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ST. JOHN'S | |||
Tel #
"P" | |||
Pack, | A. E., r. | 1 Sudbury | 2370W |
Paddon, | Mrs. G. M., r. | 17 Military | 1955R |
Palace, | R. C., | Bonaventure Ave. | 225 |
Palfrey, | Mrs. Margaret, r. | 74 Gower | 731J |
Palmer, | C. H., r. | 76 Cochrane | 224R |
Parade Store, | 6 Freshwater | 329 | |
Parade Store, | 4 Freshwater | 2833 | |
Paramount Beauty Shoppe, | Mrs. G. Drayton, | Cochrane Hotel | 3338 |
Park Inn | (D. J. Williams, Prop.) | 247 Water W. | 2304 |
Parker, | Mrs. J. F.. r. | Garrison Hill | 780 |
Parker, | John, r. | Topsail Rd. | 930 |
Parker & Monroe, Ltd., | West End Branch | 888 | |
West End Branch | 889 | ||
West End Store | 1216 | ||
East End Branch | 396 | ||
East End Store | 1215 | ||
Factory, | Alexander St. | 491 | |
Parker, | Mrs. T., r. | 19 Garrison Hill | 1973J |
Parkins, | A. E., r. | 107 Gower | 2069J |
Parkins, | Cyril L., r. | Craigmiller | 2932J |
Parmiter, | Mrs. A.. r. | 259 Hamilton | 2627R |
Parrell, | Leo., Ice Dealer, T. | Allandale | 2391 |
Parrell, | P., r. | 66 Bannerman | 3206W |
Parrell, | Thos., r. | Kenmount Rd. | 3472W |
Parrell, | Wm., r. | 14 Barnes' Rd. | 1556R |
Parsons, | A., Grocer, | New Gower | 555 |
Parsons, | A., r. | 90 Gower | 1682 |
Parsons, | A., r. | Atlantic Ave. | 1478 |
Parsons, | Const. Albert, r | Warbury | 2947W |
Parsons, | Albert, r. | 4 Hayward Ave. | 1609W |
Parsons, | Allan P., Store, | 23 Freshwater | 2009 |
Parsons, | Allan P., r. | 11 Cook | 3145W |
Parsons, | Mrs. A. Pitts, r. | Waterford Bridge Road | 185M |
Parsons, | Mrs. Bella, r. | 38 Victoria | 2905J |
Parsons, | Bern'd D., r. | Robinson's Hill | 2287 |
Parsons, | Const. C. H., r. | 35 St. Clare | 2570M |
Parsons, | Chas., r. | 63 Avalon Ter. | 3349J |
Parsons, | Don., Taxi, | 2 Springdale | 2035 |
Parsons, | E., r. | 74 Freshwater | 2778 |
Parsons, | Edwin, r. | 73 Hayward Ave. | 407 |
Parsons, | Mrs. Emma, r. | 22 Dick's Sq. | 2479J |
Parsons, | G. H., r. | 69 Springdale | 1647J |
Parsons, General Store, | 111 Merrymeeting | 2421 | |
Parsons, | Geo. R., r. | 30 Henry | 1169 |
Parsons, | Grace, r. | 25 Cook | 1686M |
Parsons, | H. J., r. | 6 Franklyn Ave. | 3281J |
Parsons, | Heber, r. | Mount Pearl | 2334W |
Parsons, | Mrs.' Howard, r | 161 Pleasant | 2698W |
Parsons, | Irvine, Store, | Water | 1750 |
Parsons, | Irvine, r. | 1 Topsail Rd. | 364 |
Parsons, | John, r. | 135 LeMarchant | 2367M |
Parsons, | Jos., Store, | 206 Duckworth | 2116 |
Parsons, | Miss Kay, Beauty Salon, | 16 McDougall | 716 |
