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Ferryland District Parish Records
Ferryland District (Southern Shore) RC Marriage Records
Husband Surname Part 1 [A-D] | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1793 - 1890 |
Husband Surname Part 2 [E-M] | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1793 - 1890 |
Husband Surname Part 3 [N-Z] | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1793 - 1890 |
Wife Surname Part 1 [A-E] | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1793 - 1890 |
Wife Surname Part 2 [F-M] | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1793 - 1890 |
Wife Surname Part 3 [N-Z] | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1793 - 1890 |
Ferryland District (Southern Shore) Protestant Marriage
Refer to the "Vital Statistics Records" section under Ferryland, St. John's City and St. John's West. | ||
Ferryland District/Parish CE Marriage Records
pre 1823 | No surviving marriage records for this era - except for those recorded at St. John's etc. | |
1823 - 1874 | The transcribed marriage records below were extracted from the Petty Harbour Church of England marriage records. However, the records are for Ferryland District, since they were recorded by several Anglican clergymen residing at Ferryland. | |
Marriages | Marriages (Church of England) | 1823 - 1874 |
Ferryland Parish RC Marriage Records
1789 - 1870 | No surviving marriage records for this era - except for those recorded at Fermeuse/Renews, Bay Bulls, St.John's and other parishes. | |
1870 - 1910 | Transcribed records below are mainly for the settlements of Brigus South, Cape Broyle (Bay), Caplin Bay (Calvert) Ferryland, and Aquaforte, with occasional entries for people from other parishes. | |
Brides by Surname | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1870 - 1910 |
Grooms by Surname | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1870 - 1910 |
Marriages by Date | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1870 - 1910 |
Fermeuse/Renews Parish RC Marriage Records
1789 - 1838 | No surviving marriage records for this era - except for those recorded at Bay Bulls, St.John's, and other parishes. | |
1838 -1920 | Transcribed records below are mainly for the settlements south of Aquaforte, i.e. Admiral's Cove (Port Kerwin), Fermeuse, Kingman's Cove, Renews, and Broad Cove (Cappahayden) to Cape Race, with occasional entries for people from other parishes. | |
Husbands by Surname | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1838 - 1920 |
Brides by Surname | Marriages (Roman Catholic) | 1838 - 1920 |
Bay Bulls/Witless Bay Parish RC Marriage Records
1784 - 1830 | Prior to late 1831, this area was part of St. John the Baptist RC (Basilica) Parish, St. John's, therefore most surviving pre 1831 marriage records for this area are to be found in that parish. See Ferryland District (Southern Shore) RC Marriage Records above. | |
1830 -1880 | Transcribed records below are mainly for the settlements north of Brigus South, i.e. Lamanche (La Monche, etc.), Bauline (Baleen) St. Michael's (Caplin Cove), Seals Cove (Soils Cove), Ship Island/Cove, Burnt Cove (Burn Cove), Tors Cove (Toads Cove), Mobile, Witless Bay, Bay Bulls, and other areas along the road to St. John's, with occasional entries for people from other parishes. | |
Marriages by Date | St. Patrick's, Witless Bay - per photocopies of original registers | 1830 - 1880 |
Marriages by Date | Sts. Peter & Paul, Bay Bulls - per photocopies of pre-printed Latin forms | 1876 - 1880 |
Marriages by Date | Sts. Peter & Paul, Bay Bulls - per photocopies of pre-printed Latin forms | 1881 - 1900 |
Ferryland RC Baptisms Records (Holy Trinity Parish)
1789 - 1870 | No surviving baptism records for this era - except for the occasional entries recorded at Fermeuse/Renews parish from 1857-1870. | |
Holy Trinity RC Baptisms 1870-1910 |
Baptisms - Part 1 (A - B) | Holy Trinity Parish - Ferryland RC Baptisms | 1870 - 1910 |
Baptisms - Part 2 (C - F) | Holy Trinity Parish - Ferryland RC Baptisms | 1870 - 1910 |
Baptisms - Part 3 (G - J) | Holy Trinity Parish - Ferryland RC Baptisms | 1870 - 1910 |
Baptisms - Part 4 (K - M) | Holy Trinity Parish - Ferryland RC Baptisms | 1870 - 1910 |
Baptisms - Part 5 (N - R) | Holy Trinity Parish - Ferryland RC Baptisms | 1870 - 1910 |
Baptisms - Part 6 (S - Z) | Holy Trinity Parish - Ferryland RC Baptisms | 1870 - 1910 |
Ferryland District CE Baptism Records |
