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Tel #
Pack, A. E., r. 1 Sudbury 2370W
Paddon, Mrs. G. M., r. 17 Military 1955R
Palace, R. C., Bonaventure Ave. 225
Palfrey, Mrs. Margaret, r. 74 Gower 731J
Palmer, C. H., r. 76 Cochrane 224R
Parade Store,   6 Freshwater 329
Parade Store,   4 Freshwater 2833
Paramount Beauty Shoppe, Mrs. G. Drayton, Cochrane Hotel 3338
Park Inn (D. J. Williams, Prop.) 247 Water W. 2304
Parker, Mrs. J. F.. r. Garrison Hill 780
Parker, John, r. Topsail Rd. 930
Parker & Monroe, Ltd., West End Branch   888
  West End Branch   889
  West End Store   1216
  East End Branch   396
  East End Store   1215
  Factory, Alexander St. 491
Parker, Mrs. T., r. 19 Garrison Hill 1973J
Parkins, A. E., r. 107 Gower 2069J
Parkins, Cyril L., r. Craigmiller 2932J
Parmiter, Mrs. A.. r. 259 Hamilton 2627R
Parrell, Leo., Ice Dealer, T. Allandale 2391
Parrell, P., r. 66 Bannerman 3206W
Parrell, Thos., r. Kenmount Rd. 3472W
Parrell, Wm., r. 14 Barnes' Rd. 1556R
Parsons, A., Grocer, New Gower 555
Parsons, A., r. 90 Gower 1682
Parsons, A., r. Atlantic Ave. 1478
Parsons, Const. Albert, r Warbury 2947W
Parsons, Albert, r. 4 Hayward Ave. 1609W
Parsons, Allan P., Store, 23 Freshwater 2009
Parsons, Allan P., r. 11 Cook 3145W
Parsons, Mrs. A. Pitts, r. Waterford Bridge Road 185M
Parsons, Mrs. Bella, r. 38 Victoria 2905J
Parsons, Bern'd D., r. Robinson's Hill 2287
Parsons, Const. C. H., r. 35 St. Clare 2570M
Parsons, Chas., r. 63 Avalon Ter. 3349J
Parsons, Don., Taxi, 2 Springdale 2035
Parsons, E., r. 74 Freshwater 2778
Parsons, Edwin, r. 73 Hayward Ave. 407
Parsons, Mrs. Emma, r. 22 Dick's Sq. 2479J
Parsons, G. H., r. 69 Springdale 1647J
Parsons, General Store,   111 Merrymeeting 2421
Parsons, Geo. R., r. 30 Henry 1169
Parsons, Grace, r. 25 Cook 1686M
Parsons, H. J., r. 6 Franklyn Ave. 3281J
Parsons, Heber, r. Mount Pearl 2334W
Parsons, Mrs.' Howard, r 161 Pleasant 2698W
Parsons, Irvine, Store, Water 1750
Parsons, Irvine, r. 1 Topsail Rd. 364
Parsons, John, r. 135 LeMarchant 2367M
Parsons, Jos., Store, 206 Duckworth 2116
Parsons, Miss Kay, Beauty Salon, 16 McDougall 716
Parsons, Mrs. L., store, Warbury 2445
Parsons, M. D., r. 75 Freshwater 3178R
Parsons, Mrs. Margt., r. 19 Hayward 2414J
Parsons, Mrs. Mildred, r. 64 Prince of Wales 1866M
Parsons, R., r. 87 Casey 2614M
Parsons, R. A., K.C., r. 34 Queen's 2173
Parsons, R. F., r. Rostellan Rd. 752
Parsons, Robert, r. 68 Goodridge 2844J
Parsons, S., r. 96 LeMarchant 3432R
Parsons, S. H. & Son, Photographers, Prescott 521
Parsons, S. H., r. 17 Maxse 1661
