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Forest Road
Anglican Cemetery
St. John's
St. John's East District
SECTION "Cremation Area"
Complete Listing of Visible headstones
Click here for photo of this Section and Diagram of the Cemetery
Please select a highlighted letter below to see other sections of this cemetery
A | B | C | D1-D3 | DA | DB | DC | DD |
DE-DF | DG | DH | DI | DJ-DL | DM | DN | DO |
DP | DQ-DR | DS | E | F | G | H | J |
K | L | N | O | P | Empire Ave | Cremation | Columbariums |
Miscellaneous |
Arlett | Ross Jameson | 1949 | 1998 | |||
Edith Jean | 1950 | |||||
Baggs | Eva | Oct. 6, 1933 | Jan. 15, 2003 | |||
Barnes | Cecil J. | 1918 | 2004 | |||
Marie | 1920 | 2001 | ||||
Bursey | Edgar Maxim | August 9, 1930 | July 20, 2000 | |||
M. Maureen | August 22, 1937 | July 3, 2006 | ||||
Cook | R. Joan | Jan. 24, 1924 | Mar. 3, 2000 | |||
Angus E. | Aug. 8, 1925 | June 3, 2000 | ||||
Dawson | Jan. 21, 1942 | Nov. 13, 2002 | ||||
Gamble | Sheelagh | Aug. 27, 1921 | Apr. 7, 2002 | |||
Wilson | July 4, 1917 | Nov. 9, 2005 | ||||
Idler | David | [white wooden cross] | ||||
Kirby | Cyril L. | 1916 | 2000 | Royal Artillery WWII | ||
Lane | Annie L. | 1912 | 2001 | |||
Langille | Gerald Dexter | July 9, 1961 | May 29, 2002 | |||
Marsh | Donald Austin | May 28, 1950 | August 3, 2000 | |||
Martin | William T. | 1923 | 1998 | |||
Nordin | Oskar F. | 1918 | ||||
Edna H. (Colbourne) | 1915 | 2004 | ||||
Pearce | Judy | 19 Aug. 1947 | 6 Mar. 2004 | |||
Art | 16 Dec. 1937 | |||||
Reeves | Victoria S. | 1918 | 2006 | |||
Saucier | Jennifer (Nicolle) | May 20, 1957 | June 9, 1996 | |||
Skinner | George E. | May 8, 1928 | ||||
Rowena | Feb. 14, 1929 | Aug. 1, 2001 | ||||
Warren | Ruby M. | Aug. 14, 1923 | Mar. 27, 2002 |
Transcribed by Craig Peterman (July 2008) from
photos taken by Craig Peterman ( 2008)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (March 22, 2013)
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