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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Thomas Williams


Will of Thomas Williams
from Newfoundland will books volume 2 pages 37 & 38 probate year 1851

In the Estate of
     Thomas Williams       deceased.

This is the last will and testament of me Thomas Williams of St. John's in the Island of Newfoundland Gentleman. I devise and bequeath to my executors hereinafter named and their heirs all my estate property and effects whatsoever real and personal upon trusts following, namely, upon trust to pay and appropriate the rents issues and profits of my share of Williams Estate called and known as "the old Estate" being two sevenths thereof and the rents, issues and profits of a part thereof which I hold as tenant together with the interest of one hundred and twenty pounds loaned by me to Patrick Clooney to the use and benefit of my wife Mary Williams during the term of her natural life and I direct that for the purpose of securing such rents and profits to my said wife the buildings on the said property shall be kept insured by my executors, upon trust to keep or place at interest all money invested by me in Colonial debentures or mortgages (except Clooney's) for the period of four years after my decease and then to pay and appropriate the same as follows: One fourth to my daughter Mary Ann Vicars, one fourth to my son-in-law Charles Blackman, one fourth to my son-in-law Robert John Pinsent and one fourth to my son-in-law William Frederick Rennie and my friend Robert Prowse Notary Public in trust as hereinafter mentioned that is to say; the said Robert Prowse and William Frederick Rennie are to hold the said one fourth and appropriate the interest and proceeds of the same to the education of Mary, James David and Caroline Broom, children of the said William Frederick Rennie and my deceased daughter Caroline with power at any time to pay one third thereof to the said James David Rennie and a third each to the said Mary and Caroline Broom Rennie whenever they may be married. I will and direct that after the death of my wife my landed estate aforesaid and the money loaned by me to Clooney shall be divided as is directed with respect to my Colonial and other monies aforesaid. I will and direct that the furniture remaining in the house at my decease shall be sold so soon after as my executors may determine, and the proceeds thereof and any cash which may also remain in the house or belonging to me in the bank of British North America shall (if any remain) after paying my just debts and funeral expenses) be appropriated in four equal parts to my wife Mary Williams one fourth and to my sons-in-law aforesaid one fourth each. I bequeath to my said wife my gold watch and chain. I devise to my daughter Julia Blackman the articles of furniture which she now has belonging to me. I will and direct that if any dispute or question arises between any parties claiming under this will it shall be decided by a friendly arbitration and no proceedings at law shall be taken by any of the said parties with respect to any matter herein contained. I appoint Robert Prowse, Charles Blackman, Robert John Pinsent and William Frederick Rennie aforesaid, executors of this my will, and I declare that the said Robert Prowse shall have power as Trustee with William Frederick Rennie as aforesaid to appoint and substitute a trustee in his place should he the said Robert Prowse at any time leave Newfoundland. Lastly I declare that all bequests herein made by me shall be deemed and taken to be fully and completely vested at my decease in the parties to whom they shall be respectively made and in the parties in whose favor they shall be intended.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at St. John's aforesaid this thirty first day of May A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty one. Thomas Williams (LS)
Signed sealed published and declared as the last will of the said Thomas Williams in presence of us who in his presence have signed our names as witnesses on this 31st day of May 1851. Robert H. Prowse,   Jas. W. Prowse.    Robert John Pinsent, Jr.

Certified Correct
D. M. Browning



Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are hand-written copies of a, "last will and testament," written by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor.

We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be.

Page Contributed by Judy Benson and Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (November 21, 2002)

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