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Newfoundland Navy
World War II

1939 - 1945

* indicates those that did not return

Service #
Joined in the U.K. P/JX166543 Facey, John M. C. St. John’s [HMS Berwick Aug 39]
  P/SSX31759 Facey, Noel Heart's Content
2nd Contingent 181245 Fagan, Sylvester J. St. Mary's
Forestry Transfer 280364 Fancey, Alvin F. Gander Bay
1st Contingent D/173616 Farewell, George W. Curling
17th Contingent 315695 Farewell, Norman E Creston, Placentia Bay
6th Contingent D/201993 Farnell, Wm SR Corner Brook
11th Contingent 220871 Farnham, Frederick J 9 Mayor Ave., St. John’s
18th Contingent 316642 Farr, Leslie M Grand Falls
13th Contingent 247944 Farrell, Joseph Wm. First Pond
12th Contingent 246689 Farrell, Michael F St. Lawrence
5th Contingent P/188834 Farrell, Walter M. North River, Conception Bay
4th Contingent C/185993 Farrell, William J.* Harbour Grace
6th Contingent P/194541 Farwell, William Burin
11th Contingent 220912 Feehan, Robert J 132 Gower St., St. John’s
15th Contingent 277285 Felix, John S St. Albans
Forestry Transfer KX131249 Feltham, Bramwell Trinity, Bonavista Bay
15th Contingent 277239 Feltham, Clayon C Middle Brook, Gambo
5th Contingent P/188824 Feltham, Douglas E. Corner Brook
2nd Contingent D/181224 Fennemore, William G St. Anthony
10th Contingent 216706 Ferrie, John T Lord's Cove, Lamaline, Musgrave Harbour
15th Contingent 277286 Fewer, Edward* Wood's Island, Bay of islands
4th Contingent D/187444 Fewer, Michael P. Woodsford, Conception Bay
5th Contingent C/188401 Fewer, Patrick A. 13 Barter’s Hill, St. John's
8th Contingent 208836 Fiander, George R Corner Brook
6th Contingent D/201999 Fiander, Willis Codroy
14th Contingent 230136 Field, Sidney C Torbay
8th Contingent 208835 Fifield, Bernard Top Battery, St. John’s
11th Contingent 220990 Fifield, Francis A 114 Aldershot St., St. John’s
9th Contingent 211421 Fifield, Uriel Bonavista
5th Contingent C/188396 Fillier, Frederick 12 Dunford St., St. John’s
13th Contingent 247945 Fillier, Gordon 9 Eric St., St. John’s
6th Contingent C/195238 Finch, Robert St. John’s
15th Contingent 277367 Finn, Evan Eugene Clifford St., St. John’s
9th Contingent 211420 Fitzgerald, Albert 9 Mullock St., St. John’s
17th Contingent 315696 Fitzgerald, Alphonsus P* Keels, Bonavista Bay
11th Contingent 220913 Fitzgerald, Anthony* Keels, Bonavista Bay
9th Contingent 211424 Fitzgerald, Clement W Bonavista
9th Contingent 211423 Fitzgerald, James E Keels, Bonavista Bay
2nd Contingent 180866 Fitzgerald, Leo Bonavista
4th Contingent Unknown # Fitzgerald, Raymond Bell Island
7th Contingent D/201713 Fitzgerald, Ronald Keels, Bonavista Bay
7th Contingent D/201711 Fitzgerald, Vincent Bonavista
18th Contingent 316613 Fitzgerald, Walter J Bell Island
Forestry Transfer 280563 Fitzgerald, William J. Keels, Bonavista Bay
8th Contingent 208837 Fitzpatrick, Bernard J* Bell Island
14th Contingent 230093 Fitzpatrick, Donald Great Paradise, Placentia Bay
6th Contingent P/194540 Fitzpatrick, William F Lourdes
1st Contingent D/173659 Fleming, Alben T. Portugal Cove
2nd Contingent 180774 Fleming, Daniel Bonavista
5th Contingent P/188790 Fleming, Frederick J.* Bonavista
15th Contingent 277287 Fleming, John L Lamaline, Musgrave Harbour
8th Contingent 208838 Fleming, Michael* 37 Cudhidy St., St. John’s
8th Contingent KX112202 Fleming, Patrick 10 Prospect St., St. John’s
