Bay Historical Information |
People |
1. The Bonavista Bay District Surnames List
2.Bonavista Petitions and Letters - (1791
- 1796) |
3.Bonavista - People and Places 1675 - 1708
4. Church Council - 21st Annual Report |
5. The Crew of "Little Jap" |
6. Excerpts from "The Sea, Our Life-Blood"
pp. 30 and 31 |
7. Excerpts from "The Sea, Our Life-Blood"
pp. 122-127 |
8. Failure of the Fishery Petition
9. First Born in Bonavista |
10. First Mentioned Surnames of Inhabitants of
Newfoundland prior to 1675 |
11. Flat Island Evening Telegram (Memories
- 13 June 1936) |
12. NFLD & British North American School Society
Contributors (1832 - 1842) |
13. Parishioners - 1823 |
14. Proceedings of the NFLD & British North
American Society for Educating the Poor (1831 - 1832) |
15. Those Who Made a Difference in Community
Development |
16. Rev. U. Z. Rule and the Book "Reminisiscences of My Life" |
17. "Perhaps They Left Us Up Here" (excerpts of Newfoundland names) |
18. "Newfoundland and its Missionaries" (excerpts of Newfoundland names) |
19. Newfoundland Disasters |
20. House of Assembly Records |
21. Newfoundland Veteran's Company |
22. Index to Sharemens Ledger 1904, King's Cove, Bonavista Bay |
23. Licensed Guides in Newfoundland in 1911 |
24. The Story of George Parsons (January 1867) |
25. Benjamin Hayward - Early Bonavista Planter |
26. Early Crewe Family History |
27. Additional Crewe Family History |
28. Alexander Bremmer, Agent for the Merchant Robert Slade of Poole, Dorset |
29. Abbott Family History Note: This is a very large file and will be slow in downloading. |
30. Chalk Family HistoryNote: This is a very large file and will be slow in downloading. |
Places |
1. Architecture of the Strathie Family in Bonavista
2. Church Contact Points |
3. Descriptions for Communities not found
in the Encyclopedia of Newfoundland |
Barrow Harbour, Little Harbour, Broom Close and Sailor's Island, all in
Bonavista Bay. |
5. History of King's Cove |
6. Land Petitions, August 16, 1831 |
7. Report on fishing - 1698 |
8. St. James Anglican Church History, King's
Cove |
9. St. James Anglican Church Poem, King's Cove
10. Wesleyville Land Grants |
11. Gambo Land Grants |
12. Wilfred Osborne/Osmond's Memories of Safe
Harbour, Bonavista Bay |
13. Pinchards Island Reunion 1993 |
Events |
1. Assorted Notes on French Attacks |
2. Historical Sketch Of The Progress Of Medicine
In Newfoundland |
3. Wreck of a Bonavista Bay Workhorse |
4. Hurricane of 1775 |
School History and Various Reports |
1. 1831/2 Proceedings of the Newfoundland & British North America Society for Educating the Poor. |
General Interest |
1. The Annie S. Clarke |
2. Curing fish for the shipment to England
3. The Early Relations between Newfoundland and
the Channel Islands |
4. The Expedition of Monsieur De Montigny to
Newfoundland in 1705 Posted in French and English |
5. Father Forristal Passes To His Reward
6. An Interesting Description of Bonavista Bay
Area by the REV. Joseph Beete Jukes |
7. The Jersey Men |
8. The Journal of Rev. Julian Moreton ca. 1861
9. "Life in the Lumber Woods in the 30s"
10. Methodism, On the Grand Banks and Fortune
Circuts from 1816 to 1916 |
11. Newfoundland Currency and Banksing Institutions
12. Newfoundland Folklore |
13. A Note on Jersey and Newfoundland |
14. Several Misc Bonavista Documents
15. Slade & Co. History |
16. Statement of Monies in the custody of the
Supreme Court of Newfoundland July, 1831 |
17. Statement of Monies in the custody of the
Supreme Court of Newfoundland Dec, 1833 |
18. Towns Of The North |
19. Colonial Office Records |
20. The Treasury of Newfoundland Stories
- a collection of 56 stories, true and fiction, about life in Newfoundland
in the first half of the 20th century. |
21.1678 Listing of "Fishing Masters" showing locations, ship names and destinations during 1678 |
22. 1678 Ships in the Bonavista area. from English Harb to Port Bonavista |
23. Enterprising Women Carrying On a Fishery Business in 17th Century Avalon Region |
24. Bonavista 1497 - 1700 |
25. "A Matter of Custom and Convenience": Marriage Law in Nineteenth-Century Newfoundland |