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Newfoundland Vital Statistics
Death Records
Selected for the Ferryland District
1891 - 1935
Part 3

Only Including the Towns of: Aquaforte, Bay Bulls, Brigus South, Burnt Cove, Caplin Bay (Calvert),
Cape Broyle, Ferryland, Fermeuse, Mobile, Renews to Cape Race, St. Michaels, Tor Cove And Witless Bay








Place of Birth

Place of Burial

October 21, 1926 Renews Consumption Dahl, Hattie 20 Aquaforte Renews
Sept 13 1918 Cape Broyle Infant Debility Dalton, Aiden Joseph 4 Days Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
December 26, 1918 Cape Broyle Senility Dalton, Anne 88 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
July 3, 1924 Witless Bay Consumption Dalton, Anne 30 Witless Bay Witless Bay
Sept 29 1928 Cape Broyle Typhoid Fever Dalton, Esther 62 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
August 10, 1928 Cape Broyle Typhoid Fever Dalton, James 38 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
February 6, 1918 Witless Bay Pulmonary TB Dalton, John 54 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 11, 1918 Cape Broyle Vesical Cancer Dalton, John 88 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
March 14, 1928 Cape Broyle Heart Disease Dalton, John 68 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 15, 1922 Witless Bay Pulmonary TB Dalton, John T. 22 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 1, 1919 Witless Bay Pulmonary TB Dalton, Josephine 21 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 6, 1897 Cape Broyle Diphtheria Dalton, Mary 2 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
December 31, 1924 Witless Bay Consumption Dalton, Mary 62 Ferryland Witless Bay
May 25, 1893 Witless Bay Consumption Dalton, Michael 70 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 14, 1933 Witless Bay Cancer Dalton, Michael 59 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 15, 1934 Witless Bay Internal Trouble Dalton, Michael 56 Witless Bay Witless Bay
June 2, 1933 Witless Bay Influenza Dalton, Peter 1 Witless Bay Witless Bay
September 9, 1903 Cape Broyle Heart Failure Dalton, Stephen 77 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 15, 1892 Witless Bay Infantile Dalton, Thomas 28 Witless Bay Witless Bay
November 11, 1914 Witless Bay Internal Trouble Davis, Bridget 50 Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 15, 1892 Mobile Inflammation Davis, Edward 18 Mobile Mobile
February 10, 1902 Mobile Croup Davis, Edward 12 Days Mobile Mobile
December 24, 1908 Mobile   Davis, Ellen 54 Mobile Mobile
April 23, 1920 Witless Bay Old Age Davis, Margaret 83 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 4, 1931 28 Cook St. Pulmonary TB Davis, Mary 19 Colinet Colinet
April 3, 1903 Witless Bay   Davis, Mary B. 3 Witless Bay Witless Bay
January 2, 1917 Mobile Old Age Davis, Robert 79 Mobile Mobile
February 8, 1933 Mobile Consumption Davis, Robert 18 Mobile Mobile
September 15, 1893 Mobile Consumption Davis, Thomas 22 Mobile Mobile
December 15, 1930 Mobile Pulmonary TB Davis, Thomas 12 Mobile Mobile
February 22, 1904 Witless Bay General Debility Davis, William 1 Month Witless Bay Witless Bay
December 6, 1912 Fermeuse Infant Debility Davis, William 5 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
April 28, 1931 Brooklyn, NY Meningitis Day, C??? 23 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 27, 1900 Bay Bulls Stomach Disease Day, Maria 51 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 1, 1900 Bay Bulls Whooping Cough Dea, 2 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 14, 1901 Bay Bulls Not Stated Dea, 2 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 21, 1904 Bay Bulls General Debility Dea, . 3 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 27, 1931 Bay Bulls Old Age Dea, Jane 86 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 12, 1900 Bay Bulls Fever Dea, Mary 22 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 3, 1902 Bay Bulls Consumption Dea, Mary J. 28 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 19, 1915 Bay Bulls Consumption Dea, Mary Jane 35 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 27, 1915 Bay Bulls Consumption Dea, Matthew 70 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 27, 1929 Bay Bulls Apopolexy Dea, Michael 62 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
Sept 22 1929 Bay Bulls Old Age Dea, Michael 84 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 4, 1891 Bay Bulls Cancer Dea, Thomas 50 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 24, 1921 Fermeuse Old Age Deacon, Charles 67 Longford, Ireland Fermeuse
June 11, 1925 Bay Bulls Old Age Deagan, Ellen 87 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 18 1930 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Deagan, John 59 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 9, 1908 Bay Bulls Infant Debility Deagon, Child 6 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 3, 1898 Bay Bulls Consumption Deign, Ellen 20 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 6, 1916 Ferryland Influenza Delahunty, Elizabeth 76 Ferryland Ferryland
May 8, 1897 Ferryland Old Age/Paralysis Delahunty, Esther 76 Bay Bulls Ferryland
March 7, 1899 Ferryland Dropsy Delahunty, Joseph 72 Ferryland Ferryland
November 20, 1902 Ferryland Dyspepsia Delahunty, Kate 42 Renews Ferryland