Parsons, Mrs. Urban, r. 36 Queen's 525W
Parsons, W., Drugg~st, LeMarchant. 688
Parsons, W. J., r. southside Rd., W. 1894R
Parsons, W. J., r. 96 Gower 422
Parsons, Mrs. W., r. 42 Bonaventure 1698J
Parsons, Wm., r. Mount Royal Ave. 3389M
Paterson, C. C., r. 14 Gower 111
Paterson, C.C., o. Clift's Cove 1305
Paterson, Dr. L., r. 14 Gower 111
Paterson, R. G., r. Winter Place 1545M
Patrick, C., r. Lintrose Terrace 2759J
Patrick, H., r. 29 Topsail Rd. 3485M
Patterson, D. S. L., r. 8 Bonaventure 3311
Paul, Matthew, r. 17 Mullock 1190R
Payne, Andrew, r. 29 Franklyn Ave. 3282R
Payne, Harry H., r. Portugal C. Rd. 1206W
Payne, Kenneth, r. Craigmill 3339M
Payne, W.J., r. 4 Bulley 2989R
Peach, E. Norton, r. Kenna's Hill 1173J
Peach, R. L., r. Torbay Rd. 2034W
Pear, Wm., r. 58 Gilbert 3022R
Pearce, A., r. 13 Howe Place 2091W
Pearce, Goo., r. 1 Cavell Ave 1061M
Pearce, H., r. 18 Spruce 1470M
Pearce, Mrs. K., r. 45 Young 1710M
Pearce, Mrs. M. C., r. 23 Long 2987J
Pearce, N., r. Southside, W. 3380J
Pearcey, Mrs. Chas. r. 57 Franklyn 3289M
Pearcey, Joseph, r. 62 Cabot 1665J
Pearcey, J. C., o. Commercial Chambers   1417
Pearcey, Miss Lizzie, r. 8 Bond 2301M
Pearcey, Sergt. Patrick, r. 27 Central 691
Pearcey, W. J., r. Topsail 2886M
Peckford, A., r. 9 Franklyn Ave. 3284R
Peckford, Miss Beatrice, r. 154 Pennywell 3481R
Peckford, Mrs. C., r. Signal Hill Rd. 1187
Peckford, T. W., r. 6 Kimberly Row 1740W
Peckham, B. F., r. Logy Bay Rd. 2259M
Peddigrew, Robt., r. Nagle's Hill 1536J
Peddigrew Bros., Tailors, 93 New Gower 1314
Peddigrew, Harry, Druggist, Military 114
Peddle, Abraham, r. 19 Long 2987W
Peddle, Arthur, r. 6 Mt. Pleasant Av. 3369R
Peddle, J., r. 279 Water 2538W
Peddle, Jas., r. 59 Franklyn Ave. 3289W
Peddle, R., r. Mundy Pond Rd. 3366
Peddle, R. C., r. Prince of Wales 3218W
Peel, Robert, r. 5 Blatch Ave 3171M
Peel, Thos., r. 22 Cook 3198W
Peet, A., r. 65 St. Clare Ave. 1857J
Peet, A. E., r. 212 Pleasant 3224W
Peet, Chas. R., r. 176 Patrick 2709W
Peet, Gordon N., r. 71 Alexander 2804J
Peet, H. J., r. Long's Hill 865R
Peet, Mrs. J., r. 45 Scott 3025R
Peet, Leonard, r. 1 Livingstone 2968M
Peet, Wm. J., r. 176 LeMarchant 3253W
Pelley, Const. A., r. 177 Pennywell 3364R
Pelley, D. E., r. 213 LeMarchant 3237M
Pelley, F., r. Pennywell 2017W
Pelley's Dry Goods & Grocery,   174 Pleasant 101
Pender, Mary, r. 60 King's Rd. 2817J
Penman & Co., Ltd.,   Water. 1147
Pennell, S., r. 60 Hayward Ave. 1071R
Penney, A. R., r. 22 Merrymeeting 3005J
Penney, Bert, r. 78 Pleasant 2692M
Penney, Mrs. F., r. Topsail Rd. 3422