Parsons, | Mrs. L., store, | Warbury | 2445 |
Parsons, | M. D., r. | 75 Freshwater | 3178R |
Parsons, | Mrs. Margt., r. | 19 Hayward | 2414J |
Parsons, | Mrs. Mildred, r. | 64 Prince of Wales | 1866M |
Parsons, | R., r. | 87 Casey | 2614M |
Parsons, | R. A., K.C., r. | 34 Queen's | 2173 |
Parsons, | R. F., r. | Rostellan Rd. | 752 |
Parsons, | Robert, r. | 68 Goodridge | 2844J |
Parsons, | S., r. | 96 LeMarchant | 3432R |
Parsons, | S. H. & Son, Photographers, | Prescott | 521 |
Parsons, | S. H., r. | 17 Maxse | 1661 |
Parsons, | Mrs. Urban, r. | 36 Queen's | 525W |
Parsons, | W., Drugg~st, | LeMarchant. | 688 |
Parsons, | W. J., r. | southside Rd., W. | 1894R |
Parsons, | W. J., r. | 96 Gower | 422 |
Parsons, | Mrs. W., r. | 42 Bonaventure | 1698J |
Parsons, | Wm., r. | Mount Royal Ave. | 3389M |
Paterson, | C. C., r. | 14 Gower | 111 |
Paterson, | C.C., o. | Clift's Cove | 1305 |
Paterson, | Dr. L., r. | 14 Gower | 111 |
Paterson, | R. G., r. | Winter Place | 1545M |
Patrick, | C., r. | Lintrose Terrace | 2759J |
Patrick, | H., r. | 29 Topsail Rd. | 3485M |
Patterson, | D. S. L., r. | 8 Bonaventure | 3311 |
Paul, | Matthew, r. | 17 Mullock | 1190R |
Payne, | Andrew, r. | 29 Franklyn Ave. | 3282R |
Payne, | Harry H., r. | Portugal C. Rd. | 1206W |
Payne, | Kenneth, r. | Craigmill | 3339M |
Payne, | W.J., r. | 4 Bulley | 2989R |
Peach, | E. Norton, r. | Kenna's Hill | 1173J |
Peach, | R. L., r. | Torbay Rd. | 2034W |
Pear, | Wm., r. | 58 Gilbert | 3022R |
Pearce, | A., r. | 13 Howe Place | 2091W |
Pearce, | Goo., r. | 1 Cavell Ave | 1061M |
Pearce, | H., r. | 18 Spruce | 1470M |
Pearce, | Mrs. K., r. | 45 Young | 1710M |
Pearce, | Mrs. M. C., r. | 23 Long | 2987J |
Pearce, | N., r. | Southside, W. | 3380J |
Pearcey, | Mrs. Chas. r. | 57 Franklyn | 3289M |
Pearcey, | Joseph, r. | 62 Cabot | 1665J |
Pearcey, | J. C., o. Commercial Chambers | 1417 | |
Pearcey, | Miss Lizzie, r. | 8 Bond | 2301M |
Pearcey, | Sergt. Patrick, r. | 27 Central | 691 |
Pearcey, | W. J., r. | Topsail | 2886M |
Peckford, | A., r. | 9 Franklyn Ave. | 3284R |
Peckford, | Miss Beatrice, r. | 154 Pennywell | 3481R |
Peckford, | Mrs. C., r. | Signal Hill Rd. | 1187 |
Peckford, | T. W., r. | 6 Kimberly Row | 1740W |
Peckham, | B. F., r. | Logy Bay Rd. | 2259M |
Peddigrew, | Robt., r. | Nagle's Hill | 1536J |
Peddigrew Bros., | Tailors, | 93 New Gower | 1314 |
Peddigrew, | Harry, Druggist, | Military | 114 |
Peddle, | Abraham, r. | 19 Long | 2987W |
Peddle, | Arthur, r. | 6 Mt. Pleasant Av. | 3369R |
Peddle, | J., r. | 279 Water | 2538W |
