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The Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve was formed in
1899, with a maximum strength of 600 men, and at the oubreak of War
it numbered 565. It was trained in winter, and in August, 1914, the
men on its roll weere dispersed over the North Atlantic; but by the
end of the month it was mustered at full strength on the training ship
"Briton" at St. John's. |
Name | Rank | Service # | Particulars | Date | Age | Next of Kin | Address |
ANDERSON, James | Smn | 1558X | H.M.S. "Ebro" Killed in action as armed guard on Norwegian Barque "Olivia". |
14 Jan 1916 | 22 | Prosper and Mary A. Anderson | Mouse Island, Channel |
AVERY. Jack | Smn | 1825X | See "CHAFE". The true family name | ||||
AYLES, Alexander | Smn | 1697X | H.M.S. "Laurentic". | 25 Jan 1917 | 28 | James and Mary Ayles | Bonavista |
BABSTOCK, William Thomas | Smn | 477X | H.M. Trawler "Arfon" Killed by mine explosion off St. Alban's Head |
30 Apr 1917 | 32 | Lemuel Joseph and Eliza Babstock | Happy Adventure, Bonavista |
BARBOUR, George | Smn | 1681X | H.M. Trawler "Renarro" Killed by mine explosion in Dardanelles |
10 Nov 1918 | 24 | Robert and Martha Barbour | Port Rexton, Trinity |
BARNES, Enos | Smn | 1220X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 33 | Matthew and Elizabeth Barnes Husband of Jessie Barnes |
Port Union |
BENNETT, Leonard Joseph | Smn | 1331X | H.M. Mine-sweeper "Lady Isnay" Killed by mine explosion in Thames Estuary |
21 Dec 1915 | 29 | William and Agnes Bennett | |
BENOIT, James John | Smn | 2272X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 24 | John and Alice Benoit | Stephenville, St. George |
BERRIGAN, John Thomas | Smn | 1455X | H.M. Trawler "Gambri" Killed by mine explosion in English Channel |
18 Jan 1918 | 32 | Edward and Elizabeth Berrigan | Renews, Ferryland |
BLUNDON, Allen | L/Smn | 1496X | S.S. "Heatherside" Killed in action with submarine in Atlantic. |
24 Aug 1917 | 21 | Brother of Herbert Blundon | Gloucester, Mass., U.S.A. |
BRACE, Albert | Smn | 1219X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 20 | Richard and Mary Brace | Chance Cove, Trinity Bay |
BRENTON, George | Smn | 1502X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 23 | George and Ellen Brenton | Port au Bras, Burin |
BRINSTON, Leslie | Smn | 305X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 32 | Robert William and Anelia Brinston | North Harbour, Placentia Bay |
BROWN, Edmond | Smn | 815X | H.M.S. "Bayano" | 11 Mar 1915 | 29 | Husband of Mary J.B. Shea | Fogo |
BRYAN, Edward | Smn | 1284X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 25 | Elizabeth Tucker [formerly Bryan] and the late John Bryan | Thorburn Road, St. John's |
BUTLER, Peter | Smn | 2174X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 22 | William and Anne Butler | Harbour Grace |
CHAFE, Jack [served as AVERY] | Smn | 1825X | S.S. "Transylvania" Killed in action with submarine 2 1/2 miles S. from Cape Vado, Gulf of Genoa |
4 May 1917 | 22 | Albert and Eliza Chafe | |
CHAFE, William Henry | Smn | 1283X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 21 | Henry and Hannah Chafe | Forest Pond, The Goulds, St. John's |
COADY, Timothy Francis | Smn | 1293X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 30 | Son of Anna Coady | 22 York Street, St. John's |
COATES, George | Smn | 1147X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 29 | Philip and Emma Coates | Fogo |
COATES, Harold | L/Smn | 2130X | S.S. "Hermes" Killed in action [ship sunk] |
28 Apr 1917 | 29 | Philip and Emma Coates | Fogo |