February 1, 1907 Bay Bulls Debility Delaney, 4 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 30, 1912 Bay Bulls   Delaney, Francis 25 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 15, 1891 Bay Bulls Cancer Delaney, Mary 50 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 8, 1904 Bay Bulls   Delaney, Nicholas 54 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 22, 1893 Witless Bay Typhus Fever Delaney, Patrick 35 Witless Bay Witless Bay
September 6, 1893 Witless Bay Typhus Fever Deleny, Andrew 45 Witless Bay Witless Bay
July 19, 1893 Witless Bay Typhus Fever Deleny, Murtough 50 Witless Bay Witless Bay
January 19, 1930 Tor's Cove Old Age Denief, Esther 71 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
September 25, 1893 Cape Broyle Child Birth Denine, Margaret 24 Admiral's Cove Cape Broyle
July 28, 1909 Bell Island Heart Failure Denine, Samuel 55 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
November 20, 1917 France Killed in Action Devereaux, Aiden 19 Ferryland  
August 11, 1912 Ferryland Natural Causes Devereaux, Bridget 60 Ferryland Ferryland
May 11, 1933 Cape Broyle Senility Devereaux, Johanna 77 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
April 16, 1920 Jensen's Camp Pulmonary TB Devereaux, John 21 Ferryland Ferryland
March 9, 1916 St. John's See Original Record Devereaux, Joseph 79 Ferryland Ferryland
June 12, 1903 Ferryland Old Age Devereaux, Martin 72 Ferryland Ferryland
May 6, 1903 Ferryland Premature Birth Devereaux, Mary 43 Cape Broyle Ferryland
June 13, 1901 Ferryland Croup Devereaux, Mary Edna 1 1/2 Ferryland Ferryland
May 31, 1892 Ferryland Old Age Devereaux, Michael 70 Ferryland Ferryland
December 26, 1928 Ferryland Convulsions Devereaux, Stella 8 Months Ferryland Ferryland
May 25, 1896 Cape Broyle Heart Disease Devine [Denine], Catherine*1 70 Cape Broyle Caplin Bay
July 4, 1903 Fermeuse General Debility Devine, John 6 Months Fermeuse Renews
March 24, 1904 Renews TB Devine, John 42 Renews Renews
January 24, 1913 Renews Convulsions Devine, Katie May 2 Renews Renews
November 20, 1900 Renews Consumption Devine, Mary 26 Fermeuse Renews
October 2, 1912 Caplin Bay Killed-Accidently Devine, Michael 28 Renews Renews
June 21, 1915 Renews Brain Fever Devine, Nora 8 Renews Renews
July 17, 1898 Renews Inflammation of Bowels Devine, Patrick 59 Renews Renews
October 4, 1918 Renews Bronchitis Devine, Patrick G. 3 Months Renews Renews
June 6, 1913 Renews Paralysis of Spine Devine, William 16 Renews Renews
August 14, 1893 Bay Bulls   Dey, Jeremiah 4 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 5, 1894 Mobile   Dillon, Francis 1 Mobile Mobile
November 22, 1905 Mobile Old Age Dillon, Francis 78 Mobile Mobile
April 12, 1919 Mobile Kidney Dillon, John 12 Mobile Mobile
January 12, 1894 Mobile   Dillon, Margaret 3 1/2 Mobile Mobile
December 9, 1918 Mobile Consumption Dillon, Mary 18 Mobile Mobile
November 12, 1894 Mobile Consumption Dillon, Mary A. 28 Mobile Mobile
June 15, 1918 Mobile Old Age Dillon, Michael 84 Mobile Mobile
March 19, 1897 Mobile Consumption Dillon, Stephen 33 Mobile Mobile
August 24, 1923 Mobile Consumption Dillon, Stephen 19 Mobile Mobile
December 20, 1896 Witless Bay Accident Dinn or Dunn ,Bridget 3 Witless Bay Witless Bay
November 19, 1916 Renews Congenital Debility Dinn, Anne 6 Days Renews Renews
January 26, 1893 Witless Bay Burned Dinn, Bridget 3 Witless Bay Witless Bay
December 28, 1928 Witless Bay Consumption Dinn, Elizabeth 42 Salmonier Witless Bay
June 31, 1898 Witless Bay Consumption Dinn, Ellen 59 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 16, 1906 Renews Enteritis Dinn, Ellen J. 10 Renews Renews
February 22, 1913 Witless Bay Infant Debility Dinn, Florence 1 Month Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 8, 1932 General Hospital TB/Meningitis Dinn, Frank 18 Witless Bay Witless Bay
October 8, 1932 St. John's Not Stated Dinn, Frank 18 Witless Bay Witless Bay
July 23, 1891 Witless Bay Influenza Dinn, James 85 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 1, 1913 Witless Bay Convulsions Dinn, James 1 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 29, 1918 Renews Pulmonary TB Dinn, James 24 Renews Renews
September 2, 1933 Renews Senile Decay Dinn, Johanna 86 Renews Renews
November 18, 1902 Renews Consumption Dinn, John 55 Renews Renews
October 18, 1901 Witless Bay Consumption Dinn, Joseph 49 Witless Bay Witless Bay
June 23, 1922 Renews Pulmonary TB Dinn, Mary 32 Renews Renews
March 25, 1924 Witless Bay Dropsy Dinn, Mary 66 Witless Bay Witless Bay
Sept 24 1924 Witless Bay Old Age Dinn, Mary Anne 80 Witless Bay Witless Bay
June 25, 1928 Renews Cancer Dinn, Matilda 52 Renews Renews
November 8, 1930 Poor Asylum Old Age Dinn, Patrick 78 Witless Bay Mount Carmel Cemetery
Sept 28 1913 Witless Bay Infant Debility Dinn, Stephen 4 Months Witless Bay Witless Bay
November 13, 1934 Renews Senile Decay Dinn, Thomas 89 Renews Renews
May 10, 1896 Witless Bay Consumption Dinn, William 59 Witless Bay Witless Bay
January 30, 1930 Renews Consumption Dinn, William 40 Renews Renews
July 27, 1904 Witless Bay Dyspepsia Dodd, Mary 72 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 8, 1920 Renews Congenital Debility Dominick, . 3 Hours Renews Renews
May 1, 1905 Renews TB Dooley, Kate 55 Renews Renews
January 12, 1906 Renews TB Dooley, Martin 20 Renews Renews
April 20, 1905 Renews Old Age Dooley, Mary 92 Ireland Renews
August 28, 1913 Renews Rupture Dooley, Michael 74 Fermeuse Renews
October 15, 1899 Renews Diphtheria Dooley, Patrick 17 Renews Renews
September 17, 1895 Renews Brain Fever Dooley, Thomas 10 Renews Renews
November 1, 1930 Bay Bulls Congenital Debility Dormody, Basil 3 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 13, 1919 Renews Heart Failure Doutney, Rev. Wm. Peter 74 St. John's Belvedere Cemetery