Peddle, | Jas., r. | 59 Franklyn Ave. | 3289W |
Peddle, | R., r. | Mundy Pond Rd. | 3366 |
Peddle, | R. C., r. | Prince of Wales | 3218W |
Peel, | Robert, r. | 5 Blatch Ave | 3171M |
Peel, | Thos., r. | 22 Cook | 3198W |
Peet, | A., r. | 65 St. Clare Ave. | 1857J |
Peet, | A. E., r. | 212 Pleasant | 3224W |
Peet, | Chas. R., r. | 176 Patrick | 2709W |
Peet, | Gordon N., r. | 71 Alexander | 2804J |
Peet, | H. J., r. | Long's Hill | 865R |
Peet, | Mrs. J., r. | 45 Scott | 3025R |
Peet, | Leonard, r. | 1 Livingstone | 2968M |
Peet, | Wm. J., r. | 176 LeMarchant | 3253W |
Pelley, | Const. A., r. | 177 Pennywell | 3364R |
Pelley, | D. E., r. | 213 LeMarchant | 3237M |
Pelley, | F., r. | Pennywell | 2017W |
Pelley's Dry Goods & Grocery, | 174 Pleasant | 101 | |
Pender, | Mary, r. | 60 King's Rd. | 2817J |
Penman & Co., Ltd., | Water. | 1147 | |
Pennell, | S., r. | 60 Hayward Ave. | 1071R |
Penney, | A. R., r. | 22 Merrymeeting | 3005J |
Penney, | Bert, r. | 78 Pleasant | 2692M |
Penney, | Mrs. F., r. | Topsail Rd. | 3422 |
Penney, | Frank, Manufgrs. Agent, | 158 Water | 1483 |
Penney, | Frank, r. | 156 LeMarchant | 3260M |
Penney, | Miss Ivy, r. | 121 Craigmiller | 3272R |
Penney, | J. W., r. | 52 Long's Hill | 1264 |
Penney, | L., r. | 1 Golf Ave. | 3052J |
Fenney, | Miss Mary, r. | 6 Brine | 2651W |
Penney, | Mrs. R., r. | 15 Walsh's Sq. | 113R |
Penney, | Sam, r. | Purcell Ridge Rd. | 1975J |
Penney, | Weston, r. | 21 LeMarchant | 1549J |
Penston, | Miss E., r. | Waterford B. Rd. | 2084M |
Percey, | F., r. | Lake View Ave. | 1834 |
Percey, | Fred, Truckman, East End Stand | 2092 | |
Percey, | Fred, r. | Portugal Cove Rd. | 2291J |
Perchard, | Mrs. Jas., r. | 34 Central | 3122M |
Percival, | Mrs. L., r. | Robinson's HI. | 1545R |
Percy, | D. F., r, | 90 Bond | 161 |
Percy, | Geo., r. | 55 Charlton | 2586W |
Percy, | J., r. | 133 Casey | 3493M |
Percy, | Stan., r. | 17½ Freshwater | 3188J |
Perez, | Mrs. J. C., r. | 98 Springdale | 3358J |
Perlin, | A. B., r. | Water, W. | 2540 |
Perlin, | I. F. & Co., | Water | 652 |
Perlin, | I. F., r. | 44 Queen's Rd. | 1345 |
Perry, | Fred, r. | 254 Hamilton Ave. | 2632J |
Perry, | G., r. | 7 Morris Ave. | 3423W |
Perry, | Reg. W., r. | Cornwall Ave. | 666M |
Perry, | Mrs. Vida K., r. | Craigmiller | 809W |
Personality Beauty Parlor | (Mrs. Horwood) | Theatre Hill | 1382 |
Peters, | E. F., r. | 63 Pennywell | 1333R |
Peters, | G. E., r. | 13 Leslie | 2523M |
Peters, | George, r. | 70 LeMarchant | 792 |
Peters, | Rev. John E., r. | Water, W | 267 |
Peters, | Mrs. Joseph, r. | 177 Gower | 799 |