COPLEY, Thomas | Smn | 1162X | H.M.S. "Bayano" | 11 Mar 1915 | 24 | Jane Ann Snow [formerly Copley] and the late George Copley | Salmon Cove, Conception Bay |
CROCKER, Stanley | Smn | 2178X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 19 | John Charles and Jane Crocker | Heart's Delight, Trinity Bay |
CUMBY, Erastus | Smn | 1777X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 24 | George and Hannah Cumby | |
DAWE, William Henry | Smn | 1174X |
H.M.S. "Alcantara" |
29 Feb 1916 | 21 | Mrs. Rebecca Dawe | Ship Cove, Port de Grave, Conception Bay |
DELANEY, Timothy Samuel | Smn | 2080X | S.S. "Sycamore" Killed in action with submarine 125 miles N.W. from Tory Island |
25 Aug 1917 | 22 | Joseph and Lucy Delaney | St. George |
DICKER, Stephen | Smn | 1240X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 22 | George and Jane Dicker | Flat Island, Bonavista Bay |
DYER, William Gerrard | Smn | 2170X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 31 | Mrs. Helen Dyer | Logy Bay, St. John's East |
DYKE, Gilbert | Smn | 702X | H.M.S. "Viknor" |
13 Jan 1915 | 23 | John Martin Dyke and Louisa Dyke | Salvage Bay |
DYKE, John Walter | L/Smn | 1215X | S.S. "Ninian" [President III] "Collier" 737 Lost with ship [sunk 3 miles East from Whitby] |
7 Feb 1917 | 26 | William and Elizabeth Dyke | |
FAREWELL, Joseph | Smn | 927X |
H.M.S. "Bayano" |
11 Mar 1915 | 30 | Mrs. Margaret Farewill | Seal Cove, Fogo |
FOWLOW, John | Smn | 688X | H.M. Paddle-Minesweeper "Erin's Isle" Killed by mine explosion in Thames Estuary |
7 Feb 1919 | 32 | Abram and Mary Fowlow Husband of Lillian Fowlow |
Goose Cove Trinity |
FREAKE, Ephraim | Smn | 2213X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 21 | Mrs. Mary Freake | Joe Batt's Arm, Fogo |
FREAKE, William | Smn | 2210X | H.M. Paddle-Minesweeper "Queen of the North" Killed by mine explosion of Orford Ness. |
20 Jul 1917 | 19 | Aaron and Sarah A. Freake | Joe Batt's Arm, Fogo |
GOSS, Eldred | Smn | 357X |
H.M.S. "Laurentic" |
25 Jan 1917 | 30 | Elizabeth Goss | Queen's Cove, Random, South Trinity Bay |
GOSSE, Walter | Smn | 1400X | H.M. Trawler "Miura" Killed by mine explosion off Yarmouth |
23 Aug 1915 | 21 | Peter and Elizabeth Gosse | Tilton, Harbour Grace |
GREENE, Barton | Smn | 873X | H.M.S. "Bayano" | 11 Mar 1915 | 24 | William and Lucina Greene | |
GREENING, James | Smn | 1678X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 28 | Joseph and Jane Greening | Summerville, Bonavista Bay |
HALL, Richard Hugh | Smn | 1733X | H.M. Trawler "Lochiel" Lost with ship [sunk by mine or torpedo] off Whitby |
24 Jul 1918 | 25 | Alexander and Elizabeth Hall | Campbell Creek, Bay St. George |
HALLETT, Albert | Smn | 931X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 23 | Jonas and Sarah Hallett | Flat Island, Bonavista Bay |
HENNESSEY, Patrick Joseph | Smn | 2245X | S.S. "St. Ronald" Killed in action with submarine 95 miles N.N.W. from Tory Island |
19 Sep 1917 | 18 | Patrick Joseph and Mary Hennessey | |
HISCOCK, John | Smn | 1764X | H.M.S. "Invincible" Killed in action at Battle of Jutland |
31 May 1916 | 20 | William and Amelia Hiscock | Hillview, Random, Trinity Bay |
HULAN, Edward M. | Smn | 1645X | H.M. Trawler "Merse" Killed by mine explosion off W. coast of Scotland |
22 May 1917 | 23 | George F. and Rosanna Hulan | Middle Barachoix, Bay St. George |
HURLEY, Thomas | Smn | 1233X | H.M.S. "Macedonia" Accidentally drowned from ship in South Atlantic |
18 Aug 1916 | 25 | Joseph Hurley | Island Harbour, Fogo |
HYNES, James Walker | Smn | 1533X | H.M. Armed Drifter "Frons Olivae" Killed by mine explosioin off Ramsgate |