December 18, 1903 Burn Cove Consumption Doyle, Bridget 26 Tors Cove Tors Cove
December 22, 1908 Burn Cove Pulmonary TB Doyle, Denis 16 Burn Cove St. Michael's
January 23, 1935 Brigus South Not Stated Doyle, Dermott 4 Months Brigus Cape Broyle
November 12, 1924 Burnt Cove Old Age Doyle, Eliza 85 Burnt Cove Burnt Cove
January 7, 1931 Burnt Cove Pulmonary TB Doyle, Elizabeth 14 Burnt Cove St. Michael's
August 14, 1901 Tor's Cove Premature Birth Doyle, Ellen Infant Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
February 3, 1909 Renews Infant Debility Doyle, Ellen Mary 2 Weeks Renews Renews
December 10, 1902 Burn Cove Consumption Doyle, James 23 Burn Cove Tor's Cove
December 8, 1904 Burn Cove General Debility Doyle, James Infant Burn Cove Tors Cove
October 23, 1910 Bauline Pulmonary TB Doyle, James 50 Burn Cove St. Michael's
Sept 22 1917 Renews Rheumatic Fever Doyle, James Patrick 6 Renews Renews
July 1, 1891 LaManche Diphtheria Doyle, John 8 St. John's LaManche
August 22, 1928 Burnt Cove Consumption Doyle, John 18 Burnt Cove St. Michael's
August 22, 1928 Burnt Cove Consumption Doyle, John 18 Burnt Cove St. Michael's
May 7, 1919 St. John's Diphtheria Doyle, Katie Mary 12 Burn Cove St. Michael's
May 6, 1934 Renews Cancer Doyle, Lawrence 75 St. John's Renews
January 23, 1909 Cape Broyle Old Age Doyle, Mary 85 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
November 10, 1908 Burn Cove Old Age Doyle, Michael 92 Burn Cove St. Michael's
March 21, 1908 Burnt Cove Old Age Doyle, Patrick 82 St. Michael's St. Michael's
April 20, 1933 Burnt Cove Consumption Doyle, Patrick 62 Burnt Cove Burnt Cove
March 13, 1897 Cape Broyle Consumption Doyle, Peter 40 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
June 27, 1903 Tors Cove Heart Failure Doyle, Stephen 36   Mobile
October 3, 1927 Burnt Cove Consumption Doyle, Stephen 20 Burnt Cove St. Michael's
July 5, 1903 Burn Cove Consumption Doyle, Thomas 27   Mobile
January 23, 1904 Burn Cove General Debility Doyle, Thomas 4 Months Burn Cove Tors Cove
February 27, 1932 Brigus Convulsions Doyle, Thomas 2 Brigus Cape Broyle
April 15, 1906 Bay Bulls General Debility Drew, 6 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 29, 1913 Bay Bulls Dropsy Drew, Anne 70 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 18, 1915 Bay Bulls Old Age Drew, Annie 75 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
November 6, 1928 Bay Bulls Old Age Drew, Catherine 83 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 5, 1894 Bay Bulls See Original Record Drew, Edward 63 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
November 6, 1907 Bay Bulls Dyspepsia Drew, Elizabeth 75 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 4, 1898 Bay Bulls Consumption Drew, Ellen A. 22 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 20, 1914 Bay Bulls Bronchitis Drew, Esther 65 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 17, 1923 Bay Bulls Old Age Drew, Esther 77 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 12 1900 Bay Bulls Not Stated Drew, George 69 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 5, 1904 Bay Bulls Heart Disease Drew, George 22 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 1, 1917 Bay Bulls Inflammation of Bowels Drew, James 62 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
November 1, 1905 Bay Bulls Apoplexy Drew, Jane 66 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 22, 1896 Bay Bulls Old Age Drew, John 84 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 22, 1903 Bay Bulls Cancer of Arm Drew, John 48 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 7, 1917 Bay Bulls Old Age Drew, John 70 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 13, 1934 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Drew, John H. 68 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 20, 1920 St. John's Appendicitis Drew, John Victor 14 Boston Bay Bulls
June 15, 1903 Bay Bulls Suicide Drew, Lawrence 73 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 7, 1935 Bay Bulls Old Age Drew, Lawrence 83 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 7, 1896 Bay Bulls Old Age Drew, Maria 81 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 12, 1923 Bay Bulls Old Age Drew, Mary 79 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 19, 1911 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Drew, Nicholas 77 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 28, 1911 Bay Bulls Consumption Drew, Peter 60 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
November 26, 1918 Bay Bulls Old Age Drew, Peter 74 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 13, 1920 Barbados Drowned Drew, Peter 50 Bay Bulls Barbados
August 2, 1935 General Hospital TB Drew, William 23 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 7, 1897 Bay Bulls Consumption Driscol, John 58 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 2, 1891 Burn Cove Paralysis Driscoll, Anastatia 71 Toad's Cove Toad's Cove
March 12, 1894 Bay Bulls Fire Driscoll, Angela 13 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 12, 1894 Bay Bulls Fire Driscoll, Ann 42 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 1, 1908 Tor's Cove Infant Debility Driscoll, Bernard 18 Days Tor's Cove Tors Cove
December 22, 1901 Bay Bulls Throat Trouble Driscoll, Bertha 8 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 15, 1891 Toad's Cove Consumption Driscoll, Catherine 73 Wexford, Ireland Toad's Cove
May 20, 1891 Toad's Cove Child Birth Driscoll, Catherine 25 Toad's Cove Toad's Cove
April 30, 1894 Tor's Cove Paralysis Driscoll, Cornelius 78 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
