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This page is for listings of the surname SKEARD, and people with research interest.
Bill Crant Early Instances: SKEARD (SCARD) Richard marr. Sept. 16, 1842 ANDERSON Eleanor
2.) George b. Sept.21, 1843 Upper Burgeo 3.) Thomas b. May 27, 1846 Upper Burgeo SKEARD (SCARD) Thomas marr. Sept. 9, 1844 KEEPING Elizabeth
2.) George b. June 2, 1845 3.) Julia Ellen b. Mar. 31, 1847 4.) Elizabeth b. May 13, 1849 5.) ------- bpt. May 10, 1857 6.) Herriett Jane bpt. Feb. 27, 1858
The entries have been supplied by various contributors.
[ Alpha Listing]
Page Revised: July 2002 (Don Tate)
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