12 Oct 1915 | 19 | Charles Henry and Dinah Hynes | Port-au-Port |
JACKSON, Thomas | Smn | 2180X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 21 | Mrs. Alice Jackson | Brigus, Port de Grave |
JAMES, John | Smn | 1869X | H.M. Trawler "Vivanti" Drowned in loss of vessel off Hastings |
7 Mar 1917 | 26 | William and Mary James | Forteau, Labrador |
JERRETT, Levi | Smn | 1218X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 23 | William and Mary Jerrett | 90 Boyd's Lane, St. John's |
JONES, William | Smn | 1678X | H.M. Trawler "Returno" [H.M.S. "Attentive
III"] Accidently drowned |
9 Dec 1915 | 24 | John and Jane Jones | Trinity East |
KAVANAGH, Thomas Joseph | Smn | 217X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 18 | James and Katherine Kavanagh | Logy Bay, St. John's East |
KEHOE, William J. | Smn | 2173X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 26 | Michael Thomas and Christina Kehoe | Riverhead, Harbour Grace |
KELLY, Albert | Smn | 874X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 24 | John and Emmeline Kelly | Cupids, Conception Bay |
KING, William | Smn | 2181X | H.M.S. "Bayano" | 11 Mar 1915 | 20 | Nephew of Thomas Hayes | Brigus, Port de Grace |
KNIGHT, Thomas | Smn | 1297X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 31 | William and Annie Knight | Pleasant Street, St. John's |
LE DREW, George Hussy | Smn | 1531X | H.M. Armed Drifter "Frons Olivae" Killed by mine explosioin off Ramsgate |
12 Oct 1915 | 19 | James John and Eliza LeDrew | |
LEWIS, Philip | Smn | 1213X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 20 | Melina Reynolds [formerly Lewis] and the late Frederick Lewis | Caplin Cove, Bay de Verde |
MAHER, Leo Joseph | Smn | 2277X | H.M. Trawler "Carew Castle" Killed by mine explosion off Hartland Point |
12 Jun 1917 | 19 | Mrs. Ellen Maher | 5 Lower Battery Road, St. John's East |
MARTIN, Alexander | Smn | 1224X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 23 | Rebecca Martin | Battery Road, St. John's |
MARTIN, Sylvester | Smn | 915X | H.M.S. "Bayano" | 11 Mar 1915 | 24 | Thomas and Mary Martin | La Scie, St. Barbe |
MILLER, George H. | L/Smn | 1727X | S.S. "Halifax" Lost with ship |
16 Dec 1917 | 21 | Jane Janes [formerly Miller] and the late William A. Miller | Spaniard's Cove, Trinity Bay |
MILLER, Harold | Smn | 1578X | S.S. "Clan Macfarlane" Killed in action with submarine 66 miles S.E. by S. from Cape Martello, Crete | 30 Dec 1915 | 19 | John and Jane Miller | Portugal Cove, St. John's East |
MORGAN, Frederick | Smn | 1209X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 19 | Joseph Morgan | Seal Cove, Conception Bay |
MORGAN, John Thomas | Smn | 1255X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 18 | Joseph Morgan | Seal Cove, Conception Bay |
MORGAN, William G. | Smn | 1190X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 17 | George Henry and Sarah Morgan | Blow-Me-Down, Port de Grave |
MORRIS, Walter | Smn | 1282X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 19 | Mrs. Amelia Morris | 63 Field Street, St. John's |
MUGFORD, Jacob | Smn | 531X |
H.M.S. "Laurentic" |
25 Jan 1917 | 31 | William and Lavinia Mugford Husband of Ethel May Wood [formerly Mugford] |
Leopold Post Office, P.Q., Canada |
MUGFORD, Nathan | Smn | 1171X | H.M.S. "Alcantara" Killed in action with raider "Greif" in North Sea |
29 Feb 1916 | 24 | Nadthaniel and Elizabeth Ann Mugford | Port de Grave |
MURPHY, Lawrence | Smn | 1817X |
H.M.S. "Laurentic" |
25 Jan 1917 | 22 | Only Son of James and Sarah Murphy | Conception Harbour |
MURRAY, James | Smn | 1446X |
H.M.S. "Laurentic" |