June 27, 1900 Tor's Cove Cancer Driscoll, Daniel 74 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
April 24, 1905 Ferryland LaGrippe Driscoll, Elizabeth 62 Mobile Ferryland
June 10, 1930 Tor's Cove Pulmonary TB Driscoll, Fred 27 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
March 12, 1894 Bay Bulls Fire Driscoll, Henry 11 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 26 1903 Tors Cove TB Driscoll, James 47 Tors Cove Tors Cove
July 9, 1892 Bay Bulls Consumption Driscoll, Jer. 11 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 12, 1894 Bay Bulls Fire Driscoll, John 6 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 29, 1899 Cape Broyle Consumption Driscoll, John 42 Toad's Cove Toad's Cove
March 12, 1894 Bay Bulls Fire Driscoll, Mary 15 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 1, 1913 Tor's Cove TB Driscoll, Mary 52 St. Michael's Tor's Cove
Sept 18 1914 Tor's Cove TB Driscoll, Mary 19 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 21, 1901 Bay Bulls Dyspepsia Driscoll, Matthew 54 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 16, 1898 Tor's Cove Consumption Driscoll, Michael 16 Months Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
April 19, 1901 Bay Bulls Consumption Driscoll, Michael 59 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 30, 1893 Tor's Cove   Driscoll, Stephen 2 1/2 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
August 1, 1906 Tor's Cove Dropsy Driscoll, Stephen 75 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
April 2, 1909 Tor's Cove Old Age Driscoll, William 90 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
February 2, 1917 Bay Bulls Old Age Dugan, Michael 85 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 9, 1897 Cape Broyle General Debility Duggan, Con 25 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
November 4, 1918 Cape Broyle Cancer of Throat Duggan, Ellen 44 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
January 26, 1935 See Original Records See Original Records Duggan, Josephine 22 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
March 23, 1908 Cape Broyle   Duggan, Lawrence 76 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
March 8, 1897 Cape Broyle Convulsions Duggan, Mary 8 Months Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
July 7, 1910 Cape Broyle Old Age Duggan, Mary 72 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
December 30, 1929 Cape Broyle TB Duggan, Michael 26 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
December 14, 1899 Cape Broyle Cancer Duggan, Patrick 74 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 7, 1899 Witless Bay Liver Disease Dunn, Bridget 80 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 8, 1912 Witless Bay Consumption Dunn, Bridget 16 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 20, 1912 Witless Bay Bronchitis Dunn, Charles 62 Witless Bay Witless Bay
June 28, 1893 Witless Bay Typhus Fever Dunn, Elizabeth 70 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 21, 1935 Witless Bay Influenza Dunn, Harold 13 Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 3, 1917 Renews Whooping Cough Dunn, Johanna Maria 2 Months Renews Renews
April 29, 1911 Witless Bay Consumption Dunn, John 52 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 2, 1913 Witless Bay Consumption Dunn, Patrick 51 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 3, 1919 Renews Infant Debility Dunne, Anastatia 1 1/2 Renews Renews
June 9, 1920 St. John's See Original Record Dunne, Catherine 74 Renews Renews
August 6, 1895 Renews Brain Trouble Dunne, Patrick 58 Ireland Renews
November 28, 1932 St. John's Pneumonia Dunphy, Baby 3 Months St. John's Tor's Cove
March 19, 1907 Tor's Cove Jaundice Dunphy, Edward 62 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
October 22, 1903 Renews Cancer of Face Dunphy, Elizabeth 68 Renews Renews
December 21, 1934 Renews Cancer Dunphy, Elizabeth 64 Renews Renews
Sept 26 1931 St. John's Not Stated Dunphy, Gerald 5 Weeks St. John's Tor's Cove
February 6, 1897 Tor's Cove Consumption Dunphy, John 20 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
October 10, 1926 Sanitorium TB Dunphy, Lizzie 20 Renews Renews
February 17, 1911 Ferryland Senility Dunphy, Margaret 75 Ferryland Ferryland
December 24, 1891 Renews Consumption Dunphy, Mary 23 Renews Renews
July 3, 1894 Tor's Cove Old Age Dunphy, Mary 81 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
March 5, 1897 Tor's Cove Diphtheria Dunphy, Mary 16 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 7, 1925 Tor's Cove Convulsions Dunphy, Muriel 5 Months Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
June 8, 1935 Tor's Cove Pneumonia Dunphy, Patrick 58 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
July 3, 1935 Tor's Cove Old Age Dunphy, Patrick 88 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
Sept 11 1924 Tor's Cove Convulsions Dunphy, Raymond 7 Weeks Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
February 8, 1915 Ferryland Old Age Dunphy, Thomas 80 Ferryland Ferryland
March 2, 1897 Renews Bronchitis Dunphy, William 64 Bonavista Renews
November 2, 1907 Renews Liver Complaint Dutton, Bernard 4 Renews Renews
November 19, 1891 Fermeuse Swelling on Neck Dutton, James 62 Renews Renews
December 26, 1918 Fermeuse Pulmonary TB Dutton, John 24 Fermeuse Renews
August 8, 1923 Renews Old Age Dutton, Lawrence 88 Renews Renews
December 26, 1911 Fermeuse Old Age Dutton, Mary 90 Tor's Cove Renews
May 17, 1920 Chance Cove Congenital Debility Dwyer, Mary 1 Day Chance Cove Renews

