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Go to any of the following Districts to find individuals listed in alphabetical order
This order and layout reflects the original publication and how it was laid out.
These records are transcribed directly from copies of original pages of the Directory.


Harbor Grace

St. John's East and West





St. John’s, The commercial metropolis of the island, is siutated on the eastern shore of the Peninsula of Avalon, 60 miles north of Cape Race, in Latitude 47° 33" 33' N., And 52° 44" 10' of West Longitude. It is 10° 52" wast of Halifax, and stands on the most portion of the American land, Cape Spear, five miles aourh od St. John's, alone projecting a little further towards the Old World. It is a 1,000 miles nearer England than New York, and about 1,640 miles from the coast of Ireland. There is nothing more striking or picturesque view than that presented on the approach to the harbor. At the entrance, called the Narrows, the hills rise abruptly on each side to the height of about 600 feet. On top of one side, called Signal Hill, stands the little block house for signaling vessels, on the summit of the other side stands Fort Amherst Lighthouse; At the foot of this and along the shore is situated the vats for the manufacture of seal and cod oils. Most of the merchants have premises and wharves at this side for the transhipment of articles of export, here also situated the Dry Dock, 600 feet in length, and 83 feet in breath and 26 feet in depth, capable of admitting the largest steamer afloat. Vessels of the largest tonnage can enter the harbor at all periods of the tide, the rise of which does not exceed four feet. The harbor is one mile long, and nearly a half mile in breath, the entrance through The Narrows being about 1400 feet. The city is built on the northern side of the harbor, on a sloping hill, the principle street running parallel with the harbor. Water street, where nearly all of the heavy business is done, presents a substantial appearance, the houses being of stone and brick. The upper portion of the business houses are occupied by the proprietors in winter; in the summer they reside in the country. Stores, wharehouses and wharves project from behind those on on the south side to the water. Within the past year, since the management of local affairs has passed from the Government to a City Council many improvements have been made and the sanitary condition of the city is receiving careful attention. There is a plentiful supply of excellent water, brought from Windsor Lake, 5 miles distant and 500 feet above the level of the sea. Among the public buildings the following are the most important: Government House, erected in 1828, cost £30,000; Colonial Buildings, erected in 1847, cost $100,000; the Atheneaum, containing a library of 6,000 volumns and a hall capable of seating 1,000 people, completed in 1877, cost $58,000; the Post Office, St. Patrick's Hall, Methodist College and the Atlantic Hotel, which was opened in May, 1885 and cost about $70,000. It is a handsome building, the apartments being airy, cheerful and splendedly furnished, capable of accomodating 70 guests. All modern improvements have been introduced and careful provision is made for the comfort and accomodation of visitors and guests. It contains dining room, gentelmen's and ladies' parlors, private parlors with rooms en suite, billiard and smoking rooms, lavatories, baths and general convenience on each floor. It is now under an entirely new management, and nothing will be spared to bring it on a par with Canadian and American hotels. A first-class chef has been specially engaged from London to superintend the culinary department. The churches are: English and Roman Catholic cathedrals, St. Thomas and St. Mary's (C of E), St. Patrick's (RC), four Methodist churches, St. Andrew's Presbyterian, (There is a new one under erection) and the Congregational church. There are several manufcturing establishments here, three foundries, one stove factory, one nail factory, three machine shops, two boot and shoe factories, three furniture facturies, two tobacco factories, three biscuit factories and one factory for the manfacture of cables, ropes, etc., in addition to which are the seal and cod oil factories on the south side. There are two banks besides the Government Savings Bank. There is a public hospital, Penitentiary and Lunatic Asylum. The Newfoundland railway runs from here to Harbor Grace, a distance of 84 1/2 miles. Telegraph, the Anglo-American Telegraph Co. Population, about 28,000.



Transcribed by Don Tate (January 2004)

Page Revised: January 2004 (Don Tate)

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