25 Jan 1917 | 21 | John and Margaret Murray | |
O'BRIEN, Patrick J. | Smn | 2172X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 19 | Richard J. and Matilda O'Brien | |
O'KEEFE, Edward | L/Smn | 1266X | S.S. "Lynorta" Killed in action with submarine 102 miles N.W. by N. from Tory Island |
11 Aug1917 | 28 | John and Alice O'Keefe | 39 Patrick Street, St. John's |
OSMOND, Gerald Augustus | Smn | 1287X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 26 | Husband of Mary Osmond | 121 Duckworth Street, St. John's |
PARSONS, John | Smn | 932X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 23 | John and Mary A. Parsons | Shearstown |
PEACH, Henry W. | Smn | 901X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 25 | William Henry and Elizabeth Peach Husband of Elsie May Brinson [formerly Peach] |
Arnold's Cove, Placentia Bay |
PEACH, William H. | Smn | 1001X | H.M.S. "Bayano" | 11 Mar 1915 | 21 | Charles and Margaret Peach | Red Harbour, Placentia Bay |
PEDDLE, Alec | Smn | 389X | H.M.S. "Dirk" Killed in action with submarine in North Sea |
28 May 1918 | 29 | David and Mary Ann Peddle Husband of Julia Peddle |
40 LeMarchant Road, St. John's |
PHILLIPS, Robert | Smn | 1441X | H.M. Trawler "Othonna" Killed by mine explosion off Fife Ness |
20 Apr 1917 | 29 | William Phillips | Burgoyes Cove, Smith Sound, Trinity Bay |
PIERCEY, Charlie A. | Smn | 1000X | H.M.S. "Bayano" | 11 Mar 1915 | 21 | Son of Martha Peach [formerly Piercey] and the late Benjamin Piercey | Red Harbour, Placentia Bay |
PIKE, Francis | Smn | 2175X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 21 | Mrs. Susan Pike | Water Street, Harbour Grace |
POWER, John Joseph | Smn | 2275X | H.M.S. "Q 20" Lost with ship in collision in English Channel |
29 Mar 1917 | 18 | Mrs. Alice Power | 66A Pleasant Street, St. John's |
PRINCE, Harold Heber | Smn | 1973X | H.M. Trawler "Gambri" Killed by mine explosion in English Channel | 18 Jan 1918 | 21 | Mrs. Lizzie Prince | Charlestown, Bonavista Bay |
PUDDICOMBE, William | Smn | 2136X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 28 | Fredrick and Annie Puddicombe | |
RALPH, Charles | Smn | 706X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 24 | Stephen and Leah Ralph | Flat Island, Bonavista |
RANDELL, Frederick | Smn | 816X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 26 | John and Elizabeth Randell | Fogo |
RANDELL, Ralph | Smn | 2176X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 20 | John and Elizabeth Randell | Elliott's Cove, Random Island |
ROGERS, Simeon | Smn | 1138X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 32 | Son of Willis and Sarah Rogers Husband of Bertha Rogers |
176 Water Street, St. John's |
ROSE, James | Smn | 1444X | H.M. Trawler "Euston" Killed by mine explosion off Hartlepool |
12 Feb 1917 | 24 | Son of James and the late Dorcas Rose | Victoria, Carbonear |
ROWE, Charles | Smn | 1122X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 21 | Son of John and the late Ann Rowe | Trinity |
ST. CROIX, William | Smn | 1222X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 22 | Joseph and Esther St. Croix | Trepassey, Placentia and St. Mary's |
SIMMONS, F. Eugene | Smn | 1285X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 20 | L.H. and Anne Simmons | Spruce Brook |
SMART, Edward | Smn | 1227X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 19 | Samuel and Fanny Smart | Saunder's Cove, Alexander Bay |
SMITH, Luke | Smn | 979X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 30 | Husband of Isabella Smith | Butler Cove, Random South, Trinity Bay |