pre 1814 | Although it is known that Church of England clergy were resident at Ferryland as early as 1792, it doesn't appear that their records have survived. However, there are some baptisms that were recorded at St. John's, for Ferryland District children, but they have not been transcribed at this time. | |
1814 - 1921 | The transcribed records below were originally extracted from the Petty Harbour Church of England baptism records. They have recently been updated from information contained on microfilm of the Latter Day Saints. Regardless, most of records originated at Ferryland, since they were recorded by several Anglican ministers known to be resident there. | |
Baptisms/Births by Date | Ferryland (Church of England) | 1814-1921 |
Fermeuse/Renews RC Baptism Records (Holy Apostles Parish)
1789 - 1857 | No surviving baptism records for this era. | |
Holy Apostles RC Baptisms 1857-1877 |
Husbands - Part 1 (A - F) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1857-1877 |
Husbands - Part 2 (G - K) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1857-1877 |
Husbands - Part 3 (L - O) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1857-1877 |
Husbands - Part 4 (P - Z) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1857-1877 |
Wives - Part 1 (A - F) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1857-1877 |
Wives - Part 2 (G - L) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1857-1877 |
Wives - Part 3 (M - P) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1857-1877 |
Wives - Part 4 (Q - Z) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1857-1877 |
Holy Apostles RC Baptisms 1878 - 1905 |
Fathers - Part 1 (A - F) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1878 - 1905 |
Fathers - Part 2 (G - N) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1878 - 1905 |
Fathers - Part 3 (O - Z) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1878 - 1905 |
Mothers - Part 1 (A - G) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1878 - 1905 |
Mothers - Part 2 (H - M) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1878 - 1905 |
Mothers - Part 3 (N - Z) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1878 - 1905 |
Holy Apostles RC Baptisms 1906-1919 |
Mothers - Part 1 (A - K) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1906-1919 |
Mothers - Part 2 (L - Z) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1906-1919 |
Fathers - Part 1 (A - K) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1906-1919 |
Fathers - Part 2 (L - Z) | Holy Apostles Renews RC Baptisms | 1906-1919 |
Bay Bulls/Witless Bay RC Parish Baptism Records |
pre 1831 | This area was part of St. John's (Basilica) Parish until late 1831, and as such, earlier baptisms were recorded in the register of that parish. It appears that even after Bay Bulls Parish (aka Witless Bay Parish) was established, quite a few baptisms were still recorded at St. John's. These baptisms have not been transcribed to date, except for two pages of late 1830 baptisms that were retained with the original Bay Bulls/Witless Bay registers. | |
1830 -1880 | Transcribed records below are mainly for the settlements north of Brigus South, i.e. Lamanche (La Monche, etc.), Bauline (Baleen) St. Michael's (Caplin Cove), Seals Cove (Soils Cove) Burnt Cove (Burn Cove), Tors Cove (Toads Cove), Mobile, Witless Bay, Bay Bulls, and other areas along the road to St. John's, with occasional entries for people from other parishes. | |
Baptisms by Date | St. Patrick's, Witless Bay - per photocopies of original registers. | 1830 - 1840 |
Baptisms by Date | St. Patrick's, Witless Bay - per photocopies of original registers. | 1841 - 1850 |
Baptisms by Date | St. Patrick's, Witless Bay - per photocopies of original registers. | 1851 - 1860 |
Baptisms by Date | St. Patrick's, Witless Bay - per photocopies of original registers. | 1861 - 1870 |
Baptisms by Date | St. Patrick's, Witless Bay - per photocopies of original registers. | 1871 - 1880 |
Bay Bulls Parish (Partial) | Bay Bulls only - per a 1940 transcription from original registers | 1830 - 1880 |
Ferryland District (Southern Shore) Death Records
Deaths by Surname | Church of England | Ferryland District |
From PANL Records |
Deaths | Brigus South (and Brigus, Conception Bay) | Ferryland District |
Church location listing |
List of Churches | From The Goulds to Cappahayden Ferryland District | |
INDIVIDUAL FAMILY RECORDS (grandfathered) | ||
Marriages &
Baptisms (Swain, Swayne) |
1807 - 1806 | PANL Boxes 1, 8, 31 |
Page Last Modified: Tuesday October 07, 2014 (Kevin Reddigan)
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