"Death Records from Vital Stat"
"Selected for the Ferryland District"
1891 - 1935

Only Including the Towns of: Aquaforte, Bay Bulls, Brigus South, Burnt Cove, Caplin Bay (Calvert),
Cape Broyle, Ferryland, Fermeuse, Mobile, Renews to Cape Race, St. And Witless Bay

April 20, 1924 Renews Peritonitis Edstrom, James J. 54 Blackhead, St. John's Renews
July 31, 1910 Bay Bulls Convulsions Edwards, Ronald 3 Days Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 19, 1906 Witless Bay   Ellis, Joseph 2 Witless Bay Witless Bay
June 12, 1906 Witless Bay Child Birth Ellis, Veronica 25 Witless Bay Witless Bay
August 3, 1893 Fermeuse Infantile Esther, Mary ?? Moments Fermeuse Fermeuse

"Death Records from Vital Stat"
"Selected for the Ferryland District"
1891 - 1935

Only Including the Towns of: Aquaforte, Bay Bulls, Brigus South, Burnt Cove, Caplin Bay (Calvert),
Cape Broyle, Ferryland, Fermeuse, Mobile, Renews to Cape Race, St. Michaels, Tor Cove And Witless Bay

May 16, 1932 Fermeuse Cardiac Fahey, Jeremiah 76 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 7, 1919 Bay Bulls Convulsions Fahey, Mary 10 Months Halifax, NS Kilbride, St. John's
November 6, 1891 Fermeuse Heart Failure Fahey, Patrick 80 Fermeuse Fermeuse
August 3, 1907 Ferryland Jaundice Farrell, Josie 18 Ferryland Ferryland
July 31, 1926 Ferryland Heart Failure Farrell, Patrick 75 Ferryland Ferryland
October 1, 1917 Wandsworth Consumption Farrell, Patrick J. 18 Ferryland  
February 17, 1902 Ferryland Measles Farrell, Vincent 1 Not Stated Ferryland
September 8, 1918 Ferryland Regurgitation/Hemorrhage Farrell, William 23 Ferryland Ferryland
May 28, 1891 Fermeuse Old Age Fennelly, Ellen 80 Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 29, 1912 Fermeuse Old Age Fennelly, Esther 86 Fermeuse Fermeuse
April 18, 1894 Fermeuse Still Born Fennelly, James   Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 7, 1903 Fermeuse Consumption Fennelly, James 41 Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 23, 1934 Renews Pleurisy/Pneumonia Fennelly, James 25 Fermeuse Fermeuse
August 15, 1922 Fermeuse Heart Failure Fennelly, Jane 70 Fermeuse Fermeuse
January 6, 1924 Fermeuse Old Age Fennelly, Jane 68 Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 3, 1905 Fermeuse Old Age Fennelly, John 85 Fermeuse Fermeuse
February 13, 1903 Fermeuse Consumption Fennelly, Kate 28 Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 14, 1895 Fermeuse Premature Birth Fennelly, Mary   Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 24, 1919 Fermeuse TB of Bones Fennelly, Patrick 15 Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 19, 1923 Fermeuse Old Age Fennelly, Patrick 78 Fermeuse Fermeuse
August 18, 1901 Fermeuse Old Age Fennelly, Thomas 83 Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 18, 1911 General Hospital Cancer of Liver Fennelly, William 57 Fermeuse Fermeuse
November 14, 1925 Renews Tumour Fennesy, Christina 55 Renews Renews
May 13, 1916 Fermeuse Dropsy Finlay, Bridget 64 Kilkenny, Ireland Fermeuse
February 7, 1897 Cape Broyle Convulsions Finlay, Mary 2 Months Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
Sept 12 1928 Fermeuse Dropsy Finn, Nicholas 75 Fermeuse Fermeuse
Sept 20 1914 Fermeuse Dropsy Finn, Patrick 58 Fermeuse Fermeuse
July 17, 1922 St. John's Myocarditis Finn, William 58 Fermeuse Fermeuse
April 21, 1904 Renews General Debility Finney, Clara 3 Renews Renews
March 31, 1914 St. John's See Original Records Finney, John 52 Cappahayden Renews
May 20, 1900 Broad Cove Whooping Cough Finny, Albert 1 Month Broad Cove Renews
April 5, 1900 Broad Cove Convulsions Finny, Edward 5 Days Broad Cove Renews
September 25, 1899 Cape Broyle Dyspepsia Fitzgerald, Ann 61 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
August 31, 1906 Mobile Old Age Fitzgerald, Daniel 86 Kerry, Ireland Mobile
August 15, 1923 Boston, Mass. Fractured Skull Fitzgerald, Daniel 30 Mobile Mobile
March 3, 1932 Tor's Cove TB Fitzgerald, Lena 23 Long Beach Tor's Cove
April 14, 1909 Mobile Old Age Fitzgerald, Mary 85 Ireland Mobile
Sept 24 1916 Mobile Acute Indigestion Fitzgerald, Mary 20 Mobile St. Aidan's, Mobile
June 2, 1919 Mobile Ulcerated Stomach Fitzgerald, Mary E. 19 Mobile Mobile
December 2, 1900 Cape Broyle Dropsy Fitzgerald, Peter 72 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 2, 1930 Mobile Old Age Fitzgerald, Thomas 77 Mobile Mobile
November 13, 1898 Witless Bay Not Stated Fitzpatrick, John C. 19 Months Goulds Goulds
May 17, 1908 Fermeuse Cancer of Stomach Flaherty, Catherine 72 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 11, 1905 Fermeuse Old Age Flaherty, Edward 74 Fermeuse Fermeuse
June 1, 1918 Fermeuse Heart Failure Flaherty, Elizabeth 45 Fermeuse Fermeuse
March 30, 1895 Tor's Cove Dyspepsia Fleet(Flood, Thomas 78 England Witless Bay
September 18, 1896 Renews Paralysis Flinn, Edward 22 Months Renews Renews
March 31, 1917 Renews Senility Foley, Anne 78 Caplin Bay Renews
January 17, 1927 Renews Consumption Foley, Annie 12 Renews Renews
June 23, 1916 Renews Cancer of Face Foley, Catherine 75 Renews Renews
October 23, 1907 Renews Old Age Foley, David 83 Renews Renews
April 16, 1917 Renews Infant Debility Foley, David 1 Hour Renews Renews
March 21, 1915 Renews Infant Debility Foley, Elizabeth Infant Renews Renews
August 14, 1934 Renews Consumption Foley, Elizabeth 57 Renews Renews
June 4, 1920 Renews Old Age Foley, Ellen 91 Caplin Bay Renews
May 10, 1929 Renews TB Foley, Gerald 10 Renews Renews