Penney, Frank, Manufgrs. Agent, 158 Water 1483
Penney, Frank, r. 156 LeMarchant 3260M
Penney, Miss Ivy, r. 121 Craigmiller 3272R
Penney, J. W., r. 52 Long's Hill 1264
Penney, L., r. 1 Golf Ave. 3052J
Fenney, Miss Mary, r. 6 Brine 2651W
Penney, Mrs. R., r. 15 Walsh's Sq. 113R
Penney, Sam, r. Purcell Ridge Rd. 1975J
Penney, Weston, r. 21 LeMarchant 1549J
Penston, Miss E., r. Waterford B. Rd. 2084M
Percey, F., r. Lake View Ave. 1834
Percey, Fred, Truckman, East End Stand   2092
Percey, Fred, r. Portugal Cove Rd. 2291J
Perchard, Mrs. Jas., r. 34 Central 3122M
Percival, Mrs. L., r. Robinson's HI. 1545R
Percy, D. F., r, 90 Bond 161
Percy, Geo., r. 55 Charlton 2586W
Percy, J., r. 133 Casey 3493M
Percy, Stan., r. 17½ Freshwater 3188J
Perez, Mrs. J. C., r. 98 Springdale 3358J
Perlin, A. B., r. Water, W. 2540
Perlin, I. F. & Co., Water 652
Perlin, I. F., r. 44 Queen's Rd. 1345
Perry, Fred, r. 254 Hamilton Ave. 2632J
Perry, G., r. 7 Morris Ave. 3423W
Perry, Reg. W., r. Cornwall Ave. 666M
Perry, Mrs. Vida K., r. Craigmiller 809W
Personality Beauty Parlor (Mrs. Horwood) Theatre Hill 1382
Peters, E. F., r. 63 Pennywell 1333R
Peters, G. E., r. 13 Leslie 2523M
Peters, George, r. 70 LeMarchant 792
Peters, Rev. John E., r. Water, W 267
Peters, Mrs. Joseph, r. 177 Gower 799
Peters & Sons, o. 347 Duckworth 371
Peters, W. H., r. Allandale Rd. 1273
Peters, Wilf. E., r. 195 LeMarchant 3419M
Petrie, Miss Martha, r. 80 Lime 2961R
Petten, R., r. 39 St. Clare Ave. 1712J
Peyton, Miss D. E., r. 28 Brazil Sq 2566R
Phelan, Miss, r. 2 Adelaide 1826W
Phelan, Allan, r. Torbay Rd. 2034J
Phelan, Bert, r. 68 Salisbury 2856R
Phelan Bros., office, Holloway 1017
Phelan, E. J., r. Waterford B. Rd. 3453
Phelan, Mrs. Katherine, r. 33 Leslie 3464R
Phelan, Mrs. P., r. King's Rd. 2029J
Phillips, Ernest, r. Allandale Rd. 1691J
Phillips, G. T., r. 13 Prince of Wales 1656
Phillips, George, Tinsmith, Gower 1847
Phillips, George, r. Allandale Rd. 1691M
Phillips, J. C., r. 67 Military 2790W
Phillips, J. G., r. top Prince of Wales 1562W
Piccott, Mrs. M., r. 24 King's Rd. 892J
Piccott, Patrick, r. 24 Carnell 2577M
Pidgeon, Jas., r. 25 Maxse 2573
Pierce, Edward, r. 2 Codner's L. 3103R
Piercey, Aiex., r. 51 St. Clare Ave. 947J
Piercey, R. S., r. 54 Stephen 3119W
Piercey, S. G., r. 18 Gilbert, 3022M
Pierpoint, A. H., r. Blatch Ave. 3171J
Pierpoint, A. H., Store, Rawlins' Cross 1977
Pike, Arthur, Grocer, 4 Quidi V. Rd. 268
Pike, Mrs. Arthur, r. 104 LeMarchant 1664
Pike, Ernest, r. 3 Brine 1446
Pike, G., r. 7 Cavell Ave. 2144R
