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General Protestant Cemetery
St. John's City
Complete Listing of Visible Headstones
(transcription of other sections in progress)
Click here for Diagram of these Graves and Diagram of the Cemetery
Please select a highlighted item below to see other sections of this cemetery
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 2 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
Chinese Area | Cremation Area | Muslim Area | Misc. |
Map # | Inscribed Name | Home Town | Died | Age | Inscription/Translation | Notes | |
English | Chinese | ||||||
1 | Jack Chong | 鄭長業 | 廣東台山海晏佑村 | 12 October 1942 | 46 | JACK CHONG 鄭長業坟,廣東台山 海晏佑村, 終于民国卅一年十月十二日巳时, 享寿四十六歲 [The grave of Jack Chong, who was from Haiyanyou, Taishan] |
[His name is Jack, but “Chinese J.” in the burial record] |
2 | Hong Wah Chong | 熊華章 | 廣東台山縣聯安市 | 31 December 1940 | 24 | HONG WAH CHONG AGED 24 YEARS DIED DEC. 31 1940 熊華章君墓,生于廣東台山縣聯安市,终于一年四零年十二月卅一日 [[The grave of Hong Wah Chong, who was born in Lianan, Taishan, Guangdong and died in 31 Dec.1940.]? |
3 | KUNG YUEN SHING | 龔遠勝 | 廣東恩平縣 | 31 December 1940 | 19 | KUNG YUEN SHING AGED 19 YEARS DIED DEC. 31 1940 龔公遠勝墓, 廣東恩平縣人, 享寿拾九歲,终于民國廿九年十二月卅一日 [The grave of Kung Yuen Shing, who was from Enping, Guangdong and died at the age of 19, in 31 Dec.1940.] |
4 | Tong Lee | 區庭照 | 廣東開平東湖里 | 16 July1940 | 67 | TONG LEE DIED JULY 16th 1940 AGED 67 YEARS 區公庭照之墓,廣東開平東湖里人,终于民國二十九年七月十六日,享寿六十七歲 [The grave of Tong Lee,who was from Donghuli, Kaiping, Guangdong and died in 16 July 1940, at the age of 67.] |
[His name is Lee, T Hong on his burial record.] |
5 | Wong Yee Fung | 黄義逢 | 廣東開平縣 | 21 November 1939 | 45 | WONG YEE FUNG AGED 45 YEARS DIED NOV. 21 - 1939 黄公義逢墓,廣東開平縣人,享寿四十歲,终于民廿八年十一月廿一日 [The grave of Wong Yee Fung, who was from Kaiping, Guangdong and died at the age of 49 in 21 Nov. 1939.] |
6 | ENG WING KIT | 吴榮傑 | 廣東開平縣第六區大乪?洞 | 3 July 1938 | 35 | ENG WING KIT DIED JULY 3 1938 AGED 35 YEARS 吴君榮傑之墓,廣東開平縣第六區大乪?洞 [The grave of Eng Wing Kit, who was from Da?dong, 6th district, Kaiping, Guangdong.] |
7 | [Missing] | ||||||
8 | Pa Chew | 區德照 | 廣東開平東湖 | 4 February 1937 | 39 | PA CHEW DIED FEB. 4th 1937 AGED 39 YEARS 區德照君墓,廣東開平東湖人,终于一九三七年二月四日,享寿三十九歲 [The grave of Pa Chew, who was from Donghu,Kaiping,Guangdong and died in 4 Feb.1937 at the age of 39.]? |
[Not positive if it is 照 in his name.] |
9 | Charlie Yee | 余發和 | 廣東台山 | 29 October 1935 | 40 | IN MEMORY OF CHARLIE YEE DIED OCT 29th 1935 AGED 40 YEARS 余發和君坟墓,廣東台山人,终于一九三五年十月二十九,享寿四十 [The grave of Charlie Yee, who was from Taishan, Guangdong and died in 29 Oct.1935 at the age of 40.] |
10 | Tie Lee | 區連齊? | 廣東開平東湖 | 21 October 1935 | 37 | TIE LEE DIED OCT 21ST 1935 AGED 37 YEARS 區連齊?君墓,廣東開平東湖人,终于一九三五年十月廿一日,享寿三十七歲 [The grave of Tie Lee, who was from Donghu, Kaiping, Guangdong and died in 21 Oct. 1935 at the age of 37.] |
[Not positive if it is 齊 in his name.] |
11 | Hong King | 熊奕渠 | 廣東台山大光里 | 28 February 1935 | 30 | IN MEMORY OF HONG KING DIED FEB 28TH 1935 AGED 30 YEARS 熊奕渠之墓,廣東台山大光里,终于民國廿四年二月廿五日,享寿三十歲(同鄉會立) [The grave of Hong King, who was from Daguangli, Taishan and died in 25 Feb. 1935 at the age of 30. (Erected by the Association of Townsmen)] |
