
Presented by the
Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site
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Newfoundland 1935 Census
for Newfoundland and Labrador
Listed by District

This census has been rearranged to agree with the original pages. The Districts shown below are the same districts shown on the original Indexes for the census. You will find that all communities that were enumerated have been added to each of the District menus. These communities for which we have received files are shown as links. Those communities which have not been transcribed are shown in name only. There may be mistakes in these pages as we do not have all of the original communities census pages yet, only the index pages. Feel free to get back with us if you have questions. We will be verifying the information after we have the original pages of the census, itself.

If any you have or are able to obtain and transcribe any additional communities for inclusion please e-mail me.

Don Tate

Go to a District to find that District's Community Listing

For a Listing of Microfiche Reel Numbers Associated with this Census

Bay de Verde and
Bell Island Bonavista Bay Burin Ferryland
Fogo Burgeo and LaPoile
Harbour Grace Harbor Main Humber
Labrador Port De Grave Placentia and St. Mary's St. Barbe's St. John's East
St. John's West St. George's Trinity Bay Twillingate White Bay

Page Revised: April 2003 (Don Tate)

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