SNOW, Randell Joseph | Smn | 1256X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 20 | Mrs. Elizabeth Snow | Mundy Pond Road, St. John's |
SOMERTON, Herbert | L/Smn | 720X | S.S. "Portloe" Killed in action with submarine 160 miles W.N.W. from the Fastnet |
20 Apr 1917 | 27 | Matthew and Maria Somerton | Portugal Cove, St. John's East |
SPARKS, Eli | Smn | 862X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 24 | Isaac and Mary J. Sparkes | Shearstown |
SPARKES, Samuel | Smn | 2047X | H.M. Trawler "Dagon" Killed by mine explosion in English Channel |
8 Dec 1916 | 19 | Susan Janes [formerly Sparkes] and the late Ebenezer Sparkes | St. John's |
SPARKES, Stephen | Smn | 1538X | H.M. Armed Drifter "Frons Olivae" Killed by mine explosion off Ramsgate |
12 Oct 1915 | 22 | Reuben and Fanny Sparkes | Georgetown, Brigus |
SPURRELL, Walter J. | Smn | 969X | S.S. "Torrington" Killed in action with submarine |
8 Apr 1917 | 21 | John and Diana Spurrell | Trouty, Trinity Bay |
SQUIRES, Richard J. | Smn | 1280X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 21 | Richard J. and Elizabeth Squires | St. John's |
STANLEY, Harold A. | Smn | 2184X | H.M.S. "Bayano" | 11 Mar 1915 | 20 | Charles and Maude Stanley | Bay Bulls Road, St. John's West |
STEED, Dugald | Smn | 1032X | H.M. Trawler "Bradford" Drowned in loss of vessel off S. Ireland |
28 Oct 1916 | 22 | Joseph George and Annie M. Steed | Little Catalina, Trinity |
STONE, Edward | Smn | 1295X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 22 | Edward and Isidorah Stone | Bell Island |
STRICKLAND, Walter | Smn | 789X | SS. "Warsaw" Killed in action with submarine 4 miles S. E. by E. from Start Point |
20 Dec 1917 | 27 | John and Fanny Strickland Husband of Emily C. Strickland |
Frenchman's Cove, Bay of Islands |
STRINGER, George | Smn | 1259X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 21 | William T. and Mary Ann Stringer | Little Heart's Ease, Random South |
TUCKER, John Charles | Smn | 895X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 31 | John George and Sarah Fanny Tucker Husband of Mary Ann Tucker |
Ship Cove, Port de Grave |
WALSH, Douglas | Smn | 1214X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 20 | Son of Mrs. Mary Ann Hutchings | Cow Head, St. Barbe |
WARREN, Albert J. | Smn | 2179X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 22 | Eli and Mary A. Warren | Glovertown, Alexander Bay |
WATKINS, Jonas | Smn | 2177X | H.M.S. "Clan McNaughton" | 3 Feb 1915 | 23 | Henry and Ellen Watkins | Summerford, Notre Dame Bay |
WELLS, Daniel | L/Smn | 833X | S.S. "Seagull" Killed in action with submarine 7 miles N.E. from Lynas Point |
17 Mar 1918 | 29 | David and Mary Jane Wells | Wild Cove, Seal Cove White Bay, Twillingate |
WHALEN, Simeon | Smn | 1156X | H.M.S. "Bayano" | 11 Mar 1915 | 24 | William and Alfreda Whalen | Caplin Cove, Random, Trinity Bay |
WOOLDRIDGE, William Mark | Smn | 1490X | H.M. Armed Drifter "Frons Olivae" Killed by mine explosion off Ramsgate |
12 Oct 1915 | 22 | Charles and Elizabeth Wooldridge | Fogo |
YETMAN, Clement | Smn | 1458X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 25 | Moses and Selina Yetman | Harbour, Grace South |
YOUDEN, George | Smn | 611X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 25 | Henry and Jessie Youden | Bull Cove |
YOUDEN, Thoms | Smn | 670X | H.M.S. "Viknor" | 13 Jan 1915 | 26 | Henry and Jessie Youden Husband of Alice Youden |
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada |
YOUNG, Wallace | L/Smn | 1884X | H.M.S. "Laurentic" | 25 Jan 1917 | 21 | Mrs. Ellen Young | Flat Bay, St. George |
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