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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Sidney Woods


Will of Sidney Woods
from Newfoundland will books volume 13 pages 589-590 probate year 1927

In re

Last Will & Testament.

I, Sidney Woods of Saint John’s Nfld, being of sound and disposing mind and memory and mindful of the uncertainty of life, do make, publish and declare this my Last Will and Testament, in manner following, that is to say:

First - I direct my Executors hereinafter named to pay all my just debts and funeral expenses and cause a suitable headstone to be erected over my grave -

Second - I give, bequeath, and devise to my beloved wife, Emma B. Woods, in case she shall survive me, the whole of my Estate, real and personal that I may possess, for her sole use, during her natural life - In case, she shall not survive me, then I give the same to my children surviving as follows: To my eldest son Lloyd, my watch and chain. To my daughters Clare and Alice the Dwelling house and grounds, NO 68 LeMarchant Rd, together with all the household furniture including Piano, Plate, Books, Pictures, Etc, and everything the house contains - and also to them, my daughters, One thousand ($1000.00) dollars, yearly, out of the dividends of my Estate, the same to be paid to them quarterly, as received by my Executors, for their personal use and for the upkeep of their house -

Third - In case either of them should marry, she is to receive Four hundred ($400.00) annually from my Estate, to be hers absolutely but the House, etc, shall remain and belong to my unmarried daughter together with the annual dividend of One thousand dollars -

Fourth - Should both of them marry, they are to receive, Four hundred ($400.00) dollars each, annually from my Estate, to be theirs absolutely, but the House, etc., shall revert to my two sons, Lloyd and Jack, share and share alike -

Fifth - should my daughters or daughter unmarried predecease my sons, then her or their shares, less the four hundred dollars before mentioned, shall belong to my two sons, share and share alike.

Sixth - I give, devise, and bequeath to my sons, Lloyd and Jack after the death of my wife, all the rest of my real and personal Estate (consisting of at present the following: Water Side Premises No 167 ------------- Three quarters (¾) interest in the Fee simple Mining Grant of One Sq. Mile at Bluff Head, Port au Port, One fifth (1/5) interest in the Fee simple Mining Grant at Moretons Harbor) less the provision made for my daughters as aforesaid -

Seventh - All the money paid by Jack to me from time to time to be paid back to him out of the Dividends of my Estate, as he shall require it.

Eighth - The sum of Two hundred ($200.00) dollars to be paid Gower St. Poor Fund, as soon as convenient, to be invested by the Stewards for the Poor, the interest of which shall go to the Fund.

Ninth - The Life Insce Policy N024769 % in the Canada Life, for Two thousand ($2000.00) dollars, less the Loans obtained thereon amounting to nearly One thousand dollars ($1000.00) shall be used to pay off the Mortgage on the Dwelling house, with the addition of Two hundred ($200.00) dollars from my Estate - the Mortgage being Twelve hundred ($1200.00) dollars - The expenses attached to same also to come from the Estate - In case this Mortgage is previously lifted, then the amount of Policy to go to my dear wife, who is the Beneficiary: Legally the Water-side Premises and the Dwelling, Etc - belong to my dear wife, but this Will is my wish regarding the disposition of the property after her death -

Tenth - I appoint my wife, Emma B. Woods and my two sons Lloyd and Jack to be my Executors under this my Will. Given this Fourth (4) day of Decr - 1918.

Witness my hand -     SIDNEY WOODS.

Witnessed by the undersigned in each others presence and at the request of the Testator, this Fourth day of Decr - 1918.

Samuel C. Marshall.

Warwick Smith.

William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat April
14th 1927.
Horwood C.J.
Probate granted
to John H.
April 16/27.
Estate sworn
at $8284.00



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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