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Historical Information
Bonavista Bay Regional Area

The following are miscellaneous articles or books submitted by individuals that are doing research
and have graciously agreed to place them here for your pleasure.

Bonavista Bay Historical Information
1. The Bonavista Bay District Surnames List
2.Bonavista Petitions and Letters - (1791 - 1796)
3.Bonavista - People and Places 1675 - 1708
4. Church Council - 21st Annual Report
5. The Crew of "Little Jap"
6. Excerpts from "The Sea, Our Life-Blood" pp. 30 and 31
7. Excerpts from "The Sea, Our Life-Blood" pp. 122-127
8. Failure of the Fishery Petition
9. First Born in Bonavista
10. First Mentioned Surnames of Inhabitants of Newfoundland prior to 1675
11. Flat Island Evening Telegram (Memories - 13 June 1936)
12. NFLD & British North American School Society Contributors (1832 - 1842)
13. Parishioners - 1823
14. Proceedings of the NFLD & British North American Society for Educating the Poor (1831 - 1832)
15. Those Who Made a Difference in Community Development
16. Rev. U. Z. Rule and the Book "Reminisiscences of My Life"
17. "Perhaps They Left Us Up Here" (excerpts of Newfoundland names)
18. "Newfoundland and its Missionaries" (excerpts of Newfoundland names)
19. Newfoundland Disasters
20. House of Assembly Records
21. Newfoundland Veteran's Company
22. Index to Sharemens Ledger 1904, King's Cove, Bonavista Bay
23. Licensed Guides in Newfoundland in 1911
24. The Story of George Parsons (January 1867)
25. Benjamin Hayward - Early Bonavista Planter
26. Early Crewe Family History
27. Additional Crewe Family History
28. Alexander Bremmer, Agent for the Merchant Robert Slade of Poole, Dorset
29. Abbott Family History Note: This is a very large file and will be slow in downloading.
30. Chalk Family HistoryNote: This is a very large file and will be slow in downloading.
1. Architecture of the Strathie Family in Bonavista
2. Church Contact Points
3. Descriptions for Communities not found in the Encyclopedia of Newfoundland
Barrow Harbour, Little Harbour, Broom Close and Sailor's Island, all in Bonavista Bay.
5. History of King's Cove
6. Land Petitions, August 16, 1831
7. Report on fishing - 1698
8. St. James Anglican Church History, King's Cove
9. St. James Anglican Church Poem, King's Cove
10. Wesleyville Land Grants
11. Gambo Land Grants
12. Wilfred Osborne/Osmond's Memories of Safe Harbour, Bonavista Bay
13. Pinchards Island Reunion 1993
1. Assorted Notes on French Attacks
2. Historical Sketch Of The Progress Of Medicine In Newfoundland
3. Wreck of a Bonavista Bay Workhorse
4. Hurricane of 1775
School History and Various Reports
1. 1831/2 Proceedings of the Newfoundland & British North America Society for Educating the Poor.
General Interest
1. The Annie S. Clarke
2. Curing fish for the shipment to England
3. The Early Relations between Newfoundland and the Channel Islands
4. The Expedition of Monsieur De Montigny to Newfoundland in 1705 Posted in French and English
5. Father Forristal Passes To His Reward
6. An Interesting Description of Bonavista Bay Area by the REV. Joseph Beete Jukes
7. The Jersey Men
8. The Journal of Rev. Julian Moreton ca. 1861
9. "Life in the Lumber Woods in the 30s"
10. Methodism, On the Grand Banks and Fortune Circuts from 1816 to 1916
11. Newfoundland Currency and Banksing Institutions
12. Newfoundland Folklore
13. A Note on Jersey and Newfoundland
14. Several Misc Bonavista Documents
15. Slade & Co. History
16. Statement of Monies in the custody of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland July, 1831
17. Statement of Monies in the custody of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland Dec, 1833
18. Towns Of The North
19. Colonial Office Records
20. The Treasury of Newfoundland Stories - a collection of 56 stories, true and fiction, about life in Newfoundland in the first half of the 20th century.
21.1678 Listing of "Fishing Masters" showing locations, ship names and destinations during 1678
22. 1678 Ships in the Bonavista area. from English Harb to Port Bonavista
23. Enterprising Women Carrying On a Fishery Business in 17th Century Avalon Region
24. Bonavista 1497 - 1700
25. "A Matter of Custom and Convenience": Marriage Law in Nineteenth-Century Newfoundland

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Sunday June 09, 2013)

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