[The date of death is different in Chinese (25 February) than English (28 February). In the burial record, the date of death is 25 February, so the English inscription probably is wrong. His name is shown as King, Hong in the burial record.] |
12 | Hong Dean Shing | 熊進盛 | 27 October 1935 | 40 | HONG DEAN SHING DIED OCT 27TH 1935 進盛熊公墓,享寿四十歲,终于民國二十四年十二月廿七日 [The grave of Hong Dean Shing, who died at the age of 40 in 27 Oct.1935] |
13 | County of Hoi Ping 開平县 |
14 | Hong Kim | County of Sin Ing | May 3 1922 | 36 | IN LOVING MEMORY HONG KIM DIED MAY 3 1922 AGED 36 YEARS BORN IN COUNTY OF SIN ING CHINA |
[The Chinese inscription is illegible.] | |
15 | Hong Leon | County of Sin Ing | May 3 1922 | 34 | IN LOVING MEMORY OF HONG LEON DIED MAY 3, 1922 AGED 34 YEARS BORN IN COUNTY OF SIN ING CHINA |
[The Chinese inscription is broken and illegible.] | |
16 | Lee Lournd | 李柒 | 廣東台山 | 15 May 1922 | 34 | LEE LOURND DIED MAY 15TH 1922 AGED 34 YEARS 李柒君之墓,终于民国十一年五月十五日,享寿?歲 [The grave of Lee Lournd, who died in 15 May 1922 at the age of ?] |
17 | Oue Hick Chew | 區鹤寿 | 廣東開邑東湖里 | 20 July 1922 | 19 | IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUE HICK CHEW DIED JULY 20TH 1922 AGED 19 YEARS 廣東省開邑僑民名鹤寿區公坟,终于民國十一年七月二十,享寿十九歲,東湖里人 [The grave of Oue Hick Chew, an immigrant from Donghuli, Kaiyi, Guangdong province, who died in 20 July 1922 at the age of 19.] |
18 | [Broken] | ||||||
19 | Hong Yuen | 熊寅 奕? | 廣東台山 | 27 November 1924 | 45 | IN MEMORY OF HONG YUEN DIED NOV. 27 1924 AGED 45 YEARS 廣東台山僑民?名寅熊公墓,享寿四十五歲,终于?年十一月廿柒 [The grave of Hong Yuen, an immigrant from Taishan, Guangdong, who died at the age of 45 in ?27 Nov.1927] |
20 | [Broken] | ||||||
21 | Lin Sun | 區? | 廣東開平 | 16 May 1925 | 47 | IN MEMORY OF LIN SUN DIED MAY 16 1925 AGED 47 YEARS 廣東開平僑民?區公墓,终于?年五月十六? |
22 | [Missing] | ||||||
23 | Cong Lim | 區淮霖 | 廣東開平 | 10 July 1929 | 22 | CONG LIM DIED JULY 10 1929 AGED 22 YEARS CANTON CHINA 廣東開平淮霖區公坟,享寿二十二歲,终于民國十八年七月十日 [The grave of Cong Lim, who was from Kaiping, Guangdong and died at the age of 22 in 10 July 1929.] |
24 | Jim Lee | 區换照 | 廣東開平東湖里 | 1 June 1933 | 51 | JIM LEE DIED JUNE 1ST 1939 AGED 51 YEARS 區公?照之墓,廣東開平東湖里人,终于民國廿二年六月一日,享寿五十一歲 [The grave of Jim Lee,who was from Donghuli, Kaiping, Guangdong and died in 1 June 1939 at the age of 51.] |
[Not positive if it is 换 in his name] |
[Commemorative stone erected in 1988 by the St. John’s Chinese community. ] | |||||
26 | Lee Sop | 廣東省台山 | 8 April 1922 | IN LOVING MEMORY OF LEE SOP DIED APRIL 8TH 1922 AGED 廣東省台山僑民?公坟? [The grave of ?, who is from Taishan, Guangdong]. |
27 | Lee Dep | 李洽 | 廣東省開平第六區龍頭 | 30 July 1937 | 33 | IN MEMORY OF LEE DEP DIED JULY 30 1930 AGED 33 YEARS 廣東開平李洽先生 第六區龍頭 [The grave of Lee Dep, who is from 6th District,Kaiping, Guangdong]. |
Transcribed by Li Xingpei and Terra Barrett (2016)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (September 04, 2017)
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