunour in Neck Johnson, James 4 1/2 Renews Renews
May 11, 1903 Renews General Debility Johnson, Johanna 14 Days Renews Renews
October 27, 1915 Renews Senility Johnson, Johanna 78 Fermeuse Renews
November 12, 1897 Cape Broyle Diphtheria Johnson, John 15 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
June 20, 1911 Caplin Bay Heart Disease Johnson, Josephine 7 Caplin Bay Ferryland
August 3, 1891 Renews Consumption Johnson, Maggie 21 Renews Renews
January 1, 1916 Renews Infant Debility Johnson, Margaret Mary 4 Months Renews Renews
June 18, 1892 Renews Consumption Johnson, Mary 52 Renews Renews
April 22, 1902 Renews Convulsions Johnson, Mary B. 1 1/2 Renews Renews
April 20, 1931 Renews Consumption Johnson, Mildred 18 Renews Renews
December 19, 1912 Ferryland Old Age Johnson, Nicholas 91 Caplin Bay Ferryland
June 9, 1906 Caplin Bay Pulmonary TB Johnson, Pauline 14 Caplin Bay Ferryland
June 10, 1891 Caplin Bay La Grippe Johnson, William 3 Weeks Caplin Bay Ferryland
September 14, 1899 Mistaken Point Drowning Johnson, William 35 Renews Renews
April 11, 1907 Caplin Bay Old Age Johnson, William 92 Ferryland Ferryland
May 4, 1932 Renews Consumption Johnson, William 26 Renews Renews
Sept 19 1932 Renews Consumption Johnson, Willie 21 Renews Renews
March 25, 1899 Renews Natural Causes Johnston, Annie 10 Months Renews Renews
March 12, 1899 Renews Consumption Johnston, Elizabeth 29 Renews Renews
May 15, 1903 Caplin Bay Old Age Johnston, Ellen 87 Caplin Bay Ferryland
April 5, 1899 Renews Natural Debility Johnston, Philomena 4 Renews Renews
May 27, 1914 Aquaforte Old Age Jones, Charles 75 Aquaforte Aquaforte
June 16, 1918 Aquaforte Vesical Cancer Jones, Harriett 82 Aquaforte Aquaforte
June 17, 1907 Ferryland Old Age Jordan, Catherine 75 Ferryland Ferryland
September 4, 1912 Ferryland Heart Failure Jordan, Elizabeth 86 Ferryland Ferryland
July 9, 1916 Ferryland Measles Jordan, Josephine 14 Ferryland Ferryland
April 5, 1899 Ferryland Brain Fever Jordan, Michael 2 Cape Broyle Ferryland
August 12, 1917 St. John's Not Stated Jordan, Nicholas 52 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 10, 1916 Ferryland Measles Jordan, Teresa 12 Ferryland Ferryland
June 1, 1918 Ferryland Asthma Jordan, William 51 Ferryland Ferryland
July 11, 1928 Ferryland Dysentry Joseph, Edward 4 Months Ferryland Ferryland

Page transcribed by Ray Curran and Cindy Morrison (January 2001)

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (February 2003)

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