Pike, Geo., r. 43 Avalon Terrace 2998
Pike, George E., r. 184 Hamilton Av. 2634M
Pike, Gordon F., r. Leslie 2110R
Pike, H., r. Linscott 1628M
Pike, H. K., r. 260 New Gower 2666W
Pike, Harvey, r. 203 Hamilton Ave. 2631R
Pike, Hayward, r. 30 Boncloddy 3287M
Pike, J. A., r. 24 Gilbert 3022W
Ptke, J. F., r. 244 LeMarchant 1351
Pike, Max, r. 19 St. Clare Ave. 2880M
Pike, Moses, r. 11 Colonial 2280M
Pike, T. S., r. Waterford Bridge Rd. 2496J
Pike, Thomas, r. 72 Cabot 2256R
Pike, W. B., r. 1 Murray 1711J
Pike, W. G., r. 20 Allandale Rd. 1178R
Pike, W. H., Cooper Shop, Alexander 2557
Pike, W. H., r. 106 Springdale 2608R
Pike, W. J., r. 140 Patrick 893
Pike, Wm. H., r. 6 Catherine 2830J
Pike, Wm., r. Southside, W. 3306J
Pilgrim, Mrs. L., r. Blackmarsh Rd. 2771M
Pilot House,   King's Wharf 1074
Pine, J. J., r. 105 Springdale 2607W
Pine, Miss Mary, White Spot,, 3 Gilbert 1486
Pinsent, E. S., o. Royal Bank Bldg   176
Pinsent, E. S., r. Devon Row 74
Pippy, C. A., office 170 Water 1797
Pippy, C. A., office, 170 Water 1798
Pippy, C. A., r. 157 LeMarchant 2966
Pippy, Mrs. Clarice, r. 71 Springdale 1109
Pippy, Miss E., r. 61 Power 2605R
Pippy, Mrs. H. C., r. 7 Waidegrave 2461R
Pppy, Harold, r. 111 Springdale 2688R
Pippy, John C., r. Balsam 2450
Pippy, Mrs. Roy, r. 193 LeMarchant 3254M
Pippy, Walter, r. Torbay Rd. 2291W
Pippy, W. G., Tinsmith, 425 Water 278
Pippy, W. G., r. 178 Pleasant 2698M
Pitcher, Sergt. C., r. 15 Prince of Wales 3088J
Pitcher, E., r. 17 Freshwater 3187M
Pitcher, H. E., r. 77 Hayward Ave. 272J
Pitcher, J. C., r. 7 Boncloddy 3287R
Pittman, Anderson, r. 447 Southside 1261R
Pittman, Arthur, r. Bond 3081M
Pittman, F. E., r. 132 Patrick 233
Pittman, Jas., r. cr. Bond 3080M
Pittman, Mrs. K., r. 54 Alexander 3411W
Ploughman, Roland, r. 115 Bond 1517M
Police Mess Quarters, West End Fire Hall   3047
  Fort Townshend   1742
  East End Fire Hall   3155
Policoff, Dr. A. W., s. & r. 2 Freshwater 1960
Pollard, Harold, r. 70 Fleming 2919R
Pollard, Mrs. S., r. 25 Pennywell 2225M
Pollock, John, r. Mayor Ave. 499
Polson, Mrs. M., r. 27 Stephen 3110W
Pomeroy, E. G., Plumber, 15 Cabot 2026
Pope's Furniture & Mattress Facty.,   Waldegrave 659
Pope's Furniture Showroom,   Water 2187
Pope, H. J., r. Mundy Pond Rd. 2080
Pope, M. H., Grocer, Waldegrave 891
Pope, Thos. J., r. Mundy Pond Rd. 3384
Pope, W. P., r. 86 St. Clare Ave. 3383
Popular Clothing Store, M. Epstein, Manager, Water 590
Porter, Herman, r. Cabot 1669M
Porter, John F., (A. & N. L.), r 128 Circular 1879M
Porter, Miss V. M., r. 36 Gower 2640M