March 26, 1912 Renews Heart Failure Foley, James 80 Renews Renews
May 12, 1918 Fermeuse Bright's Disease Foley, Lucy 41 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
July 20, 1916 Renews Measles Foley, Mary Ann 32 Fermeuse Renews
February 24, 1930 Renews Pulmonary TB Foley, Mary Frances 18 Renews Renews
September 23, 1894 Ferryland Old Age Forristall, Elizabeth 95 Ireland Ferryland
November 18, 1925 Tor's Cove Consumption Fortune, Agnes 23 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
December 27, 1907 Tor's Cove Old Age Fortune, Annie 91 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
Sept 11 1926 St. John's Heart Disease Fortune, Edward 76 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
August 25, 1931 See Original Record See Original Records Fortune, John 70 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
December 13, 1902 Tor's Cove Pneumonia Fortune, John J. 2 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
December 24, 1906 Tor's Cove Pulmonary TB Fortune, Lucy 45 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
March 29, 1904 Tors Cove Consumption Fortune, Mary 19 Tors Cove Tors Cove
March 3, 1907 Tor's Cove Pulmonary TB Fortune, Mary 8 Tor's Cove Tors Cove
August 17, 1928 Bauline Not Stated Fortune, Mrs. Ed 73 Bauline St. Michael's
August 17, 1928 Bauline Not Stated Fortune, Mrs. Ed 73 Bauline St. Michael's
March 21, 1919 Tor's Cove Consumption Fortune, Patrick 20 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
October 31, 1927 Tor's Cove Cancer Fortune, Samuel 68 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
May 19, 1931 Tor's Cove Cancer Fortune, Sylvester 79 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
April 14, 1917 France Killed in Action Fortune, William 26 Tor's Cove  
February 14, 1935 Tor's Cove Old Age Fortune, William 74 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
September 7, 1897 Renews Consumption Fowler, Anne 52 Witless Bay Renews
July 16, 1930 Cappahayden Senility Fowler, Bridget 84 Renews Renews
March 3, 1920 Cappahayden TB Fowler, Catherine 14 Cappahayden Renews
June 24, 1910 Broad Cove Old Age Fowler, Edward 69 Broad Cove Renews
May 13, 1903 Renews Old Age Fowler, Elizabeth 70 Renews Renews
August 14, 1911 Renews Parturition Fowler, Elizabeth 35 Renews Renews
April 21, 1911 General Hospital Meningitis Fowler, John 67 Renews Renews
January 17, 1897 Broad Cove La Grippe Fowler, Kate 13 Broad Cove Renews
February 24, 1900 Broad Cove Consumption Fowler, Mary 13 Broad Cove Renews
November 15, 1902 Renews Natural Causes Fowler, Mary 58 Renews Renews
June 27, 1904 Renews Nervous Disease Fowler, Mary 42 Renews Renews
November 24, 1913 Fermeuse Old Age Fowler, Mary 93 Fermeuse Fermeuse
May 16, 1904 Renews General Debility Fowler, Robert 18 Months Renews Renews
March 31, 1913 Broad Cove Natural Delicacy Fowler, Samuel 2 Broad Cove Renews
February 4, 1918 Cappahayden Pulmonary TB Fowler, Samuel 38 Cappahayden Renews
February 25, 1931 Bay Bulls Pneumonia Frampton, Bella Rose 26 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 1, 1915 France Killed in Action Frampton, John 20 Bay Bulls  
September 2, 1918 Bay Bulls Convulsions Frampton, Marjory 3 1/2 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 23, 1924 Renews Old Age Francis, Sister Mary 85 St. John's Renews
October 23, 1915 Malta Dysentery Freebairn, Buchannan 22 Ferryland Malta
September 8, 1934 36 Leslie St. Diabetes Freebairn, Dr. R.J. 71 Not Stated General Protestant Cem.
March 7, 1904 Tors Cove Consumption French, Johanna 55 Tors Cove Tors Cove
August 26, 1933 Tor's Cove Senility French, Stephen 84 Petty Harbour Tor's Cove
January 3, 1920 Big Pond Old Age Frizell, Richard 91 Wexford, Ireland C. of E. Cemetery,St.John's
November 20, 1917 France Killed in Action Frizelle, Henry 18 Goulds  
July 29, 1933 Sanatorium Pulmonary TB Frizzell, Charles 17 Big Pond Bay Bulls
May 13, 1932 Big Pond Pneumonia Frizzell, John Albert 14 Big Pond Goulds
April 13, 1932 Big Pond Convulsions Frizzell, Mildred 18 Months Big Pond Goulds
December 5, 1931 Big Pond Cancer Frizzell, William 53 Big Pond Goulds
June 3, 1897 Cape Broyle Consumption Furlong, Ellen 38 Renews Cape Broyle
July 20, 1892 Bay Bulls Consumption Furlong, Francis 26 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 9, 1898 Cape Broyle Inflammation Furlong, James 43 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
February 20, 1928 Cape Broyle Consumption Furlong, James 23 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
February 2, 1930 Cape Broyle Kidney Trouble Furlong, James 30 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
January 5, 1908 Bay Bulls Paralysis Furlong, John 88 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 11, 1899 Bay Bulls Consumption Furlong, Martin 20 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 3, 1895 Bay Bulls   Furlong, Mary 6 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 29, 1900 Ferryland Typhoid Fever Furlong, Mary 15 Ferryland Ferryland
February 11, 1909 Cape Broyle Infant Debility Furlong, Mary 7 Months Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
June 3, 1891 Ferryland La Grippe Furlong, Michael 4 Ferryland Ferryland
April 21, 1932 Cape Broyle Senility Furlong, Peter 83 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 20, 1907 Cape Broyle Inflammation of Bowels Furlong, Regina 17 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
August 15, 1894 Bay Bulls Dyspepsia Furlong, Thomas 68 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls

