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These transcriptions may contain human errors.
As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
DOWNLOAD:Down load the complete index file by clicking on DOWNLOAD in the line above. This ZIP file (Approx 450 kB) expands into an Excel spreadsheet that contains all of the entries in Item #2 above. You need a ZIP program such as PKZIP or WinZIP to expand the ZIP file, then you need something that can read Excel V5 spreadsheet files to use it. The information in this spreadsheet is just a re-packaging of the information on the web pages at this site to make searching and sorting easier. It does not represent an independent transcription of the Wills index. None of the transcriptions of the Wills themselves can be reached through this downloaded spreadsheet. You must go to the Wills index on this site, and go to the specific name and date you are interested in to see a transcription of a Will. Our thanks to Glen Bodie for compiling this file and making it available to us for posting |
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