Peters & Sons, | o. | 347 Duckworth | 371 |
Peters, | W. H., r. | Allandale Rd. | 1273 |
Peters, | Wilf. E., r. | 195 LeMarchant | 3419M |
Petrie, | Miss Martha, r. | 80 Lime | 2961R |
Petten, | R., r. | 39 St. Clare Ave. | 1712J |
Peyton, | Miss D. E., r. | 28 Brazil Sq | 2566R |
Phelan, | Miss, r. | 2 Adelaide | 1826W |
Phelan, | Allan, r. | Torbay Rd. | 2034J |
Phelan, | Bert, r. | 68 Salisbury | 2856R |
Phelan Bros., | office, | Holloway | 1017 |
Phelan, | E. J., r. | Waterford B. Rd. | 3453 |
Phelan, | Mrs. Katherine, r. | 33 Leslie | 3464R |
Phelan, | Mrs. P., r. | King's Rd. | 2029J |
Phillips, | Ernest, r. | Allandale Rd. | 1691J |
Phillips, | G. T., r. | 13 Prince of Wales | 1656 |
Phillips, | George, Tinsmith, | Gower | 1847 |
Phillips, | George, r. | Allandale Rd. | 1691M |
Phillips, | J. C., r. | 67 Military | 2790W |
Phillips, | J. G., r. | top Prince of Wales | 1562W |
Piccott, | Mrs. M., r. | 24 King's Rd. | 892J |
Piccott, | Patrick, r. | 24 Carnell | 2577M |
Pidgeon, | Jas., r. | 25 Maxse | 2573 |
Pierce, | Edward, r. | 2 Codner's L. | 3103R |
Piercey, | Aiex., r. | 51 St. Clare Ave. | 947J |
Piercey, | R. S., r. | 54 Stephen | 3119W |
Piercey, | S. G., r. | 18 Gilbert, | 3022M |
Pierpoint, | A. H., r. | Blatch Ave. | 3171J |
Pierpoint, | A. H., Store, | Rawlins' Cross | 1977 |
Pike, | Arthur, Grocer, | 4 Quidi V. Rd. | 268 |
Pike, | Mrs. Arthur, r. | 104 LeMarchant | 1664 |
Pike, | Ernest, r. | 3 Brine | 1446 |
Pike, | G., r. | 7 Cavell Ave. | 2144R |
Pike, | Geo., r. | 43 Avalon Terrace | 2998 |
Pike, | George E., r. | 184 Hamilton Av. | 2634M |
Pike, | Gordon F., r. | Leslie | 2110R |
Pike, | H., r. | Linscott | 1628M |
Pike, | H. K., r. | 260 New Gower | 2666W |
Pike, | Harvey, r. | 203 Hamilton Ave. | 2631R |
Pike, | Hayward, r. | 30 Boncloddy | 3287M |
Pike, | J. A., r. | 24 Gilbert | 3022W |
Ptke, | J. F., r. | 244 LeMarchant | 1351 |
Pike, | Max, r. | 19 St. Clare Ave. | 2880M |
Pike, | Moses, r. | 11 Colonial | 2280M |
Pike, | T. S., r. | Waterford Bridge Rd. | 2496J |
Pike, | Thomas, r. | 72 Cabot | 2256R |
Pike, | W. B., r. | 1 Murray | 1711J |
Pike, | W. G., r. | 20 Allandale Rd. | 1178R |
Pike, | W. H., Cooper Shop, | Alexander | 2557 |
Pike, | W. H., r. | 106 Springdale | 2608R |
Pike, | W. J., r. | 140 Patrick | 893 |
Pike, | Wm. H., r. | 6 Catherine | 2830J |
Pike, | Wm., r. | Southside, W. | 3306J |
Pilgrim, | Mrs. L., r. | Blackmarsh Rd. | 2771M |
Pilot House, | King's Wharf | 1074 | |
Pine, | J. J., r. | 105 Springdale | 2607W |