Pottle, Cluny, r. 319 Hamilton Ave. 808J
Pottle, George, r. Freshwater Rd 2290W
Pottle, Harry, r. 5 Cabot 1710J
Pottle, Jethro, r. 11 Gear 1658J
Power, D. C., r. 2 Ordnance 3447
Power, D. C., Agent Mendex & Co., Porto Rico, Water 2576
Power, E. J., r. 54 Mullock 1838J
Power, Mrs. Francis, r. 61 Brazil Sq. 2658W
Power, Geo. F., r. 389 Water, W. 1342R
Power, J. J., r. 53 Calver Ave. 2841R
Power, John, r. 7 Plymouth Rd. 2091M
Power, John, r. 246 New Gower 2666J
Power, John, r. 50 Signal Hill Rd 3241M
Power, John T., r. LeMarchant 3234J
Power, Miss M., r. 56 Quidi Vidi 903J
Power, M. A., r. 39 Scott 817J
Power, M. J., r. 131 George 1715M
Power, M. J., r. Mount Royal Ave 3389W
Power, Michael, r. LeMarchant 1497
Power, Michael, Jr., r. 48 Fleming 1019M
Power, Miss Nora, r. 240 Duckworth 33l5R
Power, Mrs. T., r. 21 Scott 817R
Power, T., r. 81 Military 735R
Power, Miss T. F., L.T.CL.. r. 9 Power 2734J
Power, Thos. P., r. 11 Parade 3049J
Power, Wm., r. McKay 548M
Pratt, C. C., r. Waterlord Bridge Rd. 1597
Pratt, J. C., Hardware, Fire & Life, Water 1820
Pratt, J. C., r. Circular 328
Pratt, J. K., r. 89 LeMarcbant 3432J
Presbyterian Hall,   Queen's Rd. 2247
Presbyterian Manse,   Queen's Rd. 464
Presentation Convent,   Cathedral Sq. 877
Press, F. D., r. 15 MullQck 1190J
Press, G. H., r. 26 Freshwater 1756
Preston, F. J., r. 70 Hayward Ave. 272M
Pretty, Fred, r. 67 Alexander 3161J
Pretty, L., r. 7 Spencer 2693
Pretty, Mrs. S., r. 49 Avalon Terrace 2886R
Prince of Wales College,   LeMarchant 2478
Price, Miss G., r. 118 St. Clare Ave. 2663R
Prominent Style Shop,   282 Water 2395
Prowse, C., r.   Allandale Rd. 989J
Prowse, J. J., Caribou Agencies, Renouf Building   1976
Public Bureau Office,   4 Prescott 2642
Puddester, C. R,.. r. LeMarchant, W. 2524M
Puddester, Ches., r. 6 Dunford 2591W
Puddester, Clayton; r. 13 Bennett A. 3368J
Puddester, Hon. J. C., r. Hamilton Av. 266
Puddester, J. M., r. 11 Gilbert 2589W
Puddester, L., r. Leslie 2702R
Puddester, R. P., r. 70 Leslie 2929R
Purcell, John, r. 6 Malta 2836R
Purcell, Mrs. Wm., r. 20 Brine 2653R
Purchase, A. A., r. 11 Long's Hill 2976W
Purchase, Miss M., r. Forest Rd. 1812R
  Night & Holiday Calls:    
  General Office   2544
  Watchman   2545
Pushie, W. G... r. 101 Pleasant 2714R
Pye, George, r. Hamilton Ave. 2635J
Pye, J., r. 237 Hamilton Ave. 541M
Pyne, E., r. 7 Bond 2261J
Pynn, A., r. 25 Mt. Royal Ave. 3378J

Contributed and Transcribed by Craig Peterman (April 2003)

Revised by Craig Peterman (April 2003)

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