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Dated August 01, 2022
Using Search Engines Users of the NGB site should be aware that search engines do not instantly pickup and find new material posted to the site. All search engines must access (on their own schedule) the material on a given website and save it in their own internal indexed databases. Until that is done, searches for new items will not be found. When you initiate a search, the search engine searches it's own internal database, not the actual website. Consequently, your search may not find new material posted to the site, even though it is actually there. This is normal operation for search engines and something we just have to live with. Remember, if your search doesn't find what you looked for, it may at a later date. Conversely, an item displayed by a search engine may no longer exist. The NGB |
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (Monday August 01, 2022)
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