Pine, | Miss Mary, White Spot,, | 3 Gilbert | 1486 |
Pinsent, | E. S., o. Royal Bank Bldg | 176 | |
Pinsent, | E. S., r. | Devon Row | 74 |
Pippy, | C. A., office | 170 Water | 1797 |
Pippy, | C. A., office, | 170 Water | 1798 |
Pippy, | C. A., r. | 157 LeMarchant | 2966 |
Pippy, | Mrs. Clarice, r. | 71 Springdale | 1109 |
Pippy, | Miss E., r. | 61 Power | 2605R |
Pippy, | Mrs. H. C., r. | 7 Waidegrave | 2461R |
Pppy, | Harold, r. | 111 Springdale | 2688R |
Pippy, | John C., r. | Balsam | 2450 |
Pippy, | Mrs. Roy, r. | 193 LeMarchant | 3254M |
Pippy, | Walter, r. | Torbay Rd. | 2291W |
Pippy, | W. G., Tinsmith, | 425 Water | 278 |
Pippy, | W. G., r. | 178 Pleasant | 2698M |
Pitcher, | Sergt. C., r. | 15 Prince of Wales | 3088J |
Pitcher, | E., r. | 17 Freshwater | 3187M |
Pitcher, | H. E., r. | 77 Hayward Ave. | 272J |
Pitcher, | J. C., r. | 7 Boncloddy | 3287R |
Pittman, | Anderson, r. | 447 Southside | 1261R |
Pittman, | Arthur, r. | Bond | 3081M |
Pittman, | F. E., r. | 132 Patrick | 233 |
Pittman, | Jas., r. cr. | Bond | 3080M |
Pittman, | Mrs. K., r. | 54 Alexander | 3411W |
Ploughman, | Roland, r. | 115 Bond | 1517M |
Police Mess Quarters, | West End Fire Hall | 3047 | |
Fort Townshend | 1742 | ||
East End Fire Hall | 3155 | ||
Policoff, | Dr. A. W., s. & r. | 2 Freshwater | 1960 |
Pollard, | Harold, r. | 70 Fleming | 2919R |
Pollard, | Mrs. S., r. | 25 Pennywell | 2225M |
Pollock, | John, r. | Mayor Ave. | 499 |
Polson, | Mrs. M., r. | 27 Stephen | 3110W |
Pomeroy, | E. G., Plumber, | 15 Cabot | 2026 |
Pope's Furniture & Mattress Facty., | Waldegrave | 659 | |
Pope's Furniture Showroom, | Water | 2187 | |
Pope, | H. J., r. | Mundy Pond Rd. | 2080 |
Pope, | M. H., Grocer, | Waldegrave | 891 |
Pope, | Thos. J., r. | Mundy Pond Rd. | 3384 |
Pope, | W. P., r. | 86 St. Clare Ave. | 3383 |
Popular Clothing Store, | M. Epstein, Manager, | Water | 590 |
Porter, | Herman, r. | Cabot | 1669M |
Porter, | John F., (A. & N. L.), r | 128 Circular | 1879M |
Porter, | Miss V. M., r. | 36 Gower | 2640M |
Pottle, | Cluny, r. | 319 Hamilton Ave. | 808J |
Pottle, | George, r. | Freshwater Rd | 2290W |
Pottle, | Harry, r. | 5 Cabot | 1710J |
Pottle, | Jethro, r. | 11 Gear | 1658J |
Power, | D. C., r. | 2 Ordnance | 3447 |
Power, | D. C., Agent Mendex & Co., Porto Rico, | Water | 2576 |
Power, | E. J., r. | 54 Mullock | 1838J |
Power, | Mrs. Francis, r. | 61 Brazil Sq. | 2658W |
Power, | Geo. F., r. | 389 Water, W. | 1342R |
Power, | J. J., r. | 53 Calver Ave. | 2841R |
Power, | John, r. | 7 Plymouth Rd. | 2091M |
