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Historical Information
St. John's East Regional Area

The following are miscellaneous articles or books submitted by individuals that are doing research
and have graciously agreed to place them here for your pleasure.

1.The Crew of "Little Jap"
2. Death of John T. Roche - Harbour Main
3. Dr. Henry Stabb, Southern Shore Medical Report With many surnames listed
4.Edward (Ned) T. Allen, Topsail
5.Fishing Room Grants-Plantation Book, Vol 13
6.First Mentioned Surnames of Inhabitants of Newfoundland prior to 1675
7. The Journal of James Yonge (1641-1721), Plymouth Surgeon, ed., F.N.L.Poynter, (London).
8. Medical Doctors Who Former Practiced in St. John's, NF
9. Old Properties, Early Residents, St. John's 1780 - 1781
10. Rev John Clinch
11. Series of lectures by Cecil Reynolds
12."The Wind in the Rigging" (excerpts of Newfoundland names)
13. "Perhaps They Left Us Up Here" (excerpts of Newfoundland names)
14. "Newfoundland and its Missionaries" (excerpts of Newfoundland names)
15. Colonial Office Records
16. Newfoundland Disasters
17.Directory of Business Burnt Out by the July 8th, 1892 Fire in St, John's
18.House of Assembly Records
19.Newfoundland Veteran's Company
1.Bell Island - A Community History
2.George St
3.Land Petitions, August 16, 1831
4.Land Petitions, Oct 22, 1833
5.Windows Of Agates Gower Street Methodist Church
1. A Souvenir of the Brigus Methodist Jubilee of the Opening of the Church 1875-1925
2. The Bell Island Regatta of 1912
3. Dedication Ceremony Of The United Church - 1901
4. The Epic Tragedy of Belle Island
5. Life at the Front The Seal Hunt in the 40s
6. Newfoundland's Furious Fire By Sabotage
7. Sir William Amherst - 1732-1781
8. Dispatches of Rear-Admiral, Lord Colville 1761-1762
9. Severe Winter - 1847
10.Description of the Burning of St. John's July 8th, 1892
11. Hurricane of 1775
School History and Various Reports
1. 1831/2 Proceedings of the Newfoundland & British North America Society for Educating the Poor.
General Interest
1.A Note on Jersey and Newfoundland
2.A Personal History of Topsail, NF
3.The Annie S. Clarke
4. Curing fish for shipment to England
5.The Early Relations between Newfoundland and the Channel Islands
6.The Expedition of Monsieur De Montigny to Newfoundland in 1705 Posted in French and English
7.Father Forristal Passes To His Reward
8. Five drowned Within a Stones Throw of Sydney
9.Historical Sketch Of The Progress Of Medicine In Newfoundland
10. The Jersey Men
11.The Journal of Rev. Julian Moreton
12.Juke's Excursions, 1839 & 1840
13.Life in the Lumber Woods in the 30s
14. Methodism In Eastern British America
15.Methodism, On the Grand Banks and Fortune Circuts from 1816 to 1916
16. Misc. News re Belle Island
17. Newfoundland Currency and Banksing Institutions
18.Newfoundland Folklore
19.Newfoundland Name Lore by The Late Archbishop Howley
20. Newfoundland's Island of Iron
21.The Portuguese In Newfoundland Waters
22. Reports on State of The Work of God - 1829 - 1878 - Newfoundland Conference Archives - St. John's
23.S.S. Greenland
24.Six Month's of a Newfoundland Missionaries Journal Edward Wix
25.St. John's 1772 Bill of Sale for Fishery
26. Statement of Monies in the custody of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland July, 1831
27.Statement of Monies in the custody of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland Dec, 1833
28. The Treasury of Newfoundland Stories - a collection of 56 stories, true and fiction, about life in Newfoundland in the first half of the 20th century.
29.Clearance Certificate for the fishing vessel "Swan"
30. Listing of "Fishing Masters" showing locations, ship names and destinations during 1678
31. "A Matter of Custom and Convenience": Marriage Law in Nineteenth-Century Newfoundland

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Wednesday March 06, 2013)

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