11th Contingent 220872 Flight, Roy E Small Point, Bay de Verde
15th Contingent 277288 Flight, Sandy A Western Bay
16th Contingent 299646 Flynn, John B Bar Haven
15th Contingent 277289 Flynn, John* Highlands
11th Contingent 220914 Flynn, Joseph R Norris Arm
2nd Contingent 181278 Flynn, Michael Highlands
11th Contingent 220873 Flynn, Patrick J Chapel's Cove, Placentia Bay
2nd Contingent 180868 Fogarty, Joseph Corner Brook
13th Contingent 248049 Foley, Francis J Grand Falls
12th Contingent 246586 Foley, John B 265 Water St., St. John’s
17th Contingent 315732 Foley, Martin Fogo
10th Contingent 216665 Foley, Michael Fox Harbour, Placentia Bay
6th Contingent P/194539 Foote, Edgar Burgeo
5th Contingent D/191519 Foote, Harold J.* Botwood
4th Contingent P/188884 Forbes, Ralph* 242 Hamilton Ave., St. John’s
11th Contingent 220915 Ford, David T Barr’d Island, St. Barbe
12th Contingent 246988 Ford, Harold E* Port aux Basques
12th Contingent 246587 Ford, Herbert A Waterford Bridge Rd., St. John’s
16th Contingent 299640 Ford, Ralph Fogo
1st Contingent D/173629 Ford, Ronald Bell Island
8th Contingent 208834 Ford, Wm Martin 36 Water St., St. John’s
13th Contingent 247956 Forsey, George T Grand Bank
10th Contingent 216737 Forsey, Hubert J Leading Tickles
12th Contingent 246589 Forsey, Reginald Fogo
2nd Contingent D/181211  Forward, ColinW* Little Bay Islands
9th Contingent 211422 Foster, Harold Kings Point, Notre Dame Bay
Forestry Transfer 212475 Foster, Ralph* Corner Brook
5th Contingent C/188397 Fowler, Frank P. 28 Yound St., St. John’s
17th Contingent 315748 Fowler, Frederick Topsail
2nd Contingent 180779 Fowler, Harold Mount Carmel, Salmonier
11th Contingent 220874 Fowler, John F Cupids
Forestry Transfer T124X Fowlow, Harvey S.* Trinity East
2nd Contingent 181298 Fox, Frederick R. Corner Brook
17th Contingent 315697 Frampton, Aubrey Little Catalina
5th Contingent P/188815 Frampton, John Petries Crossing
Forestry Transfer 242285 Francis, Harold D. Mount Pearl, St. John’s
14th Contingent 230137 Francis, Herbert Mount Pearl, St. John’s
12th Contingent 246585 Francis, John 173 Southside Rd., St. John’s
11th Contingent 220916 Freake, Arthur Joe Batts Arm
11th Contingent 220917 Freake, Dorman Boyd’s Cove, Notre Dame Bay
11th Contingent 220918 Freake, EpHarbouraim Joe Batts Arm
11th Contingent 220919 Freake, Garland B Joe Batts Arm
11th Contingent 220920 Freake, George G Joe Batts Arm
1st Contingent D/173618 Freaney, Peter P. Shearstown
7th Contingent P/200077 French, Leonard St. John’s
3rd Contingent 181237 Froud, Albert Bourgoyne's Cove
2nd Contingent 180871 Fry, Frederick Portugal Cove
4th Contingent P/188890 Fry, Graham Portugal Cove
2nd Contingent 181210 Fudge, Arthur Ramea
16th Contingent 299594 Fudge, Charles GJ Triton, Notre Dame Bay
3rd Contingent 181413 Fudge, Geddes M. Manuels
4th Contingent P/188905 Fudge, Gordon L. Grand Falls
2nd Contingent 181189 Fudge, Kenneth L. Weads Harbour, Notre Dame Bay
2nd Contingent 180784 Furey, George J. St. Joseph's, Salmonier
3rd Contingent 181685 Furey, Sylvester Bell Island
13th Contingent 247946 Furlong, Denis J Pennywell Rd., St. John’s
1st Contingent P/174379  Furlong, Edward F St. John’s
Joined in the U.K. JX766327 Furlong, Robert S. [Lt Cdr] St. John's

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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen

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