Power, | John, r. | 246 New Gower | 2666J |
Power, | John, r. | 50 Signal Hill Rd | 3241M |
Power, | John T., r. | LeMarchant | 3234J |
Power, | Miss M., r. | 56 Quidi Vidi | 903J |
Power, | M. A., r. | 39 Scott | 817J |
Power, | M. J., r. | 131 George | 1715M |
Power, | M. J., r. | Mount Royal Ave | 3389W |
POWER, | DR. M. S.. DENTIST, | 176 WATER | 62 |
Power, | Michael, r. | LeMarchant | 1497 |
Power, | Michael, Jr., r. | 48 Fleming | 1019M |
Power, | Miss Nora, r. | 240 Duckworth | 33l5R |
Power, | Mrs. T., r. | 21 Scott | 817R |
Power, | T., r. | 81 Military | 735R |
Power, | Miss T. F., L.T.CL.. r. | 9 Power | 2734J |
Power, | Thos. P., r. | 11 Parade | 3049J |
Power, | Wm., r. | McKay | 548M |
Pratt, | C. C., r. | Waterlord Bridge Rd. | 1597 |
Pratt, | J. C., Hardware, Fire & Life, | Water | 1820 |
Pratt, | J. C., r. | Circular | 328 |
Pratt, | J. K., r. | 89 LeMarcbant | 3432J |
Presbyterian Hall, | Queen's Rd. | 2247 | |
Presbyterian Manse, | Queen's Rd. | 464 | |
Presentation Convent, | Cathedral Sq. | 877 | |
Press, | F. D., r. | 15 MullQck | 1190J |
Press, | G. H., r. | 26 Freshwater | 1756 |
Preston, | F. J., r. | 70 Hayward Ave. | 272M |
Pretty, | Fred, r. | 67 Alexander | 3161J |
Pretty, | L., r. | 7 Spencer | 2693 |
Pretty, | Mrs. S., r. | 49 Avalon Terrace | 2886R |
Prince of Wales College, | LeMarchant | 2478 | |
Price, | Miss G., r. | 118 St. Clare Ave. | 2663R |
Prominent Style Shop, | 282 Water | 2395 | |
Prowse, C., r. | Allandale Rd. | 989J | |
Prowse, J. J., | Caribou Agencies, Renouf Building | 1976 | |
Public Bureau Office, | 4 Prescott | 2642 | |
Puddester, | C. R,.. r. | LeMarchant, W. | 2524M |
Puddester, | Ches., r. | 6 Dunford | 2591W |
Puddester, | Clayton; r. | 13 Bennett A. | 3368J |
Puddester, | Hon. J. C., r. | Hamilton Av. | 266 |
Puddester, | J. M., r. | 11 Gilbert | 2589W |
Puddester, | L., r. | Leslie | 2702R |
Puddester, | R. P., r. | 70 Leslie | 2929R |
Purcell, | John, r. | 6 Malta | 2836R |
Purcell, | Mrs. Wm., r. | 20 Brine | 2653R |
Purchase, | A. A., r. | 11 Long's Hill | 2976W |
Purchase, | Miss M., r. | Forest Rd. | 1812R |
Night & Holiday Calls: | |||
General Office | 2544 | ||
Watchman | 2545 | ||
Pushie, | W. G... r. | 101 Pleasant | 2714R |
Pye, | George, r. | Hamilton Ave. | 2635J |
Pye, | J., r. | 237 Hamilton Ave. | 541M |
Pyne, | E., r. | 7 Bond | 2261J |
Pynn, | A., r. | 25 Mt. Royal Ave. | 3378J |
Contributed and Transcribed by Craig Peterman (April 2003)
Revised by Craig Peterman (April 2003)
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