"Death Records from Vital Stat"
"Selected for the Ferryland District"
1891 - 1935

Only Including the Towns of: Aquaforte, Bay Bulls, Brigus South, Burnt Cove, Caplin Bay (Calvert),
Cape Broyle, Ferryland, Fermeuse, Mobile, Renews to Cape Race, St. Michaels, Tor Cove And Witless Bay

October 10, 1913 Aquaforte TB Gahan, John E. 25 Aquaforte Aquaforte
August 31, 1908 Aquaforte Carcimonia Gahan, Patrick 65 Aquaforte Aquaforte
February 20, 1931 Aquaforte Pulmonary TB Gahan, William Not Stated Aquaforte Aquaforte
February 25, 1932 Aquaforte Pulmonary TB Gahan, William 47 Aquaforte Aquaforte
October 6, 1915 Fermeuse Infant Debility Gahaney, Mary E. 10 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 11, 1915 Fermeuse Infant Debility Gahaney, Thomas S. 10 Months Fermeuse Fermeuse
December 22, 1902 Bay Bulls General Debility Gatheral, 2 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 16, 1903 Bay Bulls General Debility Gatheral, . 6 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 7, 1913 Caplin Bay Heart Failure Gatheral, Bridget 72 Caplin Bay Ferryland
June 23, 1901 Bay Bulls Consumption Gatheral, Catherine 68 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 6, 1911 Bauline Old Age Gatheral, Edward 78 Bauline St. Michael's
February 12, 1926 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Gatheral, Elizabeth 63 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
November 19, 1907 Bauline Bronchitis Gatheral, Ellen 60 Tor's Cove St. Michael's
August 19, 1911 Bay Bulls Consumption Gatheral, Ellen 72 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
September 21, 1898 Bay Bulls Consumption Gatheral, Helena 31 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 13, 1933 Bay Bulls Apoplexy Gatheral, James 69 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 26, 1928 Brooklyn, NY Goiter Gatheral, Lucy Anne 21 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 24, 1903 Bauline Heart Failure Gatheral, Margaret 54   Mobile
December 23,1907 At Sea Drowned Gatheral, Martin 26 Bauline  
May 22, 1912 Tor's Cove Old Age Gatheral, Mary 88 Tor's Cove Tor's Cove
January 19, 1925 St. Michael's Old Age Gatheral, Mary 84 St. John's St. Michael's
November 9, 1892 Caplin Bay Convulsions Gatheral, Michael 6 Weeks Caplin Bay Ferryland
November 27, 1900 Bay Bulls Fever Gatheral, Stephen 65 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 8, 1920 Bay Bulls Heart Failure Gatheral, Teresa 68 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 24, 1900 Bay Bulls Fever Gatheral, Thomas 22 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 16, 1903 Bauline Heart Failure Gatheral, Victoria 64   Mobile
March 11, 1893 Brigus South Inflammation of Bowels Gatheral, William 47 Bauline, Tor's Cove Brigus South
April 7, 1904 Bay Bulls General Debility Gatheral,. 3 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 3, 1897 Bay Bulls Consumption Gatherall, Albert P. 30 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 27, 1904 Bay Bulls Dropsy Gatherall, Ellen 63 Harbour Main Bay Bulls
April 21, 1893 Bay Bulls Consumption Gatherall, Ellen A. 18 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 3, 1893 Brigus South Diphtheria Gatherall, Mary 17 Brigus South Brigus South
November 16, 1909 Renews Old Age Gearin, Frank 90 Renews Renews
July 22, 1903   Old Age Gearin, James 87 Renews Renews
August 5, 1908 Renews Cancer of Face Gearin, Mary 76 Renews Renews
May 23, 1900 Renews Whooping Cough Gearin, Mary A. 10 Months Renews Renews
July 7, 1916 Renews Infant Debility Gearin, Veronica 4 Renews Renews
February 16, 1925 Renews Cancer of Stomach Gearin, William 52 Renews Renews
Sept 22 1918 Aquaforte Senility Gent, Judith Caroline 85 Trinity Aquaforte
July 2, 1906 Bay Bulls Paralysis Getheral, John 74 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 11, 1918 Bauline Heart Trouble Getheral, John 77 Bauline St. Michael's
August 21, 1899 Bay Bulls Consumption Getheral, Mary 33 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 14, 1924 Bauline Old Age Getheral, Stephen 87 Bauline St. Michael's
September 23, 1899 Bay Bulls Not Stated Getheral, Thomas 2 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 6, 1923 Seal Cove Old Age Getheral, Thomas 79 Seal Cove St. Michael's
August 12, 1905 Bay Bulls General Debility Getherall, I Month Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 2, 1902 Bay Bulls Dropsy Getherall, Margaret 70 Petty Harbour Bay Bulls
March 20, 1898 Bay Bulls Consumption Getherall, Thomas 33 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 28, 1925 Fermeuse Infant Debility Ghaney, Anthony D. 37 Days Fermeuse Fermeuse
January 3, 1908 Bay Bulls Scarlet Fever Glynn, 10 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 27, 1903 Bay Bulls General Debility Glynn, . 1 Week Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 12, 1917 Bay Bulls Cancer Glynn, Albert 12 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 26, 1897 Bay Bulls Old Age Glynn, Ann 88 Witless Bay Bay Bulls
November 19, 1904 Bay Bulls General Debility Glynn, Anthony 1 Week Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 21, 1902 Bay Bulls Consumption Glynn, Catherine 48 Flatrock Bay Bulls
May 30, 1911 Bay Bulls Consumption Glynn, Catherine 68 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 28, 1892 At Sea Drowning Glynn, Con 35 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 2, 1907 Bay Bulls Pneumonia Glynn, Cornelius 64 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 13, 1918 Bay Bulls Pulmonary TB Glynn, Ellen 32 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 5, 1924 Bay Bulls Old Age Glynn, Frances 80 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
Sept 18 1930 Bay Bulls Not Stated Glynn, Francis Joseph 5 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 19, 1932 Bay Bulls Not Stated Glynn, Genevieve 2 1/2 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 24, 1896 Bay Bulls Accident Glynn, James 58 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
June 28, 1904 Bay Bulls Paralysis/Stomach Inflammation Glynn, James 62 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 28, 1913 Sydney, C.Breton Blood Poison Glynn, James 24 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 9, 1910 Bay Bulls Infant Debility Glynn, Margaret 7 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
April 6, 1919 Bay Bulls Convulsions Glynn, Margaret 2 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 28, 1928 Bay Bulls Old Age Glynn, Margaret 70 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 5, 1905 Bay Bulls Consumption Glynn, Margaret A. 31 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 29, 1901 Witless Bay Asthma Glynn, Martha 87 Mobile Bay Bulls
