People |
1.The Crew of "Little Jap" |
2. Death of John T. Roche - Harbour Main |
3. Dr. Henry Stabb, Southern Shore Medical Report With many surnames listed |
4.Edward (Ned) T. Allen, Topsail |
5.Fishing Room Grants-Plantation Book, Vol 13 |
6.First Mentioned Surnames of Inhabitants of Newfoundland prior to 1675 |
7. The Journal of James Yonge (1641-1721), Plymouth Surgeon, ed.,
F.N.L.Poynter, (London). |
8. Medical Doctors Who Former Practiced in St. John's, NF |
9. Old Properties, Early Residents, St. John's 1780 - 1781 |
10. Rev John Clinch |
11. Series of lectures by Cecil Reynolds |
12."The Wind in the Rigging" (excerpts of Newfoundland names) |
13. "Perhaps They Left Us Up Here" (excerpts of Newfoundland names) |
14. "Newfoundland and its Missionaries" (excerpts of Newfoundland names) |
15. Colonial Office Records |
16. Newfoundland Disasters |
17.Directory of Business Burnt Out by the July 8th, 1892 Fire in St, John's |
18.House of Assembly Records |
19.Newfoundland Veteran's Company |
Places |
1.Bell Island - A Community History |
2.George St |
3.Land Petitions, August 16, 1831 |
4.Land Petitions, Oct 22, 1833 |
5.Windows Of Agates Gower Street Methodist Church |
Events |
1. A Souvenir of the Brigus Methodist Jubilee of the Opening of the Church
1875-1925 |
2. The Bell Island Regatta of 1912 |
3. Dedication Ceremony Of The United Church - 1901 |
4. The Epic Tragedy of Belle Island |
5. Life at the Front The Seal Hunt in the 40s |
6. Newfoundland's Furious Fire By Sabotage |
7. Sir William Amherst - 1732-1781 |
8. Dispatches of Rear-Admiral, Lord Colville 1761-1762 |
9. Severe Winter - 1847 |
10.Description of the Burning of St. John's July 8th, 1892 |
11. Hurricane of 1775 |
School History and Various Reports |
1. 1831/2 Proceedings of the Newfoundland & British North America Society for Educating the Poor. |
General Interest |
1.A Note on Jersey and Newfoundland |
2.A Personal History of Topsail, NF |
3.The Annie S. Clarke |
4. Curing fish for shipment to England |
5.The Early Relations between Newfoundland and the Channel Islands |
6.The Expedition of Monsieur De Montigny to Newfoundland in 1705
Posted in French and English |
7.Father Forristal Passes To His Reward |
8. Five drowned Within a Stones Throw of Sydney |
9.Historical Sketch Of The Progress Of Medicine In Newfoundland |
10. The Jersey Men |
11.The Journal of Rev. Julian Moreton |
12.Juke's Excursions, 1839 & 1840 |
13.Life in the Lumber Woods in the 30s |
14. Methodism In Eastern British America |
15.Methodism, On the Grand Banks and Fortune Circuts from 1816 to 1916 |
16. Misc. News re Belle Island |
17. Newfoundland Currency and Banksing Institutions |
18.Newfoundland Folklore
19.Newfoundland Name Lore by The Late Archbishop Howley |
20. Newfoundland's Island of Iron |
21.The Portuguese In Newfoundland Waters |
22. Reports on State of The Work of God - 1829 - 1878 - Newfoundland Conference Archives - St. John's |
23.S.S. Greenland |
24.Six Month's of a Newfoundland Missionaries Journal Edward Wix |
25.St. John's 1772 Bill of Sale for Fishery |
26. Statement of Monies in the custody of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland July, 1831 |
27.Statement of Monies in the custody of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland Dec, 1833 |
28. The Treasury of Newfoundland Stories - a collection of 56 stories, true and fiction, about life in Newfoundland in the first half of the 20th century. |
29.Clearance Certificate for the fishing vessel "Swan" |
30. Listing of "Fishing Masters" showing locations, ship names and destinations during 1678 |
31. "A Matter of Custom and Convenience": Marriage Law in Nineteenth-Century Newfoundland |