March 14, 1893 Bay Bulls Consumption Glynn, Martin 16 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 1, 1896 Bay Bulls Consumption Glynn, Mary 19 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 31, 1903 Bay Bulls Consumption Glynn, Mary 52 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 23, 1907 Bay Bulls Rheumatism Glynn, Mary 60 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
December 8, 1933 Bay Bulls Pulmonary TB Glynn, Mary 54 St. John's Bay Bulls
June 5, 1896 Bay Bulls Infantile Glynn, Mary E. 4 Months Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 14, 1903 Bay Bulls Consumption Glynn, Michael 62 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
May 15, 1931 Sanatorium Pulmonary TB Glynn, Norah 20 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 6, 1911 Poor Asylum Old Age Glynn, Richard 73 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
July 6, 1911 Bay Bulls Consumption Glynn, Richard 72 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
August 29, 1921 Bay Bulls Old Age Glynn, Richard 68 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
February 17, 1931 Bay Bulls Pulmonary TB Glynn, Richard 29 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 31, 1893 Bay Bulls Consumption Glynn, Sarah 18 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
January 12, 1923 Bay Bulls Old Age Glynn, William 76 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
March 7, 1931 Bay Bulls Influenza Glynn, William 3 Bay Bulls Bay Bulls
October 9, 1918 Ferryland Bronchitis Goodridge, Frederick J. 6 1/2 St. John's C. of E. Cemetery
June 23, 1900 Renews Whooping Cough Goosney, Patrick 3 Months Renews Renews
January 7, 1902 Witless Bay Dyspepsia Gordon, Hannah 57 Witless Bay Witless Bay
February 18, 1917 Witless Bay Senility Gordon, James 88 Witless Bay Witless Bay
February 6, 1924 Witless Bay Old Age Gordon, Johanna 79 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 22, 1902 Witless Bay Consumption Gordon, John 30 Witless Bay Witless Bay
Sept 324 1916 Witless Bay Senile Decay Gordon, Margaret 85 Witless Bay Witless Bay
May 4, 1898 Witless Bay Consumption Gordon, Mary 70 Renews Witless Bay
June 15, 1906 Witless Bay Diabetes Gordon, Michael 67 Witless Bay Witless Bay
December 18, 1911 Witless Bay Paralysis Gordon, Stephen 72 Witless Bay Witless Bay
April 30, 1894 Witless Bay Consumption Gordon, Thomas 19 Witless Bay Witless Bay
January 20, 1909 Witless Bay Apoplexy Gordon, Thomas 76 Witless Bay Witless Bay
November 30, 1907 Cape Broyle   Grace, Johanna 95 St. John's Cape Broyle
April 6, 1911 Fermeuse Pleurisy Grace, Kate 64 Fermeuse Fermeuse
October 17, 1912 Renews Infant Debility Grace, Lawrence 2 Months Renews Renews
March 23, 1911 Renews Infant Debility Grace, Leo Patrick 1 Day Renews Renews
July 8, 1910 Renews Abscess in Neck Grace, Magdalen 5 Fermeuse Renews
November 2, 1905 Brigus South Heart Failure Grace, Margaret 75 St. John's Cape Broyle
April 6, 1917 Renews Pulmonary TB Grace, Mary 19 Renews Renews
July 27, 1913 Renews TB of Stomach Grace, Thomas 34 Fermeuse Renews
June 8, 1891 Aquaforte La Grippe Graham, William 85 Ireland Ferryland
June 15, 1928 Brigus Bright's Disease Grant, Anne 70 Brigus Cape Broyle
January 9, 1897 Renews Old Age Grant, Esther 75 Renews Renews
November 2, 1897 Cape Broyle Diphtheria Grant, George 55 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
June 5, 1893 Cape Broyle Consumption Grant, Joseph 25 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
January 13, 1932 Brigus Senility Grant, Lucy 96 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
November 9, 1893 Cape Broyle Consumption Grant, Martin 19 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
November 12, 1902 Cape Broyle Heart Failure Grant, Martin 55 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
November 12, 1905 Cape Broyle TB Grant, Patrick 34 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
September 29, 1894 In Schooner at Sea Heart Disease Grant, Richard 73 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
March 24, 1912 Cape Broyle Old Age Grant, Richard 83 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
October 13, 1931 Cape Broyle Typhoid Grant, Richard 69 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
January 16, 1903 Cape Broyle Throat Cancer Grant, Thomas 58 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
September 22, 1896 Witless Bay Diphtheria Greene Alexander 6 Witless Bay Witless Bay
September 13, 1896 Witless Bay Diphtheria Greene Catherine H. 9 Witless Bay Witless Bay
February 9, 1893 Cape Broyle Convulsions Greene Joseph 2 1/2 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
April 7, 1909 Fermeuse Old Age Greene Joseph 84 Cape Broyle Fermeuse
July 2, 1896 Fermeuse Kidney Disease Greene Mary 53 Fermeuse Fermeuse
September 26, 1896 Witless Bay Diphtheria Greene Patrick 2 Weeks Witless Bay Witless Bay
March 31, 1913 Brigus South Old Age Greene Thomas 87 Brigus South Cape Broyle
May 8, 1913 Brigus South Old Age Gregory, Catherine 87 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
December 19, 1934 Brigus South Senility Gregory, Ellen 79 Cape Broyle Cape Broyle
January 16, 1929 Brigus Manic Depressive Gregory, James 66 Not Stated Brigus South
January 21, 1929 Brigus Kidney Trouble Gregory, James 66 Brigus Cape Broyle
April 1, 1926 Calvert Pneumonia Gregory, John 22 Brigus Cape Broyle
December 9, 1910 Brigus South Old Age Gregory, Mary 78 Brigus South Cape Broyle
May 21, 1897 Brigus South La Grippe Gregory, Michael 68 Brigus South Cape Broyle
August 19, 1929 New York TB Gregory, Philomena 27 Brigus New York
June 22, 1930 Brigus Senility Gregory, Richard 76 Brigus Cape Broyle
July 3, 1891 Brigus South La Grippe Gregory, Thomas 66 Brigus South Brigus South
Sept 22 1911 Brigus South Appendicitis Griffin, Mary 70 Brigus South Brigus South
July 11, 1917 Freshwater, Renews Pulmonary TB Guiney, Elizabeth Ann 21 Freshwater Renews
May 16, 1923 Renews Cancer of Face Guiney, John 75 Renews Renews
April 10, 1923 Renews Pneumonia Guiney, Kitty 29 Renews Renews
September 1, 1892 Broad Cove Infantile Guiney, Michael 1 Hour Broad Cove Broad Cove

Page transcribed by Ray Curran and Cindy Morrison (January 2001)

DEVINE, Catherine *1 Surname was actually Denine, but recorded incorrectly in the Vital Statistic records. Kevin Reddigan


Page Revised by Kevin Reddigan (October 2015)

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